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  1. Kobe Steel scandal hits Boeing, Toyota and Nissan...... Other companies affected by the Kobe Steel scandal include Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Kawasaki Heavy Industries, IHI, Honda, Mazda and Subaru. Kobe Steel said it had no evidence of any safety concerns as a result of the fraudulent certification. GOOGLE OR SEARCH FOR "KOBE STEEL SCANDAL"
  2. Was at NTUC, HDB Hub just now and was looking at the Advertising Board at the entrance. HAPPY DEEPAVALI 2 Days offer. Can you spot the mistake ?
  3. Delivered a lecture on parturition and the entire cycle from conception to birth. Something struck me. Men have this affinity for breasts and want to fondle it. I was wondering.... Since a newborn, breastfeeding takes a natural twist and when you see the breastfeeding reflex, the newborn takes to the breast like a pro. fondling it and suckling it to derive the maximum milk. I am beginning to wonder if this reflex is ingrained since birth and thus, when the newborn clears puberty, that same reflex to 'want to fondle and hold' is secretly embedded somewhere at the back of the brain, and thus unconsciously evokes into the want to touch the breast?? Molesters could well be studied on this. Females, no need say hor, they can fondle their own, in fact, they HAVE TO....BSE monthly. TIKOS and RB welcome... but er....serious discussion can?? :angry:
  4. Cheryl is upset that you got her birthday wrong.....now she is back with a vengeance. See if you can solve this. http://edumatters.sg/cheryl-your-lovely-math-teacher-is-back/
  5. Insight into Decision Making - Good One: A group of children were playing near two railway tracks, one still in use while the other disused. Only one child played on the disused track, the rest on the operational track. The train is coming, and you are just beside the track interchange. You can make the train change its course to th e disused track and save most of the kids. However, that would also mean the lone child playing by the disused track would be sacrificed. Or would you rather let the train go its way? Let's take a pause to think what kind of decision we could make......... ........ (There is a pic but i do not know how to copy it in) Most people might choose to divert the course of the train, and sacrifice only one child. You might think the same way, I guess. Exactly, to save most of the children at the expense of only one child was rational decision most people would make, morally and emotionally. But, have you ever thought that the child choosing to play on the disused track had in fact made the right decision to play at a safe place? Nevertheless, he had to be sacrificed because of his ignorant friends who chose to play where the danger was. This kind of dilemma happens around us everyday. In the office, community, in politics and especially in a democratic society, the minority is often sacrificed for the interest of the majority, no matter how foolish or ignorant the majority are, and how farsighted and knowledgeable the minority are. The child who chose not to play with the rest on the operational track was sidelined. And in the case he was sacrificed, no one would shed a tear for him. The great critic Leo Velski Julian who told the story said he would not try to change the course of the train because he believed that the kids playing on the operational track should have known very well that track was still in use, and that they should have run away if they heard the train's sirens.. If the train was diverted, that lone child would definitely die because he never thought the train could come over to that track! Moreover, that track was not in use probably because it was not safe. If the train was diverted to the track, we could put the lives of all passengers on board at stake! And in your attempt to save a few kids by sacrificing one child, you might end up sacrificing hundreds of people to save these few kids. While we are all aware that life is full of tough decisions that need to be made, we may not realize that hasty decisions may not always be the right one. 'Remember that what's right isn't always popular... and what's popular isn't always right.' Everybody makes mistakes; that's why they put erasers on pencils.
