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  1. i thought it has to be defused by the specialized bomb team of the police? regardless of public or private places?
  2. Vid

    Should I migrate?

    This election has brought many many thoughts. My wife was telling me a couple of days ago if we should migrate and it really set me thinking... Here are the points why we are consdering. 1) Healthcare is too expensive. I want to be able to fall sick and not fear of becoming a heavy burden to my children. Really "can die but cannot fall sick". 2) Housing is too expensive. Although we have our own house, I fear my children will not be able to afford. A new 4 rm flat can easily cost more than $300k. By the time my children grow up, it's probably $900k 3) FTs have infiltrated our society. Left right centre all flanked by them. And there is no let up on the numbers still on the way. I feel really "squeezed" whenever I out on the streets. I no longer feel at home and that feeling is growing stronger and stronger. 4) Gahmen are still courting for more FTs. How can my children have a future here? 5) Gahmen goes overseas, like China, and give those so called FTs all expense paid trip here. With free education all the way until university. If my children can't get into local university, I have to send them overseas anyway. 6) My children will have to serve NS. I do not want them to hold the rifle while the FTs come here to enjoy the peace and snatch their jobs, their houses and their opportunities. Seriously, I used to think NS will be good for them and hope they will develop into a better person. However, with Singapore going the way it is, that thought vanished. I will vote on 7 May. Hopefully, I can see a change in the near future. If not, should I uproot my family and move somewhere else?
  3. Get some advice from bros here. My relative recently suffering from short term memory loss. But not severe. Eg. Go for an event yesterday. Today if you ask him, will say that he never go. But if you describe to him the event and ask him whether did he go, he will then remember that he went. He is the one who realise that he has this problem. And wants to go see doctor voluntarily. This kind of situation should see what doctor? Age is about 55.
  4. Car due for servicing 110k, driving stock latio sports, intend to use Amsoil EO, should i use 5W30 or 5W40 ? Any advice?
  5. Latest post to this saga: click here http://www.mycarforum.com/topic/2695472-singapore-should-plan-for-population-of-10m/page-22?do=findComment&comment=5613410 http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singap...tal/827992.html what are your views? considering the previous hoohaa about the population white paper.
  6. Aliens are on their way here!! What should we do? Do we just give up and surrender to aliens or do we fight them? Any ideas?
  7. May interest some runners. https://www.runnersworld.com/heart-rate/normal-resting-heart-rate?utm_content=2017-11-30&utm_campaign=Rundown&utm_source=runnersworld.com&utm_medium=newsletter&smartcode=YN_0025954157_0001645938&sha1hashlower=b34acbbb488cc17027bbba911594dd01a6509a6f&md5hash=05b203cb4debf674b893ce980c0c7fa8
  8. Hi all, Thesedays, my aircon sometimes blow out warm air when engine is idling, but it will be ok when the car is moving. I suspect that the condenser fan is not running well. My question is, how often does this fan cuts-in and run? When I first on my air-con (while car is stationary), I realise that this fan doesn't run. Then it suddenly comes alive (together with another fan (radiator fan?) next to it) maybe 5 minutes later. Then after running for like 3 minutes, it will stop again....and won't come back on again until like 10 minutes later. How to check if this fan is performing as it should?
  9. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-wales-48253398 This would never work here? Right? Anyone have a link to that photo of the guy walking to start his NS with his maid following on behind him carrying all his kit.
