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Found 12 results

  1. zipping

    Android Phones

    https://www.techspot.com/news/72685-samsung-confirms-galaxy-s9-debut-mobile-world-congress.html Samsung confirms Galaxy S9 will debut at Mobile World Congress next month Not CES, as some predicted By Rob Thubron on Jan 10, 2018, 10:33 AM When Samsung certified its Galaxy S9 and S9 Plus handsets with the FCC last month, it was suggested that the phones would be unveiled at Spain’s Mobile World Congress rather than CES, which ends on Friday. Now, the Korean firm’s mobile boss has confirmed this: the devices will be debuted at Barcelona and not Las Vegas. DJ Koh confirmed the news to ZDNet at CES, though he never gave a specific date for the launch event. Mobile World Congress runs from February 26th to March 1, but some companies hold press conferences on the weekend before the conference starts. Last March, Samsung decided to hold a dedicated Unpacked event in New York to reveal the Galaxy S8 and S8 Plus, with the devices going on sale in April. As the timelines seem to have been put back a month for 2018, it's likely that sales of the S9 and S9 Plus will begin in March this year, the same month the Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge (also unveiled at MWC) launched in 2016. Koh said the release dates for the new handsets would be announced next month. The mobile boss also spoke about Samsung's foldable phone, confirming that the company plans to launch the device sometime next year. He added that the UX was proving the biggest obstacle in commercialization, but hoped that production would start in late 2018. Additionally, Koh said a new version of Samsung’s AI would be launched this year. Bixby 2.0 will be here sometime in the next twelve months and will be supported on all Samsung devices, which presumably includes the likes of TVs and laptops, by 2020.
  2. At 142,854sqm of gross floor area, Vivocity is the largest shopping mall in Singapore. And, it has an appropriately gigantic carpark to go with it. Manoeuvrability: Tight or not? Other than the slightly tight ramps getting into and out of the carpark, there should be no issues whatsoever. The carpark itself is generally quite wide, really big, it's mono-directional traffic throughout (and the 'lane' quite wide) and there aren't any tight corners at all. 8/10 Ease of navigation: Confusing or not? Now, the Vivo carpark can be confusing for a few reasons. Firstly, there are both overground and underground carparks - the underground one has two entrances, the overground one only one. The overground one is simple enough - not that many lots per floor (there are many floors though), but a basic rectangular shape. The underground one can be more confusing. It primarily stems from the fact that it is huge, and there are in effect two distinct parts that are connected by something like a loading bay area. There are also a ton of different lift/elevator lobbies (I distinctly remember the alphabets going up to K, but there's a photo below of Lobby L, so clearly even I underestimated 😵), so you would be wise to note down where you parked, or take a photo. One other thing - the exit signs are misleading. They aren't very clear and seem to be on almost every sign board, so you could end up going in circles trying to find the exit (especially towards the harbourfront side, I think). And the actual turn off from the main 'lane' to the exit is not immediately obvious. Overall, it's not the easiest carpark to navigate, and you could argue that it's perhaps a little too big for its own good. 5/10 Lot availability: Crowded or not? The carpark is huuuuuuuge, with over 2,000 lots available. Lot availability should never be an issue, though getting a "good" lot, now that's much more difficult. Vivo is typically crowded no matter the day and time, so getting a lot near your preferred lobby might be tricky. 8/10 Cost: Expensive of not? $1.60 per hour on weekdays, $2 per hour on weekends. Per entry parking from 6:00pm to 4:00am, then a weird $2.50 an hour from 4:00am to 7:00am. Not quite sure who's going to Vivo at those timings (guessing it's possible overnighters in Sentosa?). It's not cheap, certainly, but not obnoxiously expensive either. And let's be honest, it’s not like you have that many alternative choices. You could park opposite at Seah Im, but it's not that much cheaper, and I certainly don't think it's worth the extra walk. 6/10 EV Chargers: Can charge or not? 4 EV lots at B2, which seems shockingly few compared to the overall carpark size and density. Still, at least they exist. 5/10 Motorcycle lots: Bike-friendly or not? Plenty of bike lots, though it's worth pointing out that it can get pricey (for bikers, that is) if you park there for an extended amount of time. It's $1.20 for the first 3 hours, then $1.20 for every subsequent hour after. If you're spending a whole day at Sentosa (damn you Sentosa for banning bikes), then that adds up quickly. 6/10 Accessibility: Can find or not? First timers may be confused if trying specifically to get to the overground multi-storey carpark (you have to enter via Telok Blangah Road and go alongside the taxi queue), but otherwise it's not hard at all. 7/10 Overall design: Good or not? As a whole, the VivoCity carpark is quite friendly - lots of space. One or two things can be slightly tricky (finding your way to the correct exit), and you may take a bit more time to find your car if you can't remember where exactly you parked (because the carpark is so huge), but otherwise you should have no problems at all! 7/10 ~ Desmond
