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  1. With all the negativities & cheating, its good to also show the good side of humanity. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i_R0rlNiNzk
  2. Any idea on the price range, charging times, usage time, place to get them? Thanks in advance.
  3. Like this song, my new fav, nice! Enjoy the video & have a fun weekend! TGIF ;) http://youtu.be/YqeW9_5kURI
  4. “WHAT’S A GOOD USERNAME?!” Such was the source of my agony as I was handed a pair of figurative keys to MyAutoBlog. I’d asked the colleague from IT who was helping me set up this account if I really had to make an account with my work email, hoping I could use the username that came with my personal MCF account instead. “yes”, in lowercase no less, was what I got. Oh well. After a good 10 minutes (I think), I decided on this username (a reference I hope someone gets), juvenile and edgy as it may seem. I’m not content with my choice though. As I looked over at my Spotify immediately after I logged in to this account, I saw a username idea I liked more (“hypochondriac” - the title of one of my favourite albums which I hold dear), and as I begin writing this post another has surfaced in my mind (“textonlyyapper” - see the length of this post versus my bumbling self in person down below). It occurs to me I never formally introduced myself. Hello everyone, I’m Wei Feng. I started out in Sgcarmart doing video work, but I’ve always wanted to try my hand at writing professionally at some point in my life, having grown up reading various traditional publications like the usual broadsheets and magazines. A blast from the past, even for me (born in 1999). I had aspirations of becoming a tech journalist in primary school due to the now-defunct Digital Life weekly supplement bundled with The Straits Times on Wednesdays, and tech magazines like the-also-now-defunct Stuff Singapore and HardwareMAG (HWM, whose parent group HardwareZone should be a familiar online presence). Unfortunately, my journalism modules in polytechnic scared me off the job for a while. Also, I presumed it would be hard to get into the tech side without either knowing the right people (sigh) or making the rounds in boring departments first (Finance? Ew.). Bummer of a self-intro aside, I also started learning video editing and music production in secondary school, though it’s obvious which prevailed as a career. Nevertheless, the act of creation in various mediums has been a recurring desire in my life, and thus on top of my current job scope, part-time university and hobbies, I asked my superiors on multiple occasions for the opportunity to write. Hopefully, this not only scratches my itch to write, but also does my career trajectory some good. THE PERPETUAL CONTENT CREATION MACHINE With every piece of work, I strive to leave a positive impact. By positive, I don’t necessarily mean a favourable or pleasant impression, but primarily a sense of authenticity and intention. If my intention in creating something, struggles and all, gets across to its recipient and inspires them to make their own thing - that’s the sort of legacy I want to have. While there’s not much in the way of authenticity when it comes to the business of product reviews, I can at least forge my identity as a creator by using each video (or any creative work really) as an opportunity to try untested ideas, refine existing skill sets and occasionally stumble upon magic. It’s this sense of intention perhaps that may have helped me convert from being an intern to a full-time video editor here, and what made choosing this username so difficult. Lately, however, I feel like I’ve had to compromise on this ideal. I've sometimes struggled to find meaning in my work in recent months. As the work piles up, money comes flowing in (a little into my pockets of course), but out goes the time to explore new possibilities that could elevate the work further, and time to reflect on the results before moving on to the next project. Statistically speaking I’m doing fine (as my direct manager JayJay has told me a couple of times), but I cannot claim to feel the same way, not when existential dread fills my body lamenting my inability to strive for greater things. To be clear, Greek philosophy was not where I drew my username from. I am not cultured in that way. Perhaps that’s why my mind wandered to my username. “Ataraxia” is a term commonly found in Ancient Greek philosophies like Epicureanism and Stoicism