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Found 21 results

  1. Hey guys since it's the ghost month lets make it more interesting by posting ghost stories or encounters you've had?
  2. bobthemob

    On reading

    I recently bought a Kindle. I enjoy reading books, though I’ll be the first to admit I’ve not read as much in recent years as I want to (and should). I do think that I have a complicated relationship with books. I like books, I enjoy good stories. But as a Literature major who had to do A LOT of book-reading for school, there is probably also a little part of me that equates reading to ‘work’, and that takes away the inherent joy of it slightly. But I do want to get back into reading more, and so I bought a Kindle. Some may tout the Kindles portability and ability to store tons of books, others might say it’s more eco-conscious. Those things may or may not be true. To be transparent, the primary and arguably only reason I decided to get a Kindle is very simple – I don’t have any more space to store books in my room. I like books. I like the act of flipping pages. I like the tactile heft of a book (I do like a hardcover). But space is a finite resource. Reading, I think, is important. In an age where we’re so exposed to visual media, reading has perhaps become slightly neglected. And as someone who works in the media business, I don’t for a minute have any illusions about this – people are just not reading as much as they used to, even as my colleagues and I continue to write articles. The appeal of visual content is obvious – besides the fact that it’s ‘pretty’, I do believe that it’s an easier medium to consume. You can see, and therefore you don’t really have to think. Reading is inherently more effortful. Besides just the obvious need to consume information in the form of words, you also have to make the second effort to then translate those words into visual images in your head (at least that’s what I think is being done). You have… to imagine. But therein lies what’s appealing to me. I do think that the inherent effort that’s required is precisely what’s so important about reading. It is something you must do actively, as opposed to a video where you can consume it relatively passively. Whether it’s a book or an e-reader, whether a magazine, newspaper, or even an online article, you still have to set aside time and effort to read, and to think. And I believe that matters. The act of reading impels you to partake in the story being told, and I think that makes use better thinkers, and hence better individuals. It certainly also benefits me professionally in trying to be a better storyteller. You don’t have to read Shakespeare, or lengthy 800-page biographies. Even if it’s just 20 minutes at a time, a few times a week, that is at least an effortful decision. That’s how I convince myself that the Kindle was worth it. If nothing else, if you’ve at least read all of the words that preceded this sentence, I commend your effort, and hope that you continue to read. ~ Desmond Images from Unsplash
  3. Now this is not very smart. Thanks to social media apps like Instagram allowing news to spread like bush fire, you now best keep your 'bad' stuff to yourself... Check out this video of some mates videoing themselves going at high speed on our expressways in the wee morning of 10th May 2020. As seen on SG Road Vigilante, this insta story posted by n1zem, shows them going as fast as 180km/h in their Suzuki Swift Sport. Granted, the roads are pretty empty as we are in the midst of the Circuit Breaker period but there is still no reason for going this fast. For those who are wondering, 'Naked Crew" is a local car group and they can be found on Instagram. As usual, the comments by netizens are harsh and probably a bit hurtful. 1.mp4
  4. I've been watching this channel for quite a while. Our Grandfather story on youtube. They have some rather excellent videos about awkward/sensitive questions that we'd rather not ask. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=can+ask+meh The most recent one of course was the one with the mother with the 2 deceased children. But think their videos are worth checking out.
  5. 2 elderly parents caring for their girl who was strickened with brain cancer. Very touching, brought a tear to my eye. http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/cnainsider/defying-odds-brain-cancer-dancer-gbm-glioblastoma-9821022
  6. Bros.. And Sis.. Suddenly I remembered my favourite childhood book series.. The Bookworm Short Stories.. Filled with some lame , some funny and some learning point stories.. I wonder if anyone here also used to read them.. If I am not wrong.. There was a stingy guy called Louie.. One Smarty,, then a Sam Seng.. Sorry.. This one for those born in 80's and above I think.. Just random memories since I saw one of it lying of the floor..