  10. Hello all, My current ride is a Mitsubishi attrage which is bought in Aug 2015 when cat A COE is $57,500 It is paid in full. So far, the car works well for A to B travel. Will it be a good time now to scrap the car to take advantage of the current lower COE? Currently looking at the Nissan Note or looking at another attrage again. Any suggestions? Thank you, Sthh
  11. A woman in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) who was seriously injured in a car crash in 1991 has finally woken up from a 27-year-long coma. Munira Abdulla, then 32, had just picked up her 4-year-old son Omar from school when the car they were in collided with a school bus, reported local daily the National on Monday (Apr 22). While Omar was unharmed, Ms Abdulla, who had tried to protect her son from the impact, was left unconscious with a serious brain injury. Last year, Ms Abdulla, now 60, regained consciousness in a hospital room in Germany. “I never gave up on her because I always had a feeling that one day she will wake up,” said her 32-year-old son Omar Webair in an interview with the National. Ms Abdulla, who was taken to a local hospital after the accident, was later transferred to one in London where doctors diagnosed her to be in a minimally conscious state. She was then returned to the UAE where she was transferred several times due to insurance constraints. In 2017, Ms Abdulla was finally taken to a German hospital after the Crown Prince Court heard the family's story and gave them a grant. There, Ms Abdulla underwent surgery to treat her weakened limb muscles as well as physical therapy. Last June, Ms Abdulla was seen stirring in her bed when an argument broke out in her hospital room. “She was making strange sounds and I kept calling the doctors to examine her,” Mr Webair told the National. “They said everything was normal. “Then, three days later, I woke up to the sound of someone calling my name. “It was her. She was calling my name. I was flying with joy. For years I have dreamt of this moment, and my name was the first word she said.” Ms Abdulla is now receiving treatment in Abu Dhabi, where she is able to communicate “in a very reasonable manner”, said the hospital. “I shared her story to tell people not to lose hope on their loved ones,” Mr Webair said. “Don’t consider them dead when they are in such a state. “All those years, the doctors told me she was a hopeless case and that there was no point of the treatment I was seeking for her, but whenever in doubt I put myself in her place and did whatever I could to improve her condition.” Read more at https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/world/uae-woman-wakes-up-from-27-year-coma-after-car-crash-report-11472950 Miracle story to kick start this morning. In Singapore, this may not even be remotely possible no thanks to expensive healthcare bills. How comprehensive or rather how limited is our life insurance for coma patients? How many of us can afford to keep our loved ones alive for so long, with or without hopes of them even waking up? Then there are other deciding factors... What are the moral implications to deciding when to pull the plug for a coma patient whom is showing minimal signs of consciousness, on life support etc? Who is going to decide quality of life vs quantity of life? When is the right time to pull the plug? Is there ever a right time? Do insurance companies put pressure on hospitals or even doctors? This is a miracle case. It has given hope to families out there to keep the faith and not give up on their loved ones. But food for thought, how many of us would have been able to do the same? At 60 years old, she still has many good years to catch up on lost time with her family.
  12. For discussion. In many countries in Europe it's already banned. At least it should not be legal to post videos freely on social media, except for traffic accident legal proceedings. But here, everyday we see so many nonsense videos posted on social media, number plates, faces and all, for the most trivial stuff. Shaming each other, CSI and turning people's life upside down, making them jobless etc etc, has become like an entertainment for so many in SG. Like they say, sinkie pwn sinkie, can sleep well tonight! Austria Status: Banned Using a dash cam in Austria is illegal, full-stop. First-time offenders will be slapped with a whopping €10,000 fine, with repeat offenders fined €25,000. In fact, it’s not even legal to own a dash cam. Be sure to leave yours behind if you’re planning to head there on your trip. Belgium Status: Legal, with conditions Belgium is a lot more relaxed than Austria on the issue. You can both own and use one, but only for ‘private use’. What that means to drivers is that if you’re involved in an incident you’ll need to inform all other parties before submitting the footage as evidence. France Status: Legal, with conditions French dash cam laws are largely similar to those in the UK, in that there are rules on where dash cams can be placed within the vehicle: it cannot obstruct the driver’s view. Like its smaller neighbour Belgium, France also restricts dash cams to ‘private use’ – in this case, that means that you can’t upload the footage