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Found 16 results

  1. durian season is here, does anyone has any recommendation on reliable durian store.....
  2. To all the dog lovers, please share info with SOSD if you know the owner shown in the video who abandon their dog. TIA
  3. Most expensive matchmaker ever. Search is on for boyfriend for Feng Tianwei The search for a boyfriend has begun for Olympic bronze medallist Feng Tianwei (above). He must be Singaporean and someone who can speak Mandarin. It would also be better if he is supportive of Feng in her table tennis career. That means he must be willing to tolerate the likelihood that she may be travelling most of the time. The task has been entrusted to Acting Minister for Community Development, Youth and Sports Chan Chun Sing, revealed Singapore Table Tennis Association president Lee Bee Wah yesterday afternoon. Link
  4. Anyone knows how to search a location by just keying in the Latitude and Longitude . I never used this method before, any bros know how to do it?
  5. Hi, Anyone who sees this license plate number SFP2575P (Sliver Honda CRV) please contact me at [email protected] or 91172701. The driver might be suffering from stroke or heart attack in the vehicle. Last known location was Jurong Pioneer Area. Thanks.
  6. Dec 21, 2009 China firms try to lure talent home Companies hold job fair here to get China-born professionals to return By Rachael Chang THE battle for talent has come to Singapore, with 18 China companies teaming up to hold a first-ever job fair here to lure China-born professionals to return home to work. Among them were heavy-hitters such as the Bank of Shanghai and the Shanghai Stock Exchange, offering 117 high-level positions that pay up to $250,000 a year plus perks, including housing allowance. The jobs offered by the companies from Shanghai were in fields such as risk assessment and wealth management. Many required at least a master's degree. About 1,000 people were at Suntec City recently for the fair, which was the third stop by the companies in their global search for talent. Their previous stops were New York and Toronto, both of which have large numbers of China-born professionals. Applications for the jobs close at the end of next month. According to Jobs DB, which organised the fair, 50 per cent of those who attended the Singapore fair were locals. Many of these, however, went away disappointed. As Singaporean Sean Tan, 43, an IT professional who was at the fair, said: 'The companies' strategy is to take back their own people.' One telling sign he cited was that every company he approached had registration forms asking how many years an applicant had been living outside China. Another was that job seekers were asked by recruiters if they were 'native' Mandarin speakers. Mr Tan applied for positions as an IT officer and a chief information officer. 'But I don't think they will make an offer to me,' he said. He was drawn especially by the perks. For instance, the chief information officer job at the Bank of Shanghai offered a housing allowance of about $2,500 a month, and a daily allowance of $49. These allowances were on top of the basic pay of $10,000 to $12,000 a month, said Mr Tan, a senior IT manager whose work takes him to China almost every month. Singapore human resource companies interviewed said that in the eyes of China companies, Singaporeans have the edge over others because they are bilingual and well-travelled. They also make a better 'cultural fit' than Westerners, said Mr Dhirendra Shantilal, senior vice-president of Asia-Pacific for Kelly Services, a job search company. Another factor is their honesty, said managing director Paul Heng of Next Career Consulting. Singaporeans are sought for jobs involving money - such as a financial controller post - because 'money is safer in their hands', he added. For Beijing-born Zhang Yan, the job fair was a golden opportunity to suss out career opportunities which he said he could not find here. The 28-year-old business consultant has been in Singapore for seven years and has a doctorate in engineering from Nanyang Technological University. His reason for wanting to go home: 'Shanghai is rising in the world. The economic balance is changing to mainland China.'
  7. Posted on 06 Jan 2010 Mum of missing China girl carries 'sandwich board' posters in search of daughter Madam Zhang, mother of missing China national Han Yanfei, was seen walking around Singapore yesterday (Jan 5) with two giant posters of her daughter. After learning from the police that the corpse at Bukit Panjang Park is not her daughter's, she is filled with renewed hope that her daughter is alive. According to The New Paper, Madam Zhang says that she will continue walking around with the posters until her daughter is found. Yesterday, she took the train from Boon Keng to City Hall, walking through the cabins to create more awareness. She alighted at City Hall, moved through the shopping centres, and went on to Little India. STOMPer JiaYou, who saw Madam Zhang at City Hall, says: "It was really heart-wrenching, to see her walking around with these giant 'missing person' posters. Her eyes were all puffy and she looked so sad. "I have a daughter too, and I can't imagine how I would deal with it if she went missing. I think she's really strong. "I really hope she finds her daughter soon. My fingers are crossed."
