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  1. Anybody follow Malaysian politics? Getting very exciting. http://www.themalaysianinsider.com/mobile/malaysia/article/najibs-suit-wont-silence-me-says-dap-lawmaker --------------- Tony Pua I will not be shackled by the defamation suit brought by the Dato’ Seri Najib Razak because I am supported by millions of Malaysians out there who demand good governance, transparency and accountability from the Prime Minister and his Government My lawyer, Gobind Singh who is also the Member of Parliament for Puchong, has received the writ served by Dato’ Seri Najib Razak’s lawyers at 4.30pm yesterday evening. The suit by the Prime Minister accused me of having defamed him in my speech at a DAP Petaling Jaya Fund-Raising Dinner on 3 November 2014 where I spoke extensively on the “mother of the mother of the mother of all scandals”, 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB). This suit is the first defamation suit ever brought by a Prime Minister against a Member of Parliament in Malaysia. It appears that the timing of the suit is coming at a time when 1MDB is facing a massive crisis on all fronts – the inability to service its massive RM42 billion debt, and mounting exposés on fraudulent transactions and even possibly embezzlement billions of ringgit of 1MDB funds. Hence the suit could have been filed as a strategy to silence me and other Government’s critics. However, I would like to inform the Prime Minister that if that was the plan, he has failed miserably. Instead, the suit only strengthened my motivation to pursue, investigate and expose more corruption, abuse of power and incompetence in 1MDB as well as other Government activities, knowing that I am on the right track. I will certainly not be shackled by the suit because I know I am supported by millions of Malaysians who are equally astounded by the sheer audacity of the 1MDB scam. Like me, they demand good governance, transparency and accountability from the Prime Minister and his Government. I would like to declare here that I will contest the suit by the Prime Minister. At the same time, I would like to express my gratitude to the many lawyers who have contacted me to offer their services pro bono. ----------------------------
  2. courtesy of yahoo news http://sg.news.yahoo.com/photos/will-and-k...pore-slideshow/
  3. Actually, I think the whole world wants to see Kate, the Duchess of Cambridge, because this is the first time she is making a public appearance for a few months, because of her second pregnancy. Anyway, the pictures are fun to look at. Some have been coming out, and I have posted some on the blog. http://londonproperty123.blogspot.sg/2014/10/president-tony-tan-of-singapore-visits.html
  4. http://www.straitstimes.com/news/singapore/courts-crime/story/storekeeper-17-started-stealing-school-uniforms-and-progressed-mol SINGAPORE - He started by stealing school uniforms, using at least one set to masturbate and progressed to molesting two young girls he had found "cute and lovable". In eight instances over the past two years, Tony Tan Tong Li, 17, took garments that had been hung out to dry by neighbours in his Hougang estate.With the girls, aged 11 and nine, his modus operandi was to approach them on the pretext of needing help to carry newspapers. On Friday, Tony admitted to 10 charges arising from the acts, committed between 2012 and March this year in his Hougang neighbourhood. He also admitted to another two counts, involving two bicycles he was found with but could not account for.A storekeeper at the time of his arrest, he is expected to be sentenced on Aug 29, after a court called for reports on his suitability for probation and reformative training. The court heard that Tony's most recent theft was of a uniform and a physical education t-shirt from Holy Innocents High School. On Jan 16 this year, he made off with the garments after spotting them hanging outside his victim's HDB flat along Hougang Avenue 10. Tony admitted he had brought the school uniforms to the top floor of a nearby block of flats, masturbated, and thrown the items away. He also admitted to having a habit of searching his neighbourhood for young girls to chat up, and hopefully touch. On March 27 this year, he molested an 11-year-old girl at a staircase landing.While being investigated for this, he told police he had also touched a nine-year-old girl on March 12 last year. He fled after the girl screamed for help.The prescribed penalty for outraging the modesty of a person under the age of 14 is a jail term of five years, caning, and fine.
  5. http://www.newsday.com/news/nation/tony-sc...s-say-1.3914803 News broke today, Sg time. I really liked many of his movies - not great art, but great blockbusters. Top Gun, Crimson Tide, Enemy of the State, True Romance. Wonder why he did it? Maybe he couldn't stand to live in the shadow of his critically-acclaimed brother (Ridley Scott) anymore - but why would he do it after Ridley just released a critically-panned stinker (Prometheus)? And why would he do it when he's got his most eagerly awaited film project (the Top Gun sequel) in the works?