that can be translated as “tranquillity”. A “hollow ataraxia” therefore could be construed as a false or meaningless peace, an apt description for my current predicament. One that leads to all sorts of thoughts surfacing. DOES ANY OF THIS MATTER? Plenty of literature out there grapple with ways of finding purpose or meaning in our lives, and I’d say I found mine back when I messed around with iMovie and GarageBand in secondary school. Life ever since has been a struggle to reconcile my ideals of creating what I want for a living with the reality that creative work isn’t viewed as having intrinsic value unless it provides some material value. In this age, it is content to be consumed in a moment and forgotten once the value has been delivered. I hate the use of that word. The idea that creative work gets diminished in such a merciless manner leaves me wondering what went wrong. Putting my frail state of mind aside, could you bear to say that the creators whose works inspire you are just making content? All your musical heroes and idols, the YouTubers who showed you all sorts of things, or the authors who shaped your worldviews? Or am I just deluded for wanting to pass on all these blessings I’ve received in kind? There are no answers for those. Best I can do is settle for now, in this endeavour to die or create. ~ Wei Feng Cover image: Album art for "hypochondriac" by brakence via Rate Your Music Images from: Pastamania (Singapore) via Facebook, The True Aesthete
  5. Lo and behold! sgCarMart kickstarted its very own SGCARMART REVIEWS on the 3rd of November with the new Mercedes-Benz CLA with Julian from the Editorial Department (some of you may find him familiar from MCF events) and cool kid James from Marketing. We're now on episode 2 with the Skoda Octavia RS 245! We're still new at this so don't forget to show some love! Like, subscribe and leave your comments on our Youtube channel! Let them know what cars you want them to review next. 💟
  6. anyone likes ASMR? was reading about ASMR and watching some on youtube. found a singaporean girl in a forum doing ASMR also, kinda weird to hear her. went to her homepage to read about it, got interested...went youtube whoooa!!!! TONS OF SUCH WEIRD VIDEOS so many angmohs doing this ASMR! and got that tingly sensation... anyone got it too? share your ASMR experience leh edit: for those asking what is asmr- this is the blog post what is asmr for mental health
  7. This is one airline safety-video that is not boring. Enjoy. http://www.youtube.com/embed/qOw44VFNk8Y?feature=player_embedded%22frameborder=%220%22allowfullscreen%3e%3c/iframe
  8. "Platform helps accident victims find witness' footage" @ https://www.findwitness.com.sg/ but then there are already FB groups that pay for accident vids (based on viewership)... disclaimer: i not advertising for them, just think it might be helpful if need to solicit accident vids...
  9. https://www.todayonline.com/world/woman-cashes-selling-her-urine-buyers-making-ice-cream-it-1794001 KUALA LUMPUR — A former professional photographer is now cashing in from selling her urine. Ms Kactus Kutie, who began making adult cam videos in 2016, told Daily Star she has a steel bladder and some of her peeing videos can go on for as long as 10 minutes. “My first video was of me peeing by a creek — a very short, very simple video but that was the catalyst for people ordering pee customs from me.” “I peed in bikinis, my underwear, overalls, trash cans, flower vases, outdoors, and so much more!” It is unclear where Ms Kutis is based. Ms Kutie said she sells a 88 millimeters medical cup of urine for £52 (S$95) but gives discounts to customers who want to buy larger volumes. She claims her customers have a whole host of uses for it, with one person even using it as a “popsicle”. “I also sell custom videos of me filling the cups if my fans want to see how it was made,” she added. On her secret for being able to produce so much urine, Ms Kutie said she usually drinks at least two giant cups of tea and one of her reusable cups of water. MALAY MAIL
  10. https://sg.news.yahoo.com/music-video-by-preetipls-has-crossed-the-line-by-insulting-chinese-people-shanmugam-111831135.html Imo... a pair of attention seekers playing the racist cards again. Might as well we go complain why last time gurmit singh act as pck. Now like every small small thing nia n there will be clowns quick to jump onto the racial discrimination wagon. For tis saga, i gotta agreed with Shanmugam liao..
