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  1. Some time last year, my phone totally died on me, forcing me to purchase a replacement - apart from the money, I wasn't really complaining, as I have been eyeing the Xiaomi 13 Pro for quite some time, clearly impressed by its camera's prowess. Everything about the phone was great. As the flagship model powered by Qualcomm's Snapdragon Gen 2, there's no concern for processing power, and my only gripe was that I could only afford the 256GB variant... After spending some time with it, I found a serious problem with the phone - the curved edge of the display! I'm going to explain my hatred for this feature. Yes, some might think that it is a pretty design, but in reality, there are just too many cons to justify it. Pros: Larger screen to bezel ratio Allows the phone to look slimmer Cons: As the curved edge is still part of the display, the extreme edge of the content that you are viewing might fall into that curved area and get slightly distorted The curved edge is still part of the touch screen, and hence one-handed operation of the phone will easily result in accidental touches by the fleshy part of your palm (there's even a setting for you to adjust the unresponsive area near the edge of the screen - even the phone manufacturer knew it was going to be a problem!) Setting the area near the edge to be unresponsive can also result in issues - certain apps, games or programs might require touches near the edge to operate and this could break the experience. It's impossible to get the perfect tempered glass screen protector. As the curved edge require a curve tempered glass piece, seamlessly adhering it to the screen becomes an issue. Tempered glass manufacturers have came up with two solutions - a really thick adhesive layer, or a thin UV-cured liquid glue. With the former, touchscreen responsiveness is subpar and operating the in-display fingerprint sensor can be an issue, and with the latter, it doesn't take more than a couple of weeks for the edges of the adhesive to wear... In my opinion, this is a design feature that I can absolutely do without. Thankfully, it seems that the latest Xiaomi 14 Ultra no longer has this annoying and useless feature. - Zhi Xuan
  2. All you forum dwellers probably remember the times before Carousell was founded, and how we all bought and sold stuff on forums. Many forums also have a reputation system, which was an indicator of the 'lao jiao' forum-ers - those that tend to be steady and trusted to deal with. I remember there were some unspoken rules when it came to buying and selling stuff online: 1. As the buyer wants the item, the responsibility lies with him to make his way to meet at the seller's convenience by default. 2. A good seller will honour a deal he has made, i.e. a better offer made after a deal has been set will be rejected (even though the seller stands to lose out). 3. You don't 'aeroplane' people. 'Aeroplaning' - which is sort of translated from '放飞机' in Chinese - is tantamount to what we know as 'ghosting' today, when you stop replying someone out of the blue. 4. 'Lowballers' (those who offer a price significantly below what has been listed), 'aeroplane pilots' and other unsavoury types of behaviours are often called out, shamed and frowned upon. These days, I find I am increasingly encountering all kinds of ridiculous people on Carousell, which I use quite a bit to sell my barangs. In fact, I don't remember it being so bad back when the app was first introduced... It might be due to the anonymity, or the fact that creating new accounts is so easy. There are plenty of 'lowballers' who have the cheek to offer half of the asking price. Then, there are people who do not honour a deal that has been made. Or stop replying flat out when in the midst of a deal - and worst yet, after you have made your way to their location... While there's nothing much I can do, it just makes me wonder what has changed. In my opinion, the online buying and selling experience has deteriorated so much that I often find myself devoid of energy to deal with it, sometimes it seems like tossing the item in the bin would be a better option than to try to recoup some money by selling it online. So, what about you? Do you have a set of rules that you live by when dealing online? - Zhi Xuan
