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- Good vibes indeed. Not related to anyone or anything in the adv except same human race. If it can work as claimed, its a good innovation and communication tool. Sorry if its nothing new to anyone here. Coming down slowly from mountain to share this. Safe ride Cheers
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This is really touching and heartwarming too. Nice story US nurse discovers doctor colleague was premature baby she cared for 28 years ago Ms Vilma Wong, a nurse at the Lucile Packard Children's Hospital Stanford, recently crossed paths with Dr Brandon Seminatore, a medical resident at the hospital who's training to be a child neurologist.PHOTO: FACEBOOK / STANDFORD CHILDREN HEALTH PUBLISHED2 HOURS AGO FACEBOOKTWITTEREMAIL PHILIPPINE DAILY INQUIRER/ASIA NEWS NETWORK - It seemed a stroke of fate when one nurse from Palo Alto, California got to reunite with one of the premature babies she cared for 28 years ago in the very same hospital where it all started. Ms Vilma Wong, a nurse at the Lucile Packard Children's Hospital Stanford, recently crossed paths with Dr Brandon Seminatore, a medical resident at the hospital who's training to be a child neurologist. Twenty years ago, when Dr Seminatore was born, he weighed only 1kg. As reported by The East Bay Times on Monday (Sept 3), Dr Seminatore spent more than 40 days in the neonatal intensive care unit (Nicu) with a breathing tube, where he was cared for by Ms Wong. The encounter between the two was shared on Facebook on Aug 16 by the Lucile Packard Children's Hospital Stanford. In the post, the page shared a photo of a young Ms Wong cradling the infant Dr Seminatore on her lap. In another photo, Ms Wong and Dr Seminatore can be seen posing next to each other inside the hospital, both wearing their scrubs. "A chance encounter at Lucile Packard Children's Hospital Stanford has led to a heart warming reunion between nurse and patient," the page stated. "Brandon, one of our pediatric residents, was born 28 years ago in our Nicu - then just 29 weeks old. Vilma was his primary care nurse." Almost 30 years have passed since that fateful moment, but Ms Wong was far from forgetting the little baby she cared for. As per report, all medical residents were required to check in at the nurse's station before examining the premature babies in the Nicu. It was here when Ms Wong spotted Dr Seminatore and asked him who he was. "His last name sounded very familiar," Ms Wong was quoted as saying. "I kept asking where he was from and he told me that he was from San Jose, California, and that, as a matter of fact, he was a premature baby born at our hospital. I then got very suspicious because I remember being the primary nurse to a baby with the same last name.'' Dr Seminatore, however, looks far removed from the tiny premature infant that once had been under Ms Wong's care. Today, he stands at 1.72m tall and weighs 61kg, although he still bears the same eyes and expression. For him, meeting Ms Wong was a "surreal experience". Dr Seminatore said: "She cares deeply for her patients, to the point that she was able to remember a patient's name almost three decades later.'' As for Ms Wong? She considers meeting Dr Seminatore for the second time the pay-off of her mission. She said in the report: "As a nurse, it's kind of like your reward." the baby looks exactly like him and all hahaha
OK folks I dun usually watch korean drama but I find this plot quite amazing. It's about the story of a girl who has a special ability to see the lifespan of everyone including herself. So she knows how long more u have to live right up till the last seconds. In the drama, she only has 100+ days left to live. It's just been released in Korea on 21st May 2018. I find it interesting because if u have such an ability, what would u do? Try to play God? What would u do if you see the stranger right next to u with 1 min of her life left? Watch it if u have 5 mins of time to spare. It's a short "trailer"/footage from the drama.
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- Hope she pull thru' to spend the rest of her life with her husband.