  6. http://m.yahoo.com/w/ygo-frontpage/lp/stor...amp;.lang=en-sg William Moody, the real-life undertaker who became famous by portraying Paul Bearer, a mortician who managed some of pro wrestling's biggest stars, died Tuesday at 58 in a Mobile, Ala., hospital.The hospital did not release a cause of death. TMZ.com reported that Moody told friends in the days before his death he was suffering from a blood clot.Moody hit the peak of his career when he joined the WWE in 1991, took the name Paul Bearer and became The Undertaker's manager. Bearer's face was painted a pasty white and he would carry an urn with him to ringside.He was known for a demonic laugh and the catch phrase, "Oh, yes!" He hosted a show on WWE broadcasts known as "The Funeral Parlor."Moody got into the wrestling business in the late 1970s, first competing on smaller shows around the country while serving in the Air Force.His first major success, though, came when he was joined Florida Championship Wrestling in 1984 under the name Percival "Percy" Pringle III. He had worked under the Pringle name for several years previously, but didn't get over as a star until joining FCW. Moody's greatest notoriety came after joining the WWE. He told of a 1990 meeting with WWE owner Vince McMahon and executives Pat Patterson and J.J. Dillon in which the Paul Bearer character was first conceived.McMahon
  7. Just wondering aloud whether such an idea will work and if it is legal in the first place. It will remove the 'in betweens' and hence any mark ups. Both parties agree to and sign a mutually binding agreement and go in with eyes open.... Say I have a large car and wants to downgrade to a small car, whereas another car owner wants to upgrade to a bigger car. Normal case would be trade in or sell car and then get the car of one's new choice. But of course going through dealers for new cars means high costs outlays where one may not or do not want to make. Second hand cars? One may still buy a lemon or meet unscrupulous second hand car dealers. But if there are two willing parties, once their new car preferences meet, they can negotiate on price differential based on a mutually agreed terms such as a older/smaller car paying some cash delta for a newer/bigger car. Of course there will be many variables, such as make and model, age, number of owners, cc, condition, mileage etc, but so long both patties agree, would that be workable? Each party can then agree for the other to send the prospective car to each's car workshop for pre exchange checks. The inspection results would be factored into the final sum to be paid by ome to the other. Each also find his own loan (if required), and insurance. Each foot own transfer fees. How? Can work? Or too complicated?
  8. I was driving...and a chery suv suddenly just signal and squeeze in... I horned...while I was horning, I heard a thom krom sound...thought langgar liao...saw some damage on his rear bumper... The chery ran away, I chased. He stopped. I checked my car. Actually no accident. Probably just my car went over a bump on the road. http://youtu.be/UeD8c9_0XVg
  9. as in, fit this into this [laugh] [laugh] i was watching Pimp my ride and they could frigging fit 40" TVs into estates. So why not a simple sound bar? Do you think it is plausible? what kinda stuff do we have to look out for if we want to DIY this kinda thing?
  10. Hmmmmm............ used to called peoples 'Bird Brain', think again ...... found it on yahoo : Bird Sings 'If Youre Happy and You Know It' A plastic food container makes this cockatiel so happy that he starts to sing the Japanese version of, 'If You
  11. Last night at about 920pm, I heard shoutings and metal hitting noise coming from car park downstairs.. Being nosey I went to the window, only to see a champagne Altis parked awkwardly beside a white harrier.. a black ES5/8 Civic stopped in the middle of the road in front of the white harrier.. and a mini bus with rear sliding doors wide opened.. There were a total of at least 8-10 people surrounding the white harrier.. with about 2-3 people holding tools like wrench in their hands.. There were about 3 of them were gals.. They were trying to stop the white harrier from driving off.. and forcing open the doors by breaking the windows.. Another commotion was at the void deck, sounding like 2-3 of these people shouting back to a guy who looked like the leader of the whole gang.. The leader kept shouting back to his men "Verify! verify! have you verified?".. Thought were that probably some consequences of outraging of modesty gone wild.. Meanwhile the commotion at the white harrier continued.. Window was smashed, and doors were forced open.. No driver at the seat, but a passenger beside the driver seat.. These guys started opening the doors and boots, while a few tried to stop the only passenger from running away with hostility and force. The passenger, a guy probably in his 30s looked intimidated after some tugging of his clothes by one or two of these guys. He stayed still, didnt dare to move.. These guys all in their 20s, except the leader who looked maybe late 20s to mid 30s, and an uncle who looked about late 40s. These two elders seemed to be commanding and orchestrating the whole 'assault'. Neighbours and passerbys started to crowd in some distance to watch the commotion.. No one seemed to have called the police.. These people started to search the white harrier.. Maybe he might have stolen something.. 30 min passed.. a patrol car came.. Cant believe these police. Just a day back, neighbours quarrelled came 3 patrol cars, 9 police officers.. This one, involved 2 cars, 1 mini bus, at least 12 people in something that looked like a gang fight/riot/assault, they sent only one patrol car with 2 officers. One of the guys went to the patrol car, spoke a few words.. and the patrol car left.. So maybe these people were police officers as well.. Then whatever searched from the harrier were dropped into clear plastic bags and left in the mini bus.. And cordoned off the area with the 'police' strips.. They got the passenger out handcuffed. Oh so it's probably CNB in actions.. Very drama.. really like those HK gang fights movies.. Whole commotion ended after about 2 hours, when the passenger were brought away in the mini bus.. A tow truck came to tow away the harrier..
