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Found 15 results

  1. Did anyone watched the final yest? Roddick played the game of his life yet he lost... Was only broken once yet he lost... Credit to Federer though.... he stuck at it till the end...
  2. congrats. but im still a federer fan.
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wb2RRXEnE9Q Best dunks of 2015 and may I say to date! Post your vids.
  4. http://www.channelnewsasia.com/mobile/singapore/agencies-slam-natas-for/1493872.html The Outbound Travel Fair press conference. (Photo: TODAY) A A+ SINGAPORE: Dozens of travel agencies on Tuesday (Nov 25) lashed out at the National Association of Travel Agents Singapore (NATAS) for its lack of transparency over the usage of proceeds from its mega travel fairs and, among other things, its refusal to open the books, at a press conference attended by representatives of 24 tour agencies. The agencies also charged that the association was exploiting its members by not reducing rental rates for the NATAS fair an agency would need to pay between S$100,000 and S$200,000 to participate in the fair despite declining sales over the years that they attributed partly to the lacklustre publicity for the twice-yearly event. Responding to the charges, a NATAS spokesman said that although the cost of renting exhibition halls has steadily risen over the past three years, the association which has been holding its travel fairs at Singapore Expo has not passed on the increases to the exhibitors. He said NATAS has been in discussion with members and exhibitors about their grievances. But we have to accept that NATAS may be unable to satisfy all its members given the diversity of our membership ... Everyone may have a different opinion on how the fair ought to be run, he said, adding that NATAS members include travel agents, tourism organisations, cruise lines and accommodation providers. Last week, TODAY broke the news that the Big Four travel agencies Chan Brothers Travel, CTC Travel, Dynasty Travel and SA Tours were pulling out of the NATAS fair on Mar 27 to 29 and holding a rival fair at Marina Bay Sands (MBS) on the same dates, and were in talks with other agencies to make the switch. BETTER DEALS FOR CONSUMERS At the press conference held at MBS, it was announced that 24 outbound travel agencies in total including Nam Ho Travel, Farmosa Holidays, MISA Travel, Apple Holidays and New Shan Travel will be crossing over to the new fair, tentatively called the Outbound Travel Fair. In contrast to the NATAS fair which charges a S$4 entrance fee, admission to the rival trade show is free. The agencies which will continue to be NATAS members have formed a working committee to organise the rival fair, which will occupy a floor area that is 70 per cent the size of the NATAS fair next year. Booth rental will be up to 30 per cent cheaper. Excess revenue will be channelled to advertising and promotions or refunded to exhibitors. Cost savings will also be passed onto consumers, who will get better deals, the agencies said. They said their dissatisfaction began in 2010. Despite raising the issues repeatedly, NATAS turned a deaf ear. They also submitted a petition last month, but the requests were not met, which was the last straw, they said. The agencies had petitioned for reduced booth rentals, lowering of admission fees, disallowing overseas operators brought in by tourism boards to conduct sales, greater transparency and having representation on the NATAS fair organising committee. The most recent NATAS fair in August saw about 10 per cent fewer visitors, compared with the fair held in August last year. Sales for several participating agencies this year had also fallen by around 10 to 20 per cent, the agencies said. They added that with customers increasingly making bookings via the Internet, holding a fair that charges an admission fee would further deter prospective customers. NATAS RESPONDS Former NATAS group chief executive Robert Khoo, who stepped down last year, dismissed the agencies claims. Customers are (getting fewer) simply because ... everybody is doing their own fair. So they have already stolen a big chunk of the business before the NATAS fair even starts, he said. Mr Khoo said the admission fee raised from S$3 in 2010 was in place for crowd control. Members had fully supported (the) rationale when NATAS explained it to them many years ago, he said. He added that the income earned from the fair is ploughed back into events for members, who can attend them for free. These include NATAS annual dinner and dance, football and golf tournaments, and seminars. The NATAS spokesman said attendance at its fairs may have reached a saturation point in recent years. It is unrealistic to expect growth year-on-year when consumers buying patterns have changed drastically, he said. On the impact of the pullout, the spokesman said NATAS has a membership base of more than 340 travel agents. It will revamp its fairs and try to draw in new exhibitors. In light of the developments, NATAS will meet its members on Thursday. Still, the agencies boycotting the NATAS fair said they will return to the fold if the association addresses their grievances. Mr Anthony Chan, group managing director of Chan Brothers Travel, said: We are all very busy ... we dont want to spend effort organising travel fairs.