TERMINALLY ILL MAN MARRIES BELOVED IN SGH HOSPITAL BED -- THEN SLIPS INTO COMA AND DIES 8 DAYS LATER Post date: 27 Oct 2014 - 3:40pm Terminally ill Joseph and Edna exchanged their wedding vows on 15 Oct in Singapore General Hospital (SGH), while he was in the hospital bed. A few hours after the wedding ceremony, he slipped into a coma. He passed away 8 days later. Joseph was diagnosed with pancreatic and liver cancer, a few months before their wedding. His condition worsened, but instead of cancelling the wedding, they decided to hold it where Joseph was -- in the hospital bed. In the video, he changed out of the hospital's gown into his SAF CDO No. 1 Uniform for the wedding. Family members and friends gathered around his hospital bed, and witnessed the exchange of wedding vows and rings. The video montage was created by Joseph's buddy, Ho Kah Meng.
source : RIP to the man.
Most luxurious models can't make it. But wondering which cars are close to the 20K mark and avoids the new ARF tax?
- I really salute the mum n dad. Is a pity that the child can never see his parents whom love n care for him unconditionally, and never give up on him. can see the sadness and tiredness in the mum's eye despite showing happiness.
Was 20-year-old Chen Zi Xuan killed just because he touched another person's car? A cousin who did not want to be named said the entire incident started from when Mr Chen, along with two friends, was accused of touching someone else's car, evening daily Shin Min reported today. The murder happened at Havelock Road on Dec 3, between 5.30am to 6.14am, according to The Straits Times. The cousin, who heard the story from Mr Chen's friends, recounted that Mr Chen and his friends, one male and a female, were hanging out that night at Club Nana, a nightclub at Central Mall. After drinks, the group decided to meet up with four other friends at Joo Chiat Road for supper. The group was on their way to retrieve their car at the multistorey carpark at Central Square when a car that was heading upwards sailed past the group. Moments later, a group of five appeared and without warning, started beating up Mr Chen and his friends, accusing them of touching their car. The cousin said the group of five did not use any weapons. They also left the female in the group alone. After the fight, the victim was sent home by his cousin. The victim's parents then sent him to hospital. At that time, he was already unconscious. After struggling for a day, the victim was pronounced brain dead due to brain injuries at 5pm on Dec 5. When a Shin Min reporter visited the victim's