  3. https://carsnkopi.wordpress.com/2023/05/08/a-rocky-road-ahead-the-tough-realities-for-todays-young-car-enthusiasts-in-singapore/ It wasn’t easy being an automotive fan when I was a young, overweight boy growing up in neighbourhood schools as my strange obsession with machines so out of reach naturally led to constant ridicule from my peers. Yet, I think I was lucky. Lucky because I spent my primary and secondary schooling days in the glorious 80s and 90s. Which meant that after wasting no time joining the workforce after the army (and through sheer effort, perseverance, plenty of luck and a small loan from my amazing girlfriend), I was smack right in the middle of 2008 and 2009 when the sums added up to allow me to buy my very own set of wheels.  Now, if you’ve been paying attention. The years 2008 and 2009 are rather significant. Because for us car-owning, car-loving geeks in Singapore, those were the glory days when COEs dropped to levels so low, rumours were going on about how the Government might even consider scrapping the entire system altogether. Alas, as we now know, that never came to pass. Quite the opposite in fact. Today, our Transport Minister S. Iswaran told Parliament that as a one-off exercise, the Land Transport Authority (LTA) “will bring forward and redistribute the supply from five-year COEs due to expire in the next projected supply peak”. Essentially increasing the supply of certificates of entitlement (COEs) by 24 per cent for smaller, less powerful cars (Category A) and 15 per cent for bigger, more powerful cars (Category B) for the current three-month quota period until July. While it might seem like a sign of relief to the general public, those of us with a tad more vested interest in the matter will understand that such a measure will only serve to sully any chances of a steep increase in COEs quotas in the near future and as such, all hopes of a significant drop in COE prices. It seems to us that the powers that be are happy with COE levels hovering where they are now and have no interest in curtailing what had led to such a dramatic rise. If you are a young enthusiast in Singapore dreaming of one day owning a fun new performance car, I feel for you. Add to that, massive increases in taxes for what many consider their dream cars now mean that even when used, those dreams will no longer be attainable for the vast majority. It doesn’t stop there, with OMVs for many of these beauties now capped at 60k, it would logically make little sense to deregister them, meaning that the majority of these cars will have their COEs renewed once they hit the 10 year mark, which means even less COEs will return to the pool the next decade, which, you guessed it, will only mean even higher premiums for COEs. If you are a young enthusiast in Singapore dreaming of one day owning a fun used performance car, I feel for you. What about cars that have been registered way before these recent rules were implemented? Well, a quick glance through our local automotive classifieds will be more than enough to show you what happens to the resale market when the price of a base-spec Toyota Altis is now asking for over S$160,000. It’s not all local forces at play here of course, with the advent of social media, the hype surrounding certain makes and models of old performance machines have led to a series of “taxes” laid on. “JDM tax”, “Tofu tax”, “Initial D tax”, “Mighty car mods tax”, they all basically mean the same thing, astronomical prices increases on cars that just a couple of years ago no one would even bother to even look at. It’s not all the internets fault of course, the pivot towards SUVs have also contributed to this calamity as the world suffered from years upon years when automotive manufacturers thumbed their collective noses at enthusiasts who were literally begging for the affordable, attainable fun legends we grew up loving. But nein, it was all for nought. To rub salt into our wounds, Mitsubishi even brought out their new Eclipse as an SUV. Today, Mitsubishi is a shadow of its once glorious self and they really only have themselves to blame. And so, with manufacturers no longer building brand new fun sports cars for a period of time, the market for used fun sports cars naturally (with the help of social media) blew the F up and along with that, dragging up the prices for pretty much everything else with a remote chance of being a “classic”. And in a country where such cars are especially rare, you don’t need to be a genius to know what has happened. Things are starting to change of course, we Toyota leading the charge with their GR Yaris, GR Corolla and Supra, but then, you’d have to contend with their equally charged up brand new prices. If you are a young enthusiast in Singapore dreaming of one day owning a fun classic performance car, I feel for you. So, where do we go from here? It’s a tough one to answer. As covered in the media recently and I’m sure plenty of us have talked about it, we all know who are the ones driving up the prices of COE fast and furiously, and I’m sure we all know (even if some might not want to admit it) why nothing is being done or even mentioned about curtailing these car-sharing companies and other PHV registered vehicles. As mentioned once again by our transport minister, “we must expect the long-term trajectory for COE prices to be upwards“. In short, don’t expect COEs to ever come down, and don’t expect the current Goverment to ever be kind to your car-loving dreams. With so many obstacles now neatly in place, It is going to be a painful, rocky road ahead for all car-lovers. And so, if you are a young enthusiast in Singapore, I feel for you and hope that you will also get lucky one day. I’m afraid with the way things are, mine might be running out come December 2026.
