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A couple days ago, an odd video popped up on my Youtube feed: Now, to be very clear, I'm not a foosball enthusiast. I don't remember the last time I played foosball (there is a table in our office, but I suspect the last time I played on it might have been at least a year ago). I'm not even much of a football fan anymore. I basically stopped watching football when i turned 20. But I clicked on it and watched anyway, and it was fascinating seeing individuals play a game in a way that's so far removed from how you'd typically see it. Yes, there's no frantic spinning of handles and frantic screams - it's calculated, tactical, and deeply, deeply 'professional'. Which got me thinking about sports more broadly. In recent times, there's been ongoing debate (controversy?) about what exactly constitutes 'sports'. The recent Olympics had the whole breakdancing issue (I think that's a sport), and there's also been ongoing debate about whether esports should be classified as a sport (It has been included in the SEA Games and Commonwealth Games, but I'm less clear about my position on this). What exactly is 'sport'? The OED presents multiple definitions of the word, but the one that likely most resonates with people is this: An activity involving physical exertion and skill, esp. (particularly in modern use) one regulated by set rules or customs in which an individual or team competes against another or others. Frequently in plural. It's worth noting the additional explanation also provided: In early use the sense of ‘sport’ as a diversion or amusement is paramount; by the 18th and 19th centuries the term was often used with reference to hunting, shooting, and fishing (see blood, field sports at the first element). The consolidation of organised sport (particularly football, rugby, cricket, and athletics) in the 19th cent. reinforced the notion of sport as physical competition. Two things stand out to me: First is the notion of physical exertion, and second is the concept of organisation. Viewed through this lens, we can understand why there are debates over what constitutes sport. It's easy to understand football, basketball, table tennis, running and etc as 'sport' - a collection of high-performing athletes competing against each other in an organised manner. However, when we cast our lens onto other games, it becomes less clear. I don't think the concept of organisation is ever in question. Even with the most 'un-sporty' "sport", there are deeply organised competitions. From League of Legends to Chess, from Darts to Drone Racing, it's impossible to deny the competitiveness of such events (and also the governing bodies behind them). Heck, Microsoft Excel World Championship and Pokemon World Championships are things that really exist. The main controversy appears to surround the notion of what constitutes an 'athlete', and whether physical exertion is absolutely fundamental to a sport. And I suppose what separates a 'game' from a 'sport'. One thing that's indisputable, regardless of your opinion on the physical/athletic nature of the activity, is the high level of skill involved. I've recently gotten into watching a lot of chess videos, and its so abundantly clear that these pros operate at a completely different level from us normies. Same is true of foosball, chase tag, or Magic the Gathering. And perhaps that's where I draw the line - it is the competitive pursuit of betterment that elevates a game to a sport. Not necessarily in everyone's eyes, but certainly in the participants. I think competition is what defines sports, and I'm not convinced it necessarily requires a physical/athletic element. If we return to the OED, the first use of the word 'sport' in 1425 actually means Diversion, entertainment, fun. Frequently with modifying adjective (as good, great, etc.). Now somewhat archaic. With this broader (if admittedly archaic) definition, I think sport is perhaps better viewed in the manner of a game (the entertainment/fun part of the definition) brought to a level of competitiveness that surpasses a typical or average person. We typically tend to think of athletes as possessing a level of physical ability that far surpasses the average person. Faster, stronger, more powerful, these are effectively 'unnatural' beings. This is an instructive demonstration: But being 'unnaturally' good at something does not have to be only physical in the more traditional sense. Competition is also a mental game, and that's where the case for esports can certainly be made (beyond the hand-eye coordination required that's also true for racquet sports). The separation between an average person - even one with reasonable ability (athletic or otherwise) - and someone at the top levels of their chosen 'sport' is what's most fascinating to me. Regardless of my personal opinions about breakdancing (awesome. love it) or cricket (don't get it), I cannot and should not downplay the dedication to skill development that goes into any of these endeavours. I think anyone that's able to reach a level of 'unnatural' ability has the right to stand proudly on their top step. Famously (at least in basketball circles), Brian Scalabrine is quoted as saying "I'm closer to LeBron than you are to me" to college players challenging him. And that's also probably the reality - there's levels to everything. When most of us talk about playing 'sports', we are actually really just playing 'games'. The football/tennis/basketball we are playing are merely games compared to what the pros do, in the same way the foosball/chess that the pros do are quite far removed from the games we play. I have no catchall definition of 'sport', but I think we can and should all appreciate and value the tremendous commitment and skill that these individuals possess to elevate themselves to those top levels. Certainly a whole lot more than most of us. That's what makes them different, and what sets them apart. ~ Desmond
