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  1. For frequent cafe go-ers, how good our experience is at the cafe is very much determined by how happy our tastebuds are after the meal. Besides the food and ambience, the coffee is a very integral part of a cafe and we are having increasing expectations for the coffee. We often ask ourselves, what makes a good coffee? Sometimes it can be as simple as a “shiok” feeling after sipping on the cuppa, but for those who are still figuring out their preferences, we have prepared a guide on how to tell if your coffee is good. We are doing away with all the lingos and bombastic terms, so the average coffee drinker like you and I can fully appreciate our coffee from now on! 1. FRAGRANCE The very moment you are served your coffee, (I know you will take a picture first) put your nose near the coffee and take a deep sniff. There should be a nice and light coffee fragrance that brings a smile to your face. 2. TEMPERATURE The coffee should be not too hot that it scalds, and not too cool that you feel like you can slurp it all down in a second. It has to be comfortable for immediate sipping but able to last the warmth for at least 30 minutes. The skilful barista will get this done perfect. 3. BODY Simple way to understand Body - does your coffee taste like water? If it does, it probably doesn’t have sufficient body. The perfect coffee should have some viscocity and weight, and should roll on your tongue like velvet. If it leaves your tongue like you haven’t drank anything, you probably aren’t in luck that day. 4. TASTE Now to the actual taste of the coffee. This is a bit more tricky and the actual verdict really depends on personal preferences. Easy way to tell if you like the coffee is if it is balanced in the sweetness (or, bitterness), roastiness and smoothness of the coffee. A general guideline is that, the coffee shouldn’t be too sour, too bitter or too dry you feel like you just drank some sawdust. Sometimes your taste bud is smarter than your brain, so you could tell right away whether the coffee is good the moment it contacts your tongue. 5. AFTERTASTE After you swallow, do you have a icky bitter-sour taste that sticks to the back of your tongue and throat and doesn’t go away? You probably had a bad roast. The after taste can be mild and subtle, and that is exactly the amount you would like to keep you wanting more. 6. LATTE ART If you have checked the above 5, the last that makes your cup the most perfect you can get, is the beautiful latte art made specially for you. We have a pool of talented baristas locally and we can almost expect to receive a beautiful pulled tulip, heart, or sometimes swan and other creative drawings in our coffee cup every time. Some of the cafes that do this best – La Ristrettos, Chock Full of Beans,Patisserie G and Penny University. FIND THE RIGHT BLEND FOR YOURSELF! We all have individual preferences for coffee and we have to try a few types to know what suit us best! The most common selections in a cafe are Cafe Latte, Cafe Mocha, Americano, Cappucino, and Flat White. Know how much milk, water and espresso you prefer in the mix and stick to your favourite to avoid disappointments! Personally, I really like Cafe Latte and I always add raw sugar for an added sweetness. What about you?
  2. How to tell if someone is high or low class? Poll gets interesting replies from Singaporeans What sets the “high class” and “low class” populations apart in Singapore are their jobs and income, housing and education levels, as well as whether they consume brands that are associated with either classes. This was the finding from an opinion poll commissioned by the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy (LKYSPP). What was "most interesting", researchers said, was that the problem of social inequality, while fretted about by the Government as a cause for concern, was “simply not central to citizens’ views of life in society”, when compared with other countries. One of the study’s researchers, Dr Jennifer Dodgson, said: “While Singaporeans may like or dislike their own place on the social ladder, they do not necessarily see this as a problem inherent in the system itself.” Titled Cars, Condos and Cai Png: Singaporeans’ Perceptions of Class, Wealth and Status, the study had looked at the open-ended responses of around 538 people who had taken part in an online poll in February. It was conducted by Vox Dei, a research start-up based in the National University of Singapore and founded by Dr Dodgson and fellow LKYSPP researcher Pei Junjie. In the questionnaire, respondents were asked to describe a person of high and low social class, as well as to define their own social class that they feel they belong. The results, which were published on Thursday (July 18), showed that around 66 per cent of those polled believed that what determines class identity is income — either from jobs, capital gains, welfare, or the absence of it. Other factors — in the order of how frequently they were mentioned — are: Housing, education, family, car, holidays, language, networks and domestic helpers. For example, one’s family links may be seen as having an effect of adding to one’s wealth or poverty, the study said. Around 9 per cent of respondents identified language as a signpost of class status. Those who speak mainly English are seen as belonging to a higher class, particularly when they have a foreign accent. Researchers also noted that respondents had indicated fluency in a language as a more important characteristic than the language being used, with two respondents saying that the ability to code-switch between English and Singlish is a sign of having a high-class status. BEHAVIOUR LINKED TO CLASS The majority of the respondents — 61 per cent — saw class only in material terms, while 3 per cent saw it only in behavioural terms. The remaining 36 per cent considered both material and behaviour as factors in defining class status, with some drawing a link between personal qualities and material prosperity. One 59-year-old male respondent described someone high class as a “well-to-do business owner, lives in a landed property, appreciates fine arts, is socially respected and responsible for others’ livelihoods”, as well as contributes to societal development. Not everyone had positive sentiments about people who are high class. A 24-year-old male respondent said that such a person is “out of touch and locked within one’s ivory tower”, while a 21-year-old female respondent wrote, “18 year old but has a car. Eats at expensive restaurant. Flex every day on Instagram about their stuff. Generally useless, too.” The researchers noted that even among those who had demonstrated resentment towards the wealthy, “no one took an explicitly ideological view” and few saw the survey as a chance to express “overtly political views” despite its open-ended nature. Instead, there was a tendency among the Singapore respondents to associate the high class with positive traits, and the low class with negative traits, the researchers said. Around 21 per cent of respondents described the high class as having positive behaviours, while about 4 per cent commented on negative behaviours. Conversely, positive traits were used to describe the low class around 8 per cent of the time, while negative traits were used in around 28 per cent of the answers. “It implies a relatively low degree of resentment toward the wealthy, and thus, that the majority of people are broadly content with the ways in which resources are distributed within society,” the Vox Dei researchers said, adding that such a view has important political implications. It was also noteworthy that only two of the 538 respondents referred to foreign workers when asked to define low class, they added. The researchers said: “Their apparent invisibility, despite recent attempts to raise the profile of issues surrounding (foreign workers’) rights and treatment, indicates that they are simply not factored in when most people think about Singapore society.” BRANDS AFFECT PERCEPTION The survey also found that respondents named a number of brands as a marker of class, though certain brands were associated with both high and low class. For example, ride-sharing firm Grab, Japanese fashion brand Uniqlo, as well as luxury fashion houses Louis Vuitton and Gucci were seen as symbols of those who are both high and low class. “The mentions of Louis Vuitton and Gucci would seem to indicate that the prevalence of forgeries on the market has — as the companies themselves feared — contributed to lowering the cachet of the originals,” the study said. As one 30-year-old female respondent put it, the low class are people who have “grown up in small HDB (Housing and Development Board) flats, speak more Chinese or mother tongue language, own tasteless luxury or wannabe brands but fail to look good and put together”. Dr Dodgson said that artificial intelligence was used to skim through the qualitative responses to generate quantitative statistics. The research technology, which is still being patented, would allow large-scale qualitative research to be feasible. The study, which was commissioned by LKYSPP, came about as the researchers were intrigued by the controversy surrounding an social studies guidebook last year, Dr Dodgson said. The unauthorised guidebook had described certain activities as those typically done by people from either low or high socioeconomic status, for instance, a person with a lower economic status would "speak Singlish, play football or basketball, and eat at hawker centres", while those of a higher economic status "speak formal English, play golf or tennis, and only eat at fine restaurants". While Dr Dodgson acknowledged that the sample size was relatively low, with a 4.25 per cent margin of error, she told TODAY that the open-ended nature of the survey “gave greater nuance and accuracy” than multiple-choice questionnaires.
