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  1. hi, anyone knows where to buy the above and how much? those made of stainless steel or alumimnum? to be fitted into HDB.
  2. Anyone installed the above? hows the review? am thinking of getting both as i am lazy to look for keys.
  3. windering if i didnt step on the pedal, can the engine been started??
  4. After Cravath, Swaine & Moore LLP said last week it would boost starting pay for its junior-most lawyers to $180,000, law firms across the country stumbled over themselves to announce salary increases for their own associates. But now companies are pushing back. Bank of America Corp.’s top lawyer recently sent an email to a group of law firms calling the increases in associate lawyer pay unjustified, making it clear the bank wouldn’t help firms absorb the cost. “While we respect the firms’ judgment about what best serves their long-term competitive interests, we are aware of no market-driven basis for such an increase and do not expect to bear the costs of the firms’ decisions,” David Leitch, Bank of America’s global general counsel, wrote in the email, reviewed by The Wall Street Journal. A Bank of America spokesman declined to comment. The latest law firm salary raises boosted first-year pay by 12.5%, and gave comparable hikes to the rest of the associate lawyer ranks. Pay generally went up by between $20,000 and $35,000 for every associate, topping out at salaries of $315,000 and above for the senior-most associates, typically with eight or nine years of experience. The chief litigation officer for a Fortune 100 company said $180,000 for a first-year isn’t justified, pointing by way of comparison to a lawyer in the company’s litigation department with 20 years of experience who doesn’t make that much money. “Why would we ever think a first-year associate is worth that?” the lawyer said, adding that they recently denied a firm’s request to charge $400 an hour for a first-year. The identities of the law firms that received Mr. Leitch’s message aren’t known, but the email appeared to target firms that handle the bank’s litigation. “We value the work performed by our Litigation Roundtable firms and seek to maintain a true partnership that meets our reciprocal needs—thoughtful, strategic, and cost-competitive representation at rates and alternative billing arrangements that are attractive to our counsel,” wrote Mr. Leitch. Advertisement The email ended by saying Mr. Leitch entrusts the firms who receive the email with its work because of their “legal expertise and entrepreneurial instinct,” and looks forward to continuing to partner with them. Like many other large companies, BofA has worked in recent years to reduce its legal spending; in 2013, the bank told the Association of Corporate Counsel it slimmed the number of firms it hires to defend it in litigation to 30 from around 700. Bank of America spent $1.2 billion on litigation in 2015, according to its earnings report. BofA has used firms including Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP; Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP and Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP for big litigation matters in the past. Paul Weiss declined to comment. Representatives for Skadden and Cleary didn’t immediately return calls for comment. Cravath didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment. The push-and-pull over pay and rates has for decades been a source of tension between corporate legal departments and the law firms they hire. Historically, law firms charged their clients in only one way: by the hour. While many in-house lawyers grumbled about the arrangements, saying they encouraged inefficiency and led to eye-popping bills, they mostly paid them. But within the last decade or so, companies have pushed back. They now routinely demand “flat-fee” arrangements for a single piece of work, like a lawsuit or a transaction. And many have stopped paying for photocopies and legal research, items that were once rubber-stamped. In-house lawyers have also ramped up resistance to paying for the most junior lawyers, often saying they won’t pay for first- and second-year lawyers even if they are staffed on assignments. Such lawyers, the thinking goes, are too often billed out at hundreds an hour to perform relatively menial tasks, like reviewing documents. Not all in-house lawyers are railing against the raises. Edward Ryan, the global general counsel for Marriott International Inc., said he believes “law firms are responsible for their own cost structure” and that what ultimately matters is “the value of what we pay for.” That said, he questioned if clients will “take their business elsewhere” if law firms try to pass off the costs directly. Before Cravath raising its salaries, associate pay industrywide hadn’t budged in nearly a decade, a time during which law school tuition has skyrocketed, leaving many graduates with upward of $100,000 in debt. Many associates had complained to law-firm leaders that in recent years their pay scale had failed to keep up with cost-of-living increases. It isn’t entirely surprising that dozens of firms have followed Cravath’s lead and matched the new salary structure in recent days. Large law firms view keeping pace with market leaders like Cravath as part of staying competitive in recruiting and retaining their younger lawyers, even if their profits are lower and they operate in smaller markets.