  7. We all know Santa Claus is not real but we all want to believe in him. Trump is the real president of America but those in America do not want to believe it. Any other true or fake news? http://www.straitstimes.com/world/united-states/ho-ho-hoax-story-of-terminally-ill-american-boy-dying-in-santas-arms-may-not-be KNOXVILLE, Tennessee - In the spirit of Christmas, Santa Claus himself might have just hopped on the fake news trend that has been taking the world by storm. Knoxville News Sentinel, part of the USA Today network, had reported about an incident in a local hospital, where a terminally ill five-year-old boy died in the arms of Santa Claus actor Eric Schmitt-Matzen a few weeks ago. The story went viral, and was picked up by major news networks. However on Wednesday (Dec 14), the paper published a note from editor Jack McElroy and the author of the original story, columnist Sam Venable, saying they have been unable to verify the story as accurate. "Since publication, the News Sentinel has done additional investigation in an attempt to independently verify Schmitt-Matzen's account. This has proven unsuccessful. Although facts about his background have checked out, his story of bringing a gift to a dying child remains unverified," said Mr McElroy and Mr Venable in the note. "Therefore, because the story does not meet the newspaper's standards of verification, we are no longer standing by the veracity of Schmitt-Matzen's account." The paper had reported the story on Sunday (Dec 11), after contacting and interviewing Mr Schmitt-Matzen, who has been playing Santa Claus for years at the local hospital, following a tip off by a "known source". He said a nurse had called him about the five-year-old's request to see Santa Claus, and that there was no time for him to change into his full costume. At the hospital, he gave the boy a toy and told him right before he died: "When you get there, you tell them you're Santa's No. 1 elf and I know they'll let you in." After the incident, he was so affected he said he thought he would never be able to play the role of Santa again. The Knoxville News Sentinel said that the 60-year-old wanted to protect the identities of the child's family and the nurse who called him. In follow-up interviews and video recordings by local and national television outlets, the 1.8m tall and 141kg Mr Schmitt-Matzen, president of Packing Seals & Engineering in Jacksboro, Tennessee, has stood by his account. pzeric12e_2x.jpg Related Story Terminally ill little boy dies in Santa's arms collage191116.jpg Related Story Can you tell the fake news stories from the real ones? Take our quiz vikram_3.jpg Related Story How to fight back against the scourge of fake news The note has been met with mixed views on the newspaper's Facebook post. Some believed in the legitimacy of the story, and gave Mr Schmitt-Matzen the benefit of the doubt. Facebook user Lynn Taylor Morgan commented: "I am disgusted. The family shouldn't have to come forward to verify this story. It's true. Period." However, there were also those who were wary, especially given the spread of fake news on the internet. Facebook user Jean Ash said: "I would hope the purported Santa or child's family would come forth. Otherwise, we must acknowledge a possible hoax. What a shame." TOPICS: CHRISTMAS CHILDREN AND YOUTH
  8. http://m.tickld.com/x/20-two-sentence-horror-stories-that-will-keep-you-up-at-night-7-gave-me-chills Anyone has any stories to share?
  9. http://www.prisonstories.webs.com/ jus sharing this link as i saw a thread on whether anyone has been to prison before.... so i think this will give a good insight
  10. How come American Tourists will submit stories to TRS? http://therealsingapore.com/content/gay-tourists-america-shocked-be-openly-discriminated-singapore Dear The Real Singapore, This is a complaint over the ridiculous treatment me and my boyfriend Walter endured during our visit to Singapore. I am an American tourist who holiday-ed in Singapore last month together with my boyfriend of 5 years. We planned for this holiday for ages and finally booked our tickets to this world renown Garden City. After arrival, we took in the beautiful sights and was pleasantly surprised by the cleanliness, diverse cultures and food until something happened. All that initial positivity went out of the window when me and my boyfriend were taking a leisurely stroll at the botanic gardens. Out of the blue, a young local boy accompanied by his mother pointed at us and shouted, "mummy... why are the two boys holding hands?" What came next shocked us beyond words. The lady knelt beside her son, hurriedly covered his eyes and exclaimed at the top of her voice "don't look at them, they are abnormal". After which she dragged the puzzled boy away as though we had the plague! We were both dumbfounded at this shockingly bigoted behavior. Apart from the Christian belt in the South, we would never be subject to such blatant discrimination in the USA. Even President Obama , the most influential man in the world has repeatedly called for universal love and equality. It is thus disappointing that despite being a democracy, Singaporeans are still backward in their mindsets and deny minorities the freedom to love. I write in now because our brush with Singaporean's narrow mindedness happened not only once but twice. Shortly after that episode, while Walter and I were cuddling by the riverside at Clarke Quay enjoying the river breeze, a group of rowdy brown skinned goons ran up to us and screamed "f**king faggots" and ran off laughing like hyenas. What's with this trashy behavior Singapore? Why are we being bullied and insulted for our sexuality? We are paying tourists in your country and this is how you treat your guests? For all your beautiful buildings and wonderful infrastructure, the people of Singapore are sorely lacking in common decency and woefully antagonistic towards us. Where is the love Singapore? How can you proclaim yourself a first world nation when such blatant discrimination against sexual minorities still exists?