  6. Latest on the news is that Tony Tan has won the PE and is officially now President Tony Tan. He has won Dr Tan Cheng Bok by a razor thin margin of several thousand votes out of 2.27 million voters. According to earlier unconfirmed reports, Tony Tan and Tan Cheng Bock each had around 35 percent of the vote. Tony Tan gets 35.19 % of valid votes; Tan Cheng Bock gets 34.85%, Tony Tan wins by 7,269 votes (0.34%). OFFICIAL RESULT: Tony Tan 744,397, Tan Cheng Bock 737,128. TJS 529,732. TKL 103,931. The President of Singapore wields powers that allows him direct influence in government entities such as GIC sovereign funds and Temasek Holdings. Despite the win, the thin margin of the ruling party's unofficially endorsed candidate marks the change of the political climate in Singapore where the electorate saw their popular vote fall to a record low of 60% during the May parliamentary elections.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=aiGg8...c&vq=medium
  8. Is Dr Tony Tan principally responsible for GIC's S$10 billion (paper) loss from UBS investment fiasco this month? According to 'Who could fill Tony Tan's shoes at GIC?' [TDY, 23June2011] - "In 2005, Dr Tan was appointed to the then newly-created post of executive director when he retired from politics." According to : 'Rogue trader at UBS racks up S$2.48-billion loss' [TDY, 16Sept2011][pict1][pict2] - "UBS shares plummeted by 8 per cent to 10.07 Swiss francs late yesterday in Zurich, even as the European banking sector surged on news that central banks would provide additional liquidity to prevent the money markets from seizing up. The share price plunge is bad news for GIC, which holds a 6.4-per-cent stake in the Swiss bank. Based on the last traded price, GIC is sitting on about 7 billion francs, or S$10 billion, in unrealized losses, even after taking into account the 2 billion francs it received on the coupon before its 2008 investment was converted to shares last year." Since Dr Tan's tenure as executive director of GIC was since 2005 till his candidacy for recent Presidential Elections [wiki] in August this year, could it be said that he would be significantly responsible for "GIC.. sitting on about 7 billion francs, or S$10 billion, in unrealized losses" due to "its 2008 investment [in UBS that] was converted to shares last year."
  9. Any1 try it? Its at orchard central 1st level. Its superb nice with buttery taste and not too sweet Citylink mall have another popcorn joint as well, Garret Popcorn
  10. Personally, I think we should have a run-off elections between Tony Tan and Tan CB. This is to ensure that the president will get at least 50% of the popular vote. I mean, it is also all right to have a "first past the post" thinking but that wpuld simply mean that our President would have to go through his full term knowing % of the popular vote. This will make a mockery of the office of presidency. We can never fully say for sure if those who voted for Tan JS or Tan KL would rather have Tony Tan or Tan Cheng Bock as their president unless there is a run-off elections. I know it is impossible but I do hope we do get another chance at the presidential elections.
  11. Watch this link: As commented by one of the netizens: "Why is Tony Tan so rude and uncivilized to interrupt Jee Say when he was speaking? No one interrupted Tony when he addressed the crowd? Do we want a rude, uncouth and uncivilized candidate for a president? Also, why is Tony so defensive? I agree with the comment below that Tony was smirking about it when he spoke of the ISA and the detainees. From this, I can see that Jee Say was more gracious and polite to say, let's move on else I cannot imagine what will happen next!" Regards,
  12. PE: Tony Tan hits out at "baseless allegations" made against his sons By S Ramesh | Posted: 25 August 2011 1147 hrs SINGAPORE: On the final day of the Presidential election campaign, candidate Dr Tony Tan has hit out at allegations made against his family, in particular, his sons. He said he is saddened by the personal attacks which have no basis at all. Speaking to the media on Thursday after touring Chong Pang Market in Sembawang with his wife, an area he's familiar with since his days as MP, he said the personal attacks are designed to distract Singaporeans from the key issues in the Presidential election campaign. He said: "I am outraged by the false allegations that have made this (a) smear campaign - the lies, (the) baseless allegations and the attacks on my family. "These personal attacks and allegations are baseless, they are all lies. They are designed to distract Singaporeans from the true debate and the role of the President and the future of Singapore. "I am saddened by such personal attacks because it sets a wrong tone in Singapore. "Our politics should be based on debate on issues and real problems and not on personal attacks on myself or family members which have no basis at all. "I hope we should stamp this out because if this goes on, it will lower the tone of politics in Singapore and doesn't do anybody any good." Dr Tan's sons responded on Thursday with a statement to refute allegations about their National Service (NS) record. The trio - Peter, Patrick and Philip Tan - said they have fulfilled all obligations in accordance with the rules, regulations and deployment policies of Mindef (Ministry of Defence), and that allegations concerning their NS circulated on the Internet and reinforced by Dr Tony Tan's opponents, are lies. Last month, Patrick Tan had posted a statement on his father's Facebook page to refute allegations that he had received preferential treatment during his National Service in 2000, after he returned from overseas studies. Dr Tony Tan was the Defence Minister from 1995 to 2003. Wrapping up his campaign, Dr Tan added that on the whole, it had been a dignified one, although there had been some strong statements made once in a while. He said this was to be expected in the heat of the hustings. And he hopes that the overall tone of this year's Presidential campaign would set the tone for future ones.