wake this morning, Mr Chen's father had insisted that his son would never have caused any trouble. THIRD PERSON CHARGED A third man was charged this morning in connection with the murder. Poh Chong Heng, 27, has tattoos on his arms, legs and back. He is alleged to have been with four other men when one or more caused the death of Mr Chen at Havelock Road on Dec 3. Two others, Lee Boon Leong, 22, and Desmond Neo Han Wen, 24, have been charged with the murder of Mr Chen as well. The three are alleged to have been members of an unlawful assembly when they attacked Mr Chen. Two other accomplices are still on the run. If convicted of murder, they face the death penalty. [email protected] source:
I know this will attract all the tikos.. but the title is not a joke/hoax/attention grabber.. There REALLY IS such a festival.. CO tiko rangers.. got new destination liao.. [laugh]
A 23 year old china girl who is only 128cm tall but that has not prevent her finding her happiness Note, the clip is in Mandarin.
Please take time to read through this very touching story that I found on the internet. 老上海的故事 话说到民初的上海,是当时中国最时髦的都市异国的风情、繁华的夜生活、开放的民风--上海市个浪漫的都市,尤其在动乱的年代,多少动人的故事这么发生。 『奕华』是夜总会中知名的年轻萨克斯风手,他吹奏出流转的爵士音符,掳获多少女人的心。 而他只醉心於音乐,即使在灯红酒绿的生活中,他坚持他的梦想-直到那天,『素素』的出现。 素素是当时中国对外办事处处长的女儿,而奕华不过是个卖艺的乐手,他们的爱情不容素素的父亲知道。 然而他们仍彼此倾心,一个爱慕对方的才华;一个爱慕对方出声权贵,却毫无娇蛮之气。 终於二次大战爆发,这是时代儿女处於乱世中最大的无奈。 素素的父亲赶忙把家人,安排离开中国。而奕华随著徵召入伍,他们不得不分离。 在拥挤的码头边,奕华终於顾不得这见不得光的爱情,赶去与素素见最後一面。 奕华千辛万苦找到素素,却被逃难的人潮将两人越隔越远。 奕华急的不知所措,急忙中拿出了身上仅有的一元铜板:『素素,我没什么能给你,如果你想著我,就把他留著,直到你不想我了,就丢了他!』 素素含泪,终於他们被人潮冲散。 素素到了美国,而奕华随著国民军,开始不知尽头的征战。 战争已经结束,上海很快地恢复繁华,但光鲜亮丽的上海,不再需要已经年老的奕华。 他只有凭著仅存的劳力,在夜总会门口踩著三轮车,载著以往会为他痴迷的人们,来听曾经是他生命的音乐。 经过人间最残酷的战争後存活,回到上海,他的喉咙受了伤,再也吹奏不出悠扬的音乐。 奕华再也写不出浪漫的乐曲。...他与素素这一别,已经三十年...... 那日路上热闹,是海外侨胞回国探亲的日子。 奕华不觉想起素素,当然事隔三十年,茫茫人海中如何找寻,更何况人事已非。 当晚,他依旧在夜总会工作。 一位老妇坐了上来道:『到华成旅社。』那熟悉口气让奕华心跳停了一下,但他不敢确定。 那老妇一路上自言自语道:『上海,一点都没变﹍﹍想不到我都当奶奶了,回家感觉仍像回到二十几岁时﹍。』 一路上听著三十年来朝思暮想的熟悉声音,奕华藏著怀疑,一直到了华成旅社。 『多少钱?』老妇人问道。 『五毛钱。』奕华回答著。 老妇下车正要掏钱,两人终於互相注意到脸孔。 即使事隔多年,那模糊的脸孔,仍让人不禁勾起回忆。 奕华:『你﹍是素素吗?』 老妇整个人几乎僵了一般,流出了泪。 此时无声胜有声,沈默中诉尽三十年来两人各自不同的变化。 沈默隐含多少无奈,他们曾经相爱,但事隔多年的今日,两人相遇了却如何。 经过多年的人生历练,现在两人却如回到二十初岁时般,不知所措起来。 老妇低头落泪不语,掏出了钱塞到奕华手中,简短地说:『不...不是!』 转身就进了旅社。 奕华看著旅社,呆立好久﹍好久好久,脑中浮现? 三十年前的种种,他想得出神了﹍﹍﹍? 好一会儿终於回过神来, 拿起手中的钱一看,正是动乱那年他留给素素的一元铜板,泪水不禁像泉涌般落下﹍﹍ 他没有再看见素素,直到侨胞团离开上海﹍﹍ 奕华开始因忧郁而病倒。他没有亲人,更没有足够的钱财看病。 他在病榻上等著死亡来临,不觉一股音乐从脑中奏出,在战後第一次出现了音乐的灵感。 他用生命最後一点精力,谱出曲子、写下歌词,带著无奈,在死前,用受了伤的喉咙沙哑地唱出这首流传後世的旷世名曲诉说这一段不为人知的故事送自己离开人世:
This commercial shows the reality (the dark side) of the society. It deeply touches the inner heart of Pantene's core target, the underdogs in the country.
