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  1. sgCarMart Quotz is Singapore's most reliable online car auction platform. For car owners who want to sell their cars to dealers, we take away the pain of going to multiple shops to ask for quotations. Car owners are able to obtain the highest offers for their cars through the sgCarMart Quotz bidding system which reaches out to over 500 used car dealers. Car owners only have to make a single trip down to the sgCarMart Quotz office. Hand-over date of the vehicle is flexible and on top of that, we offer the highest price guarantee that our final quotation is the highest price in the market. sgCarMart Quotz has been proven to derive higher value for sellers with success rates of more than 80% and multiple testimonies on its facebook page. We are also utilised by government agency such as National Environment Agency (NEA) to conduct vehicle auctions Call 6744 7571 for enquiries or to book an appointment. More info at www.quotz.com.sg
  2. Hi All Apologise first if there is another thread elsewhere on this but i did my search and the only thing that came back was all the "carrot" topics. Anyway as per topic, anyone here used carro (https://carro.sg/) to sell their car? Good or no good? How does it compare to other similar platforms? Would appreciate if you could share your experience, good or otherwise. Thanks!!
  3. Hi, Just wonder, what do u guys think is the best ways to sell car so that I can fetch the highest price. Will some dealers able to match the price equivalent to selling direct? The problem about selling direct to buyers is the transaction of money, car test drive etc... Unwilling to part with my almost 3 yrs civic but my car is under utilised nowadays.
  4. All you forum dwellers probably remember the times before Carousell was founded, and how we all bought and sold stuff on forums. Many forums also have a reputation system, which was an indicator of the 'lao jiao' forum-ers - those that tend to be steady and trusted to deal with. I remember there were some unspoken rules when it came to buying and selling stuff online: 1. As the buyer wants the item, the responsibility lies with him to make his way to meet at the seller's convenience by default. 2. A good seller will honour a deal he has made, i.e. a better offer made after a deal has been set will be rejected (even though the seller stands to lose out). 3. You don't 'aeroplane' people. 'Aeroplaning' - which is sort of translated from '放飞机' in Chinese - is tantamount to what we know as 'ghosting' today, when you stop replying someone out of the blue. 4. 'Lowballers' (those who offer a price significantly below what has been listed), 'aeroplane pilots' and other unsavoury types of behaviours are often called out, shamed and frowned upon. These days, I find I am increasingly encountering all kinds of ridiculous people on Carousell, which I use quite a bit to sell my barangs. In fact, I don't remember it being so bad back when the app was first introduced... It might be due to the anonymity, or the fact that creating new accounts is so easy. There are plenty of 'lowballers' who have the cheek to offer half of the asking price. Then, there are people who do not honour a deal that has been made. Or stop replying flat out when in the midst of a deal - and worst yet, after you have made your way to their location... While there's nothing much I can do, it just makes me wonder what has changed. In my opinion, the online buying and selling experience has deteriorated so much that I often find myself devoid of energy to deal with it, sometimes it seems like tossing the item in the bin would be a better option than to try to recoup some money by selling it online. So, what about you? Do you have a set of rules that you live by when dealing online? - Zhi Xuan
  5. Hi, i looking to buy a few plain Hanes Beefy-T tee shirt to replace my old ones. Anyone know which department stores/shop still selling them? Thanks.
  6. Anyone knows which shop buys\take in ROlex watches for a decent\reasonable price ? Thanks, and dont suggest pawn shop cos want to sell only.