  11. Guangzhou the canton Wuhan, the origin Shanghai bund Beijing, the capital Shenzhen, the Silicon valley of china Suzhou, land of beauty and capitaland🤪 Xiamen, nominated one of most clean city in china Changsha, best night food city Guiyang, capital of poorest province in china
  12. Stupidity has no cure. Performing dangerous act and getting charge in court just for a min of "frame" in the virtual world, worth it meh? https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/courts-crime/19-year-old-to-be-charged-with-criminal-trespass-into-singapore-zoo-enclosure SINGAPORE - The police will be charging a 19-year-old with criminal trespass into a rhino enclosure at the Singapore Zoo. In a statement on Sunday (July 11), the police said they were informed by the zoo that he allegedly trespassed into an enclosure and performed a backflip stunt on Dec 17 last year at about 5.40pm. Preliminary investigations revealed that his 18-year-old female companion purportedly filmed him doing the stunt before he posted the video on his TikTok account. On July 8, the police issued her a stern warning for abetting criminal trespass, following investigations and consultation with the Attorney-General's Chambers. He will be charged in court on July 12, under Section 447 of the Penal Code. Criminal trespass offences carry an imprisonment term of up to three months, a fine of up to $1,500, or both.
  13. Hi, Need an advise here. I have converted some Youtube video to MP4 to view on my Android head unit but it doesnt work. Invalid format. What is the recommended solution? Which media format is suitable to play on Android HU? Appreciate any advise.
  14. How do I trim the video take by DVR? Do I need to purchase any software? those free software got watermarks attached :(
  15. Jusnel

    SPH smelly?

    https://www.onlinecitizenasia.com/2020/09/11/straits-times-removes-homes-video-interview-with-lawyer-anil-balchandani-after-being-called-out-for-not-seeking-consent-for-use-of-video/ Not just the unauthorized use of video without getting permission I didn't know that they actually charge people for using their own videos. Is this an international practice or just uniquely Singapore? SPH wants to run a story on me, using me as the main object of the story. Without me, SPH has nothing to talk and nothing to sell. I want to use the video and I have to pay SPH? Nowadays with home made videos and digital storyboard creation, people can create their own videos, do their own interviews, and placed them in all social media platforms GLOBALLY. What value proposition does SPH has? What is it that SPH can do, that other platforms cannot do? If they can't answer these 2 questions, they are fossilised in this digital age. It sounds like thug bullying to me.
  16. Hi all, I have a video where the video is very dark and not prominent. Is there any software to further brighten it?
  17. Just seen the SG Car martNissan Serena, Mini Cooper S clubman and the Mercedes G Wagon review videos in Youtube. Nice content and a bit funny also. Prefer the Jon guy over the short guy in the Nissan Serena video. https://www.youtube.com/user/SGCMVids/videos
  18. Which one of the above you think is the best? And why? Or if you have any better one, please state here! Thanks!!!
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Lxa-GHEQo4 Video tutorial on how to port and polish a vehicle's throttle body. In order to do this procedure, you must remove the throttle body from the engine so you can probably polish and port the throttle body and the material shavings do not enter the engine. This isn't much of a horsepower increase if any, but it does help with throttle response and reduced the build up of residue on the surface of the bore. Do not remove any material from around where the throttle plate touches in the bore either. Also when doing this procedure, I would recommend purchasing a new throttle body gasket so you won't have any vacuum leaks once reinstalling. Make sure you don't take off too much material either where it will affect the structural integrity of the throttle body. When doing this type of work, make sure you wear safety glasses for your own person protection. Procedure: -remove the throttle body from the vehicle -clean any oily build-up inside of the throttle body -remove the butterfly from the throttle body, most are held in with 2 screws that go into the shaft -if you can, also remove the shaft and linkage (some shafts are pressed into bearings, other are not) -if you can't remove the shaft, no big deal you just have to work around it -tape around the shaft or the hole where the shaft was so no metal shavings get into that area and cause premature wear for the bushings or bearings -depending on the finish of the throttle body's bore, there may be edges which you can to smooth out -in order to smooth out those edges, you can use grinding stones for either