  11. Wealth Over the Edge: Singapore http://online.wsj.com/article/SB1000142412...dsk=y&dsk=y $26,000 cocktails. Traffic jams freckled with Ferraris. The world's sternest city is now the richest. Why? By Shibani Mahtani It's midnight on a Saturday night at the Marina Bay Sands resort near the sparkling Singapore River, and all the boutiques are shut. But past a cosmetic-surgery clinic and a Ferrari accessories store close by, a large crowd is getting increasingly agitated. Dozens of hopefuls are clamoring to get in to what is billed as the world's most expensive club, Pangaea. Tight-fitting Herve Leger bandage dresses are practically a uniform here, often paired with Christian Louboutin heels and Chanel 2.55 bags, as women try to befriend club goers who are lucky enough to get past the red-velvet barrier and bouncers. It is frequently the leggy models, part of the club's core demographic, who succeed. Out-of-town visitors who negotiated their way onto the guest list weeks earlier are turned away, even after offering to pay more than $3,000 for a table. The nightclub is completely full. Past the bouncers, a walk through a long tunnel with blue ultraviolet lights and a ride up an elevator reveal one of the world's most exclusive parties. Michael Ault, Pangaea's founder, sits at the club's most prestigious table by the bar, on cushions covered in exotic African ostrich skins. His table is covered with bottles of Belvedere vodka, Cristal champagne, buckets of ice and dozens of glasses for his friends. His wife, Sabrina Ault, a former fashion model and now his business partner, wears a fake shark's head and wields a plastic gun while dancing on a table top. At Pangaea, all surfaces are made for dancing
  12. Dear all, I had 2 bad encounters with the Malaysia TP while i was in JB yesterday evening for a short makan trip. I will post the stories as detail as possible in hope to receive useful tips on handling such situations that may be useful for other bros out here. Encounter 1 Location: Jalan Keris (Seafood Zichar) Time: approx 7.30pm My friend (as a the driver) and I was going to the zi char along Jln Keris and was looking for a parking lot outside the Shell petrol station. Being rather unfamiliar with the road, we made a wrong turn into a one way street just outside the shell petrol station. There was however, no traffic at that time. Within minutes, a Msia TP came up to us and signaled us to move over to a junction. We then noticed that there was a temporary "tentage" set up by the TP near the junction, supposedly to catch people. Both of us were asked to sit inside the tentage area and together with us, there were 3 other TP in the tentage. TP : Do you know what happened? Us : No Sir. TP : There is a no left turn sign but u all turned left and wait for carpark there. Genuinely not noticing the "no turn left sign", we replied: Us : Sorry sir, we are unfamiliar with the roads there and didnt notice the sign.... TP : Like that is... $300 compounded fine! your passport and driving license? Suay suay my friend didn't bring his driving license along and... TP : Never bring ?! That will be double! $600 fine. Us : Sir... give chance la... we only came here for makan and going back already... TP : Give chance?? how u want to give chance? Us : We wont do this again sir... (pretending to act blur) TP : now u tell me u tell me how u want me to give chance? Us : huh?? TP : there is 3 of us here.... what you want to do? Us : ok sir... i pay fine on the spot la. TP : how much you wanna pay? Us : *thinking a while* sir i only have 50 over ringget la.... 30 can or not ? TP : 30 ?????? 40... 40.... Us : Sir !! need $ for makan la...! TP : hmm... ok ok...... u back into your car and put the money inside your passport and give me. After doing what he said.. he like scribbling something on a messy stack of paper, seems like writing our IC no down. Us : Sir! $ u take already, then u record for what???? TP : No no no... this one is write only... no record no record.... Us : you sure or not ?! wait later i receive summon?! TP : sure sure sure ! you dun believe u get my name and police code and call me. Us : HOW TO CALL YOU ??!! (looking at the 3 of them, all their uniform no name tag or pass or whatsoever) TP : really... no record..... Tired of arguing already and we just sua the whole thing and proceed to makan.. Encounter 2 Shortly after makan, we drove back to the custom and headed home. JUST before the down slope into the malaysia custom area, my friend suay suay drove cross the junction when it was red light. Although there was no cars at all, there were 3 TP bike parked on the road side and the TP were standing there talking. I know sure hong kang liao this time. True enough i turned back and saw one TP ran up to his bike and chiong towards us and signaled us to stop. the time now is about 8:30pm. TP A : red light you know!? fine $300 (he shouted and talked to someone on the walkie talkie) Us : Sorry sorry... we really didnt notice that... Almost immediately, another TP bike chiong up to us. Supposedly the more lao jiao. TP B : sir, passport please this will be $300 fine. Us : sorry sir give chance la... we know you are there, we wont purposely chiong the red light what. We really didnt notice... TP B : Cannot like this say... Passport, driving license. (taking out a summon book) Us : Sir I forget to bring... TP B : Never bring?! ok that will be $600. (pretending to start to write something on the summon book but didnt) Us : sir sir wait wait wait..... give chance la , we pay on the spot. Jus then, another TP bike zoom to the scene. Now there are 3 TP bike and they all on the stupid lights machiam we hide a dead body in the car. trying to intimidate us i guess. TP B : pay on the spot? hmm... how? how? how much u saying? Us : er.. $30 sir... can or not... TP B : $30 ?! ok ill prefer to issue you summon. you go into the custom office with me to pay. (again pretending to write on the summon book but didnt write anything) Us : ok sir ok sir $50 $50, we after makan not much left la. TP B : $50 ? nevermind ah i think i summon you better. I tell you, here got cctv, i ask you one more time how much? Us : Sir! like that how?! TP B : ok $100. Us : what sir ?! we dont have so much la! you go search my whole car if got $100 u take straight. (actually have $) TP B : ok how much u have ? Us : ok ok 60. TP B : 60 Sing dollar? (eyes shimmering) Us : RINGGET LA ! TP B : ok you go back into the car and put $ inside passport. We were very tired already and we just pay and f--k off asap.... Seems that now the TP there have a "protocol" in asking for $. same pattern one. We might had been carrot head for the 2nd encounter but we were thinking to just pay and sua, so as to avoid "going into the custom office to pay the fine". Did any bro here encounter similar incident? Hope to get inputs on ways to counter such situations may it happen again. Btw, do they even have a proper guidelines on the amount of fine for different traffic offence?! Thanks !