  5. China officials slam themselves - on TV Criticism session part of CCP's self-cleansing campaign: Observers Published on Sep 27, 2013 Mr Xi has pledged to clean up the CCP by ridding its ranks of bureaucracy and extravagance. -- PHOTO: REUTERS By Kor Kian Beng, China Bureau Chief, In Beijing IT WAS a made-for-television criticism and self-criticism show. In an unprecedented move, China's state broadcaster CCTV showed top officials of Hebei province criticising "impatient" superiors even as they admitted to overspending on things like official cars and lavish dinners. Observers noted that the programme televised on Wednesday is a first, and shows the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) intensifying its "self-cleansing" campaign. They also said other provinces might follow Hebei's lead, and that the people would dismiss such "self-criticism" sessions as a mere show, unless errant officials were also taken to task. On Wednesday, viewers saw Hebei party boss Zhou Benshun reproaching himself for being impractical and less hard-working than before, while his subordinates criticised him for not doing more to help the poor and neglecting environmental issues. The provincial party boss also criticised a subordinate, Qinhuangdao city's party chief. "I feel Tian Xiangli is too hungry for success and over-eager to prove herself and impress her bosses. Such behaviour will lead us to do things that are irrelevant to the people's interests," he said. Besides Mr Zhou, Hebei deputy party boss Zhao Yong was also shown confessing to being impulsive, and provincial governor Zhang Qingwei to being arrogant. The criticism and self-criticism took place during three days of meetings starting on Monday to discuss how to improve the people's livelihoods. President Xi Jinping, who has pledged to clean up the CCP by ridding its ranks of bureaucracy and extravagance, attended the meetings. Provincial propaganda chief Ai Wenli noted that Hebei "wasted" 3.3 million yuan (S$674,000) on Chinese New Year celebrations last year, while Vice-Governor Yang Chongwen said the annual budget ballooned from 253 million yuan last year to 660 million yuan this year due to a massive jump in the expenditure on official cars. China's 25 Politburo members, including Mr Xi, held a similar session over four days in June. Mr Xi sounded a warning when he said: "Don't think that all is fine if you pass the 'test' at such sessions. You should continue to think more deeply about how to improve people's lives." Hong Kong-based observer Willy Lam said the purpose of the sessions is to "ensure regional leaders follow instructions from the top and consolidate Xi's power". Many see the revival of self-criticism, common during the Cultural Revolution, as a reflection of Mr Xi's Maoist ideals. Professor Lam said it shows "that Xi still believes in the rule of man rather than the rule of law". Singapore-based analyst Bo Zhiyue noted Hebei's leaders were careful to admit to their shortcomings rather than to mistakes that might expose them to party discipline or criminal prosecution. "They were praising one another in a negative way, such as how they were impatient because they were so eager to serve the people," said Dr Bo, an analyst at the East Asian Institute. All this could backfire on the CCP, said Renmin University analyst Zhang Ming. "The public will enjoy watching officials criticising themselves, but they won't be pleased if these officials are not punished." [email protected]
  6. Hi guys, Anyone of you out there successfully argued and got back compensation from inconsiderate lorry or van drivers who slam their doors on your cars? Today in Vivocity, my car and another car, one lot away, got paint chips and deep scratches becoz of an inconsiderate lorry driver and his passenger who parked in-between us. Got evidence and his license plate with my video camera, but how can we track him down for repair costs? Or should me and the other poor driver (the one with more deep scratches than mine), just hit our heads on the wall for being so "lucky"... Buy 4D also not so "heng"... The other side of my car fender was seriously dented by another lorry door some time ago, that time no video camera to take evidence... Now have, but not sure if got use or not... I must go pray more to gods and start buying lottery already....
  7. i hate these ppl! usually those nv own car.. out of good will give them a lift in your car, but they just slam your door shut with their max strength... like closing taxi doors! :angry: heart damn pain.. any one same thoughts as me?
  8. no offence to rest of speaker but they (above) relates to young voters..
  9. http://sg.news.yahoo.com/afp/20100523/tts-...ld-c1b2fc3.html Nothing against the Pope comment. But just realise something contradicting while reading... ""Trichet's comments were echoed by Pope Benedict XVI, who criticised governments[/size] for failing to take tough action to regulate banks and markets in the wake of the financial crisis."" ""Elsewhere in Europe, the Bank of Spain said Saturday it was taking over the running of a regional savings bank controlled by the Roman Catholic Church after it experienced financial difficulties and a merger plan failed."" So is the economic problem affecting the Catholic run bank so badly or they had in the first place run into too much debt or had been running risky investing etc. Should not they as a Church run bank be just a kind of financial association setup to help and not to generate huge income??? Should they never take on risk for better gain.. I doubt they will run into any problem...
