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  1. Hi All, I am a newbie here and intend to purchase a used car which was sent for STA evaluation. The overall grading was B, made with following remarks: 1. VEHICLE TRANSMISSION HOUSING SIGN OF STAINS 2. VEHICLE DRIVESHAFT GREASE SIGN OF STAINS 3. VEHICLE REAR BRAKE DISCS SIGN OF WORN 4. VEHICLE FRONT PANEL SIGN OF TOUCH UP 5. VEHICLE FRONT WINDSCREEN 70% 6. VEHICLE FRONT WINDOW 73% 7. VEHICLE REAR WINDSCREEN 49% 8. VEHICLE REAR WINDOW 57% Should I be worried about the above comments? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  2. The authorities are always watching what we post here..... http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/sin...1211003/1/.html SINGAPORE: Police on Sunday announced that it had arrested two 17-year-olds for posting racist remarks online. In a statement, police said the remarks could lead to ill-will and hostility between the different races in Singapore. The arrests came after authorities received reports on Wednesday that racist remarks were being posted on Facebook and Twitter. The suspects, both boys, were nabbed over the next two days. A person convicted under the Sedition Act could be fined up to S$5,000 and jailed up to 3 years. Police said the right to free speech does not extend to making remarks that incite racial and religious conflict. The public should also refrain from re-posting and adding on to comments that may inflame the situation. The commander of Bedok Police Division, Deputy Assistant Commissioner of Police How Kwang Hwee, said: "The Internet may be a convenient medium to express one's views but members of the public should bear in mind that they are no less accountable for their actions online." "Police take a very stern view of acts that could threaten the social harmony in Singapore." - CNA/wm
  3. Zheng hoo lang poh mata liao http://news.asiaone.com/news/singapore/facebook-user-draws-flak-posting-disparaging-remarks-about-filipinos?page=0%2C0 Facebook user draws flak for posting disparaging remarks about Filipinos Wednesday, October 9, 2013 - 00:00Chai Hung Yin The New Paper SINGAPORE - She described Filipinos as "poor", "smelly from cleaning toilets" and "uneducated". She also mocked Miss Philippines Megan Young, 23, for winning the Miss World 2013 in Bali on Sept 28. Using the name Devina DeDiva, her racial slurs, posted on her Facebook social networking timeline, invoked the ire of netizens and prompted one Singaporean to lodge a police report. Ms Devina had posted: "Miss Philippines is Miss World? What a joke! I did not know those maids have anything else in them Ha Ha Ha." The post attracted 20 likes and 468 shares within a day. It was not clear when she posted the status update as the latest search for the Facebook account turned up a message that said the page was unavailable. It is likely the page was removed. But outraged netizens were able to capture screenshots of the post and its comments before the account was deleted. Others have tried to establish Ms Devina's identity. She was initially thought to be an Indian national, but was later said to be a Singaporean Indian. She is said to be a student at SIM University and also works as a laboratory analyst. Her LinkedIn networking website account is believed to have also been deleted. The screenshots have been re-posted on other websites with scathing responses to her post. Many defended Filipinos. Someone named Manoj Sharma posted: "Filipino girls r cute, humble and honest as far as I know. I am glad to have great friends from the Philippines." But that invited a reply from Ms Devina, who posted: "They r poor, smelly from cleaning toilets & uneducated." When another netizen hinted that she is ignorant, she replied: "Ignorant? Get ur vocab checked dude majority r maids & 1 won such a title! It's shocking & dumb!" Photo Gallery: Racial slurs against Miss World winner Megan Young Click on thumbnail to view photos. Source: AFP / Reuters / Internet 'Student' When contacted by The New Paper, SIM University confirmed that it has a student going by the name cited by netizens. Its spokesman said: "We are doing our due diligence to establish the facts of the case. If ascertained that our code of conduct for students has been violated, we will take appropriate disciplinary actions." International media has reported that Ms Devina has lost her job following her postings, quoting "a reliable source". The International Business Times, an online publication headquartered in the United States, reported that she was "fired from her position as an assistant teacher of a school being run by Filipino superiors". She is believed to have created another Facebook account and continued her rants there. The police confirmed that a police report was made and they are looking into the matter. A Singaporean, who wanted to be known as Mr Anthony, confirmed that he had made the police report on Thursday at about 1pm. The 27-year-old civil servant told The New Paper: "I'm concerned with the comments made by this person, especially when racial harmony is threatened and I see this being spread online. "Racial harmony is very important and these kind of comments should not be tolerated." He said that he first read about the posts on a forum. He then logged into his Facebook account and saw screenshots of the comments that have been re-posted. He said: "I want to inform the police that there's such a thing and for them to find out, if there's any offence committed."