  12. I mean now the bus seems like a different world.. The people who takes bus also seem like very distant to me.. One of these days when I have The courage to take ..... The BUS
  13. I have been reading the forum with great interest as it seems there are many many caring people still living on this planet. They have very strong views when it come to topics like spiralling housing cost, car prices, generally anything and eveything that cost money here. BUT, to me all these are cheap talk and mostly to serve some ulterior motives from what we can feel here. Why not we channel all this energy to doing something good that you can do now instead of waiting for the govetnment to step in to lead, which many will be quick to term as hypocisy. There might be things that are out of our control but there are also certain things that we can do within our means to improve the life here. Simple things like giving free tuition to helping out in old folks home or orphanages to donating cash and kind generously, etc. It should not be too difficult to do since most of people here seems to earn alot or are very free to be able to surf tbe forum the whole day. This is givingback to society if you like. And it need not be a publicise event, just need to pop into any needy organisation near your housing estate and ask how you can help. You can do it in your free time. Or our forum could adopt some needy home or have some annual charity events that can even serve to give free publicity to this forum. Everybody just give $50 only will be able to bring in a sizeable amount given the number of active members and their affluence level. I will definitely gladly make the donation if there is one. If we value this place as home, this is the least we can do to make it a better place instead of just comprain, comprain, and even more comprain which make the whiners look like old grandmothers and still not leading to anything as there are many variables and take a long time to achieve even if posdible. Mods, or anybody, want to start the ball rolling?
  14. Just to share what I saw at this carpark this afternoon. I thought it was a car marketing event initially. Perhaps, we can have more of such spectacular sightings post here to share.
  15. Isn't it frustrating that there is no bluetooth app or shortcut to toggle the on/off switch. And you have to do the settings>general>bluetooth. I know Android have plenty of apps to do this. Now there's a way, follow the instructions in this link http://supersmartme.posterous.com/bluetoot...hone-homescreen. On your iphone type this on the homepage of safari http://brdrck.me/settings/ dan select the icons you want. It's free to install. If you have to pay means something is wrong somewhere. Maybe some savy IT ppl here already knew about this but nevermind, I'm sharing it for all those who is clueless like me who frequently use bluetooth to connect to the car's HU. Actually mine is not HU it's a Belkin hands free which can listen to mp3, mtv, gps navigation on the iphone http://www.belkin.com/sg/IWCatProductPage....oduct_Id=542721. I created a shortcut for bluetooth, wifi & hotspot which I use quite often. Credit goes to the guy who created this, Jeff Broderick.
  16. Unit at The Marq sets S$6,850 psf record 20 Dec 2011 PropertyGuru The recent cooling measures which require foreigners buying private property in Singapore to fork out an additional 10 percent stamp duty, is expected to curb skyrocketing property prices. And if recent transacted prices at certain luxury developments are anything to go by, the new measures could not have come at a better time. A prime example is The Marq on Paterson Hill. The latest deal involved a 2,950 sq ft unit on a high floor which was sold to a European buyer for a whopping S$6,850 psf, a new record for Singapore
  17. the lancer since the 90s have been very popular with may different models... 1.3 upto the EVO... not to long ago i posted a Mit Lancer VTEC.... maybe Honda had some shares in Mit... ... then today i thought maybe Nissan had a share in Mit...
