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  1. Saw this on fb. Shin Min Daily News 新明日报 · Follow Today at 18:06 · 【早现场】大士垃圾焚化厂发生爆炸 酿一死二伤 【早现场】大士垃圾焚化厂今天下午约2时传出起火爆炸,据悉有一人丧命,两人受伤送院,目前伤势未明。 记者收到消息后赶往大士,带大家直击爆炸案现场。 https://www.facebook.com/shinmindailynewsxinmingribao/?__cft__[0]=AZXbFkJpycne6YvLu2e8rtVsB6usT4XCpyTxcu2edEmF3G80hY7egvsOAmNyfpy5DL1m-D2O0lDgyLp6hPg22K3HgrIcTgmbT90Tfg5OHx6e0Mn50NnyD7VwIIRv7-1RBqTF8d9rP7YwFA34qofz5LoMRe8xL_1oFVPJFCmRMwQ3shK4QphYpJGfkPAyx-3HbqI&__tn__=kC-R I thought this is not the first case? Or is it the old case?
  2. I chanced upon this site and they have some TECH stuff that can save some money. Sharing w the guys here or even ladies also. cheers! https://www.techconnect.com/article/3144990/hardware/cyber-monday-deals-tech-bargains-that-truly-save-serious-money.html?idg_eid=b74b6b2f5e851201e29510e8b251bede&email_SHA1_lc=&cid=tcon_nlt_techconnect_daily_2017-12-05
  3. dun play play i think the technology that these cheaters use are more high tech than mission impossible
  4. Two Brits dead after car plunges 1,000ft off Austrian mountain road during organised rally http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/two-brits-dead-after-car-6130423 The 22-year-old driver and his 25-year-old passenger lost control of their Seat Leon before ploughing through a safety barrier in the Alps They were taking part in an organised rally between the Belgian capital Brussels and Hungary’s capital Budapest that started on July 18. Police estimate that they were travelling at speeds of up to 120mph before the accident at around 7.45am today. Specialist crash investigators are ­examining the scene of the accident for clues as to what happened. At its highest point the road, named as one of the most stunning driving experiences in the world, is 8,215ft above sea level and runs across the base of the Grossglockner, Austria’s highest mountain. Although the mountain is a scenic route famed for its spectacular views, it also attracts motorists from all over Europe who are keen to try out the challenging curves and sweeping bends in the road.
  5. Hi folks, I need some advice here and I'm not sure does it really helps in my decision making but still wana give a shot and try. For some reason I inherited a sum of 45k. Tat makes me very excited and first thing that came into my mind is to change to a brand new car. Logically I shld not as I am not rich and this $$ though not a lot but will comes in handy and one day might save my arse if my housing repayment fail if for some reason if me or my wife loses our job. I mean anything can happen. But becos my believe is that if a person got too much to worry about or think about he will never enjoy life as there are too much restrictions in life for life is so short. 1) Shld I just dump all of this 45k on a brand new car and enjoy the luxury of owning a brand new car or shld I restrict myself and keep it for raining days? 2) my thinking was that becos of the ruling, we are force to pay 50% and a 5 to 6 yrs loan, tat means if I reAlly need cash badly, if I sold away the car, I shld lose 50% of my down payment (at least) I won't ended up owe the bank money right? 3) is it the right time to get a car now cos a lot of them days wait till CNY. A little background info of me: Currently driving a stream and if I sold away my car I can take back approx 20k so add on to my current 45k is enough for the new ride. Appreciate your advice on this Thks
  6. In Singapore we complaint or quarrel over parking lot. In KL, you can get stabbed for it. https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=535925549875129
  7. Injuries suffered by victims of road traffic accidents are becoming increasingly serious, according to figures from two Singapore hospitals. Tan Tock Seng Hospital (TTSH) and Khoo Teck Puat Hospital (KTPH) point to an increasing number of grievously injured trauma patients. They cited speeding, drink driving and more heavy vehicles as possible causes. At TTSH, the number of badly injured road users has gone up by about 40 per cent. In 2008, 129 road users - drivers, motorcyclists, pedestrians and cyclists - had injury severity scores above 16. Last year, there were 178 such patients. Source: http://www.straitstimes.com/breaking-news/...erious-20130528
  8. Happened at noon today... Shared from a friend. Not too sure what happened to the driver...heard that there's someone inside the portable toilet...lucky never fly inside the tentage (should be for 7th month praying) if not more jialat...