  4. A police report has been lodged against her. Ms Lai is currently pursuing a diploma in Radiotherapy at Nanyang Polytechnic. Though she has removed the tweet, it has been widely circulated on social media, prompting one angry Singaporean to lodge a complaint to her polytechnic and to the police. Police report lodged against NYP student Lai Shimun for posting racist remarks on Twitter
  5. What did this fella post actually? From CNA: http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/sin...1166078/1/.html Young PAP member quits over offensive remarks on Facebook By Esther Ng, TODAY | Posted: 17 November 2011 2111 hrs SINGAPORE: A Young People's Action Party (YP) member who posted "insensitive" remarks - in his own words - on his Facebook page has resigned, following an online furore. Mr Jason Neo has also issued an apology on his Facebook page. He had posted a religiously and racially offensive caption to a photograph which he uploaded onto the social networking website. The posting went viral recently. In Mr Neo's apology, he said the post was out of a "moment's folly" and did not, in any way, represent the view of the PAP or the YP. He said: "I hereby offer those within our Muslim community and anyone else offended my most sincere and unreserved apology." Mr Neo, a volunteer at Meet-the-People sessions in Sembawang who joined YP in June, had posted the offensive caption and photo sometime in February. Mr Neo's action was condemned by YP leaders, including YP chairman Teo Ser Luck who wrote on his Facebook page: "We will have to take action. Such acts must be condemned." In a statement on YP's Facebook page on Thursday, its vice-chairman Zaqy Mohamad reiterated: "YP's and PAP's position is clear. Racism has no place in Singapore, and certainly not in the ranks of the PAP. The party has always upheld the core values of meritocracy and multiracialism. As a minority and from a race and belief targeted in the post, I found it very offensive, and I am certainly disappointed that it came from one of our activists." Mr Zaqy stressed that the YP executive committee regularly updates members on its informal guidelines - online or otherwise. "One of the fundamental prohibitions is that the party does not condone malicious racist remarks," Mr Zaqy said. In light of this episode, "more regular reminders" will be made to YP members, he added. Nevertheless, the incident raises question marks on the screening process carried out by political parties on potential members. Veteran PAP Member of Parliament Charles Chong told TODAY that it would be "difficult" to vet those joining YP or PAP. "They may profess to have the same ideology as the party and have a clean record, but even with psychometric tests, there is a small possibility of mistakes or missteps," said Mr Chong. On his Facebook posting, Mr Zaqy acknowledged that questions were raised about membership in the YP as a result of the incident. He said: "They would have demonstrated a certain level of interest and commitment towards the Party before they would be referred by a trusted comrade for membership." Speaking to Today, Mr Zaqy added that typically, potential members are "judged by how they perform or act as volunteers first before they are brought into the party". -CNA/ac
  6. Temasek Review A netizen Abdul Malek was arrested by the police yesterday purportedly for posting anti-YOG remarks on Facebook. Malek wrote on Facebook that he was questioned by the police from Bedok Police Division on the charge of
  7. http://news.asiaone.com/News/AsiaOne%2BNew...207-120077.html Priest expelled over remarks Sat, Feb 07, 2009 AFP ROME, ITALY - An ultra-conservative Roman Catholic society that has come under fire over a member's denial of the Holocaust said on Friday it had expelled another priest who cast doubt on Nazi gas chambers. The decision by the Italian chapter of the Priestly Society of Saint Pius X to cut ties with Floriano Abrahamowicz came a week after the priest criticised the Vatican and said gas chambers were used for 'disinfecting.' 'For some time Don Floriano Abrahamowicz has expressed positions different that those of the Fraternity Saint Pius X,' the group said in a statement. 'The decision to expel him, as painful as it is, has become necessary to avoid a further deterioration of the image of the fraternity and so that its work on behalf of the church is not hurt,' it said. In an interview published last week, Mr Abrahamowicz told the daily La Tribuna di Treviso: 'I know that gas chambers existed at least for disinfecting but I can't say whether they caused deaths because I haven't explored the question in depth.' Abrahamowicz, who was responsible for the society's activities in northeastern Italy, also denounced the 1960s Vatican II reforms as 'worse than heresy.' His remarks came amid a spiraling diplomatic row over Pope Benedict XVI's decision to rescind the excommunication of Richard Williamson, a British-born bishop and fellow Saint Pius member. Following the outcry, the Vatican said on Wednesday Mr Williamson must 'unequivocally and publicly' change his views before he can be admitted to office in the Roman Catholic Church Personally I think, the priest personal believe that there was no gas chamber has nothing to do with religion yet he was expelled from the organisation.