  18. Imagine this terror still exists today... It will make the top predators like lions and brown bears like kitties and teddy bears respectivey. OMG Over 9 tonnes!!!! Those folks living around this creature then have to arm themselves with RPGs instead of puny rifles... :o From CNA: http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/fea...1159082/1/.html T. rex was bigger than thought Posted: 13 October 2011 1046 hrs CHICAGO: The iconic T. rex dinosaur grew bigger and faster than previously estimated, according to new methods based on actual skeletons instead of scale models, British and US scientists said Wednesday. Scientists digitally modeled flesh on five mounted T. rex skeletons and showed that the meat-eating lizard kings were up to a third bigger and grew two times as fast into adults than previous research had suggested. The findings, led by John Hutchinson of The Royal Veterinary College, London, and Peter Makovicky, curator of dinosaurs at The Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago, are published in the journal PloS One. One of the skeletons included in the study was "Sue," the largest and most complete T. rex specimen ever found, on display at The Field Museum. The 67-million-year-old dino was discovered in 1990 on an Indian reservation in South Dakota by American paleontologist Sue Hendrickson. Named after its finder, "Sue" was previously thought to be about the size of a big elephant or rhinoceros, standing 12 feet high (3.5 meters) and 42 feet (13 meters) from head to tail. Her living weight was guessed to be 14,000 pounds (6,400 kilograms), or about six tons. But the latest methods found she would have tipped the scales at well over nine tons. "We knew she was big but the 30 percent increase in her weight was unexpected," said Makovicky. The technique used mounted skeletons to derive body mass estimates, instead of models created to scale. The team made three-dimensional laser scans of the skeletons to form a template for digital models that would add simulated flesh. They devised three different levels of the approximate amount of flesh the creatures likely had, to figure the size of a thin, hungry animal up to a well-fed one. "Previous methods for calculating mass relied on scale models, which can magnify even minor errors, or on extrapolations from living animals with very different body plans from dinosaurs," said Makovicky. "We overcame such problems by using the actual skeletons as a starting point for our study." By establishing new sizes for the other four specimens studied, the researchers also found that the creatures likely grew faster than initially thought. "We estimate they grew as fast as 3,950 pounds (1,790 kilograms) per year during the teenage period of growth, which is more than twice the previous estimate," said lead author Hutchinson. That would mean the land-roaming carnivores expanded by about 11 pounds (five kilograms) per day during their peak growth spurt. The same team had estimated in 2004 that T. rex gained 4.6 pounds (2.1 kilograms) per day. -AFP/pn
  19. ST Forum Jun 9, 2011 Spare a thought for the ageing singles NATIONAL Development Minister Khaw Boon Wan identified young couples, divorcees with kids and low- income families as the groups needing most help with housing ('Khaw: Three groups need housing help'; May 27). The ageing Singaporean singles are being sidelined yet again. It does not matter if we are aged 45 or going on 55 - we are expected to live with our aged parents. When married couples on dual incomes are having affordability issues buying directly from the Housing Board, the Government has again failed to recognise our plight amid the high prices in the HDB resale market. Even though having a home of our own increases our marriageability prospects, we are not permitted to buy direct from HDB in pro-family Singapore. The standard HDB bureaucratic reply is that there are already adequate measures and schemes in place to address the needs of ageing singles. Even when we cannot yet find someone to be our marriage partner, HDB expects us to be able to live together with another single person in a jointly purchased HDB flat. Are we to wait till our advanced years to be categorised as 'single, aged, poor' before we make it to the top of the list for housing help? Chua Kim Chuan
  20. Zappy

    Spare a Thought

    Singaporean had many issues, for the so many commoners out there, we really have no choice, like it or not, this the place where we and our future generations will be staying. We could contribute to possible solutions to solves our woes. Different people will have different views, that's probably a norm, people are bias and in-balance in nature, but that's what I think make living fun. If everyone's share the same view, probably, many of the conflicts and unhappiness will probably not surface at all. I hope more will join in to brain storm for more ideas to solve our woes. This thread is not about who are you supporting, but what we wish the future elected to take note. Transport: the MRT issue: Most acknowledge crowded trains is an issue, many had suggested by adding more trains to solve the issue. Mine view: Why can't feasibility studies be conducted to study the existing station's design. In mine view, the existing station's design had flaws, they are well design, but are not capable to handle demand from increased populations. The platform design limited the number of carriages a train can pull, thus, limited the numbers of passengers it can carry. Buying more new trains could solve the issue, but probably will cost more in future, as locomotives incurred running cost and they have a life span, and I am sure, with the global demand for resources rises, a new trains will probably going to cost more than present. Refitting existing stations with extended platforms to accommodate more carriages, should be more cost effective comparing to just buying new trains. I am no expert, I think for now, refitting existing stations and buying extra carriages, will probably cost lesser than buying a whole new fleet of trains. In a way, the cost of transportation could be keep in check.