  8. Looking for V5 MPV owners...Need ur kind feedback as personal interest....Tot of getting weekend plate for family..
  9. Just like to share .................. A boat docked in a tiny Goan village. A tourist from Mumbai complimented the Goan fisherman on the quality of his fish and asked how long it took him to catch them. 'Not very long,' answered the fisherman. 'But then, why didn't you stay out longer and catch more?' asked the Mumbaite. The Goan fisherman explained that his small catch was sufficient to meet his needs and those of his family. The Mumbaite asked, 'But what do you do with the rest of your time?' 'I sleep late, fish a little, play with my children, and take a siesta with my wife. In the evenings, I go into the village to see my friends, play guitar, sing a few songs... I have a full life.' The Mumbaite interrupted, 'I have an MBA from IIM-A, BE from DCE, PMP from PMI, CQM from ASQ, CSM from Agile, Investment Adviser cert at NASD etc. and I can help you! You should start by fishing longer every day. You can then sell the extra fish you catch. With the extra revenue, you can buy a bigger boat.' 'And after that?' asked the Goan. 'With the extra money the larger boat will bring, you can buy a second one and a third one and so on until you have an entire fleet of trawlers. Instead of selling your fish to a middle man, you can then negotiate directly with the processing plants and maybe even open your own plant. You can then leave this little village and move to Panjim, or even Mumbai. From there you can direct your huge new enterprise.' 'How long would that take?' asked the Goan. 'Twenty, perhaps twenty-five years,' replied the Mumbaite. 'And after that?' 'Afterwards? Well my Friend, That's when it gets really interesting,' chuckled the Mumbaite, 'When your business gets really big, you can start selling stocks and make millions!' 'Millions? Really? And after that?' asked the Goan.. 'After that you'll be able to retire, live in a tiny village near the coast, sleep late, play with your children, catch a few fish, take a siesta with your wife and spend your evenings doing what you like with your buddies.' 'With all due respect sir, but that's exactly what I am doing now. So what's the point wasting 25 years?' asked the Goan. And the moral of the story is? Know where you're going in life. You may already be there. Life in the present world is indeed a rat race. Many who have qualifications from reputed universities too do not know where they are going in life.
  10. Hihi, What is the difference if you renew your motor insurance thru a broker OR ask for quote direct from insurance company OR thru a bank? Which the latter usually got freebies (eg. petrol voucher, car grooming....etc) So far now only DBS offers $80 petrol voucher for Driveshield and underwrite by MSIG. Any feedback on this ins. comp? I remember last year when I renew my old car insurance, got $80 petrol voucher and a car grooming session, and one month later sold my old car, got pro-rated refund from MSIG, they didn't ask me to pay back the freebies
  11. I'm considering a MPV and need help from you guys. I'm looking at a wide range like KIA Carens, Opel Zafira, Citroen C4 Grand Picasso and VW Touran. Price range quite similar except for Carens. All 7-seater vehicles. My requirement is big boot space (even when 7 seats are used up), many hidden compartments (great for storing things), good power for pickup and overtake, good braking effect (not spongy type where you need a while to stop the vehicle), lastly the practical FC. Please advise your opinions on all above 4 cars. Cheers!
