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Found 18 results

  1. A budget vacation for the family These rooms in the Theme Park Hotel suits most family very well. Especially those productive parents with 3-4 kids. https://youtu.be/TdEUKxEZDwA Classic high tea and walkabout on the first day of arrival. You need to walk a lot after numbing your butt in the long bus trip. https://youtu.be/l4gazQySWbI
  2. Do you guys usually bring along your dash cam while having a road trip abroad. For whatever reason, maybe as for memories or for insurance claim in case somethings happen. Do you took the DVR in your current ride or just keep a spare one for such trip? I also wonder if using an action cam for such purpose will be better than a DVR?
  3. I'm just worried that if anything to happen, I'm stuck. Any precaution or preparation that may reduce risk?
  4. Posted in Switzerland 20:54 hrs from Zermatt Alpen Resort Hotel. Pic 1 : Checked-in at 23:00hrs via SQ346 Switzerland Zurich bound at Changi Airport T3 Row6 Pic 2 : Boarding SQ346 at 00:40 hrs through Gate 10 Pic 3 : Boeing Jumbo Jet A380-800 Air Bus Take-off at 01:45 hrs 15 minutes delayed schedule 01:30 due to busy flight traffics Pic 4 : SQ346 Bird eye view of Switzerland Zurich Swiss Cottage, SQ346 flight touch down at 07:15 hrs Zurich time ( Actual flight time 12hrs 30 minutes, Switzerland time is 7 hrs behind Singapore GMT+8 ) Pic 5/6/7 : Mercedes Benz ML350 SUV driving to W.Germany visiting Rhine Water Fall and Black Forest Pic 8/9 : Driving from Switzerland Zurich to W.Germany border crossing, immigration and custom clearance is swift and easy by just showing International Passport together with Air Tickets and custom declaration pre-signed form Pic 10 : W.Germany Nuclear Energy Plant Pic 11 : W.Germany Rhine water fall
  5. Besides shopping, eating, sightseeing, etc, what other interesting things you have discovered on your trips? Some friends do cars-spotting, it can be spotting exotic, supercars, or rare models. Or pick another tourist and guess his or her nationality before you hear he speaks. Sometimes when wife or gf is busy shopping, we men have to kill time while waiting outside the shops I tried pickpockets-spotting in busy train stations, market places in Europe where the cities are notorious for these pickpockets. So far have spotted a few suspects, but no luck seeing them in actual actions. Maybe they are so good, my eyes were too slow to catch their actions!!?
  6. Any bro here feel the stress of bringing up their kids? -------------------------- http://www.asiaone.com/print/News/Latest%2...119-384494.html Some parents ask if primary school expeditions to exotic places like Paris and Vienna are really necessary for 'exposure'. -TNP Zaihan Mohamed Yusof Tue, Nov 20, 2012 The New Paper Listening to opera in Austria. Learning how to cook Parisian cuisine in France. Admiring Gothic architecture in Prague. Exploits of the well-heeled? No. We're talking about the experiences of Singaporean primary school pupils on overseas excursions. Tour agencies The New Paper on Sunday spoke to say that in the past, only secondary school and tertiary students made these overseas learning trips. Today, primary school pupils as young as six are globetrotting. They attend choir and band competitions, youth festivals and even help orphans in remote villages. Responding to queries from TNPS, the Ministry of Education (MOE) confirms that each year, more than 25,000 primary school pupils go on overseas learning journeys or overseas community involvement programmes. And if you think that primary school pupils are too young to be doing such travelling, then consider how Kinderland is sending a cohort of kindergarten children to Japan on a seven-day "autumn exchange programme" this month. While other kindergartens generally say that this is unusual, the trend of more exotic (and expensive) school trips by younger children has got some parents worried. One parent, who wants to be known only as Madam Teo, 36, said: "Is this really necessary? Back in the day, we'd visit the zoo but these days it feels like people are trying to outdo each other." "Next year I'll have all three of my kids in primary school." Madam Teo is unemployed and her husband is a civil servant. These excursions don't come cheap. Trips to neighbouring countries like Malaysia, Indonesia, Korea and China can cost up to $3,000 before school subsidies, while trips to regions like Europe can cost up to $3,500. MOE promises that help is available to everyone. Says a spokesman: "MOE provides schools with funding to subsidise overseas learning journeys. "In addition, schools may tap on other sources of funding, such as the Opportunity Fund (OF), to support their students. "The OF can be used to subsidise enrichment activities and programmes, including overseas learning trips, for students from low-income families so that they do not miss out on the opportunities to