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Found 17 results

  1. recently all the uber and grab car i took sibeh dirty and smelly sia. got tissue and disgusting smell. while i understand some are rentals and no time etc etc but some really quite gross leh
  2. Neighbour told Malay aunty to stop cooking at home as Malay food is smelly. The next door neighbour must be FT https://www.facebook.com/lisa.hussin/posts/10153314647397090#sthash.jsxfD1lx.dpuf
  3. Confessions of a Chou Chou/Bantal Busuk ownerFor the first time in history, an article is written in honour of the most amazing thing on earth, our chou chou/bantam busuk on our bed. I have a Chou Chou and I'm a proud Chou Chou owner. While many like me call it Chou Chou, other common names include bantal busuk, busuk busuk, with some even giving it pet names (aww so cute)... Chou Chou comes in different forms, shapes and sizes for. For some it might be a bolster, for others it might be a small pillow, hand-sewn blanket, or even random soft toys. The lucky ones have had their Chou Chou since they were a kid while some were slightly late to discover this hidden treasure but you know as they say, it's better to be late than never! One common characteristic of all Chou Chou is the smell, oh that heavenly smell. A deep breath of Chou Chou after a long day refuels my body with energy. When I'm heartbroken, I hug and cry with my Chou Chou and I feel much better very quickly. Only when I hold it in tight embrace at night that I can fall into deep sleep dreaming of unicorns and shit. The smell does vary according to the seasons and temperature though. Studies of my Chou Chou over the past 10 years have shown that mine tends to smell better during warmer days/temperatures. Cold weather/aircon tends to mute the smell a little but nevertheless, it is still good, just not as good. Continue reading at http://sgag.sg/posts/confessions-of-a-chou-chou-bantal-busuk-owner
  4. I have been driving my Latio for 6months+, since 3 months ago, on and off there was smelly air coming out from the aircon. Reported to the service center and after 2 trials, it's still the same. Engineer told me it's normal coz sometimes PlasmaCluster doing cleaning and causes it. However, over the past few weeks, this smell comes back almost every day, and it lasted for 1-2 mins. Any idea what went wrong? I know about Sharp plasmacluster technologies and I dun believe the engineer. Any Latio owner also encounter the same problem? Just want to hear some feedback before I bang table at the customer service.....
  5. main culprits are men who drips when they pee........ how to stop this? this is not joking..... lets start with the urinals chosen for the toilets. some urinals really cmi..... too small and any drips sure land on the floor, and become smelly there are basically a few types of urinals, which you used and found more drip-proof than the others? 1. old school common urinals in stainless steel, one long longkang everyone can see next guys' didi... but the 'drain' catches the drips quite well (but i think no more liao, even SAF camps also not using this) 2. individua "box type" hanged from the wall, open front, with a little 'lip' sticking out in front trying to catch the drips... quite useless 3. the moden individaul oval (egg-shape) type, also hanged from wall, i find this type catches the drips quite well (my vote goes to this) 4. the full height individual urinal which sits on the floor, we pee all the way down into its 'catchment' on the ground.... quite rare nowadays 5. other types? maybe they should introduce a drip-sensor ---- anyone drips, he gets water jet shoot at his face from the wall.... this way he will aim and shoot properly maybe the urinal should be shaped like a xmm's open mouth, then the guy insert his didi and shoot, sure no drips on the floor, not smelly toilet... ??
  6. Parked under hot sun for a day (usual office open car park) and when i opened the door to drive home, the smell could almost knock me off.... Off aircon and wound down all the window all the way home, thinking must be my sports shoes/shoes. took them off and drove to town at night.... still the same dead-rat smell!! checked the whole car looking for dead meat (in case frozen meat from tue's shopping was left under the seat etc) but found nothing..... to day still drove to work with dead-rat smell... i think i may faint on my way home later any bros had the same experience and eventually found the cause / cure? I will go workshop satureday to jack up see any dead animal hide in the undercarriage / engine bay (unlikely engine bay coz aircon smells ok) many years ago, my unlce found dead kitten smeshed by radiator fan coz of cold weather and the poor thing found the warm radiator a good place to keep warm, but uncle took 1 week to locate the body, never expected it....
  7. RC bus driver says hawker couple is
