Do you guys ever have some unforgetable funny movie quips or conversation? I have a few
1) Anaconda 2:
After a few days in the jungle, one of the black guy said, "Man, I'm so hungry that I'd trade my mama for a tictac!"...
2) Happy Face:
One of the 3 amigos who's about to jump from the cliff but just couldn't do it and he said. "Wait, I could make myself do it. Hey whats that? (Pretend to be distracted and slipped)... Aaaaaaa.... (fell)"
3) Shrek 3:
Prince: You! You can't lie! Where is Shrek?
Pinnochio: Well er, I don't know where he is not
Prince: You don't know where Shrek is
Pinnochio: Er, on the contrary
Prince: So you do know where he is
Pinnochio: I possibly more or less not definitely rejected the idea that I undeniably do or do not know where he shouldn't probably be.... If that indeed wasn't where he isn't.....
Prince: (Give up)