  3. Hi fellow bros and sis, This may sound alittle absurd to share my last sunday car wash experience but I felt that it will be nice to help some folks out there with my story. I was on the way to Vivo city for some weekend shopping with my wife, thereafter I realise the small ride of mine was pretty covered with dirt and grime.Thus,I decided to pop into one of the petrol stations along Pasir Panjang for a wash. Soon I was in the queue of several cars waiting to be washed, I realised it took longer than usual. Upon approaching I realised there were 5 persons washing the car infront of me but the entire process was alittle slow. I then came to senses these folks were from MINDS group,I must commend they are pretty co-ordinated and task oriented.Each was assigned a portion of the car to clean and they really do it with pride. Just do remember if you are within the vicinity and like to have a car wash and time is on your side, pop by to have them help wash your car.Tip them if you feel they have provided you a job well done but not out of sympathy. As all of us know, for some of the petrol kiosks we patronise don't even do a good job compare to these folks Their operating hours are as follows Weekdays : 10am -6pm Weekends : 10am -3pm Let them make your day with a smile Cheers
  4. Can anyone let me know where is the cheapest season parking near HarbourFront or Vivo? Any idea what are the season parking rate around there? Thanks in advance !
  5. Hoho......finally lim kopi liao. http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/police-investigating/861958.html SINGAPORE: Police say they are investigating a case of road rage along Keppel Bay Drive last month, as well as the case of a cyclist who was captured on video stopping traffic along Keppel Road. The comment follows a Facebook posting by Parliamentary Secretary for Transport and Health Muhammad Faishal Ibrahim earlier on Friday. Dr Faishal said he had been asked for his opinion about the recent incidents involving a cyclist and other motorists. He added that police are already investigating both incidents. In a response on Friday, police say they received a call at about 7.44am on September 16 for assistance along Keppel Bay Drive. When they arrived, it was established that an alleged case of road rage had occurred. As for the case of the cyclist in the video which has gone viral, traffic police are investigating the case. They have contacted the cyclist concerned. Police say appropriate actions will be taken against the parties involved if they are found to have flouted any rules. - CNA/gn
  6. Giant at Vivo 24hrs today mah?
  7. hey u stupid angmoh driving the old big backside version of corolla... are u crazy or simply no brain at all??? i was doing my parking at vivocity 6th floor and i juz need to come out once and reverse for a straighter parking (cos the car besides me is simply pee brain to park super slanted), all u did was cant even wait for 1 second... the moment u drove past me u showed me middle finger for wat??? for making u wait for merely 1 second??? dun let me see ur F*** face again if not i'm sure i will do some stunts by pulling in front of u... damn tulan, tink of it now... i lazy to on my com yest nite reaching hm at 10pm... so now if u see tis, get a LIFE for one second... now tis makes me hate angmoh more!!! sorry if i offend any angmohs here...
  8. those who always go to vivo, take note. When u going to leave the mscp, take out ur cashcard from ur IU first. wait till u cross over the ERP barrier on the level juz b4 the ramp then put ur card back in. juz now i was leaving vivo on the 6th story. when i passed the barrier, i was surprised a sum of money was deduced from my cashcard. when i reach the ground level erp barrier, the monitor cant scan my entry time. so i call the cp operator n say when exiting on 6th flr, the machine already deduce from my cash card hence now i have no more entry time. the operator juz say, sir not possible as the machine is not up yet, so no cash amount will be deduced. they later send a guy over to check what my prob. at this time, there alot of vehicles jammed up behind my car waiting to exit. again i explain to this guy what happen at the 6th flr gantry. he also say not possible as the machine is not up yet. from his looks, he was suspecting i dun wan to pay the cp fee. i lost my patience got out of my car n fark him saying loudly, this is ur mistake, not mine, dun farking waste my time. in the end he gt instruction to raise the barrier for me to exit. wonder if i m elite, will i be treated like that?
  9. Hi to all.. Sorry if this is a stupid thread. Heard of a $4 for whole day parking near there but no one can point out exactly where . Can anyone help me ? Thanks so much !
  10. I didnt notice there were 2 stoplines, and by the time i did, if i jam brake, i sure block up the junction. So the lights turned red when I was very close to the second stopline.. Didnt see any flash, just wondering, will tio a not ar? Driving is super stress, i didnt touch the car for 6mths btw.. Still p plate. Anyway, its right after the ERP gantry that exit. Btw its here..
  11. didnt noe this SC little k-car still around. looks interesting! http://www.sgcarmart.com/main/info-2XMCWiU9-1000.html
  12. Received this from the e-mails and would like to share with all. It is a printout of a receipt and you will be shock for the price of "Yong Tau Foo" cost at the Food Republic, Vivo City. Would you pay $19.20c for a bowl of ordinary Yong Tau Foo.......... crispy Tau Kee - 1 pc at $3.00/- bitter gourd - 1 pc at 90c the rest of the items as stated in the receipt......
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