Car enthusiasts are an emotional bunch. So, I naturally develop feelings for things on wheels, be it four wheels or two. However, I was surprised to discover that I had become attached to my old pair of sneakers, whose soles are so worn that it hurts to wear them. That is the unequivocal signal to retire them. But I must say "Thank you" before bidding them goodbye. The laceless design is convenient, saving time when you need to rush off in the morning Through thick and thin These Adidas Ultraboost sneakers were purchased during a holiday in Taipei over six years ago. Back then, I saw them as shoes to wear on Thursdays and Fridays. The fact that they didn't have laces added to their appeal. Indeed, this was their purpose for the next two years. I wore them sparingly - no more than once a week and not when it was raining when I was about to leave the house. Then COVID came. It put an end to work trips and twice-yearly holidays - these shoes accompanied me on such occasions. But the pandemic was also a blessing, for it allowed me to reset and chase after better health. These sneakers became my workout companion. As my other pair of running shoes wore out, this pair accompanied me on numerous walks, jogs and runs. Kilometre after kilometre, they plodded along with me as I strived to improve my fitness. I went from being haggard after walking two kilometres to being able to easily walk 10 kilometres - with plenty of 'petrol' left in the tank. Walking for two hours straight is now easy. This newfound fitness continues to pay off during holidays. Of course, all this pavement pounding took its toll. Wear patterns emerged as the once-fresh soles became flatter. I washed them whenever they began to smell. They began to lose their 'bounce' as well, with the springiness lessening each month. At the same time, these sneakers continued their service as part of my casual Friday ensemble. Or, if I had to go somewhere where a lot of walking was involved, I would slip them on. When I began pursuing my 2B licence last May, these sneakers were once again called to action. They were my de facto choice of footwear for practical lessons. (I wear proper riding boots now with protective D30 inserts.) I really put these sneakers through hell. Many of my practical lessons occurred during heavy downpours, leaving them and my feet soaking wet. Still, they soldiered on. The 'tread' is worn and flat, and the soles have actually cracked Age sets in Midway through my nine-month journey (which included a two-month wait for the TP test availability, during which I kept spamming circuit reviews), I began to worry that my shoes wouldn't last till the end. I had ceased wearing them on Fridays and had bought another pair for workouts. But they still performed exercise duty from time to time. My concern then was that I did not want to alter my riding footwear. When you're a newbie, you're scared of having to get used to something else. What if your other shoes are slippery, causing you to miss a shift and even fail the test? Well, these sneakers held, and I passed my 2B licence in them. Calling them my 'lucky shoes', I promised I would throw them away right after earning my 2A licence this year. That deadline has long passed. Goodbye and thank you Now that I've written this sole-ful tribute, I am ready to bid these sneakers adieu. My rational side knows that there's no point in keeping shoes I can no longer wear, and that throwing them away frees up space for a replacement pair. But rather than parting with them with a heavy heart, I wish to send them off with a grateful and happy one. To my long-serving sneakers: Thank you for being there for me each time I needed you. Thank you for standing up to the rigours of my lifestyle. Your worn soles are a testament to how far we have travelled. Thank you for being my initial riding companion and getting me through the first riding licence. And for always being there for all other casual occasions. If shoes could tell a story, you would be a diary that chronicled my journey over the last six years. I have worn you till you wore out; it is only fair for you to retire. Life is about choices, and it's also about learning to let go to make room in your life for new experiences. Should Adidas make another pair like this one in a colour I like, I would probably buy it. It won't be the same as my old pair of sneakers, but I'd still be excited to see where they take me over the next few years.