  9. it was juz few cars length from me. i saw the TP coming fast and furious from behind, speeding down in between lane with the siren on, i saw a car in front switching lane from 1 to 2 in split seconds, i know at that time, BIG STICK liao. zhu zhu, the TP biker cannot react at that split moment, in that half second, my heart was pounding and i saw the TP biker forcefully biang onto the back of the lane switching car until he flew. wa lao a, that car driver jia lat liao, he had just made a king of the road kissed his butt. that moment was really terrible. all the cars around halted for awhile and dont know what to do. i quickly stopped my car and went straight to the TP. "ah bang ah bang, relax, come come i put you to lay down on your back". he was crunching with his 2 elbows and 2 kneels on the ground with mourning pain. wah, can really feel his pain man. i think his left hand is badly hurt. i took out my mobile phone and start calling the 999. "wei police, there is a serious accident now on PIE towards the tuas before exit 12, a TP biker is involved and he is seriously injured. please send an ambulance here immediately"!!! i went back to attend to the victim after i hang up the call. i tried to comfort him. i saw blood on his face, i worry that his head maybe be bleeding inside the helmet. so i offered to remove his helmet so i could check for wound and stop the bleed in case is bleeding. i think my in-car video could have captured it. can check video only tonight. drive safe guys.
  10. The traffic jam on TPE starting from Punggol Exit toward Changi Airport lasted from about 1.30 pm till now (5.20 pm). From the MSCP at Blk 185, Rivervale Crescent (Just Opp Punnggol Mee Toh School), I could see the Msg flashed on the EMAS Msg Board that there is a traffic accident near Lor Halus. At least 4 or 5 ambulances were seen going to the accident area around 2.00 pm. Looking out from my house's window, I can see the jam on TPE (after Punggol exit) is still on now. It appears to me that the accident is quite serious? Anybody has any news?
  11. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=594510...e=2&theater 1 ntuc truck, 2 cars, and 1 SBS bus the white car is totally flattened
  12. my Opel combo 2007 1.3 Auto when idling has vibrations. when i accelerate abover 2k rpm, the vibrations is very serious and the worst is the loud grinding noise. but once i reach desired speeds and releases the trottle, the vibrations and sound subsides. is this a clutch or engine mounting problem?
  13. Happens along grange road towards holland road.No pictures taken as I was at the opposite lane.His bumper and debris was on my side.If I'm not wrong,the engine was off the car.A person was lying down on the side of the road.Not very sure if it's the driver or a cyclist coz I tot I saw a bicycle on the roadside. 7070 was the number.
  14. hi guys, just want to check if anyone of you know of any MSCP with power socket points not locked and usable? TIA
  15. Saw this marketing message by Opel. Quite catchy. Is the Astra a better buy compared to the Golf? http://www.sgcarmart.com/new_cars/newcars_...e.php?Make=Opel
  16. Hey peeps just to warn you guys about the U-turn at Lornie Road towards AMK/Bishan/Toa Payoh/Upper Thomson. Yesterday I almost got into an accident and I'm sure there were a few others who shared the same sentiments. At around 6.30pm, I was happily travelling at 80-90 km/h on lane 2 along this route and suddenly a lorry emerged from the U-turn. The manner in which he did the U-turn was slow and it took up 3 lanes altogether! And all these happened for at least 5 seconds. The Merc on lane 1 which was travelling around the same speed had to come to virtually a stop as well as a few others, including me. I could smell the rubber being burnt and I'm very sure some vehicles applied emergency brakes to avoid collision with this lorry. To the lorry driver, please don't be so inconsiderate. Do not think that by getting a Bangladesh to stick out his hand out of your lorry we must all stop for you. To the rest, please be warned along the stretch of Lornie Road near this U-turn.