  5. In my daily drives, I have encountered many instances of cyclist speeding up and trying to beat the "flashing green man" at pedestrian crossings, resulting in near-misses for both drivers and even fellow pedestrians. Just yesterday, I witnessed this SBS feeder bus making a left turn. After the pedestrians had finished crossing, the bus started to move off and all of a sudden, the driver had to brake hard when a cyclist suddenly appeared from the left-side of the half-turned bus and cut in front of the turning bus. The bus stopped inches from the cyclist but instead of being thankful for not being runned-over, the cyclist stopped in front of the bus and started gesturing at the poor driver and also hurled verbal abuses.I have to salute the bus captain for being cool-headed and he just ignored the cyclist and continued his journey after a brief 30-sec commotion. Some cyclists want the best of both worlds, " Green light for vehicles, go! Green man for pedestrians, go!". I feel strongly that cyclists should dismount and push their bicycles at zebra-crossings and also other pedestrian crossings. It may be inconvenient, but it may save lives, As a fellow road-user, I feel that everyone has a role to play to ensure road safety for all.
  6. I find this hilarious actually Wonder what the real reason was?
  7. As the above thread,any Bro/Sis installed them on their ride?Considering installing it on mine,but concern about the reliabilty and other unforseen issue although it comes with a year's warranty.
  8. see already angry man... y ppl on bus no hoot him??????? :biggun: instead of hooting this ah gua, soot bedeo... :biggun: Man pushes elderly woman off a bus - YouTube
  9. Yahoo report : Qatar Airways chosen as 'World's Best Airline' for the second time AFP Relax
  10. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm.................. Push-up Bra Model is a MAN ...... Yahoo reports : Male model fronts campaign for push-up bras While most lingerie brands would usually pick a buxom lady to model their latest underwear collections, Dutch department store Hema have opted for a more unconventional choice. Male model Andrej Pejic fronts the campaign for the
  11. The current EO is long due for changing (about 11000km) liao... next week will be going KL, can I push another 300+km before changing it in KL or shall I change it before embarking on the long haul?
  12. With the slew of conti-made 1.6L TC cars coming up, will Cat A COEs start to go up as "borderline" Cat B buyers who intended to buy Camry, Accord, etc migrating to the likes of A1, C5 & 508? I m sure there'll be more coming out and i won't be surprised if VW launches a passat (normal or CC) 1.4 sport. These borderline people have bigger budgets and can bid higher COEs pricing out the lower budget buyers. Jap cars (esp mazda, suzuki and subaru) and other low budget brands (proton, cherry, etc) will really suffer. their jan sales figures was already pathetic (i tink proton was like single digit sales). only toyota and honda will survive. koreans may survive on value but K5 pricing must drop.
  13. dear all... for those who drive manual cars, have you ever push start your car? i have a few questions, hope you can share your views... i start my car many times a day... i have no idea when my starter motor will kaput... so far its still ok... i have only once crank the car when the engine was already on... stupid... but no side effects right?... 1) when you push start a car do you release clutch on 1st gear or 2nd gear? 2) lately a few times when i park on a slope, and i think that letting the car roll down and then engaging a gear to start the car, will save the life of my starter motor... but i am not sure if this will damaging to the car as the car rolls, no power steering no proper brakes and when engine starts immediately everything comes on... wonder if this way of starting the car will damage the car's components... expert advise please... thanks...
  14. Hi all, Just to check, I am now in my break in period at about 800km going for my 1000km servicing soon. For the past 2 days, I realized that my brake pedal depresses quite easily down all the way to get enough braking action. Previously it wasn't that easy to press down. In fact, for the first 700km, the brakes have been quite hard all the way. Its only for the past 2 days it became very easy to press down all the way. But today, it when back to the old hardness again. Not sure if this is normal during a break in period. Please advise. Thanks
  15. The other day I was discussing with my colleague on what happen if battery dead, and need to push-start a car. My colleague from electrical training told me that modern car using ECU need electricity to function. In case battery dead, there will be no electricity to start a manual transmission car even if we attempt push start, because ECU does not function. Older generation car can be push-start because not so depended on electrical power. For those whom had the unlucky experience of successfully push-start a modern car, please share your experience on which model car you did it on. Thanks.
  16. As Above. If you witness such act, will you call the Police? http://singaporeseen.stomp.com.sg/singapor...nt.jsp?id=83814
  17. just went to see nissan Tenna with my fren... I notice that Tenna comes with a push button to start the engine (a higher level compare to keyless start) Quite interesting.. I am wondering>> is it possible to add in this "push button" function in my car , nissan latio hehe anyone got any idea on where to get this done??
