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Found 11 results

  1. There are so many cases of animal abuse these days that I think these humans deserve all our respect to save our fur friends. If you come across any such videos, please share! Dog rescued from frozen river: Warming the rescued dog in the ambulance:
  2. Anyone try driving from frankfurt to munich via romantic road or vice versa any recommendation of agency where i can book these package? Need advice urgently as hubby flying off on sat and thinking of joining him in frankfurt for a self drive road trip thanks in advance
  3. http://www.straitstimes.com/breaking-news/singapore/story/soft-skills-just-vital-exams-say-educators-asiaeducationexpo-20131121
  4. Mustank

    Vice Condo

    http://singaporeseen.stomp.com.sg/stomp/sg..._next_door.html whoa the 2 house door so near each other
  5. Hi guys, anyone has done this before? Intending to swap my AT to MT with my friend. Been to several workshops they told me it's a lot of work. But further research online tells me it's not that difficult. Anyone have any workshop to recommend to swap our transmissions?
  6. Hi all, I'm selling my 195/55/R15 tyres with exchange of the interested party's tyres. He mentioned that his tyres are 185/65/R15. Just want to know is there such a size for R15 rims? Can we exchange between 185 and 195? To owners who have R15 Rims, can you input your tyre and rim size? Do you come across such sizes for R15 i.e. 185 for its width? Just want to make 100% confirmation. Thanks in advance
  7. And Knight Rider, TJ Hooker And Super American Hero ? Those were the good old days from the 80's
  8. IT was like any other routine visit by a vice-principal to a class during the Pastoral Care period. TNP PHOTO ILLUSTRATION: GAVIN FOO But one student suddenly went berserk. It happened when the vice-principal, a woman, visited a Secondary 4 Express class at a school in the east on 2 Apr. While she was addressing the class, the student suddenly stood up and threw a file and then a chair in her direction. He also rushed forward as though he wanted to hit her, but was quickly restrained by his classmates. No one was hurt in the incident. A student from the class, who did not want to be named, told The New Paper that the vice-principal was 'scolding' the class about their poor common test results. She asked those who were confident of scoring at least five O levels or of making it to polytechnic to stand up. All except two boys in the class stood up. The student said: 'She then told the form teacher to take down their names and call their parents.' She told the class to sit down and write down their plans for achieving their goals. The form teacher walked over to one of the two boys who did not stand up. She told him to take out a piece of paper and start writing. It was then that the boy suddenly stood up and threw a file and subsequently a chair in the direction of the vice-principal. This account was verified by another student in the class. She said: 'She (the vice-principal) was trying to help us. She said that since it was our final year, she hoped everyone could get into poly.' The New Paper understands that this was the first time the vice-principal visited the class this year. When contacted, the school confirmed that the incident had taken place. However, it did not answer queries on the details of what happened. Principal confirms it In a written response, the school principal said: 'Together with the form teacher, the vice-principal guided the class to take stock of their progress in their studies, and to plan how they would achieve their targets at the upcoming mid-year exams as well as the year-end O-level exams. 'During this time, a boy suddenly stood up and threw a file and a chair towards the front of the classroom. His classmates quickly restrained him. The discipline master and school counsellor were also brought in to calm and counsel the boy. No one was hurt in the incident.' We are not naming the school or those involved, to avoid causing further distress to the boy, who is said to be upset about how he had behaved. But what caused him to snap? The New Paper understands that he had some emotional issues which, however, were under control this year. According to the school, the boy has 'some background with handling emotions and has been referred for counselling'. So could it have been the stress of the latest tests? Or the results he had just received? Or the manner in which he was being addressed at that point in time? The student The New Paper spoke to said the boy later 'admitted to others that he didn't know what he was doing at that time'. He added: 'But I don't think you can judge a person's character simply by whether they go to the polytechnic or junior college.' 'Boy apologised' The principal said: 'The boy showed remorse and regret for his behaviour, and apologised to the class and the vice-principal. He also told the (form teacher) that he was grateful for the support from the school, his teachers and classmates in helping him move on.' His parents are understood to be working with the school to provide the boy with the necessary care and guidance. They declined to be interviewed by The New Paper. A teacher of the school, who did not want to be named, felt the boy alone was not to blame for the incident. He told The New Paper: 'As teachers, we don't approve of this act. We feel the boy should be punished for it. 'But if only the boy is punished, it's unfair. The vice-principal owes the student an apology because she jumped to conclusions.' The boy is receiving counselling at the moment and it is understood that no punishment has been meted out yet. IS our education in school getting more and more stressful. It seems to me that every other month we hear of such unpleasent news. Was the V-principal sarcastic when addressing the students that cause one of them to snap. This reminded me of the incident in NTU.
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