  13. It was reported in the Straits Times that Dr Tony Tan took a cab from fullerton to a "NEARBY BUILDING" where he parked his car, the total fare was only S$4 byt Dr TAN insisted to pay S$20 to the cab driver, isn't it consider buying votes????
  14. Tony Tan's sons refute online allegations on NS record AsiaOne Thursday, Aug 25, 2011 SINGAPORE - Dr Tony Tan's sons have described allegations concerning their National Service (NS) as "lies", reported The Straits Times. Dr Tan's three sons - Peter, Patrick and Philip - made a joint statement saying, "We fulfilled all obligations in accordance with the rules, regulations, and deployment policies of Mindef (the Ministry of Defence)." They also said: "Like all other Singaporeans, we are proud to have served Singapore during our National Service." SEE ALSO: Tony Tan refutes allegations about special treatment towards son Aged 45, 42 and 35, Dr Tan's sons have been subject to criticism, suggesting that they were given preferential treatment during NS even though they were combat-fit. Dr Tan was defence minister between 1995 and 2003. These claims were also alluded to by speakers at the rallies of Mr Tan Jee Say and Mr Tan Kin Lian on Tuesday and Wednesday night respectively, according to the same report. Last month, Dr Tony Tan described the allegations that he helped his son Patrick avoid NS by arranging for him to do medical research work as "false rumours" and added that he was "deeply disappointed" by the online talk. He said then that all three of his sons had served their NS fully - received an NSman's salary and fulfilled all requirements of NS such as IPPT and in-camp training - and he never intervened in their postings.
  15. Union of Taxi drivers will be voting for Dr Tony Tan as he has pledge to raise their driving age till 75. Personally, I see the move more as a Hazards on the road, imagine these old uncles driving 60 km/h on the expressway! Bad move if I rushing to work. Taxi drivers raise concerns with Dr Tony Tan In a meeting with leaders of the National Taxi Association today, Dr Tony Tan said that some issues shared included raising the age limit for taxi drivers, and concerns about their well-being when they grow old as they are self-employed. Other challenges they faced included having to deal with unruly passengers and often being portrayed negatively by the media. He said that if elected, he hopes to raise the issue of raising the age limit for taxi drivers, to 75 years old, to the Government. On the 75 per cent endorsement he has received from the unions, Dr Tan said that it was a tremendous boost for him. He added some had concerns about jobs and the need to keep people employed during an economic crisis.
  16. ....then how come he did not see 2007/2008/2009 coming? ....then how come he invested big time into UBS and Citigroup, only to see their stock prices laosai, and then divest their stake at much lower prices, making Singapore a global laughing stock? Being a lesser mortal, i am not supposed to understand how these top GIC brains worked as i do not have an advanced degree from MIT. But i only want to understand how Tony Tan can make such mistakes. If Tony can convince me and others who are wondering the same thing, he has got our vote to "safeguard" our reserves.
  17. Sianz, the result is a forgone conclusion liao
  18. I think he shoots off waaaaay too soon. Already talk like he is the new president. http://sg.news.yahoo.com/blogs/singaporesc...wpphu-container
  19. Anyone watching channel 8 presidential election rally? In Chinese. I'm 100% sure if Chinese oral exam he will get zero
  20. http://www.slideshare.net/ps42/tony-tan-wh...we-vote-for-him
  21. i believe that most people who simply bo chup will most definitely vote for tony tan assuming that 60% of the people vote for tony tan and 40% voted for any 1 of the remaining 3 potential presidents, tony tan will win with a landslide victory however because i'm also bo chup, i can't differentiate between the remaining 3 therefore i have decided that my vote shall go to the person most people in this forum thinks deserves my vote so who are you guys going to vote for? (funny this forum cannot post poll)
  22. this is what tony tan has say http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BkBlcxt50as...feature=related the reaction of the crowd to tony tan on nomination day http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mFo9OzROkmA..._embedded#at=18
  23. Read TPL has been cleared of infringing the Cooling-Off period in GE2011. Obviously lots of people are not happy at this decision. So will that unhappiness be taken out on TT, because he is perceived to be PAP's preferred candidate? I predict that they have done their sums and this chunk of votes running away from TT will not hurt his chances. OTOH there are too many candidates like Andrew Kwan, TKL, Tan Jee Say, TCB who will split the rest of the anti-establishment votes. If only there would be a 2-cornered fight will TT have odds stacked against him. Will they withdraw from the contest so as to allow non-TT to win?
  24. Looks like it is quite a big hoo haa with the NS thingy and the FTs for education. Both issues took up quite a bit of space in teh press. Wonder what/where TT gonna speak to put the NS thingy at rest. Well, looks like more worms coming out of closet. At this rate, no more Mr Brylcream man, he gonna change to carnauba wax for his head
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