  7. https://www.todayonline.com/world/woman-cashes-selling-her-urine-buyers-making-ice-cream-it-1794001 KUALA LUMPUR — A former professional photographer is now cashing in from selling her urine. Ms Kactus Kutie, who began making adult cam videos in 2016, told Daily Star she has a steel bladder and some of her peeing videos can go on for as long as 10 minutes. “My first video was of me peeing by a creek — a very short, very simple video but that was the catalyst for people ordering pee customs from me.” “I peed in bikinis, my underwear, overalls, trash cans, flower vases, outdoors, and so much more!” It is unclear where Ms Kutis is based. Ms Kutie said she sells a 88 millimeters medical cup of urine for £52 (S$95) but gives discounts to customers who want to buy larger volumes. She claims her customers have a whole host of uses for it, with one person even using it as a “popsicle”. “I also sell custom videos of me filling the cups if my fans want to see how it was made,” she added. On her secret for being able to produce so much urine, Ms Kutie said she usually drinks at least two giant cups of tea and one of her reusable cups of water. MALAY MAIL
  8. https://www.8world.com/world/influencer-retires-from-selling-farts-after-heart-attack-scare-1693591 美国网红卖屁赚27万 屁放太多心脏出问题 因卖“瓶装屁”而人气大增的美国女网红,近日因为放太多屁而出现心脏问题,被迫放弃这个赚钱大计。 《8视界新闻网》此前报道,因演出实境秀而声名大噪的女网红Stephanie Matto,自去年11月开始,以每瓶500美元(约680新元)的价格,在各大社交平台和视频网站向粉丝推销她的“瓶装屁”。 “产品”推出后反应非常好,让她赚进20万美元(约27万2000新元)。 特别多吃高蛋白质食品 为此,她每周必须赶制50瓶的屁,以满足客户的需求。而为了让自己的屁味更浓郁,她每天特别多吃豆类、鸡蛋和高蛋白质的食物,尤其喜欢香蕉蛋白奶昔。 不过,英国网媒《Jam Press》报道,女网红近日出现类似心脏病的症状,胸口极度疼痛而被紧急送医。 “当天晚上,我躺在床上,感觉到胃部有股气不断往上移。每次吸气时,都会感觉心脏疼痛。” “我以为自己中风,快不行了!” 经过验血和心电图等检查后,医生告知并非中风或心脏病发作,而是因为持续食用可以排放气体的豆类和鸡蛋导致非常严重的“胀气痛”,建议她改变饮食和服用抑制气体的药物,但这无异于终结她这盘生意。 部分收入捐作慈善 不过,为了自己的性命着想,女网红决定停止“卖屁”,并将部分收入拿来做慈善。 她表示,由于自己的事业太另类,网民对她的评价十分两极。有人称她是女强人、激励他们对自己的工作不感到羞耻,但也有很多负面评论,甚至接到死亡恐吓,而她都选择不去理会。 Anybody good at translation?
  9. Temasek to raise up to $800 million with bond offer Singapore investment firm Temasek Holdings is raising up to $800 million from large investors by selling a type of bond rarely seen here. The deal involves investors buying bonds that can be exchanged for Standard Chartered Bank shares at a pre-set price. Temasek is Stanchart's biggest shareholder, with a stake of about 18.2 per cent. The bond sale allows it to generate cash from its stake in the bank without having to sell its shares now. Institutional investors, on the other hand, get to take a punt on Stanchart shares rising, with minimal risk of losing their capital.
  10. Hi all, doing my homework on selling my cars. I prefer not to trade in. Any feedback on using the following to sell our cars? 1) Wheeldeal - new player, FOC quote 2) Quotz - need to pay for service, they help you take pictures and arrange for bidding, can view bidding process "live" 3) List on SGCarmart as owner selling - more control, can sell direct cutting out the middleman, more hassle from the transfer work? Are there any difference in the method of choice in selling depending on the type and model of cars? eg. bread and butter popular models (altis, sunny, civic) just sell to highest and hand dealer eg. rarer less common and niche models (saab, chryser) list and sell to direct buyers who appreciate such cars Thanks!
  11. Would anyone know whether there's any florist that is opened for business now? It seems like they are still not allowed to open shop yet? Or would the big supermarkets sell flowers? Preferably in the Northeast area, if there is any... Thanks.
  12. China mum sells off twin babies for $12,600, buys new phone https://www.asiaone.com/china/china-mum-sells-twin-babies-12600-buys-new-phone?xtor=EREC-16-4[Emarsys_Newsletter]-20190910&extid=6934d0cfb7b252f1ae9f0dbddf5ff88ca8637e77 BY KIMBERLY ANNE LIM ASIAONE Blood may be thicker than water but for this mum in China, money trumps all — including her own children. A single mother, known only as Ma, sold off her newborn twin boys in September last year for a total of 65,000 yuan (S$12,600), according to media reports. The sale was only uncovered by local police recently in the course of investigations into a different case. Ma, who is in her 20s and hails from Zhejiang province, claimed that she did it because she was "penniless and heavily in debt". According to the woman, her parents had refused to help her because they were angry about the pre-marital pregnancy. To make matters worse, the father of the twins, known only as Wu, reportedly refused to be responsible for the babies. He was also nowhere to be found when they were born, only resurfacing to beg Ma to settle his debts after he heard that the twins had been sold off. Ma decided to split the proceeds of the sale with Wu, using her share to pay off her credit card debts and to buy a new mobile phone. By the time police arrested the pair, they had already spent all of the money. Upon further investigation, police managed to track down the babies who had been sold to two couples in Anhui province, reuniting them with Ma's parents. [email protected] Sep 09, 2019
  13. Hi, The subject says it all. Thanks. Don't mind selling it as scrape metal as well. It's meant for Toyota Sienta
  14. Hello All! Any idea where to sell brand new stock rims and tyres? It seems like many shop only willing to do trade in but not buy them as it is.