enhance their learning through such programmes." Says Madam Ane Hariati, media executive, 40: "The trips are expensive but it's quite affordable after the subsidies." Madam Hariati's 12-year-old son, Rei Hamzah, from Queenstown Primary School, visited Seoul, South Korea, last year. The trip cost more than $2,000 but after the subsidies, Madam Hariati paid about $1,000. But even with the subsidies, a school trip for a child can be painful budget-wise, say some parents. Says Madam Teo: "It can be quite a struggle, but how can you say no? "The school gives you a choice. But the pressure comes from your child who says to you 'My friends will be going (overseas). I want to join them'." Two years ago, Madam Teo allowed her then Primary 1 son to go to Tokyo, Japan, for a dance culture programme. The trip cost almost $2,000 after subsidies. One teacher, who has been on numerous overseas learning trips, says children from less well-to-do families feel the pinch when it comes to shopping during these trips. The teacher, who declines to be named, says: "I see it all the time during cultural immersion programmes when there is some shopping time. "The poorer kids move away to one side or hang around teachers. The rich kids buy up everything because they say it's cheap and you can't find the souvenirs in Singapore." She has another issue with these trips besides the cost. She questions if primary school pupils who help at foreign schools or orphanages are getting the wrong signals. The teacher says: "Are we saying that Singapore doesn't have poor or disadvantaged people? Why can't we help Singaporeans first?" Madam Teo, too, has further concerns about these excursions. She declines to name her son's school but says that 29 other pupils, two teachers and six parents went along to Tokyo. She admits the trip was a success but says that had she not tagged along, her son "would have suffered". "Each Primary 1 pupil shared a room with a Primary 6 pupil. They were supposed to be cared for by the senior pupils. "But how can they take care of the Primary 1s if they can't take care of themselves?" she asks. Madam Teo claims she had personally attended to a Primary 1 student who had developed severe rashes from wearing his long johns for three days. Some didn't even change their clothes for that same period. A few of the older boys were always trying to "parcel off" the Primary 1s to the adults. She says: "You can't really blame them for being kids and wanting to play with children their age." But these trips do seem to bring benefits. Says Madam Hariati of her son Rei: "I was surprised that he now appears to be thinking more for others. "After the trip, he also displayed more confidence in doing things independently." And that's what Primary 5 student Ryan Koh learnt first-hand during his two-week overseas excursion to Beijing, China. The Catholic High School (primary) pupil, who returned from his trip in early November, says: "There's nobody to pack or clean up after you when you're overseas. You have to deal with things yourself. "You learn not to take things for granted." Kids' business is big business Travel agencies say the demand for school excursions has risen over the years. Several firms have even started departments to cater to the trend. Madam Eileen Yee of STA Travel tells The New Paper on Sunday: "In 1999, we started a separate department just to deal with students' overseas travel needs." Other indications that business appears to be thriving is the pool of about 50 travel agents approved by the Ministry of Education (MOE), TNPS understands. The travel agents are required to abide by MOE regulations, which include risk assessment, safety and insurance guidelines. Says Madam Yee: "Our consultants work closely with teachers or heads of departments when we recommend overseas learning packages. "They will agree only if we meet the school's learning objectives, safety standards and overall travel experience." Tour agencies which TNPS spoke to say the most popular destinations are Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam and Taiwan. [email protected]
  7. Will be doing the above trip and leaving sgp in the morning and have lunch in Yi Bao aka Ipoh. Other than the Ipoh chicken rice, fried bean sprout, white dumpling, etc, any bro like to recommend other yummy food? ThkQ thkQ
  8. I remember hearing pple commenting on those "funny" news on Yahoo...for example cheap place to eat which don't turn out that cheap !!! etc etc... Now I just wake up...I saw this ""Yacht Trips: Cheaper Than You Think"" Then I recalled the Groupon site had before deal which was something like 800 per 4 hrs...So based on 8hrs for daytime...it will be 1600...for 10 person....I thought Yahoo got a better deal !!! it turn out to be a CHEAP 7618.40...And YES...CHEAPER THAN I THINK !!! Just a talking point...Those who are rich..Pls do not comment...Those who think it is ranting...Pls do not comment as well...