Eric Cantona announces bid for French presidency Eric Cantona, the former Manchester United striker, has said he wants to run in this year's presidential election in France and is trying to gather the signatures needed to do so. The footballer, who would need the backing of 500 elected officials by the end of February to run, has sent a letter to French mayors describing himself as an "engaged citizen" and asking for their support. "This engagement obliges me to speak, more earnestly than usual, but also with a keen sense of my responsibility, at a time when our country faces difficult choices which will be decisive for its future," said the letter. In his letter, printed in the Liberation newspaper, Cantona denounced the limited opportunities for young people in France and social injustices which were "too numerous, too violent, too systematic", the newspaper said. Election candidates will compete in a first round in late April, with the two biggest vote-winners going through to a decisive second round in early May. Socialist candidate Francois Hollande is currently leading President Nicolas Sarkozy in the polls. Even if Cantona were able to get 500 signatures, a difficult task without the backing of a party, he would have virtually no chance of reaching the second round as an individual outsider. It is not the first time Cantona, who earned large sums as a footballer from sponsorship by brands like L'Oreal and Nike, has tried to draw public attention to social inequality. In December 2010, he called on French savers to stage a nationwide bank run by withdrawing their money from financial institutions because of their role in triggering the global financial crisis. Panned by the media as a flop, almost no one in France heeded the call. Cantona was convicted of assault and suspended from playing for four months in January 1995 after launching a "kung fu" kick on a spectator after being sent off. In a press conference later, he said only: "When the seagulls follow the trawler, it's because they think sardines will be thrown into the sea. Thank you very much."
Geography is what most people understand to be the study of where countries are. That's why not knowing where a country is on a map will result in your friends saying, "Never study geography ah?" Of course, geography is deeper and more complex than just finding countries and cities on a map. It also involves studying a country's features such as mountains, lakes and rivers, and most importantly, peoples. We won't dive into all this. Instead, we'll get into how Singapore's geography determines its climate and how this in turn influences our lifestyle. Photo: Maarten Duineveld, Unsplash Swedish observation Singapore sits just above the equator, so you might say that our two most abundant resources are the sun and its heat. Anyway, during a work trip to Sweden some years ago, a fellow journalist and I noticed many locals doing a variety of outdoor sports. From cycling to running to tennis, it seemed like everyone had an active lifestyle. "It must be the weather. The climate is so cool that even I want to pick up a tennis racquet!" he remarked. As we drove along, I remembered my geography classes in school. How citizens of a country live - this is very much influenced by its climate. Obviously, Sweden is way up in the northern hemisphere and gets plenty of snow in the winter, which explains why it's a cold country. Indeed, it was cold for the first week of October, which was when the trip took place. I recall temperatures only reaching 12 degrees during the day, dropping to around 4 degrees Celsius at night. Walking, running and cycling would certainly feel shiok in this weather. The weather lately feels desert-like. Photo: Giorgio Parravicini, Unsplash Meanwhile, in the sweltering tropics... It's only going to get hotter in Singapore. Numerous temperature and UV warnings have been issued, and the wet and cool weather we enjoyed for a prolonged period last year has long departed. We can only hope it will visit again. Life doesn't stop just because it's hot. However, it also makes exercising outdoors - and being active in general - unappealing. Combined with high humidity, it's not uncommon to hear people complain that they're already sweating after walking to the bus stop below their block. If you're from a temperate country and have never been to the tropics, you probably think I'm exaggerating. Well, come to our corner of the world and feel for yourself. So, hot weather prevents us from exercising? Of course not. Many of us are quite outdoorsy and don't even mind getting tanned (but please apply sunscreen to mitigate skin damage). But the heat tends to make us lazy. Cooler weather makes commuting more comfortable, like these folks in Tokyo. Photo: Redd F, Unsplash Nobody wants to sweat while walking 10 minutes