  15. https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/transport/car-dealers-set-up-own-online-portal-to-be-rolled-out-late-may?cx_testId=0&cx_testVariant=cx_1&cx_artPos=2#cxrecs_s SINGAPORE - In the face of competition from online portals, car dealers have banded together to set up their own marketplace. Dubbed UCars, the site is expected to be rolled out by the end of next month. It is the brainchild of 21 United Holdings, a consortium formed by 40 car dealers in Singapore who are in the midst of raising $5 million to run the site. UCars aims to offer "thousands of quality new and used car listings", in addition to exclusive deals, privileges and events for both consumers and dealers. "Our strict verification procedures mean that we will be the gold standard for having the most extensive collection of quality and reliable cars," said spokesman Leslie Hong. By the end of this year, consumers will be able to sell their cars to dealers through the UCars marketplace. The Straits Times first reported in November last year that car dealers had plans in the works to introduce their own portal to compete against sites such as sgCarMart and Carousell, which have gained ground in recent years. 21 United Holdings chairman Eddie Loo said that having their own portal will allow dealers to cut out the middleman and let them pass on the savings to customers. The members of the consortium are all industry veterans, some with several decades of experience, he noted. Mr Loo, who is also managing director of car dealer CarTimes Automobile, said the combined experience of these companies allows them to serve customers better and gives them an advantage over other online marketplaces. "We understand what consumers want," he said. ...... consumers don't want 2nd hand dealers
  16. Hi, Would like to check who has recently booked the ES250 and what is the price it is negotiable up to. Thanks!
  17. Do you know that MCF has a group page on Facebook for you to share/post your USED items? Find us at MCF Marketplace on Facebook! Please note that it is only for the posting and sharing of Used Car Parts & Accessories. I would also recommend you to post your used items first on MCF Marketplace, then use the 'share function' to reach out to more car owners on Facebook (who could be MCF Users and non MCF users). This makes it easier to consolidate and track all your ads + share out to other groups as well! For the sharing function, if it's not working for you, please check your 'pop-up ads' blocker. Thank you!
  18. If you are observant enough, you should have seen the appearance of a new tab in MCF. We have long realised the need for a section for members to sell their extra car items, and that the Garage Sale folders are inadequate to handle the high volume of ads. We have thus come up with sgCarstore, the new only niche classifieds set up for members to place up their extra car items for sale. The Garage Sale folders will be closed on 10-Mar, so be sure to quickly repost all your items for sale into sgCarstore. Visit sgCarStore now. Meanwhile, you can use this thread to point out any errors, or give any feedback for sgCarstore.
  19. Anyone know where got sell Car lube 5w30 engine oil. Few years back selling at NTUC and Giant. Now where got sell? Please advise
  20. Hi all, I am thinking to buy a new car, as for my current car, I am not sure whether to trade in or sell by my own, the easiet way will be trade in to the car agent, but this agent beign a middle man/lady, will earn few $K from me (eg., 2nd dealer quote him $30K, they will come back and tell me only $28K, and they pocket $2K). Selling by my own, then I do not know any good and reputated 2nd car dealer. Any suggestion from you? Thank you.
  21. Hi I've found a direct buyer who wants to purchase my car. He's a friend's friend. However I told him to give me abit of time to settle the purchase of my car by end March. Once I shortlist the car I'm buying from a dealer, what would be the fastest way to complete both end of the transactions? Should i settle the loan with my bank first?
  22. not sell you insurance .... but sell YOUR insurance policy ... heard the ad on radio this morning ... any idea how this works ?? http://www.conservationcapital.com.sg/
  23. Fishy

    Rent out or sell

    I have a condo that I just collected the keys and I also have a fully paid HDB. I always wanted to keep the HDB but my Wife wants to move to the condo and rent out the HDB. We are both working. A Property Agent once told me it’s better to sell the HDB as I can unlock more investment potential and choices with the sales proceeds. Further there is accrued interest on the HDB that might turn my sales into a negative sales in the Long run. Need some expert advices. Keep or sell?
  24. Hey bros, If can, how to do it ah? Please kindly advice!
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