  4. A popular local Singer/Songwriter has taken to her facebook page to rant about cars making loud explosive noises where she lives. 1 bang 2.mp4 In her post, Beverly Morata Grafton pointed out in her post she has been experiencing "exhausts have been popping off like gunshots from 10:30pm and counting. And like every weekend since mid April, they will do so until 4am plus in the morning..." From her photos and videos that she provided, we gathered that these incidents happenen along Yishun Ave 1, where Sinopec Yishun is situated at. This stretch has a speed camera but car enthusiasts are known to still gun their cars there while heading towards the Yishun Dam. We will not go into the rest of her post as it can be a bit demeaning and vulgar. For those who are curious, you can view her post below. In the video that was taken on the 25th of April, we could identify a white Volkswagen Golf accelerating away quickly from the petrol station before letting off some loud bangs, much to the annoyance of the songwriter. Being a post on the writer's personal page, it was no surprise to find the comments supporting her views. But what do you guys think? More pops and bangs for everyone? Or should we cooperate for quieter neighbourhoods?
  5. We have spotted an inconsiderate driver who spends their weekends with their family on the famous dim sum restaurant, Red Star restaurant at Chin Swee Road. Image Credit: http://www.maksinwee.com/2017/03/red-star-restaurant-dim-sum-singapore.html According to Alex Wong from SG Road Vigilante, a Toyota Alphard was spotted taking two lots in front of the restaurant. And here are some of the notable comments on Facebook. Let's be gracious and take this opportunity to remind ourselves not to make the same mistake as this Toyota Alphard owner. I hope everyone manages to find a parking lot that day while enjoying the dim sum at red star restaurant. 🙂
  6. Have you guys reach a point where sometimes u feel taking leave is wasting your life away? More for people who has family (kids) where your life evolves around them. When you take leave and your wife did not take and you have to clear leave. Your good friends all have their own families and work so it's really yourself on your leave days. Pretty depressing... Rotting away at home and not travelling.
  7. http://redwiretimes.com/singapore-in-brief/abang-labour-mp-zainal-saparis-populist-outsourcing-rant-is-a-load-of-bullsht-heres-why/ My first thought when I read it in the papers was pretty much the same. If the NTUC and NWC etc did its job ... will it be better? ?.. And surely he knows. . Or should know .. or maybe confused about what hat he is wearing. Or like the article suggest, is a PR exercise.
  8. A 23 year-old working male's 90-second rant: Must-watch if you're a young adult! 顺水 Xu Bin is reprimanded by his father for trying to convince an old neighbour to sell his flat. This is his defense. 你以为着急赚钱的人只有我一个吗? 你去问一下其他的年轻人,有谁不着急? 服完兵役,念完大学23,24岁,一转眼30岁就到了。 在这短短几年时间,要结婚,要买房子,要生孩子,没钱行吗? 现在一间组屋至少30,40万。就拿最基本的开销来说,如果你在市区工作,一天来回地铁两三趟,偶尔赶时间搭个德士 ,光是交通费每天就要$6 - $7块钱 。吃顿午餐,最省最省$5-$6块钱。去个连锁咖啡店喝杯咖啡$6-$7块钱,$6、$7块。 这还不说,为了响应政府号召,早结婚、早生孩子,那我得赶紧去交个女朋友。如果不陪吃、陪喝、陪看戏、偶尔陪出国,外加送一点名牌礼物,就算我长一副明星脸也未必有女孩子要跟我。 有一些人还要读大学,贷款、分担家里的开销呢?等到要结婚的时候,摆一桌酒席$1000块开始起跳,拍个婚纱特辑$3000-$4000块钱,这都是钱钱钱啊! 我们这代年轻人不追求什么生活品质,就算是维持最起码的生活,不去赚一点钱行吗?你们也不想养一个儿子,等到结婚的时候跟你要钱摆喜酒,等要建立家庭的时候跟你们要钱买房子。 是,我承认我的手法是有一点极端,我有错,但是我的错是因为这个社会造成的! Taken from Ep 15 of 118, Channel 8's 7.30pm drama!