  3. KNN, everywhere black friday sales, can I start a black friday thread like this buy 1 get 1 free? 2 titles in one thread? OK lai, all those want to "limbey tell you" , come here and tell everyone what you want to teach the world, so everyone can come here and listen to "limbey tell you" and learn. So everyday we can all come in here and learn from "limbey tell you" ok. Today I start one, "limbey tell you", everyone who is alive should learn and read up more to stay alive OK. You all better learn and read up more on how to eat, breath, cook, cut hair, renovate anything hor. That is no way you should even offer your stomach to the food stall, your head to the hairdresser, your home to the contractor to take your hard earned money. Sometimes ignorant is bliss. But when comes to ignorance of basic things, it is blitz. Part 2, I want haolian, but I scare ppl say I haolian leh. Never mind, now you can come here and start by asking "is it even possible......" and then complete the sentence, nobody will say you haolian liao, but be prepared there will be ppl more haolian than you. So pls prepare a more haolian sentence to up and continue. And finally I want to declare first hor, I always usually start with "KNN' hor, is my way of communications, not asking after the well being of anyone's mother hor. Dont read liao cannot tahan get emo and declare want to leave here leave there. This place not for spoiled kids to hang ard, want cum just cum, want go just go, nobody will miss nobody one. Ok i finish liao. Now I go find a bush and hide.
  4. I mean looking at it on the car itself. Or must take out and see from the inside? Any telltale signs that can split them apart?
  5. Do you believe that most Animals have a very special sensibilities to feel an eminent danger before it struck. It happen few days ago when a Killer Whale killed its trainer in USA after been together with the trainer for so many years. Was telling my wf that it either an earthquake or volcano erupting soon in US. True enough an earthquake struck not in US but in Chile. Some ppl would claimed that it was coincidenced but I am convince that animals have a special sense of danger that we human do not have. Example is the Sichuan earthquake. The pandas were restless and animals were found leaving the forested area before the quake struck. If we are more observant enough, we can also sense it with our closest animal, Dog. It happen to me as our family dog which was very active suddenly turns quite for 2 days, refusing to eat and only hide under the sofa. On the second day, received a call from hospital that my father was in DIL and thereafter, passed away. The dog kept vigil beside the coffin throughout the wake. Every since that incident, I am more aware of unusual animal behaviour........
  6. Dear Bros & Sis, I have a colleague who have been coughing and sneezing continuously for several days already. A few of my other colleagues have already gotten the bug from the one who is ill. Can some kind souls out there tell me how to approach this colleague politely and ask him/her to wear a mask and be socially responsible? Thanks in advance for all your responses.
  7. Bros & Sistas, Appreciate help on this ..... My battery was recently very flat....then I suspected that the battery was probably up the lorry liao...changed another one amd less than 4 weeks, also up the lorry again... Brought to a tyre and battery workshop....worry like sxxt if the alternator was kapoot as I suspected that the battery was not being charged during driving...but mechanic see see look look... say alternator not spoilt....confirm.....its something got to do with my battery clamps...that is causing 'battery leakage'.... Now got myself a new maintenance battery, all just in 01 month... So, any wise Chia Sin here, how do we know if its just the battery or the alternator is up the lorry... pls help!!!!
  8. Lui Tuck Yew so desperate? Now working with MOE to rope in secondary school kids to promote their new bus service?
  9. A furore has been raised with the latest headline!
  10. Surf through sgCarMart, finally found a favourite "Manual" SUV as, BMW X6 but......, there is not Clutch pedal, can anyone tell me what a "Manual" it is :angry: can't understand why SUV made as all Auto in Singapore, SUV is for off road adventure, M/T is basic equipped, if want auto, go for MPV lah :angry:
  11. Hi All, Just went for tyres rotation a couple of weeks back and the tyre shop mechanic told me my left front rims is dented quite badly. How do I tell if it is dented as I can't feel much difference in driving as well as can't see it at all. Thank you for your advice....
  12. Got chance to waive fine IF tell the truth ?? yesterday was the first time i went to Kallang Leisure Park. so i set my gps on my nokia phone and let it guide me to the place. when i was near my destination, i took an early turn and ended up in the drive through KFC and the ERP barriers went up and then i went around the building and then exited and continued to follow the gps guidance again. finally, i reach the side entrance of kallang leisure park and then parked at the open carpark and went to Mega. after 15 mins, felt abit funny and decided to go outside to look at the carpark signs and was alarmed when i saw that there was no free sunday free parking. quickly went over to my car hopping to be able to put a coupon but the summon slip was already there under the wipers. do you think will got chance to waive or reduce the fine i i write in and tell them that i genuinely did not know about the parking requirements ? actually i was abit blur after i made the wrong turn at the KFC and kept thinking that the ERP parking gantry at the KFC was for the Leisure park, that's why i just up and walked away. Only when i saw the basement car park at the shopping center then i felt something amiss.
