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  1. To protect the consumer or business owner (and government coffer)? I hope Singapore and other countries will no follow suit. I cannot imagine how much more we need to pay for the same items without competition online (e-commerce and sales via social media). As consumer, we have to exercise due diligences when making purchase online, instead of relying on our givernment to protect us from being scammed. Source: https://www.channelnewsasia.com/asia/indonesia-ban-sale-goods-tiktok-shop-social-media-regulation-commerce-3802491 SINGAPORE: For the past two months, factory worker Subairi has come to rely on TikTok Shop to purchase his daily necessities. From baby formula to cooking oil, he stocks up on these items each payday. But with the announcement that the Indonesian government has banned the direct sales of goods on social media platforms, Mr Subairi - who like many Indonesians go by one name - is worried over the loss of a cheaper shopping alternative. “If TikTok Shop is banned, I will find it difficult to find items that are as cheap as (those sold there),” the 38-year-old from Karawang, West Java told CNA. “On other e-commerce platforms, the service fee is almost 10,000 rupiah (US$0.64) but on TikTok Shop it is totally free, with no conditions.” Mr Subairi added that the flash sales and payday promotions - normally offered at the end of the month when workers receive their salaries - on TikTok Shop make the prices much cheaper. He has been comparing prices of goods across various e-commerce platforms, and found those sold on TikTok Shop to be the cheapest. “Yesterday, I bought baby formula. Elsewhere, the cheapest price was 320,000 rupiah but on TikTok, with various discounts, I could get (the formula at) around 300,000 rupiah,” said the father of two. Meanwhile, TikTok Shop buyer Nadya Aulia Arma told CNA that while she disagrees with the new regulation, she will accept the development and switch to using other e-commerce platforms. “I honestly don't agree, because I will lose a place to buy things at low prices. But if it's for the good of the Indonesian people, that's okay. I'll go back to shopping on Shopee,” she said. On Monday (Sep 25), the Indonesian government announced that it will no longer allow social media platforms to double as e-commerce sites, in order to prevent the misuse of data. "(Social media) can only (be used to) facilitate the promotion of goods or services (but) direct transactions … (and) direct payments are no longer allowed; (social media) can only be used for promotion," said Trade Minister Zulkifli Hasan after a closed meeting on electronic commerce issues. Under the Revised Ministry of Trade Regulation, a minimum import transaction of US$100 will also be imposed on goods purchased from abroad. While the ban has caught the disappointment of buyers, some sellers at physical stores in Indonesia have celebrated the move. Textile seller Iyal Suryadi told CNA that the sale of goods online has reduced his income. “In the local market where we sell our goods, sometimes we only sell one or two pieces of cloth in a week … If it continues like this, don’t even think about growing (the business); just being able to survive is good,” he said. He added that the prices of items sold on TikTok Shop “do not make sense”. “They sell goods at factory prices directly to consumers, not to distributors or resellers. It is true that we have entered the free market, but let's not go too far. “The government must act if it does not want the country's economy to be destroyed. The reason is that the money in this country revolves around the small people like us, not the rich,” said Mr Suryadi, who owns a shop at Pasar Cipeundeuy located in Subang, West Java. Similarly, Mr Raden, a seller at Tanah Abang market in Jakarta, agreed that TikTok Shop has hurt his sales due to the cheap prices offered on the social media platform. However, he told CNA that he disagrees with the new ban and suggested that the sale of items through social media be restricted instead. “(This is) because there are merchants here who also sell through TikTok. They are forced to sell on TikTok because the physical market is starting to be abandoned by buyers,” said Mr Raden, who goes by one name. “In my opinion, TikTok shops should not be banned but restricted. (Instead), foreign products should be stopped and domestic products should be sold.” In response to the ban, TikTok Indonesia said that it will abide by the laws and regulations of the country. "However, we also hope that the government will consider the effect (of the ban) toward the livelihood of six million local sellers and around seven million creator affiliates that use TikTok Shop," a TikTok Indonesia spokesperson was quoted as saying by Tempo on Tuesday. The platform, owned by China's ByteDance, reportedly said that it has received complaints from local sellers and has asked for certainty from the authorities regarding the newly issued regulation. According to Tempo, TikTok said that social commerce emerged as a solution to the problems faced by micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), adding that it believes that TikTok Shop was established to support local sellers to collaborate with local creators in order to boost traffic for their online shops. TikTok has been hit with allegations that its TikTok Shop service is implementing predatory pricing by selling imported goods at significantly lower prices, thus leading to major profit losses for MSMEs who struggle to compete with such prices. Mr Dedi Dinarto, lead Indonesia analyst at public policy advisory firm Global Counsel, told CNA that Indonesia is the first Southeast Asian country to implement regulations prohibiting social media companies from simultaneously operating as e-commerce platforms. “TikTok is expected to be the most affected, as TikTok Shop currently allows Indonesian buyers to make direct purchases within the app, whereas platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp lack built-in transaction features,” he said. However, he noted that small vendors who have benefited from TikTok Shop can still use any social media platforms to advertise their products, even though transactions will now need to be arranged separately between buyers and sellers. “Engaging in transactions outside of the apps may be considered risky, and this will place established e-commerce platforms such as Shopee, Lazada, and Tokopedia as more trusted options for online purchases,” said Mr Dinarto. Meanwhile, speaking to CNA, Jakarta-based economist Bhima Yudhistira from the Center of Economic and Law Studies (CELIOS) said that banning social commerce is just a partial step to help SMEs. “The government also needs to monitor illegal imports through airplane passengers - such as through a service known as Jastip - and also support SMEs by lowering lending rates, increasing domestic purchasing power, and government procurement absorption of SME products,” said Mr Yudhistira. Jastip allows buyers to obtain items available overseas by contracting the services of travellers who can buy and deliver the goods in their travels.