  9. As mentioned above. Every time you click on a used car you want to view, some stupid banner about drink driving comes up. It reminds me of those file hosting sites which has a pop up every time you click on the download button. Has Sgcarmart become a website that is filled with unnecessary pop ups? What is really annoying is that it's the same banner every time. This has never happened with any other banner except the one about drink driving.
  10. Yesterday lunch time, i parked my car at a car park, head in. And i was sitting inside, doing some stuff before cutting off engine and go for lunch. A lady driver came to my right side, her car wss on my right side, reversed park. As she was opening her driver's door, somehow her body or elbow hit my side mirror and it went backwards. Lady saw it, she knew it. But to my surprise, she just went into the car, completely bo chap! KNN. I was sitting there, looking at the whole situation. and i keep looking at her. She was completely oblivious to it. No guilt, no nothing. I stare at her. And finally she got the sense that someone is in the car looking at her, she look up and had a shock to see me. I gestured to her about my side mirror. She then open her door and twist back my mirror properly. but i can see her face like abit unhappy. KNN. How come drivers can be like that one? Completely no shame at all.
  11. Cbong! I was driving along PIE (Lane 1) towards TUAS today.. Met 2 kuku Taxi drivers who bo tai bo ji tap thier brake when the road ahead is clear.. Fwahhh dun tell me they can see ghost vehicle in front.. Pui! Cannot handle SONATA pls filter to other lanes lar.. KNN!!! Road hazards!!! Die in HELL!!!
  12. Encounter with this SFB 3..7 Medium Blue Honda Civic I was turning right from Stagmont Ring, The vehicle on my right side have illegal HID installed, caused extra glare on my already wet windscreen, thus, I could not really see if any pedestrian is crossing the road, so i tap on the brake to slow... slow... because it's raining... I think this prick got irritated by me for me being cautious and being responsible.. Thus, for that small road, he tailgate me very close on this poor visibility and wet road, overtook me on upon approaching left bend on my right where he could hardly see oncoming car. So when his car was coming out behind me halfway, I just gently tap on the brake (with no slowing down and no intention of him colliding onto me), just to give him a scare , he end up got more pissed off, exchanged eye contact and chiong the bend and to stop for the red light in front to. Genius. Raining, drive properly and safely! Although I have been cursing for your car to skid, hit tree, hit barrier, then you might learn how to drive more responsibly.
  13. I don't usually rant but this is too much. If I don't steer left a little he would have hit me! Let the video do the talking.
  14. Was waiting to enter Rocher Centre CP about 20mins ago when I was kissed lightly on the butt by an old merc. I alighted to check and saw the merc just 2 inches from my butt. Nothing wrong so I returned to my car. Feeling uneasy, I got down again to check after moving forward with the queue. This time I could squat and check more thoroughly. Lucky nothing wrong. What pissed me off is, the merc driver didn't even alight to check or apologise. WTF! :angry:
  15. I was driving to work just now and was in a hurry. Now, my estate has only one entry point from the main road and I was turning out via that. Just then a whole convoy of YOG buses come along and take up the main road on one side. Never mind, I'll just turn out. one of the buses puts itself right smack in the yellow box at the entry point so no one can leave my estate nor can anyone drive in. After stopping, the then proceed to just SIT THERE FOR A WHOLE FARKING 15 MINUTES, with their passengers blowing vuvuzelas and the buses playing stupidly offkey music. Their police escorts just signaled me to stop and not move. I leaned my head forward and gave the retarded reveillers a wave, which I then turned into a one-finger salute the moment their police escort's back was turned towards me. I only managed to move off after the buses went on further down the road to harass other people And this is why I hate the YOG....
  16. , As above, what would you do? And anyone can introduce a good workshop for Nissan Sunny? Thanks alot guys.
