Just wanna know if anyone has any creative ideas bout ventillation in a car.
may plan to scrap the aircon unit out of the car if i can find good way.
anyway i don't use the aircon much cos it lags too much power and since its' a COE car and planning to keep it for 2+ yrs.
Criteria is just... that 'device' has to allow outside air to come in, filter with somesort of mesh or filter, can close (seal) up and open..
It must also allow opening in the rain.. i.e won't let water inside but still let air inside, else the car would fog up cos of the heat inside.
options include a roof ram scoop, but problem is i already have a sunroof on top which came with the car. also thought of reverse scoop that draws hot air out, also won't let rain go in... anyways the sunroof when slightly opened behaves sort of like a reverse already.
also, don't know if the structual integrity of the car would be affected if i cut more holes in the roof, as there is a sunroof already.
i've seen the WRC style scoops, and it's actually a scoop in a scoop.. there is a smaller hatch to open inside the big scoop, which keeps rain water out. but overal, that thing is huge! would look pathetic on my small car.
Also, anyone knows where to install scoops n stuff?
any comments and ideas would be appreciated... thanks!