  17. Hi everyone, I need some advice for an accident with a taxi. This afternoon while driving, I was behind a taxi at the traffic light waiting for the (green turn-left arrow). The taxi is the 1st car and I'm the second. Ok, now the green turn-left arrow came out and the taxi moves so did I. Suddenly a pedestrian ran out of the road which causes the taxi to jam brake. Now, my reaction wasn't fast enough to jam brake also to avoid a collision as Im not spiderman. So my front bumper hit onto the taxi rear which causes a dent in both our cars. The taxi driver said he will claim my insurance. But now the thing is what solutions do I have for now ? (this is my first accident so some help from bros and sis here will be much appreciated) Thank thank
  18. Hi, just a gentle reminder from our friendly neighbourhood mata : From ST Forum: http://www.straitstimes.com/premium/forum-...police-20121025 Using cellphone while driving is a serious offence: Police Published on Oct 25, 2012 Drivers who use mobile phones while driving face a fine of up to $1,000 or imprisonment of up to six months, or both. -- ST PHOTO ILLUSTRATION THE use of a mobile phone while driving is very dangerous and irresponsible ("Why confiscate traffic offender's cellphone?" by Mr David Leong; Oct 6). Drivers who commit additional traffic offences concurrently, such as speeding or reckless driving, will be prosecuted in court. The offence of using a mobile phone while driving is punishable with a fine of up to $1,000 or imprisonment of up to six months, or both. Repeat offenders face a harsher punishment of a fine of up to $2,000 or imprisonment of up to 12 months, or both. In addition, they may face disqualification from driving and forfeiture of their mobile phones. While the mobile phone has to be seized as evidence for investigations, the phone's SIM card may be returned to the driver. For cases where a composition may be offered, drivers can make arrangements to collect their mobile phones from the Traffic Police Department once the composition fines have been paid and 12 demerit points awarded. Driving while using the mobile phone is dangerous not only to the drivers, but also to other road users. Be responsible and do not use your mobile phone while driving. A driver who wishes to use the phone should ask his passenger to make or receive calls on his behalf. If travelling alone, drivers are advised to stop at the nearest carpark to make calls. Those who use hands-free kits should try to keep the conversation short. Fong Weng Kiong Assistant Director, Media Relations (Covering) Public Affairs Department Singapore Police Force
  19. We all know that Singapore is NOT a friendly place for cycling. The roads are neither forgiving nor condusive for the serious cyclist - between traffic, congestion and bullying drivers there's not many places for cycling of this nature. The solution would be to have some form (or a couple of) dedicated cycling tracks for the serious cyclist - to keep them safe and to provide a way for them to pursue their passion without annoying others. However, where and how should this happen? What are the conditions? Any thoughts? What I would imagine is needed - A dedicated, smooth cycle track without junctions or lights, it should provide around 10 km uninterrupted run, with a "return loop" (*i.e 10 km each way) would think that one standard road lane width (2.3m) is wide enough. Any other conditions? Do you know of anywhere we could build such a facility? The only other condition - it should have ample and accessible parking nearby.
  20. Apparently the engine fuel injection may have over exceed the fuel volume injected but fail to cut out resulting in engine over run . The out of balance rotating force may have caused one of the con-rod to crash against the engine block crankcase.
  21. A resident of Hougang living at Hougang Ave 7, has filed an affidavit with the High Court today (2 Mar), mandating Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong to call for a by-election for Hougang SMC. The former Workers
  22. Geezz, so we voted in 5 oppo members for fun? And from what I have witnessed, these 5 credible MPs have done a helluva job together with their NCMP counterparts, raising various bread and butter issues in the 1st Parliament. In particular, Chen Show Mao's speech in Chinese was both refreshing and very meaningful when he described oppo members today were like a loyal subject giving good advice to a emperor but unfortunately he was not appreciated and mocked at instead by the MIWs. Similarly Sylvia's plea to link our economic success to happiness was also scorned at by many ruling party folks including our new MND minister. If this is the new norm in Parliament then I feel sorry for the ruling party because they are still very confrontational with no stomach for alternative views. The PM better wake up his idea and not deem these honorable oppo MPs & NCMPs as trouble-makers. They are there for a reason and that voters are sick and tired of having the ruling party having the last word on EVERYTHING. How I wish 2016 can be around the corner... From CNA: http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/sin...1162543/1/.html Parliament's for "serious discussion, not just criticism" By Joanne Chan in Perth | Posted: 30 October 2011 1840 hrs PERTH, AUSTRALIA: Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong has said that Parliament is a place for serious discussion and not just criticism. Mr Lee added that Parliament is not just a place to hold either the government or opposition to account. Instead both sides should participate in solving problems together, or Singapore would be worse off for it. He was speaking to the Singapore media at the