  17. I was kinda bemused yesterday when I received a warning letter from TP.... It states amongst other formalities "our patrol officers has spotted your vehicle going above the limit of..." I swear there wasn't any patrol cars in sight... Else who in the right mind would exceed the speed limit !! Must be the works of some stupid speed cameras..... and the letter makes it worse by claiming that Phantom patrol officers spotted me...... What a joke.... OK peace to all... Juz ranting......
  18. Just to vent frustration. I was travelling along amk ave10 on right lane and this yellow cab swerved in from the hawker centre cp to my lane out of sudden. Actually i'm fine with this cos many do that. To avoid hitting this driver, I changed lane to left lane and in front we are approaching a red light. To my horror, he does likewise and bobian i need to jam braked to avoid hitting him. I horn him and then change back to right lane. As usual, he thinks he is in no fault and keep staring at me why I horn him. Hiaz.......That's all, just wanna release stress...! I would think we need to be doubly careful when driving on straight roads in case of any stunts out of the blue. Drive safely mates!
  19. Anyone caught the newest Top Gear Australia? From left to right: Charlie Cox, Warren Brown and Steve Pizzati brief overview of the presenters: Warren Brown, cartoonist and motoring columnist for The Daily Telegraph Charlie Cox, MotoGP commentator for the BBC, and a former radio presenter and ex-racing driver Steve Pizzati, advanced driving instructor, race driver and freelance motoring journalist I think it sucks BIG TIME.... and its making a big ridicule of the original show itself. i just dont know where to start.... but heck here goes: 1) the presenters arent the bit funny 2) hate their accent... 3) what the hell was with dumping the car as shark bait? is this even a car show ? 4) The celebrities can even get a better track time than "The Stig" 5) Whats the layout of the track? it feels like its just 3 corners and all straights 6) Steve bumped his head coming out of the Ford GT??? 7) Charlie spun out on the Ford GT a couple of times? 8) Charlie looked absolutely scared pushing the Ford GT to its "max" speed. Some race driver.. 9) Ok give them a bit of teething problems but the 2nd episode was rubbish too. 10) look at the crowd on the 1st episode.. and the tiny "gathering" at the 2nd. obviously even the Ozzies thought it was crap. 11) And whats with Steve suggesting to rename the Stig to Stiggo ? WTFBBQ?
  20. just needed to rant....cos was shown the middle finger + scolded 'a**hole' for nothing... i was approaching a hump and I saw this mad ang mo lady pushing her bicycle crossing the road..i wasn't going fast (in fact I slowed down)...and DIDN'T EVEN TAP HORN! she turned and saw me and suddenly 'kee siao', showed me middle finger and shouted a@@hole! I let her cross...slowed down and raised a hand asking what's her problem! wanted to park car and confront her...but arrggghhh...just my day.......
  21. Make no mistake - The VW Golf is a great car - timeless design, quality interiors, iconic GTi image and that fantastic price tag so if you bought one with extra cash you saved for your old age - you can expect some form of exclusivity - right? - wrong! With the MK6 Golf looming in the coming months as a completely new model over the current Golf Mk5 - MAN! is VW is really CASHING IT IN!! The basic golf has today spanned an amazing range of engine variants and body types to attract all kinds of buyers For starters, if you bought a basic Golf for Camry money a few years ago - You are guaranteed a dull image b/c the GTi just looks so much better - and guess what? There seems to be so many more GTis then basic Golfs on the road - and basic Golfs are not cheap! If you bought a mind retardingly expensive Golf R32 that came with that super exclusive silver front end - rest assured - VW - is now selling a car - with the same super exclusive front end - as the cheapest Golf derived VW branded family car money can buy! - So budget buyers! Corolla or Jetta? Corolla or Jetta..Corolla or R32?...wait a minute...hmmm... Wait wait - one more trick out the VW hat! - The iconic GTi has also spawned an unwanted younger step brother - also known as the GLI! - A Jetta with a 2L Turbo and more importantly - the FACE of the iconic GTi! (now..now..we never said that GTi face was sacred right??)- and guess what? Its CHEAPER too!! Flame away!