  8. Heya, Does anyone encounter a problem with their toilet bowl "up flushing"? One day i was bathing when suddenly the toilet bowl(squat type) started gurgling and water started rushing out. At first i thought it is lots of gas bubbles trapped below got released, it happen 2 times in 15 minutes. but then i noticed that just like when you flush the toilet, the strength and duration of the "up-flushing" is the same. It seems like when somebody living above/s flush their toilet, i receive the up-flushing. Just imagine when you are poo-ing when the upflushing happens. You get a good buttwashing with other peoples s--t. Now has anyone who has encountered this and how did you solved this problem?
  9. Smelly Gambler Doesn't Bathe For 6 Days in an attempt to Stink the crouipers into submission... A Singaporean retiree spent six days straight gambling at the tables of Resorts World casino last month. That includes going without showers or change of clothes for her marathon casino sessions, as well as just "coffee and Milo" to keep her going. After all, she slept roughly just four hours a day during her gambling binge. The New Paper reports that Madam Alice Tan, 64, lost $12,000 over the six-day session. The mother of four also revealed the reason why she refused to shower and insisted on going to the casino day after day: a fortune teller had told her she would strike it rich as her "fortune star would be at its brightest" a week before Chinese New Year, which fell on Feb 3 and 4 this year. "No need for fresh change of clothes; I just wet the towel, clean-rub and then use the deodorant," she said. "What for (use shower facilities)? It may wash away my luck. Anyway who cares about smell because most times I'd be on the smoking floor since I smoke," she said. "Instead of fresh underwear, I just change panty-liners," she added. She also told the paper that her six-day binge was her longest ever and most times, she would spend only "two to three days maximum at either RWS or Marina Bay Sands." She also revealed how she only needs an hour's nap a day when gambling and can sleep anywhere in the casino, including her own car or along the casino's walkways. When she's "really too tired", she would move from the gambling tables to the jackpot machines which "no need to use brain power... just hit the button and depend on luck". Otherwise, her favourite game was baccarat and that she usually bet between $500 to $1000 per hand. She set her loss limit at $20,000 per trip. Madam Tan, who lives in a four-room HDB flat in Simei, said her eldest son -- an architect -- paid the annual $2,000 membership for her at both RWS and MBS. She also gets a monthly allowance of $5,800 from her four children. Despite being on a losing streak since last July, she said she "can still afford it" and as long as she doesn't gamble on credit, "I won't have to worry about running up debts". When contacted, her eldest son said he and his three siblings "are aware of and don't mind our mother's hobby." Madam Tan is part of a group of punters who can spend days on a gambling binge. Just last month, a South Korean research fellow from the National University of Singapore was thought to be missing only for it to be revealed later that he had spent 16 days straight at MBS and had never left the premises.
  10. 4 years go some people wanted to use internet and other new media to do marketing and outreach. but no, cannot, illegal. 4 years later today, oh yes, now can use le. from my perspective, it's becos 4 years ago the cucumbent (i mean incumbent) are not savvy unlike the others. in the 4 years that followed, they started joining the bandwagon. facebook lah, twitter lah, blogging lah. now ready le then approve. got smell leh... cannot respect!
  11. Just heard on the news there's a leak in the sewage pipe at the ION. Could anyone confirm? What's happening man? Too much b-------t from the people up there?
  12. Jeffang

    Smelly tofu

    anyone know where to get this in JB or even up to KL? i am sick of the only smelly tofu in geylang, if anyone know where to eat smelly tofu or place that sell... please tell me the road name or gps cond, thanks.
  13. mauahhaa check out this new perfumed tyre from Kumho http://www.kumhousa.com/tires/passenger/ul...ormance/KU33.do smell of lavendar..... muahaha.... suitable for ppl working in fishery......
  14. Hi all, anyone knows how to remove smelly air con smell?
  15. hi all.....just wanna check if any of you fellas have this problem with their car aircon? basically what happens everytime i start the car & turn on the aircon, after about half a min, the air coming out of the aircon REALLY STINKS!!! It smells like something is rotten in the aircon....sour-ish smelling. But the smell just stops after 20secs or so. Anyone also experienced this before? how do you get rid of it? what's the cause of this? Help needed urgently ...... i BTH the smell already!
  16. HI, Recently discovered that the gases from my car's exhaust are becoming more and more smelly. Has a distinct rotten egg smell. Wondering whether anyone has any such experiences before. BTW, my exhaust system is stock (so the cat is still ard) Urgent advices needed. Or else sooner or later, I will suffocate during my morning car warm up. TL
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