end of the three-day Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in Perth on Sunday. Earlier this month, Singapore's Parliament sat for the first time since the May General Election, and members shared their thoughts on the measures needed for the country to prosper. Mr Lee said that while the opposition had put a lot of effort into their parliamentary speeches, it remains to be seen if they will participate in helping to solve problems. "This is not just a show, it's not just theatre. This (Parliament) is a place where we are discussing very serious business and where we have to make very difficult choices for Singaporeans on behalf of our voters," he said. "And I think as government, it's our responsibility to speak the truth to Singaporeans and I think it's the opposition's responsibility also to acknowledge the truth and to speak it, whether or not it's politically advantageous to them," added Mr Lee. On Singapore's economy, Mr Lee said that there are dark clouds on the horizon, referring to the latest report from the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS). The MAS report said that Singapore's economic growth will stall over the next few quarters before seeing a modest recovery late next year because the long-term structural problems in Europe will not disappear soon. Prime Minister Lee added that Singapore is also facing slowing growth because the economy is more mature. "For a developed economy, 3, 4% (growth) is not bad. Of course, we've been used to 5,6,7 (percent), or even more in the past, but it's a different phase. When you're an adolescent, you grow and shoot up inches every year. When you're mature you hope to grow, not necessarily taller but wiser and better," said Mr Lee. On the government's move to raise the minimum qualifying salaries for foreign professionals and skilled workers, Mr Lee said that the government knows it has been painful for employers. He added that accepting a lower growth rate is the price to pay for managing the population size in Singapore. Even with these challenges, Mr Lee said Singapore should not be too downbeat. He said Singapore hopes to have quality growth - improved productivity for better wages. Mr Lee also pointed out that he had met various leaders at CHOGM, all of whom expressed admiration for Singapore and said the country has done very well. Referring to his meeting with Western Australia's Premier Colin Barnett, Mr Lee said it is keen to develop links with Singapore. Mr Lee concluded that Singapore is "not doing badly", but can do better. On CHOGM which had focused on reforms, Mr Lee said it would not be easy to transform the Commonwealth. Calling the Commonwealth an "old boys' club" brought together by a shared history, he said members work together where they can but they also have disagreements. On the failed proposal to appoint a watchdog for human rights, Mr Lee said Singapore's support will depend very much on whether such a commissioner will be productive. The proposal for an independent commissioner on human rights, democracy and the rule of law was one of the reforms called for by an "Eminent Persons Group" that CHOGM itself commissioned two years ago to help it maintain relevancy. - CNA/ir
  23. This one involved a lorry driver and a young housewife:- She drove into a narrow 2-way city back street with cars parked on both sides (one side legal, other side illegal), after about 50m and another 10m to go before reaching the next junction, a lorry turned in from a side road towards her. No way the street can allow the lorry and her car to go pass each other without one of them reversing out of the narrow street to siam into one or two tight gaps between the parked cars. The lorry driver, stopped and refused to 'barge', housewife also quite 'chiak' and stopped and wait. He got out of the lorry, leaned against the door and lighted, puffing away while staring at her. She opened her boot, took an apple from her marketing basket and started eating. 6 minutes later, still the same. He lighted 2nd cig, dug his nose. She took out papaya and ate it. By now i finished my kopi at the road side stall and walked off, late for an appointment.
  24. You are in a somewhat senior position in middle management earning a decent but so so pay....you are increasingly jaded by all the politics and change in demands of top management....you are in charge of your department but yet often do not have full control over pertinent decision making issues as organization is big and changes need approval from higher management and various departments....would you take a 20% pay cut and apply for a internal job transfer bearing in mind that you may not succeed in the new position? However if you do well in the new position you may eventually earn more. Current job has its perks just as being free to surf mcf on normal workdays but also has risks of being taken over by newer blood that comes with more vigour and at lower costs. Please kindly advise seriously. Thank you.
  25. Geesh! This is one of the most outrageous use of a laptop....but it sure was interesting! From STOMP: MacBook Air is 'good' in kitchen too -- for cutting apple, veggies and prawn The MacBook Air can be useful for surfing the web or doing homework, but this guy has brought the notebook to another level. He is using its thin, lightweight aluminium body like a knife, to cut various food items in the kitchen! STOMPer Applefan shares these videos. The STOMPer commented: "I'm not sure what this guy is trying to prove, but this is ridiculous yet funny. "Especially when he cuts the apple: Using Apple to cut apple? "So be careful when you use the MacBook Air; you might cut yourself!"
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