to the internet. If you record any evidence, make sure that it goes directly to the police. Germany Status: Legal, with conditions Germany may be famed for its delimited ‘autobahn’ that lets motorists largely speed at will, but it has still seen fit to place some restrictions on dash cam usage. Like France and the UK, it must be placed so as not to obstruct the driver’s view. In compliance with the country’s strict privacy laws, any footage shared publicly must have faces and number plates obscured (in fact, ideally they should not be recorded at all). Luxembourg Status: Banned Head south from Belgium, and the rules don’t change all that much. While at least owning a dash cam is allowed in Luxembourg, using one is still totally illegal. Make sure it stays in the glovebox for the duration of your time there. Norway Status: Legal, with conditions Norway is probably the mainland European nation with rules most similar to the UK’s. Its only regulation on dash cams is that it’s installed out of the way of the driver’s view. Portugal Status: Banned It may be totally legal to use a dash cam on your drive through Spain to get there, but once you arrive in Portugal it is neither legal to own nor use a dash cam, so leave yours at home if you’ll be driving there. Switzerland Status: Legal, but heavily conditional Saving the most complex for last, dash cam usage is a very muddy area in Switzerland. While they’re legal in theory, it’s all but impossible to get any use out of them while still obeying strict Swiss data protection laws. For a start, they can never just be used for entertainment or documenting a journey – there has to be a legal purpose to recording. Then they must conform to the Swiss ‘principal of transparency’: it needs to be obvious that those being recorded are being recorded. As dash cams are discreet by nature, and other drivers are usually only aware of their existence after an accident occurs, that’s a box likely to remain unticked.
  13. I was at a service outlet ( not to be mentioned ) and while leisurely sipping my coffee, the mechanic walks to a man beside me and told him he should perform engine flush because his mileage is time for him to do engine flushing. So the man asked for the price of engine flushing and then verbally agree to let the mechanic proceed with the additional work done. Before I can finish my coffee, the mechanic walks back to the man again. He then mentioned that the spark plug not so good. He suggest change all since doing engine flushing. The man ask for the price again. The man realise it is a bit expensive so he is a little rejecting the offer. The mechanic immediately assure the man not to worry as he will ask the shop boss for discount. Came back shortly and say the management agree to give discount on the spark plugs for $xx amount. Hearing that there is discounted price, the man agrees again. OK I don't wish to stereotype people out here, but the car is just beside you, you should stand up, demand to see the condition of the spark plug, judge for yourself if it is rightful to change. However all this while, that man's butt was stuck to the seat. He never took a blink of an eye to look at his car, nor ask for more detail opinion. He readily accepts. Engine flushing, whether it is legit or snake oil, you should also judge. But looking at the man's reaction from the proposal, he seems to be nullified of his knowledge of cars, even basic servicing. He would listen to what the mechanics says. His only concern is price. That is no way you should even offer your car to a service outlet or workshop to take your hard earned money. Sometimes ignorant is bliss. But when comes to ignorance of basic car care, it is blitz.
  14. Should cyclists be banned/fined on the road given that the Park Connector is just beside the road? So many millions have been spent on Park Connectors to bring safety to cyclists and yet some still cycle on the road.
  15. For your reading pleasure http://www.moneysmart.sg/money-talks/thing...ld-stop-saying/ 4 Things Rich People Should Stop Saying By Ryan Ong in Featured Post, Money Talks | May 10, 2013 11 Comments I have nothing against rich people. Hell, I
  16. Bus lanes should be abolished from 5pm to 8pm. Reasons 1) It jammed up the other lanes as we are forced to drive with one fewer lane. 2) The bus lanes are under utilized by buses anyway. Or at least allow some other vehicles like vans carrying goods or trucks to drive on bus lanes. 3) Due to different work nature and conditions now, there are people who finish work at 1pm to 4pm. There are also many people who ends work late: 8pm to midnight so bus lanes from 5pm to 8pm is kind of redundant now.
  17. Hi, am earning around 30k per annual, but if i am interested in getting a credit card, what do you guys suggest? Basically i think it should have low/no annual fee andi feel like giving money to the bank.. Of cos it should have gd rates and more privledges. but i am not those that go for club and drinking though Feel free to post ur opinions
  18. I think honda edix's 3 passenger front row is and all cars should be built in the same way as it. what do u guys think?
  19. do you have one? where to buy? roughly what price?