  8. May 21, 2008 Blogger arrested for posting racist online content He claims that he wrote it only for friends and will apologise online A LOCAL blogger who ranted about a commuter's behaviour on an MRT train was arrested on Tuesday night. Police said the 24-year-old Chinese man was taken from his home at Paya Lebar Way at about 9.45 pm for 'posting contents in his blog which may wound the racial feelings of another person'. A computer, believed to be used to post the suspect's blog, was seized for investigations, which are ongoing. The case came to the attention of police on May 19 when they received two reports complaining of the alleged posts by the suspect. According to a report in The New Paper on Wednesday, the blog was apparently sparked off by the suspect seeing a man of an another race sitting on the floor of an MRT train. The blogger, an undergraduate, allegedly wrote: 'There he sat, unaffected by his surroundings, smelling like he didn't showered (sic) in years and wore some really scary dirty clothes...' He went on to make other offensive comments about that racial group in his tirade, drawing flak from local netizens, who called him a racist. One net-user wrote: 'Stupidity has nothing to do with race at all. Just look to that blogger for proof that stupidity transcends all races.' Added another: 'Some things, once said, cannot be retraced. Don't even make such stupid remarks in the first place.' Under Section 298 of the Penal Code, Chapter 224, anyone with deliberate intention of wounding the religious or racial feelings of any person, causes any matter however represented to be seen or heard by that person, can be jailed up to three years, or fine, or both, if convicted. Deputy Commander of Central Police Div HQ, Superintendent Lee Ping Yue, in a statement late on Tuesday, said that police take a serious view of such irresponsible blog postings in a multi-racial society like Singapore and 'will expend all efforts in tracking the perpetrators'. Interviewed by TNP earlier on Tuesday before his arrest, the blogger said he was sorry for what he had written and would be more mindful of what he says in his blog in future. He said he was shocked by the furore over his blog entry, which he said was only intended for his close friends. He added that he was surprised that the entry, which was written two months ago, started circulating only days ago. 'I am a very expressive person - my style of writing is over the top. I write this way to make my entries more punchy and exciting,' he told TNP. He denied being a racist and maintained that he did not harbour any ill will towards the racial group he wrote about. But he let on that he was in a particularly bad mood the day he wrote the blog entry. 'I meant what I wrote in a different way. If people read it in another way, there is nothing much I can do,' he said, adding that he planned to put up an online apology for his comments. He has removed the post and password-protected his blog, which was featured on blog aggregator Tomorrow.sg, and linked to several popular online forums. http://www.straitstimes.com/Latest%2BNews/...ory_239545.html told u all liaoz.. careful when u tok abt monks.
  9. Lawmaker booted after remark 22/04/2008 12:02 - (SA) StevenK Paulson Denver - A state legislator in Colorado known for kicking a photographer was ordered to leave the podium during a legislative session after referring to Mexican workers as "illiterate peasants". Republican state Rep Douglas Bruce, who has a history of provoking controversy, made the comment during debate on Monday on a bill that would allow the state to help immigrant workers get temporary federal visas. The measure is intended to ease a shortage of farm workers in the state. "I would like to have the opportunity to state at the microphone why I don't think we need 5 000 more illiterate peasants in Colorado," Bruce said. His outburst drew an audible gasp from the House. "How dare you," said state Rep Kathleen Curry, a Democrat who was serving as chairperson during the debate. She told the Republican lawmaker he was no longer recognised to speak. House Minority Leader Mike May, head of the Republican caucus, said legislative leaders were trying to determine what action to take against Bruce. Rep Terrance Carroll, a Democrat, said the remark could result in a formal ethics complaint that would require a hearing and possible suspension, censure or expulsion. Bruce later defended his remarks. "I looked up 'illiterate' in the dictionary and it means somebody who is lacking in formal education or is unable to read and write," he said. "I don't think these people who are planning to come over here and pick potatoes or peaches are likely to have much of a formal education. I looked up the word 'peasant'. The word 'peasant' means a person who works in agricultural fields. "These people, most of them, don't speak English. Most of them haven't had any formal education, that's why they're coming over here. I don't blame them for trying, but I don't think we should pave the way for more aliens to come here," he said. Eduardo Arnal, the Consul General of Mexico in Denver, called Bruce's remarks "unfortunate" and "offensive". "I believe these types of comments do not contribute to the discussion on immigration between Mexico and the United States nor in the search of solutions regarding this topic," Arnal said. Bruce became the first Colorado lawmaker censured by the state House after he kicked a newspaper photographer for taking his picture during a prayer. Republicans later removed him from the powerful State, Veterans and Military Affairs Committee because he refused to co-sponsor a resolution honouring military veterans. Bruce said he believed resolutions were a waste of time because they have no legal effect. http://www.news24.com/News24/World/News/0,...2310102,00.html reminds me of Get Outta My Uncaring face
  10. Furrynadz I wish to highlight our forum guidelines to you below. MCF does not tolerate any racist or discriminatory remarks in the forum. If we see any more such comments from you, we will suspend your account indefinately. Thank you for your cooperation. Regards. Postings Slanderous, defamatory, obscene, violent, abusive, threatening and harassing comments will not be allowed. Respect the viewpoints of others, even if you may not agree with them. Agree to disagree. No profanity or obscenities of any kind. No personal attacks on other users. No political or racial comments will be allowed. No impersonation of other participants or public figures. No FULL CAPS postings. In internet, CAPS equates to shouting. Refrain from posting information which is not publicly available. No posting of number plates, unless it is your own. Respect others' privacy. No copyrighted material is allowed. Please use links instead. Please declare vested interest (if any) on the topic you are discussing No multiple postings
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