  18. http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/sin.../426861/1/.html Abstract from the above link, For the National University of Singapore (NUS), all overseas school trips have been put on hold till May 15. Every year, more than 1,200 students from NUS are sent overseas for attachments. NUS Deputy President (Academic Affairs) and Provost, Tan Eng Chye, said: "Just last Saturday, one of my colleagues met up with some parents and students who were appealing to go to the United States for a Formula One car competition. "It's interesting, I think, the parents actually wanted the school to guarantee the safety of the students, which I think we can't. In the end, we explained to the parents and students that we can't let them go." I can't believe these parents actually ask NUS to guarantee the safety of the students should they go US to participate F1 car competition. Are they trying to act smart by pushing the responsibilties and liabilites to NUS so that if something happens they can launch a lawsuit or are they just plain stupid or naive??? Why those NUS staff never rebute back to the parents, can the parents guarantee their children grow up to be a useful ppl in the society or a pest in the society.
  19. Not sure how true it is. Push pocket in KL I am sure you all have heard of "pick pocket". A new trend "push pocket". Read on.. for your own good A few days ago a new type of crime has surfaced in town. It goes something like this:- Somebody slips a hand-phone into your pocket, sometimes it could be just a wallet with an identity card and a few ringgit. A few minutes later, the 'owner' comes up and confronts you, the 'thief '. He makes a big commotion that you stole his stuff. You, caught unaware, are then pulled aside by the 'owner' for a settlement you are intimidated and threatened that if you do not pay up the police will be brought in. If you pay up, this 'owner' lets you go. If not, the police are brought in. Another strange thing is that there always seems to be a 'witness' to the your 'theft'. I am told this often happens to foreigners at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) or even at LRT trains. Given that you're 'guilty until proven innocent' as far as the Malaysian police are concerned, I understand some poor people are in jail for these 'offences'. At the KLIA, the 'owner' throws his hand-phone and wallet with the few ringgit notes into the luggage trolley of a just arrived passenger. The drama unfolds a few minutes later. The real culprit has easily convinced our Malaysian police to arrest the real victim (if he has not paid up the 'settlement' demand). This is a very serious matter. This is another form of extortionists operating in broad daylight. They are disgusting criminals who will do anything to rob and steal. The sickening part of the whole scenario is that unless you pay the "quoted settlement" money, they will put you in real trouble by calling the police.. The real culprit gets back his hand-phone and wallet but the real victim ( i.e. could be any one of us) is thrown into the police lock up and charged in court. So do be very careful, otherwise you may end up as a "thief" as you have no way to prove your innocence. Pass it on..... let more people be aware of such things around them. Geh Cheng Lok & Co,Advocates & Solicitors, No.20, King Street (Top Floor),10200 Penang , Malaysia.Tel. No: 604-2617464 Fax. No: 604-2611840
  20. Sorry for post in Chinese, will try to translate some of it: 小型车拥车证成价 最后一刻才突破一元 李静仪 (2008-05-08)   市场对新车需求疲弱,导致三大汽车组别的拥车证最低成功标价连续第二期全面下跌,跌幅比上一期还要激烈。   其中,中小型汽车组(A组)成价昨天更是
  21. ALL of your should watch this real good clip on interview Hamilton but good old JC. JC is so damn funny calling all the names and making fun on other F1 drivers. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wp3XDzxL6S0
  22. hi guys just happened to me last nite was travelling on PIE last nite towards the east there were some slower vehicles on the middle lane so i accelerated and overtook on the right lane. then there was quite a number of slower vehicles so i wanted to overtake them all. the car behind me was like 50m behind, so i didnt think i was hogging, but then again, i was lookin for the next opportunity to switch back to the middle lane. then suddenly out of nowhere, there was this motorbike trail gating me!(single head lamp). he was not directly behind me , but more to my left ( like ridin near the lane marker). and his dam head lamp was shining dam bright in my left mirror. i wanted to change lane back to the middle lane ( no cars to my left) but i could not see how near this motor bike was cos its dam light was blinding me on the left. then the bike was gettin nearer. then i was already at like 100km/h liao. then i sped up a bit to like 105 like that, that a$$ was still near me.. knn. then that idiot over took me. and guess wat.. IT WAS A DAM TP bike!!!! wtf sia.. i quickly chang elane and slow down to 90. then a few seconds later, another rode pass me.. then this guy best.. CUT directly in front of other cars.. stupid TP sia..
  23. 11 October 2007, 1910 hrs, CTE entering tunnel to TPE... A picanto, came on fast.. real close to my arse! I was already at 20kmh above speed limit and there are 2 bends to negotiate.. and he came on sooo fast! Dunno what's he trying to prove.. that he's picanto is no pushover? I didnt offend him in any way.. I'm not hogging the lane.. I didnt push him, honk him, nor did i race him.. Or was he just testing out his newly installed LSD? I picked up speed when entering TPE.. he dropped speed.. or he didnt pick up.. or couldnt catch up.. Mayb he's really testing his negotiating bends skills, and his lsd.. Not really a complaint.. just hope he drives safe.. keep a safety distance and dun have to hurry to hell..
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