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Someone forwarded this mail to my email and I find it worth sharing with you guys here "On my wedding day, I carried my wife in my arms. The bridal car stopped in front of our one-room flat. My buddies insisted that I carry her out of the car in my arms. So I carried her into our home. She was then plump and shy. I was a strong and happy bridegroom. This was the scene of ten years ago.The following days were as simple as a cup of pure water: we had a kid,I went into business and tried to make more money. When the assets were steadily increasing, the affections between us seemed to ebb. She was a civil servant. Every morning we left home together and got home almost at the same time. Our kid was studying in a boarding school.Our marriage life seemed to be enviably happy. But the calm life was more likely to be affected by unpredictable changes. Dew came into my life.It was a sunny day. I stood on a spacious balcony. Dew hugged me from behind. My heart once again was immersed in her stream of love. This was the apartment I bought for her.Dew said, You are the kind of man who best draws girls eyeballs. Her words suddenly reminded me of my wife. When we just married, my wife aid, Men like you, once successful, will be very attractive to girls.Thinking of this, I became somewhat hesitant. I knew I had betrayed my wife. But I couldn t help doing so.I moved Dew's hand aside and said, You go to select some furniture,O.K.? I ve got something to do in the company. Obviously she was unhappy, because I had promised her to go and see with her. At the moment, the idea of divorce became clearer in my mind although it used to be something impossible to me.However, I found it rather difficult to tell my wife about it. No matter how mildly I mentioned it to her, she would be deeply hurt. Honestly,she was a good wife. Every evening she was busy preparing dinner. I was sitting together. Or, I was lounging before the computer, visualizing Dew
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Received this mail and its a very touching story indeed. Take some time off and think hard..... are you guilty for once at times..... It was a long mail but if you read the whole passage then you are a kind angle and someone that we could make a 'GOOD FRIEND' with. Quote: Breakfast at McDonald's This is a good story and is true, please read it all the way through until the end! (After the story, there are some very interesting facts!): I am a mother of three (ages 14, 12, 3) and have recently completed my college degree. The last class I had to take was Sociology. The teacher was absolutey inspiring with the qualities that I wish every human being had been graced with. Her last project of the term was called, "Smile." The class was asked to go out and smile at three people and document their reactions. I am a very friendly person and always smile at everyone and say hello anyway. So, I thought this would be a piece of cake, literally. Soon after we were assigned the project, my husband, youngest son, and I went out to McDonald's one crisp March morning. It was just our way of sharing special playtime with our son. We were standing in line, waiting to be served, when all of a sudden everyone around us began to back away, and then even my husband did. I did not move an inch... an overwhelming feeling of panic welled up inside of me as I turned to see why they had moved. As I turned around I smelled a horrible "dirty body" smell, and there standing behind me were two poor homeless men. As I looked down at the short gentleman, close to me, he was "smiling". His beautiful sky blue eyes were full of God's Light as he searched for acceptance. He said, "Good day" as he counted the few coins he had been clutching. The second man fumbled with his hands as he stood behind his friend. I realized the second man was mentally challenged and the blue-eyed gentleman was his salvation. I held my tears as I stood there with them. The young lady at the counter asked him what they wanted. He said, "Coffee is all Miss" because that was all they could afford. (If they wanted to sit in the restaurant and warm up, they had to buy something. He just wanted to be warm). Then I really felt it - the compulsion was so great I almost reached out and embraced the little man with the blue eyes. That is when I noticed all eyes in the restaurant were set on me, judging my every action. I smiled and asked the young lady behind the counter to give me two more breakfast meals on a separate tray. I then walked around the corner to the table that the men had chosen as a resting spot. I put the tray on the table and laid my hand on the blue-eyed gentleman's cold hand. He looked up at me, with tears in his eyes, and said, "Thank you." I leaned over, began to pat his hand and said, "I did not do this for you. God is here working through me to give you hope." I started to cry as I walked away to join my husband and son. When I sat down my husband smiled at me and said, "That is why God gave you to me, Honey, to give me hope." We held hands for a moment and at that time, we knew that only because of the Grace that we had been given were we able to give. We are not church goers, but we are believers. That day showed me the pure Light of God's sweet love. I returned to college, on the last evening of class, with this story in hand. I turned in "my project" and the instructor read it. Then she looked up at me and said, "Can I share this?" I slowly nodded as she got the attention of the class. She began to read and that is when I knew that we as human beings and being part of God share this need to heal people and to be healed. In my own way I had touched the people at McDonald's, my son, instructor, and every soul that shared the classroom on the last night I spent as a college student. I graduated with one of the biggest lessons I would ever learn: UNCONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE. Much love and compassion is sent to each and every person who may read this and learn how to LOVE PEOPLE AND USE THINGS - NOT LOVE THINGS AND USE PEOPLE. "Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart. To handle yourself, use your head. To handle others, use your heart."
Hi, V day may be over. But, there are still occasions that call for actions to touch our wife or gf's heart. Lets share some of the touching stuff we did. For me, I appeared at my ex's place daily with a different coloured stalk of rose and telling her "I love you". That was when I was younger. I also did what many guys have done before... Folding hearts/ paper cranes.