  10. For discussion purpose, since the MPV bangs into the side of the BMW, is the MPV in the wrong? STUCK: Madam Kaur remains in the BMW, her door blocked by the MPV, as its driver stands in the foreground. PICTURES: COURTESY OF MRPHILIP WILLIAMS souce: http://newpaper.asia1.com.sg/news/story/0,...,198021,00.html?
  11. Fellow forumers, My upstair neighbour rent out the whole unit to some Filipinos (family and singles). It has been few months. Ever since then, I've been traumatized by the noise from dragging of chairs and furniture, slamming of doors as early as 5am and as late as 12am. Even occasionally in the middle of the night I was rudely awakened by the slamming of doors. The unit is not directly above me but next door to my above unit cos my above unit is vacant. before it was vacant, I talked to the owner but it was not her cos she live alone and now she have moved out but the noise still persist and I know it's her next door neighbour. So I approached her neighbour. I talk to the Filipino man. He did said sorry and it was his little kid that push and pull the chairs and furniture. I mean, can't he teach his little children? Ever since that, things didn't change. I was rudely awaken in the middle of the night and even can't sleep late on weekend cos the dragging of furniture noise will begin about 7am. I wrote to town council and HDB. They responded and talked to them. Thing turns out "a bit" better. But that was 2 months ago, now the noises are coming back again I do not know the owner of the flat personally. Where can I get the contact of the actual flat owner so I can talk to him/her and ask him/her to warn his/her tenants?
  12. Goodbye....you made teh right choice From ST Forum: Why one couple is resettling in Sweden I REFER to Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew's suggestion in last Thursday's report that Singapore emulate Sweden's strategy in improving birth rates ('Taking a leaf from Sweden's book to boost birth rate'). I am a Singaporean married to a Swede. However, within a year, we will leave Singapore to live in Sweden. My husband has persuaded me that Singapore is not the place to live and have a quality life, including having our first child. I am convinced even though I have good work opportunities here. The higher cost of living and stressful environment have taken a toll on us. The Government fails to help couples like us in many ways. First, as middle-class people, we have not been helped in any way to buy our first home, even though we are as good if not better taxpayers than younger couples. Couples like us cannot buy an HDB flat because our income exceeds the cap at our age. My husband is above 35 and I am well into my 30s. We are penalised for getting married in our 30s and cannot enjoy the grants given to young couples buying HDB flats. Resale flats are well beyond our means, with high valuation which means a bigger debt should we buy our first home in Singapore. Young couples can buy a five-room flat for $250,000, including grants, while we have to pay at least $400,000, without any grant. With such a debt, it is discouraging to have children as that will add a further burden, with childcare costs here topping $1,000 a month. We do not believe in hiring a maid to look after children. As a result, we now live in a rented apartment and will not have children until we move to Sweden. On top of that, my husband would like to spend time looking after our baby, but he is not entitled to paternity leave here. His employer, a Singapore company, does not promote it. With longer hours in this rat-race society, how can couples enjoy bedtime intimacy? In Sweden, the scenario is different. Employers are understanding and allow employees to take time off to collect their children from childcare. Flexi work hours are common and the government gives grants to encourage new families to procreate. Higher tax rates are offset by returns from the goverment, such as child allowances and free childcare. We have decided our first baby will have a Swedish passport, and not a Singapore one. Heng Siew Cheng (Ms)
  13. It's here again..the battle between the Big 4s.. 23 Mar 2130hrs Man Utd v Liverpool 24 Mar 0000hrs Chelsea v Arsenal Seems like the title more or less will be decided here.. GO DEVILS!!!
  14. http://en.f1-live.com/f1/en/headlines/news...214151922.shtml Singapore proving to be a victim of its own success... Potential Singapore Grand Prix race-goers endured a frustrating time on Thursday, as tickets went on sale for the inaugural event. The local New Straits Times describes the performance of Singapore's ticketing procedures as 'complete chaos', as fervent ticket-buyers in some cases tried several times to book a seat - by phone, internet and in person - before giving up. "It was absolutely frustrating and a disgrace," said one unsuccessful patron, who tried for four hours to buy tickets. Another, who between 11am and 8pm unsuccessfully tried to buy tickets on the crashed website and by phone, wrote on the Straits Times website: "This is really a sad day for Singapore events. "I was so intent on getting a ticket today... what a shame/sham!" Another wrote: "This is an absolute disgrace and the organisers should have some way to compensate those of us that were told we would be called back with tickets but were not. "What an embarrassment for Singapore hosting this world class event, after delays in releasing tickets for sale and then this. Pitiful."
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