  22. [start of ranting] KNN! My last 2 cars both times come out in top 3 prizes but I never buy! CCB CCB CCB!!!!!! [/end of ranting] Sigh. felt better now.
  23. Hi all didnt post for a long time and was unfortunate that this new post that i do is in the complain folder. I just like to ask drivers who perviously own a bike or is still currently owning both that why r those jokers from our neighbouring country ride like their own the road and to top it off being rude? My story happened today when i'm on the way to office from AMK Ave 1 towards upper serangoon, i encountered a j plated bike in the left lane and because the traffic was not very favourable for me to overtake it i maintained my distance stayed behind. While i was behind him and his pillen, he was swaying in and out of his road as he was riding in the dotty line and this made the vehicles from both lanes very wary of him. Finally when i had a chance to over take him from the middle lane, this joker perform the same stunt again and swayed into the middle lane just as i was about to accelerate off, i did a toot at him telling him to wake up his idea while i turn my steering wheel to avoid him. From the rear mirror his looks was unmistakenly baffled like "what have i done to deserve this horn?" As you must have guess, i encountered this joker again near to the next traffic junction and when he squeezes passed between my car and the car in the next lane he delibrately gave me a "payback" horn while he sped away with his gf. which led me to think maybe i should have just plow through his juz now instead of juz a horn.
  24. Pls bear wif me, fellow forummers. Not usually one who complains and rants but I was extremely perplexed by the actions of this driver. Up till now, I am stil seeing white flashes of light in front of me. Here is what happened. I was driving along CTE at 9.00pm today toawrds Yishun. After passing the exit to Yio Chu Kang, i passed by this white Integra with black rims (18inch i think) on lane 2. I was driving on lane 1 and as I passed by the car, I couldn't help but notice that the high beam of the car was switched on. Now, we all know how low an Integra is. If the beams from the headlights are blinding your eyes, obviously the driver has switched on the high beams. K, when i was at the slip road going into Lentor Ave, this beautiful car came into the same slip road and was behind me. Mine, was I blinded almost totally as the high beam was still switched on. Continued to control myself along Lentor Ave and this beautiful caar was following me whichever lane I took. I was trying to get the hell out of the blinding headlamps but the driver was following me. Finally, he decided to move into the lane turning right that goes to Yishun Stadium. Now as I was also turning at that junction, our two cars came side by side at the traffic light. When the signal changed for us to turn, we turned. Now what I do not understand here is this: (1) The driver was not speeding at all from CTE all the way to Lentor. Why did the driver decided to step on the accelerator and speed up the moment the lights changed green? Trying to impress me the power of your car? Obviously my Toyota Altis could not have outran you. I wanted you to know that your high beams were on, therefore, I flashed my high beam at you once. WOW. The car went from lane 2 to lane 3 and decided to slow down to my speed. OK, i take it that you realised that you were going too fast as seconds before you changed from lane 2 to lane 3, you nearly rammed into a motorcycle in front of you. The car even escorted me all the way back to my residence where I have to turn right into my house after OCC. Close behind me, there was a heavily modded green Gen2 with balck front and back bonnet, which I happen to know where the owner stays as well as how pwoerful it is. My way of informing you may have caused you to have a wrong impression of my intentions. There is no way my puny Toyota Altis could have outran you, and I think you know that, judging my the loudness of your exhaust. i myself definitely know that. After that, we went on our seperate ways and here I am, typing this out. Just want to make known something. I actually respected the driver of the car a lot as he was not speeding even though he could have done so on so many occasions. Minus the high beam, I actually thought that you were a calm and cool-headed guy who simply loves performance cars. All these were totally shattered at that right turn. So the very next time, please remember to check your headlamps if they are at high beam location or low beam location. It will definitely make everyone's driving much more pleasant at night. Peace. PS: No offence to Integra drivers. It is a wonderful performance car and at the same time, I have the utmost respect for all drivers on the road, until something that they have done irks me.
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