from the office to the hawker centre. So, we'll either drive there or get a private-hire ride. Nobody enjoys sweaty commutes requiring one to walk while transferring from air-conditioned buses and trains. Yes, yes, I know. First World problems. I think this 'problem' though, is one factor that prevents us from becoming fitter. Those of us who've holidayed in Tokyo during spring or fall know that you can easily clock 20,000 steps a day when you're there, probably without breaking a sweat. It must be why everyone there looks so slim. Cooler climes make it more comfortable to do such things. Tampines MRT station is less than 2km from my house, but if I started walking to it at 9am, I hope shower facilities appear in the office by the time I arrive. With cooler weather, more people would walk and cycle as well, since the impact to one's hygiene will be minimal. If commuting becomes pleasant, we might even drive less, thereby lowering emissions and our vehicle's running costs. Photo: Peijia Lee, Unsplash Will it really improve health? The optimistic answer to this is yes, cooler weather will make us more active and therefore, fitter. According to this HealthHub article, the crude prevalence of obesity among residents aged 18-74 years old is 10.5%. This is based on a 2019/2020 National Population Health Survey. But it's too simplistic to conclude that cooler weather will change lifestyle and health trends. Does everyone become healthier/fitter during the cooler and wetter periods? Based on casual observations and conversations, we actually end up eating and drinking more when the weather is cool. Mala hotpot, already a firm favourite, becomes even more irresistible then. Whisky seems 'less heaty' as well. In general, we tend to get hungrier and thirstier the colder we feel. It's all in the mind We can't change our geography, so we can only surmise that if we had a more temperate climate, we'd be more active. I don't think we need single-digit temperatures, but if our weather ranged between 15-20 degrees Celsius on average and humidity also averaged 60% instead of over 90%, a lot would change. Training in hot weather can help improve your cardiovascular fitness. Photo: Karsten Winegeart, Unsplash But would it make us fitter? That might be wishful thinking. Beyond lifestyle and dining habits, mindsets are the most difficult to change. Someone who only insists on high-cholesterol, high-sodium and sugar-heavy foods for every meal is unlikely to change their mind, no matter the weather, or impact to his or her health. I mention food because nutrition makes up a big part of the fitness equation. While exercising regularly (even with poor dietary habits) is better than not exercising at all, we all know that the key to better health is diet + exercise. That's never been a secret. To me, that means healthier choices from Mondays to Fridays, but indulging a bit on weekends. Being more willing to sweat it out will help as well. Instead of taking cover from the heat, I've learned (or convinced myself) to use it to improve my fitness. Hot weather is here to stay. It's our geography and we must do what humans do best: Adapt and thrive. - Jeremy
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Any Running Man fans here? Was just introduced by my colleague recently and started watching. Find it quite interesting! Also, since the download is 720p, it looks really nice and clear from Samsung SIII...
- If She asked me for help, I’ll buy her a drink and walk her home with my Google map ...
Running Shoes - Are expensive running shoes a waste of money? 57 yr old Tarahumara runner ran the 100 km race with a pair of sandals made from old rubber tyres and came in first - so much for expensive high end running shoes :-) Date: Wednesday, September 29, 2010, 9:35 PM The painful truth about trainers: Are running shoes a waste of money? Thrust enhancers, roll bars, mic rochips ... the $20 billion running - shoe industry wants us to believe that the latest technologies will cushion every stride. Yet in this extract from his controversial new book, Christopher McDougall claims that injury rates for runners are actually on the rise, that everything we've been told about running shoes is wrong - and that it might even be better to go barefoot. By CHRISTOPHER McDOUGALL Last updated at 8:01 PM on 19th April 2009 Every year, anywhere from 65 to 80 per cent of all runners suffer an injury. No matter who you are, no matter how much you run, your odds of getting hurt are the same At Stanford University , California , two sales representatives from Nike were watching the athletics team practise. Part of their job was to gather feedback from the company's sponsored runners about which shoes they preferred. Unfortunately, it was proving difficult that day as the runners all seemed to prefer... nothing.