  21. Go zoo oso can become a matter of gahmen policy. ST Forum Mar 22, 2011 Zoo should have some thought for big families I AM a mother of four children, aged two, four, seven and nine. Recently, our family visited the Singapore Zoo and inquired about the Friends of the Zoo membership. To my amazement, I found that the family membership is limited to two adults and three children aged three to 12. Children below the age of three are entitled to free admission. For now, the membership rules accommodate my family profile, but in the next two to three years, I will have to purchase an additional entrance ticket because I have one child too many. Instead of granting big families more benefits, the zoo is penalising them. This is certainly going against the Government's policy of encouraging more births. I hope the zoo will look to revise the terms and conditions for the Friends of the Zoo family membership by aligning them with the Government's policies. Lim Geok Keng (Mrs)
  22. My goodness! Look at these birds having a feast, machiam a reunion dinner for the feathered species! Always wondered why us Singaporean never thought of catching them to makan or opening restaurants to sell roast pigeons since they are so plentiful here. It is a delicacy in HK. Other than the health risk originating from their faeces, I see no reason why we can catch one & roast it! (Probably feeling a little bit hungry now hehe) Any bros any idea why this bird is not sold as food here? http://singaporeseen.stomp.com.sg/stomp/sg..._leftovers.html Pigeons invade hawker centre to feast on uncleared leftovers Pigeons have invaded Sims Lane hawker centre to feast on leftover food. This has compromised the hygiene standards of the hawker centre, says STOMPer Lerine. The STOMPer says: "I really felt disgusted and question the hygiene standards at Sims Lane hawker centre. "The cleaners are basically taking their own sweet time to clean up the dirty plates and bowls which contain leftover rice and soup. "Pigeons are flocking to the main area of the hawker centre while some people can still eat beside the table where the pigeons are feasting on leftovers. "My colleague also observed that the pigeons are 'doing their business' while eating on the leftovers. "Gross! I don't want to get infected by any diseases just because the plates are also served to pigeons! "Please get the pigeon exterminator, quick!"
  23. 'they' want us to contribute a) YOG b) flood damage rebuilding c) election funds.. d) all of the above whammy#1 Revised ERP rates at 4 gantries Mon, Jul 26, 2010 AsiaOne RATES at two Electronic Road Pricing (ERP) gantries will be increased from August 2 and reduced at two others. At the Eastbound East Coast Parkway (ECP) (Marina South) gantry and on the Slip road from Ophir Road gantry, motorists will pay $1 instead of the current $0.50, during use from 6pm to 6.30pm. For gantries at the East Coast Parkway (Fort Road) and KPE Slip Road onto ECP, rates will be dropped from $2.50 to $2, during use from 8am to 8.30pm. The changes were announced by the Land Transport Authority on Monday, following its third quarterly review. The next ERP review will take place in November 2010. whammy#2 Caltex increases pump prices Mon, Jul 26, 2010 AsiaOne CALTEX will increase its petrol and diesel prices by $0.03 a litre effective from 3pm Monday, Chevron announced today. The brand's Regular 92 grade will now cost $1.777 a litre before discount while its Premium 95 will be priced at $1.837. Caltex's top-of-the-line grade Platinum 98 will cost $1.950 a litre and for diesel, $1.333. A 5 per cent discount off the listed prices applies at all of Caltex's 33 stations islandwide. As of 4pm Monday, the other petrol companies have not adjusted their prices.
  24. If you think the debacle last night and in general, the entire WC 2010 was bad. Here is a scarier thought: Who will be England's XI in 2014 IF they even qualify? I've been following the EPL since late 80s and I have never seen such a lack of young players coming through the ranks. Following the departure of Gerard, Lampard, Terry, J. Cole (not that they are that fantastic), who else comes to mind? Rooney will be 29 in 2014 so I guess he'll still be around. Other than that, you have to look at the wrong end of the EPL to find the next batch of English players. Or maybe the Championship. Try coming up with a team and you'll scare the shlt outta yourself.
  25. Feb 11, 2010 Robber gets jail and cane By Elena Chong A MAN who robbed a jogger of his singlet and shorts was sentenced to two years' jail and six strokes of the cane on Thursday. Loh Tzu Chye, 30, was found guilty after a trial of robbing the 27-year-old man at Ang Mo Kio West Garden along Ang Mo Kio Avenue 5 on Sept 8 last year. He admitted to a charge of appearing nude by being clad in a G-string underwear near Block 23 St George's Road a month later and was given a concurrent one-month jail sentence. The prosecution led evidence from the victim who testified that he was jogging at the Ang Mo Kio West Garden when he was shocked to see Loh running towards him, wearing his underwear. Loh came closer and told him, at knifepoint, to remove his singlet and shorts. Fearing for his life, the victim handed over his singlet and shorts to Loh, who pulled him into the forested area. But the victim broke free and ran, ignoring Loh's shouts. Just then, the victim's girlfriend who had been waiting for him came and was shocked to see him in his briefs. She left and came back with his clothing. Loh, who has theft convictions, could have been jailed for up to 10 years and given not less than six strokes of the cane for robbery. ST Link I blamed ST for making me ROFLMAO at office today......
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