  20. Found the following info. Guess it is more meant for temperate countries rather than the tropics but still quite a good reference/guide ... Engine Oil In most cars, you just need to pop up your hood, find the oil dipstick, pull it out, and wipe it down. Repeat that again and you'll have your oil level. If it's in the safe level, continue on your merry way. If it's not, you need to add more. Depending on the age of the car, you may or may not need to add oil pretty often. If your car burns through a lot of oil, it's worth going to a mechanic. How often to check it: It was once recommended that you check your oil every time you fill up with gas, but with most modern cars you're safe checking it once a month. How often to replace it: This depends on the car, manufacturer, and year. The "3,000 miles or every six months" saying doesn't really apply any more. Instead, check your owner's manual for the manufacturer's recommendations for changing your engine oil. Transmission Fluid Your transmission fluid is what keeps the gears on your car moving smoothly. You can check your transmission fluid the same way as your engine oil, except the car should be running when you do it. Unlike your engine oil, transmission fluid is part of a closed system, so it should never be low. If it is, take it into a mechanic. Instead of volume, you're looking at the quality of the fluid. The fluid should be red and not smell burned. If the fluid is brown or smells burnt, it's time to replace it. How often to check it: Monthly. How often to replace it: This varies from car to car and depends on transmission type, but it's typically between every 50,000-100,000 miles Coolant As the name implies, coolant, aka antifreeze, keeps your car running cool. If you ever run low on coolant, your car's probably going to overheat. The coolant is inside you radiator and you can typically check it by simply removing the radiator cap when the car is cool (never check it when it's hot or your car is running) and looking inside. Once you remove the cap you should see a line the coolant should come up to. If it's low, you can add more, but make sure you add the same type of coolant currently in the car. How often to check it: At least twice yearly: once before summer and again before winter But it's easy enough to glance at whenever you pop open your hood. How often to replace it: Every 2-3 years. Brake Fluid Just like your transmission, your brake fluid is part of a closed system so you shouldn't ever be low on it. That said, it's still worth checking to make sure it's clean. Brake fluid keeps your brakes working properly, so if they ever feel a little off, checking your brake fluid is usually the first step. You can do this by checking the brake fluid reservoir on the driver side of your car. You can usually check the level just by looking at the outside of the container. The fluid should be a golden color. If it's brown, it's time to replace it. How often to check it: When you change your oil. How often to replace it: Every 2 years Power Steering Fluid Your power steering fluid helps keeps your steering smooth and easy. When the power steering fluid starts to get low, you might feel a "creaking" in the steering wheel or hear some weird sounds. To check it, all you need to do is pop the hood and find the reservoir. Usually you can check it visually by looking at the reservoir. Power steering fluid doesn't usually drop too much, so if it's low, it's worth taking your car into a mechanic or looking for a leak. How often to check it: Once a month. How often to replace it: Between 50,000 miles and never. Typically speaking, most car manuals recommend keeping the power steering fluid levels topped off, but you'll rarely need to flush and replace it. Double check your owner's manual to make sure you can ignore yours
  21. I have been experiencing a loud Wong Wong sound when I'm driving at 60-70. Sound goes away after 70 and will come on at 100-120 and after 120,it will be silent. I don't think it is a bearing issue as my car is not shaking or vibrating. I heard that a bearing sound is more of a grinding sound instead of Wong Wong. I'm riding on michellin ps3 that has done about 30-40k with about 40% threads left. My car will be scrapping in 2017 July so will not want to spend so much on new tires. If I need to change tyres, can you guys advise me a reliable and not too expensive set? Thanks in advance!
  22. For example Golf is 176 torque with 112 bhp. But the pickup seems faster than a stock civic which have higher bhp and torque
  23. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VmvoU9cRzn4 This is really one great invention that will greatly improve our everyday lives
  24. asking on behalf of the 2000+ people who got cold feet after seeing coe chiong 5 & 7k respectively. YES PLS TOP UP!!!! as i have just bought a new car, i feel good if coe chiong alot. thank you for ur contributions to Nation building.
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