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  1. Hi All , Any know more info like pros and cons, price etc....about the Sprint Booster for Swift & Wish ??? Please enlighten.....thanks
  2. Hey people, am relatively new here. Looking for your advice and opinions on the sprint booster and its suitability for the 2007 camry 2.0 litre. I think its a great device as the camry's body is pretty heavy. What do you guys think? and who are the best guys to do the installation? Thanks a ton
  3. Great classic alfa for sale! Any comments from Alfatis?
  4. does anyone have these for sale? 97464917
  5. As the AT technology becomes maturer and maturer, make's paper declares AT 0~100km sprint very close MT, drivers' skill plays a important role if MT wins over AT is MT going to extinct?
  6. Sun Nov 04, 2007 Show Highlights: Fastest Timing for the year 2007 - sprint/supersprint Ultimate Sound Challenge - will be judged by Ms Sabrina Cravero, Qualified European Mobile Media Association (EMMA) judge from , and Encik Wahyu from . The AUTOStyling Challenge - See just how far these fanatics will go to fully customize their ride in the finals of this competition. http://mptmotor.com/07_event_sprint_rd4.html MPT SPRINT / SUPERSPRINT 2007 - Round 4 Organised by: MPT Motor Trading EVENT DATES & VENUE Round 4, Nov 4, 2007 National Stadium Car Park 'F' From 0900hrs to 1900hrs (Sunday) THE SPRINT/SUPERSPRINT It is your final chance to catch the sprint races in this finals episode this year. Who will win the Fastest Timing of the Year 2007? Its for you to witness! Also, see the all new MITSUBISHI EVO 10 LIVE PERFORMANCES as they launch down the race track right before your eyes! And even the final round for the AUTOStyling Challenge, Ultimate Sound Challenge and the Race Queen Search Finals! You can get to see all these high impactful event absoulutely FREE at the MPT Sprint/Supersprint Finals! The Sprint Sprint event enable drivers to compete alongside with its competitors on 201M (1/8 miles) straight line challenge. The SuperSprint An additional figure-of-8 course into the Sprint. Drivers will race side by side with two vehicles at a go at each round. Shortest timing wins. Entries open to all SMSA member only. EVENT HIGHLIGHTS The Autostyling Challenge Series 2007 - Finals A total of more than 20 cool looking cars will be competing in the finals round of the AUTOStyling Challenge. Will it be the ferocious 350Z, the effulgent Supra or the dazzling EVOs? Its all happening on 4th November. The Ultimate Sound Challenge Series 2007 - Finals A dignified event requries dignified officals. The Ultimate Sound Challenge Finals will be judged by professional representative from Europe. A guaranteed Top Qualify competition! The Race Queen Search 2007 - Semi Finals & Finals After months of battling, these girls are all ready to compete for the crown for this year's Miss Race Queen. See them as they perform how beauty and brains could combine in the highest esteem. Commercial Area Need some advice for a more smoother and safety rides? Here's your chance to meet the experts exhibiting in the commercial area. Local garage tuners will provide you with some secrets in handling your vehicle. Thinking of changing car? Be sure to grab some great deals too.
  7. Click Here For Details! I might be going down and looksy looksy..
  8. Hi guys, was thinking of installing this in my ride. Read ard tht it's a signal amplifier and it improves engine 's responsiveness but if it's such a good upgrade why didn't the manufacturer install it in the first plc? Are there any drawbacks on this option? Thks guys :)
  9. extra program on the coming Sunday ... Sept 16 2007 http://www.mptmotor.com/07_event_sprint_rd3.html For more information, http://www.mptmotor.com
  10. Hello All Expertise...... Heard alot good feedback for Sprint Booster.....how about the Power Pass ??? Which one is better ??? SB selling @ $380 and PP @ $220
  11. Is it possible to use sprint booster on rides installed with unichip?
  12. Wah..got the approval from CO to go see the event...1st time see...very shiok man!..some photos to share..
  13. Hi Guys, Ever heard of Sprint booster? Its a flat piece of adapter to be plug into the connector behind the accelerator... I was "poisoned" when I went over to S****tronic to enquire on my air filter; bought the sprint booster and install... here's my first feel: Mine's an auto and the pick-up is super slow; there's a very "feel-able" lag when you step on the pedal; thus am no longer as confident as in the past where i had my previous ride when i need to cut in or filter out. After installation; paying the $$; still not very convinced till I go out into main road where i can throttle normally... whoom... My car now respond almost immediately !!!! The launch and the response is so much faster now Think the cost is worth it; for the kick in moving off... and the confidence it inspires...