  13. Search around Google and come across this http://www.carsut.com/what-is-horsepower-a...orque-in-a-car/ I am still don't really understand about horsepower. It says 1 Horsepower = 33,000 foot-pounds per minute I am really blur...
  14. I find that generally, a german, or french, or jap, or italian car, etc has the design which tells you they come from that country..... and most of the time, for example, a german car will not look like one from italy / france / japan / korea. Are there any exceptions? Does the new look Hyundai, eg Elantra, still look korean? or more like another country? Somehow, i dont think a german car designer will come up with something which looks like a typical toyota. Or a toyota designer will not do a alfa romeo look.
  15. http://isaw-isphy.com/about/
  16. what does this tell you about ............. the % and amount is staggering when you think about it alot of poor singaporeans just cannot afford our first world medical services this also mean that there are alot of poor singaporeans just dont seek medical services because they cannot afford to and rather die than having to spend that kind of money on themselves why singapore keep building its reserves it is so bloody big that even our former MM have boasted to world about it it was meant to be used during raining days rainy days for who citizens or GIC/TH I am saddened because we can only realised the pain of those who have to suffer sickness and yet cannot receive medical treatment if you receive medical treatment for these people, the hospital debt collectors will make sure you sell everything to claim their money what is the point of living for some what kind of society do we really want i am saddened by this news when our health ministers say, foreigners going to A&E get subsidized treatment equivalent to locals firstly, our tax payers money leaking to where, secondly, dont these foreigners use up our already limited and stretched resources for our locals secondly, our health ministers, ask us to seek cheaper medical services and including old age homes in JB ..... i ask myself, why am i paying taxes and doing NS for why am i paying our ministers millions of dollars to tell me to go to another country to seek basic medical services in another country and not my own anybody think otherwise Public hospitals owed $48 million in arrears in 2011 By Imelda Saad | Posted: 28 February 2012 2057 hrs SINGAPORE: Health Minister Gan Kim Yong said Singapore's public hospitals were owed $48 million in arrears as at end 2011. Mr Gan told Parliament on Tuesday that this accounted for 136,000 bills, outstanding for two months or more. In a written reply, Mr Gan said 83 per cent of the outstanding bills were incurred by Singaporean patients.[/u] He said a significant part of arrears are eventually recovered or paid over time, but a portion will still become bad debt and has to be written off. In 2010, $37 million was written off - this was up from the $26 million written off the year before. Mr Gan said hospitals will send patients a reminder if they do not settle their bills. If there is no response, hospitals may refer the case to an authorised debt collection agency. If a patient says that he or she has problems paying, the hospital will explore options for financial help such as instalment payments or Medifund assistance.
  17. http://news.asiaone.com/News/Latest%2BNews...217-328434.html
  18. Recently, wifey complain that our car has become more bouncy. I attribute that to me pumping the car tyres to a higher pressure. However she insist that the car suspension is not good already. My question is how to know if the suspension has EOL already? Is there any test i can do to determine? or only the workshop guys will know? Thanks in advance for any inputs.
  19. I have this colleague, an old timer, 50+ yr old ang mo. he has quite bad BO. Everytime he comes into my room for discussion, i feel faint. How to tell someone nicely without him feeling offended?
  20. Just curious. Like you travel abroad, you tend to meet some "stranger " that sometimes start a friendly conversation. Either in the Airport, Restaurant, Massage etc. And the conversation normally will start to greet each other, and follow by, " where you're from" ? For me, I will always tell them, I am from Singapore!!!! I witnessed some people will not "revealed" their origin. Even they are from Sg, they just answer elsewhere. How about you?
  21. When the COE was at 10k or lower? Just wanna do a quick comparison against the current SP.
  22. Hi, Always hear comments about certain cars body very soft while others are much harder. But when I touch those cars in the showroom, they all feel the same. So how do you tell whether a car's body (or the metal used) is hard or soft? Or shall I simply bring a hammer to showrooms next time?
  23. Saw this install at MSCP washing point for a week already but no idea what this is? anyone knows?
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