  12. MSK was first reported last week whilst escaping with short, bare body and last seen at Malcom Road area....... Today ST head line reported that he was wearing T shirt with pants....... . Also report in CNA : SINGAPORE: Police have released pictures of what Jemaah Islamiyah leader, Mas Selamat Kastari, might have been wearing when he escaped from the Whitley Detention Centre on Wednesday. Mas Selamat had with him the prescribed attire of the detention centre
  13. My friends met with a RTA just this morning 0300 plus @ the cross junction of Jurong West St 64 & Jurong West Ave 4. Driver is my 13 years buddy and the 2 passengers are his colleague. A and B Colleague A rented a room in my buddy's house and colleague B who I met only 5-6 times during gaming sessions. Between 2 colleagues I know colleague A better. Because my buddy and colleague B stay near each other, my buddy would send him back before going back home with colleague A. My buddy was traveling at 70-80km/h. There is no point for him to lie to me. I travel that stretch of road quite often because I stay near there too. There are very little cars at that hour. He saw 2 cars traveling at the opposite lane but couldn't tell the speed they were travelling at as it was dark. Moreover, even if those 2 cars were to turn right, crossing my buddy's way, they ought to signal and slow down. Not thinking much my buddy went ahead crossing the junction while green light was on without thinking too much. But the next thing he know, he heard a loud bang at his side and his car went into a spin. The car came to a stop only upon hitting the traffic light post. He and colleague A, who was sitting infront, was conscious all along. My buddy started to call out to colleague A asking if he is alright. Then he called out for colleague B but with no reply. 2 passer-by saw the accident and quickly run to my friend's aids. They helped open the front passenger's door and colleague A stumble out and saw colleague B lying face down on a grass patch 4-5m away from the car. HE WAS FLUNG OUT OF THE CAR WHEN IT WAS SPINNING. Apparently he didn't had his seat belt on. I believe the left back passenger's door flew opened due to the impact from the right. According to colleague A, colleague B was sleeping and was sitting just behind him. My buddy suffered fractured wrist and hairline crack in the palvis area. He need to be warded to for further tests. Colleague A suffered from back and shoulder injuries and was discharged this morning 0630. Colleague B now is still in ICU. He suffered head injuries. His face and back of his head is smashed. Bleeding profusely and according to the doctor if the bleeding still cannot be stopped, he might NOT be able to make it. My buddy's 6 months old car is totalled. Because his right leg was trapped due to the impact from the right and SCDF cut open his door. Been a ex-firefighter I know the degree of the wreckage. This is not the thing that pisses me off. According to the 2 passer-by, they saw 2 cars, one black and one red, racing each other. Both made the right turn and the black car made contact with my buddy's car. But the red car stopped at a distance but sped off soon after. They dun know if the red car made contact. I believe someone from the black car was sent to the same hospital because colleague A saw 3 ambulance coming to the scene and one of them sent colleague B 1st. Then colleague A and my buddy were in the same ambulance. The third he was not sure. But the black car did not speed off. I'm urging witnesses to step forward and provide the car number if u managed to note down any speeding red car at that area. Most probably the red car sped towards Jurong West St 64 at 0300-0310hrs 23.06.07. I know the chances is very slim to get any witnesses at that hour but I got to try whatever I can to hunt this bugger down. Its a threat to anyone of us driving on the road. Knowing someone hit and run, and it could be the driver driving the car next to you. Please contact any nearest Police Station to provide more information. Thank you.
  14. I have found the following 2 websites very useful. You can see what are the recommended wheel and tyres for ur ride. Based on model and make. You can even view the chosen rim with ur ride! However besides this 2 sites I lost one more site that i think is red and black theme then after selecting the rim...the recommended tyre size will appear on the left hand side. Anyone knows which site? is not tirerack.com. http://www.tirerack.com/wheels/wtpack.jsp http://www.1010tires.com/wheels.asp
  15. Hi guys, Any idea where i can purchase cheap and durable stickers to stick my baby EP80. Tot of giving a good look for my EP80? Rgds, Maw
  16. That stands for Engine Oil Licensing and Certification System. It is by API and it is a list that shows the oils that meet their API Starburst. http://eolcs.api.org/DisplayServiceCategories.asp Interestingly, Caltex Singapore shows up in the SL category and they actually make Delo 400 and Delo Gold SAE30 oil. Dunno if we can get our hands on it. Delphi Automotive Systems of Singapore blends the Delphi oil. Good news to Vit4WD. He can press for cheaper oil because it is local. Among the names that came up is Carrefour! Yes, Total Lubrifants makes Carrefour 5W30 and 5W50 oil. Check it out. An interesting look into who markets and blends the oil.
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