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Found 2 results

  1. Asia Most Sinful Cities Lust:Tokyo, Japan??????? Gluttony: Taipei, Taiwan Sloth: Seoul, South Korea Pride: Manila, Philippines Greed: Shenzhen, China Envy: New Delhi, India Wrath: Pyongyang, North Korea
  2. MAX ZONE, A Sinful Experience I came across this product when I was looking through the forum of Club Hyundai, Never know that the Sin it brought to me will be.....so addicitve ! My Vehicle: Hyundai Tuscani 2007FL Engine : 2.0L Mods Done: Denso Iridium Spark Plug Razin Pivot VS Violence VSD II Spark boost CAI ADM Aircharger II ADM Power Pass Simonta Close pod RPM Lighten Crank Pulley[/u] Day 1(Yesterday,Saturday): Installed the Max GT only, due to no stock at the Mandai Workshop. Verdict: Not change in lower end torque, Better response and hp only comes by at higher rev. 4000rpm and onwards, engine quieter when idle, 1 thumbs up!. Day 2(Today, Sunday): Installed the Max Zone(Not GT), Peter came to do the installation by himself...8am.. Thanks bro for the effort and commitment !! Verdict: I took peter(90kg Access baggage, haha self proclaimed weight by peter) with me after the installation of the Maxzone(Not GT) and weather temperature was bright and sunny 32 degrees. After we hit the destination, the testing begins. Improvement in power of the engine was more significantly felt through out the entire rev band, the most significant feel of improvement is ranging from 2000rpm to 4000rpm even when I am having access load(Peter) and hot weather, was getting more excited with each pound of force that adds on to my acceleration pedal...at this point I was at 4000-5000rpm and also for the first time I felt that the tuscani was light weighted....have to let go when I am at 130km/h(illegal speed!!)...cos my tuscani begin to behave like a wildhorse already and it still has alot of capacity to go faster I felt, but due to my heart was already pounding heavily and it hasd already went past the legal speed limit without my notice I decided that it was a good enough test of the product, another thumbs up !! Fuel consumption seems to look good as I was monitoring the FC in my trip meter display..might be not accurate.. will give and updated news when I go on a few tanks of shell 98... I came in to this product Max Zone, skeptical of it being a "SNAKE OIL" product, but I am totally blown off by the efficiency of this 2 product, this 2 product was never in my shopping list...before I have listed them down....they are already in my car..haha...any chances for me to take it out? over my dead body !! ITS TOO ADDICTIVE !! Bottom Line: Quicker response over the entire rev band Improvement in hp More torque when pickup Urge to accelerate Quieter engine when idle The not so good: Brake pads and tires going to wear faster due to car accelerate surge and more braking required. Also since the 2 product works in harmony, may be there can be a new version (2 in 1), so I can save some space for more mods??? Hehe. LED light on box could be brighter coz initially I though I got a faulty product. Final Verdict: Max Zone and MZ GT...A 2 Thumbs up product !!! Finally for the first product in my few years of modding this 2 product shines, although the best bet is to get 2 together instead of just 1 !! Well if it gives you what you want, who cares?! p.s I am just a average guy looking for some nifty product to give me further performance gain,I am not affiliated with the product maker not the friend of peter or so. All above is purely my personal experience and to share with fellow car enthusiasts , there will be believers and non believers so please try the product to find it for yourself ! disclaimer. pls do not try the above "stunts" if you do not fully grasp the limitation of your vehicle and if you are in a high traffic area, all was done in a secluded area/road, although so...I apologize for exceeding the speed limit, it was a sin and never to be done again as accident will happen even in a controlled situation.
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