@jerminator, @lala81, @ender, @sadan, @kdash, @easyrider, @theoldjaffa, @Dleodleo, @davidtch, @kobayashigt, @silangkia OK guys, since this is a stand alone event, I am setting up this thread to share and organize start/end runs. we will have a start of event run on 5 Dec 2017 and a closing event run in Feb 2018 before CNY (detail we decide later for closing run). Our start of event run will be Date: 5 Dec 2017 (Tues) Time: 7pm Location: Punggol waterway park 10 Tebing lane, Singapore 828849 (meet outside Popeyes) Due to the confusion of our last run here, we shall not cross any bridges this time (unless you know the place well). We shall all gather at the start point and start the run together, distance to complete is OTOT. So set your own distance and turn back towards the starting point when you have completed 50% of your intended run, on the same route. Otherwise set a 15 min alarm and turn back after a 15 min run, you sld come back to the starting point between 30-35min. This is for the slower runners like myself, for the faster runners, OTOT. I will try to include more grp runs within the 10 weeks for the grp, meanwhile if anyone in the grp would like to call for any grp runs at any location within the 10 weeks, pls go ahead and do so in this thread. In addition, anyone who is not interested in joining the challenge, but would like to join us for an isolation run, or would like to meet up with us for a drink after the run, you are all most welcome. Those coming for the opening run, pls list your name below. 1) Tianmo
Hi runners out there... any one also kena plantar fasciitis? I kena on right foot, it got better, then now left foot kena.. see specialist, physio therapist, sinseh etc still as bad.. Now i can only keep doing calves stretch to relieve the pain. the thing is i dont even run a lot.. i always warm up properly.. mileage is like 5km per run, once to thrice (rarely) a week... Any solution?
Inspirational, especially for runners.
Hi all. would like to knw what are pros and con of running in my car to Melaka?? most likely I would drive within the speed limits. no hard revs.etc ur opinion is much appreciated.. TIA.
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@ender, @lala81, @easyrider, @davidtch, @silangkia, @tohto, @credor, @theoldjaffa, @RCTP, @dleodleo, @kdash, @sturtles, @Sadan, @bancoe, @adrianli, @roadrunner2029, @mason016 ( if I miss out any regulars, some one pls add in for me). Ok guys, as mentioned earlier, running MU 19 June, 老地方! Date: 19 June 2018(Tues) Time: 7pm Location: Punggol waterway park 10 Tebing lane, Singapore 828849 (meet outside Popeyes) This place this timing, I think no have to waste any time explain anymore right? This is an Open MU run, all are welcome. Gatecrash not welcome tho. Those coming for the run, pls list your name below. 1) Tianmo
Sent car for regular servicing. Took a cab to collect my vehicle. Smooth and comfortable ride. I peeked at the odometer and saw it is 400,000 + KM. Taxi uncle shared with me that the vehicle will run fine if: 1. Stick to the servicing schedule, for cabs, they have to send car for servicing at least once a month. 2. Immediately repair or replace faulty or dying parts. "Mai tu liao". The longer you drag, the more related parts it will damage. I thanked him for his advice. Any truth to what he said?
LATEST RUN FOR BEER MEETUPS! 10th Oct 2017 - Timing, 7PM Starting Point - Singapore Indoor Stadium's Brewerkz Ending Point - Marina East (You can u-turn as and when you like) Total Distance about 5.1KM Park at the open space outside Kallang Leisure Park. After the run, we can do one dinner at Old Kallang Airport Hawker. What do you all say? - KobayashiGT
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Found the following info. Guess it is more meant for temperate countries rather than the tropics but still quite a good reference/guide ... Engine Oil In most cars, you just need to pop up your hood, find the oil dipstick, pull it out, and wipe it down. Repeat that again and you'll have your oil level. If it's in the safe level, continue on your merry way. If it's not, you need to add more. Depending on the age of the car, you may or may not need to add oil pretty often. If your car burns through a lot of oil, it's worth going to a mechanic. How often to check it: It was once recommended that you check your oil every time you fill up with gas, but with most modern cars you're safe checking it once a month. How often to replace it: This depends on the car, manufacturer, and year. The "3,000 miles or every six months" saying doesn't really apply any more. Instead, check your owner's manual for the manufacturer's recommendations for changing your engine oil. Transmission Fluid Your transmission fluid is what keeps the gears on your car moving smoothly. You can check your transmission fluid the same way as your engine oil, except the car should be running when you do it. Unlike your engine oil, transmission fluid is part of a closed system, so it should never be low. If it is, take it into a mechanic. Instead of volume, you're looking at the quality