  14. Anybody using the product Please comment???
  15. enjoy http://forums.clubsnap.com/showthread.php?t=281715
  16. whaha any GTi owner interested to participate???? 200m drag event.... wahaha..... GTi still stand a chance to outrun the bigger boys.... lol whahaha....anyone keen?????
  17. I was at Kallang carpark on Sunday..taking photos of "Racequeens" and Drag sprinters... Here are the photos... http://www.xxxxxxx.com/articles/article.p...pageid=1&view=1 Let me know if your car is in there and i'll send u the big ones..haha Cheers!
  18. Next motoring event... http://www.whatshappening.sg/events/index....detail&eID=2238
  19. Just thinking maybe we can organize one sat nite we got PG for a fun n no harm nite sprint.... totally for the sake of fun... if got a few numbers interested maybe we can go down together 1 nite...
  20. I'm thinking of this lately. I think by Nov, most of the Chevy owners have passed the 10k so their engines should be pretty much run-in. I'm thinking of a Sat night foray up their. Start our own Chevy sprint nite. I know it can be unexciting because it is just a straight sprint. But consider this: 1. You don't grind your tires to bits. 2. It's just a straight sprint so it is safer for the uninitiated. We can have our own line-up. 1.5L MT SOHC Aveo vs 1.4L MT DOHC Aveo 1.5L AT SOHC Aveo vs 1.4L AT DOHC Aveo 1.5L AT SOHC Aveo vs 1.5L MT SOHC Aveo 1.4L AT DOHC Aveo vs 1.4L MT DOHC Aveo 1.6L AT DOHC Optra vs 1.6L MT DOHC Optra I will try to hook up with the Starlet kakis. Big convoy of hatches and notches.
  21. Sorry no pics. In the dark and even with spotlights, prosumer digcams are quite useless. Arrived there at 10+ and the races are already going on. RM10 per person to enter. To park within the pitstop area garages requires another RM20 but the plus point is after signing some indemnity form and stamp on your arm you can participate as driver or co-driver if you feel like it! . You will be given a participation tag. A nice thing about parking in there is that you can keep an eye on your car at all times. There is loud blaring hip hop music from the speakers. Makes you feel like you are in NFS: Underground . Lots of SG cars there. Some are decked out decals. Many fierce machines. A Skyline, some WRX, numerous loud exhaust Satrias and the infamous blue powerful Wiralution which nobody wants to race with. There is this RX7 there. Very fast. The amazing car in the NA category is the Swift GTI. It could keep up with FI cars ! We watched the races from the pit crew barrier. Lots of burned rubber smell and smoke. There is some fair play and friends paired up for each race. Usually FI cars together and NA cars together. I was co-driver for 3 races and then I popped into my little car for a single race. Of course I lost. . Never revved her beyond 5k. It was fun. The last sprint was at 1:15am. We adjourned to return but the return trip was very eventful. A car suffered a coolant system leak from a burst flexihose and the same car hit some rock or something which caused a tire blow out. Car was relatively unharmed, no accident but there was a delay as we scrambled to get it underway with a spare tire.
  22. i saw jacelyn tay driving a CLK320 2 days ago and it spurred me to check out the specs of the merc - surprisingly it does the century sprint faster than the T4 despite the specs CLK320 - weighs 1920kg, 218 HP 310Nm : 0-100 7.4 secs T4 - weighs 1255kg, 200 HP 300Nm : 0-100 8.0 secs what gives?
  23. Calling all Alfa Romeo affecionados/fans/owners! Any stories to tell about this model???
  24. back in e days, there used to be sprints down nicholl hi-way...( too bad e hi-way is in a mess now ) any of u fellas did it before?
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