  9. fyi guys on those who is interested in road trips way up north. http://www.aas.com.sg/?show=content&sh...ew=9&val=9# looks interesting be it the price paid is well worth the trip. i might be taking on one of the iternary
  10. I'm putting this up as a sticky. http://www.australianroadtrips.com/ Great planning resource! Draws the routes out for you. No more plotting on Google Maps. You can choose duration and challenge level.
  11. I received a letter today from MINDEF about "Failure to notify on Overseas Trips" during my holiday on 25th to 28th March 2010. I'm surprised because I've not done so since my ORD on 1993. I'm not an active NS personnel and I'm PES E type, I've not gone through BMT. I've asked before after ORD that I do not need to do so. I've written to MINDEF to clarify, waiting for their reply. Is this a new procedure from MINDEF for PES E personnel?
  12. Hi all, Since no specific discussion on this, I would like to start one here. By the way, please try not to "blow cow" here ok, for the benefit of other travellers . The strangest ecounter I had, was when I travelled to Ipoh. There are only 3 "can make it" hotels in Ipoh town. Due to last minute arrangement, the better ones are fully booked, I ended up with one whose lobby had strong tabacco smell . The given room was really old-style in furnishing and some sort of mouldy smell from the air-con too. Too exhausted and we were soon deep in sleep. Into the wee hours, I suddently realized my young son (probably 2~3 years old then) who was sleeping beside me had disappeared. I woke up and found him talking to the wall right at the corner. I shouted at him from the bed asked him to come back to bed. He stood there for a moment and seem to bid farewell (waving hands) to someone. He finally returned to the bed and I hugged him and fall asleep. I told my wife about the incident the next day morning. She told me she saw something "dirty" that night but she insisted she won't tell me what it is. Till today, it remains a mystery to me. Regards,
  13. Blackwind

    Road trips

    i was just wondering if you guys go on long family road trips to malaysia..... do you guys think that it is a better idea to rent a car in malaysia......... or it is safe enough to just drive up your own car? especially all the bros who are familiar with malaysia.... whats your take?
  14. i saw from strait times yesterday about insurance claim and there is a local company that brought in china-made digital vidoe camera that record your driving trip (3gb) - company name is ViG SERVICES retailing the camera for only about 360 dollar - anyone know if they have a website or any information as to where i can get this camera. many thanks
  15. mmm see Genting, jio see Cameron highlands, ya bo see Mid-Valley, or KL. Darp Pai boon see kee jit kee teh herng. Any new suggestions? Looks like this xmas session will be real f$#&ing boring.
  16. To all uncles & aunties, just like to share the below with those who have been thru the era... back to memory lanes.... now ppl start calling me uncle already. http://youtube.com/watch?v=HS86ksMeOvQ&feature=related & this guy is cool... http://youtube.com/watch?v=_1nzEFMjkI4
  17. My wife hates the idea of driving up all by ourselves to KL or Malacca. And if any of our friends were to come along on a seperate car, she is fine. I think the bad press of robbers etc in M'sia has frightened her. Are there any tour groups etc that does these kindda of trips regularly... ie drive up in convoy and they get all the lodging etc for us etc... Any idea on this? thanks.
  18. For all FIAT owners.Looks like the event gonna keep us busy. http://www.fiat.com.sg/newsevents_3.asp I extract from their website : TTS Eurocars have a series of exciting forthcoming events: Event Date Event Details 8 - 10 December 2006 TTS Driveway Holiday to Penang 25 November 2006 Car Clinic at TTS HQ 14 - 15 October 2006 TTS Port Dickson Driveaway Holiday 16th September 2006 Driver's Training Course (in S'pore) 19 August 2006 TTS Go-Kart Challenge 16 July 2006 TTS Durian Craze Driveaway Trip 17 - 18 June 2006 TTS Driveaway Holiday to Desaru + Autotest 20 - 21 May 2006 TTS Advanced Driving Course to Sepang 22 April 2006 TTS Makan Sutra Driveaway to Sg Ringgit 11 - 12 March 2006 TTS (2D1N) Drive Away Holiday to Melaka
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