of the fluid. The fluid should be red and not smell burned. If the fluid is brown or smells burnt, it's time to replace it. How often to check it: Monthly. How often to replace it: This varies from car to car and depends on transmission type, but it's typically between every 50,000-100,000 miles Coolant As the name implies, coolant, aka antifreeze, keeps your car running cool. If you ever run low on coolant, your car's probably going to overheat. The coolant is inside you radiator and you can typically check it by simply removing the radiator cap when the car is cool (never check it when it's hot or your car is running) and looking inside. Once you remove the cap you should see a line the coolant should come up to. If it's low, you can add more, but make sure you add the same type of coolant currently in the car. How often to check it: At least twice yearly: once before summer and again before winter But it's easy enough to glance at whenever you pop open your hood. How often to replace it: Every 2-3 years. Brake Fluid Just like your transmission, your brake fluid is part of a closed system so you shouldn't ever be low on it. That said, it's still worth checking to make sure it's clean. Brake fluid keeps your brakes working properly, so if they ever feel a little off, checking your brake fluid is usually the first step. You can do this by checking the brake fluid reservoir on the driver side of your car. You can usually check the level just by looking at the outside of the container. The fluid should be a golden color. If it's brown, it's time to replace it. How often to check it: When you change your oil. How often to replace it: Every 2 years Power Steering Fluid Your power steering fluid helps keeps your steering smooth and easy. When the power steering fluid starts to get low, you might feel a "creaking" in the steering wheel or hear some weird sounds. To check it, all you need to do is pop the hood and find the reservoir. Usually you can check it visually by looking at the reservoir. Power steering fluid doesn't usually drop too much, so if it's low, it's worth taking your car into a mechanic or looking for a leak. How often to check it: Once a month. How often to replace it: Between 50,000 miles and never. Typically speaking, most car manuals recommend keeping the power steering fluid levels topped off, but you'll rarely need to flush and replace it. Double check your owner's manual to make sure you can ignore yours
would like to hear review and feedback on GPS running watch for brudders whom are using here. Garmin, suunto, polar, nike etc? for myself mainly is for running to use it as a personal pacer to see my min/km and distance I am looking at Suunto Ambit 2S but not in SG yet, dunno when will arrive thus want to keep an open mind at others brand
Hello, I am researching the benefits of running a large radio campaign and I am wondering if anyone here has prior radio advertising experience? My goal is not at all branding, but rather direct sales. I would be directing the radio listeners to my website. So I am wondering how the ROI of radio ads compares to web ads? Does anyone have knowledge of how to purchase and setup a large radio campaign? I went through many resources and checked Advertising Campaign Examples but,I haven't found a clear source for rates and to purchase ads. Any advice? Any help will be appreciated. Thank you.
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Hi All, Just need to check if the following scenario is normal (coz i never encounter this for my past 2 cars): After turning off the engine of my car, I walked out and hear a fan running.....then i opened my bonnet and the fan seems be from the radiator (the bigger one, if i m not wrong...coz carpark quite dark)! I tried to turn on the engine again n turn it off......but the fan is still running. I only managed to stop it after stepping on the accelator a few times. Is this normal?? or is there something wrong with my A5??
Hi, I have a few occassions when the fan kept running after I had shut down the engine. The first time it happened, I just turned on the engine for 1 min to shift my car. When I shut it down, I can see the fan turning. I turn on and off the engine again and it was gone. The 2nd time happened when I was using the car battery (engine not on) to vacuum. After I shut everything down, the fan remained. After about 5 mins, it went off. The 3rd time happened when I shut down the engine and turned it on again after 2mins. I drove it for about 100m before shutting down. The fan remained and I had to restart the engine and shut down again. Anyone had similar experience? Is this normal? My MK6 Jetta is the non-sport version.
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Any good running shoes to recommend? is those minimalist running shoes good on running on granite stone track? I have a reebok but the side of the shoes, poked by my toes, now punctured a hole...less than 1 yr, so lousy thin material.
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- anyone got the full article? going digital liow. dun play play~!