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Found 17 results

  1. Roughly how much for a decent lifestyle excluding overseas travel? 3,000RM per couple? 5,000RM per couple? For views, thanks.
  2. IChange! https://www.ibv.com.sg/ichange in short local currency exchange startup fr a couple of money exchange fellas to battle the likes of youtrip ringgit today was $3.51 use my referral to get $5 Hey, I am using iChange for money exchange an...
  3. Let's start the ball rolling. Come share your latest rates and place for money changers. Someone even said on HWZ forum on creating a UOB savings account to withdraw ringgit in Malaysia on even better rates with no extra charges at all. No TCSS or off-topic here. Arcade - 257 AMK Hub - 256
  4. TL;DR – A video uploaded on SGRV shows a Malaysian traffic enforcer casually strolling along the long queue of cars at the JB checkpoint and collecting what looks like money from cars travelling on the motorcycle lane. Now, that's easy money! We all like to take shortcuts now and then. I'm guil...
  5. Difficult for T2 in bolehland liao...lol https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2019/11/08/cutting-down-on-illicit-activity
  6. Quick! Go grab! Najib is getting rid of his money https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NSySGKBuJ9s
  7. Any one here started to pair Ringgit to USD Looks like a possible money to be made.
  8. 5k ringgit salary not enough in Malaysia? I thot there cost of living is lower. Im sorry if i posted this coz non Singaporean news :p
  9. My friend wanted to change 200K+ worth of ringgit for his father medical fees. He dont feel comfortable bring in so much cash (dont think anyone would carry so much cash around even in SG), so, he intended changing ringgit at the bank and ask the bank to issue a cheque so that he could pass to his m...
  10. I have some ringgit to sell off... exchange it and suppose to use it for something but call off... i do not need it so much therefore i will sell off.. today i think the rate is around 245-246 per 100 sin dollar... i am willing to exchange at better rate for you... 1-999 sin dollar the rat...
  11. dear all, I would like to ask if the second series msian ringitt is still considered legal tender in msia. if not, can i exhacnage them for the current series? tks...
  12. Anyone knows what is the best way to convert Malaysian Ringgit to S$ and bring into Spore. The amt is about S$100K. Tks.
  13. Hi bros, would anyone know if it is possible to open a ringgit account? Am thinking of retiring in Malaysia next time, so thought should do some planning now. Thanks in advance.
  14. Besides Change Alley, any good place to shop for competitive rates for Malaysian Ringgit? Thank you.
  15. KUALA LUMPUR - MALAYSIA'S finance minister will decide after a briefing on Monday if the ringgit will be re-pegged, to reduce the impact of the weakening US dollar on the currency, a top minister said on Sunday. Second Finance Minister Nor Mohamed Yakcop said the issue will be raised at a brie...
  16. You guys have sign up for it ?
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