a drill or rotary tool such as a Dremel -when using a grinding stone, it's best to use WD-40 penetrating oil with it so the aluminum material doesn't plug up the stone and it'll no longer cut away any material -once you are satisfied with the sharper edges being ground down, you can down move onto sanding drums for the rotary tool -you can also flare out the bore where the air enters slightly so it has a smoother air flow into the throttle body -you can even port match the throttle body to the intake if the throttle body is smaller -if you don't have access to a rotary tool and sanding drums, you can also use flap wheel drum sanders that can be used on a drill -the flap wheel drum sanders are available in a variety of grits such as 40, 50, 60, 80, 120, 180, 240, and 320 -when using the flap wheel drum sander, you can add water to help with finer sanding as to keep the dust down -if the surface isn't too porous such as what is shown in the video, start out with a finer grit like 120 and move your way up -once you have reached the highest grit in a flap wheel drum sander, you can now do some sanding by hand with 400 grit and add some water for lubrication -once satisfied with your product, you can now move up to an abrasive like Scotch Brite -depending on the color, will depending on how course the abrasive pad material is -I started out with green and then moved onto the red pad for the finest compound -you can also use water with this too to help finer sanding and to keep the dust down -again once you are satisfied, you can now move onto a metal polishing compound -the metal polishing compound I would recommend is Eagle One -apply the polishing compound paste and rub until highly mirrored finish (multiple coats can be applied to achieve a higher polished surface -once you are done with the bore, you can now move onto the throttle plate -most throttle plates are smooth to begin with so you can skip directly to the Scotch Brite stage using the same procedure and finally move onto the metal polishing compound -once done, you are ready to reassemble the throttle body -make sure you peen the thread of the screws on the other side to ensure they don't come out or apply Lock Tight thread sealant -install new throttle body gasket along with throttle body to your vehicle
  20. I'll start my list, Monster Hunter: World Dissidia Final Fantasy NT Spider-Man KINGDOM HEARTS III (Hopefully) Pokemon for Switch (Hopefully) God of War Red Dead Redemption 2 Dark Souls Remastered for Switch A very very good year for avid gamers. Any other games to look forward to?
  21. More @ Ultraman Visits Singapore Via Japanese Visual Artist’s Breathtaking Time-lapse Creations :
  22. *APPEAL FOR ACCIDENT FOOTAGE OR EYE WITNESSES* Appealing for eye witnesses or in-car dashcam footage in a possible Hit & Run case involving a motorcycle. Location: Eunos Flyover / After Jalan Eunos exit (PIE towards Changi Airport) Date: 29 Oct 2019 (Tues) Time: Around 7pm peak hour traffic Bike plate: FBC1622J Motorcyclist with pillion was most likely hit from the back by a vehicle. The huge impact caused the motorcycle to hit the Comfort Delgro taxi which was in front. Rider and pillion are currently both hospitalised The motorcycle was also badly damaged in the accident Kindly contact Keith at 9005 3326 if you have any information or dashcam recordings. Thank you! On a side note, please install a front and rear car camera if you haven't already done so. There are many cheap car cameras out there in the market right now. Protect yourself from unnecessary accident disputes, insurance frauds and hit and run accidents.
  23. Who says performance cars need to come with a sporty ride? Last week we tested the BMW Alpina B5 to see if Alpina's take on the performance saloon is a viable alternative to the BMW M5. So what sets this Alpina apart? Firstly, the interior has received a host of luxurious touches to set it apart from the regular 5 Series: The digital dashboard in the B5 has its own Alpina-specific design and colour scheme, for example, while the handcrafted Alpina steering wheel is made of Lavalina leather (the same leather used in Rolls-Royce cars), and features blue/green stitching. But what truly sets this car apart from the rest of the performance saloon pack is what is underneath you: With a suspension designed to deliver comfort and refinement in spades, the Alpina is not just comfortable, but sublimely comfortable. Adding to the comfortable cruise is the fact that the B5 is joyously easy-going to drive, with the lightest of pressure on the accelerator sending the car wafting rapidly down the road. With the abundance of humps and rumble strips on our local roads, would Alpina's take on the performance saloon, with its effortless and classy character, be a better suit for your everyday commute? Read our full review here!
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