  13. My Purpose of taking a cab : 1) In a rush 2) Can
  14. Let's share. I do not know how to start. I'm blushing. [laugh]
  15. Bros still remember this category of NSFs back then? This classification was supposed to be scrapped by now. My time there was this coy during BMT that seemed to be very well-treated. Whenever we went training they were always the last few to move out but whenever we came back exhausted and muddy from training, these guys were already cleaning their rifles in the coy line and laughing and joking with one another. Our DIs later told us they were White Horse (WH) coy but did not elaborate. Only later then we realized what WH means... Any bros got any stories to share?
  16. Just read it at Yahoo News : Beware sob stories, fake accidents Several women recount how conmen cheated them of money at a carpark or roadside. Case 1: Be wary of strangers spinning sob stories or alleging injury from an accident. You might just be the target of a scam. Two female drivers almost fell prey to the
  17. MM Lee Wikileak on China and NK. http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/us-embassy...ocuments/210110 Wah "psychotic types prancing around the stadium for adulation". Most wanted weapons from the USA. http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http://www...tml&h=f6ec6 Hillary ordered State Dept people to gather DNA from UN diplomats! http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http://dea...ts/&h=f6ec6 Wikileaks might expose a US bank! http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE6AS68S20101129 Iran is a bigger threat than NK! http://www.nationalpost.com/news/WikiLeaks...2032/story.html China fed up with NK. "A spoilt child." http://edition.cnn.com/2010/US/11/29/wikil...cuments/?hpt=T1
  18. Interesting talk show. Anybody has real-life Singapore stories. Click Here
  19. M'sian cop charged with rape of teenage student Fri, Jul 18, 2008 The Star PETALING JAYA, MALAYSIA - A MALAYSIAN policeman who has been suspended from his duties, was charged in court here on Friday with raping a student and forcing her to perform oral sex on him in a police station. Jamil Abdul Sah, 27, of Damansara, pleaded not guilty to both charges. He is alleged to have committed the offences on the 17-year-old girl in a room at the Putra Heights police station between 6am and 7am on June 18. If convicted, he could be jailed up to 50 years and whipped for both offences. Assistant Public Prosecutor Nor Shamsinar Mohamad asked the court to deny bail on the grounds that he could disturb the victim and tamper with evidence. Jamil who has been a cop since June 2001 was suspended from his duties on June 23. Lawyer Gobind Singh Deo, who held a watching brief for the victim, supported the prosecution's argument to deny bail saying that the girl was psychological depressed. 'If a policeman dares to rape a victim in a police station, he might try to threaten her outside,' he said. Mr Gobind Singh said the victim had lodged a police report on June 22 saying that she was threatened by the accused during the incident. 'The accused told her not to be afraid as there were too many woman like her that he had seen before. After the incident, the accused even called her and invited her to go to his house, ' he said. He said his client's family was afraid as the case involved a policeman and asked the court to consider public interest and gravity of the offences. 'Being suspended from duty is not an issue, in fact it is worse as he can do a variety of other things now,' he contended. Judge Balqis set the bail at RM15,000 and set Oct 22 for trial. The judge also ordered the accused not to contact the victim through his friends or agents or on his own. She also asked him to surrender his passport to court. It was reported that the teenager and her boyfriend were allegedly taken to the station after her boyfriend did not have a licence to ride a motorcycle. -- The Star/ANN.
  20. Enough of this silly Sunny racing Lancers and SOB drivers. This folder is for racing stories. Here I present a video of a Porsche crash. http://www.20832.com/renn.tv/VLN8_Bilstein_Land.wmv Enjoy. BTW, this is Nordschleife. Like a hungry godess, he needs sacrifices to keep her sated. The Porsche lost a rear wheel.
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