  2. Anybody tried teeth whitening products? Saw some brands from watson. 1. Theramed 2. Pearl drops 3. Colgate advanced white 4. Colgate optic white 5. Pearlie white Can share your experience? Tks
  3. Dear all, Can I have your comment on the above product? Does it mean that you can use on your car without water? https://www.amazon.com/Armor-All-78462-Ultra-Detailer/dp/B001PSN2LA
  4. Anyone used any "new car smell" products before? Came across this Chemical Guys New Car Smell spray. Is it any good? https://www.amazon.com/Chemical-Guys-AIR-101-16-Freshener-Eliminator/dp/B002J7VX4Y/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1502204539&sr=8-2&keywords=chemical+guys+new+car+smell PS: I am not affliated to the product
  5. Do you believe that a good sales person can sell anything or an excellent product that could sell by itself even without a good sales person? well, my company was looking to upgrade our company phone system. my boss already have something in mind and wanted to know more about this particular brand. at the same time, my boss also wanted to compare other brands in the market. this is natural right? so we started to call the phone sales dept and making appointments for them to meet us in our office. most of the sales person that came to us are sincere with our biz and have a not too bad products too. but too bad, they were not what my boss wanted. so we put them on a KIV file. we still haven't get to meet the sales person from the particular phone company my boss wanted after meeting all the other phone sales person after 3 weeks. we were told that they can't schedule an appointment sooner becos they are too busy. ok, then the sales man came after 3 weeks. a short presentation, blah blah, and he goes. the sales man doesn't seen to be interested with our sales becos of our small office and the products are expensive. but my boss still decided to buy from him. so, do you upgrade yourself to be a good sales person or upgrade the value of your product to close a deal? (can only choose one) juz my thought.
  6. Hi, I want to self-detail to the "wet look" that I have been seeing recently, is it through normal waxing? How do I achieve that? TIA!
  7. Have seen this for quite a number of weeks now. This is at Holland Drive Market, a store with a Japanese sign and lots of pictures and Japanese words. Always a large crowd of elderly people inside, listening to some sales talk. Also, there would be people outside waiting for their turn to listen to the talk. What exactly are they trying to sell to the elderly? I hope it is not a scam. See the video. https://youtu.be/83K2icQExfo
  8. I always have this mindset when it comes to buy things, products and services. Especially when i am servicing my car or intending to upgrade some of the parts. When you are looking for cheap and good, it will not be fast. when you are looking for good and fast, it will not be cheap. when you are looking for fast and cheap, it will not be good. Just my 2 cents if thoughts! Do give me your opinion on this!
  9. The Straits Times; Published on Dec 07, 2012 FOREIGN LABOUR: Try COE-style bidding for productivity boost THE current system of a fixed percentage quota with an algorithm of escalating tax levies does not promote competition and the efficient use of scarce manpower ("Forum gathers public views on next year's Budget"; last Friday). Unproductive employers often hide under the protection of an assured quota of cheap foreign labour to survive, making the productivity drive fruitless. To improve productivity in a sustainable way, industries should adopt a bidding system for labour like the auction for certificates of entitlement (COEs) for cars. There should be separate categories for different industries. Work permits or high-income employment passes should be divided into the following categories: Construction/marine sectors; Manufacturing sector; Service sector; Open category for industries that have exceeded their quota limits; Maids for permanent and foreign residents; Maids for families of citizens with a combined income of more than $8,000 a month and/or are private property owners; and Maids for families with a combined monthly income of under $3,000 and/or who own up to a four-room Housing Board flat, with children under 10 years old. Disabled Singaporeans and elderly parents should be exempt from the bidding scheme and be allowed to hire a maid at a concession. The hiring of maids is a luxury, like the owning of cars. Families which wish to obtain such a luxury should be charged stiff fees to discourage usage. To cater to the eventuality of there being fewer maids, more neighbourhood eldercare and childcare centres should be opened in residential areas. Businesses, including charity organisations, must bid for the labour COE. The Government can allocate special subsidies in the form of credits for deserving companies which serve the public interest. It can also consider giving special credits to companies in which citizens make up 80 per cent of the workforce. Lai Yew Sin Copyright
  10. Saw got people selling Pioneer Coaxial Speaker TS-A1674S. Out of curiosity, i bought it. Anyone can verify it?
  11. For new ride of about 3 months ...which one is the best? Ceramic coating, glass coating, opticoat, CSII-paint, normal wx..etc User of any of the above please comment..thanks so many of them..but don't know which to choose..any advise? note: if you are the seller or shop owner of any of the product..please back up any of ur claim before you post..
  12. Hi The rubber trims like antenna base and sunroof trim is getting brittle and somewhat cracking. ANy products you guys use to restore and protect from further deteroriations?
  13. Hi Guys, Another package came from good ol' USA with some stuff from Optimum and Carpro. 1st up is Optimum Hyper Polish which is a spray polish. Its around the consistent of the old formula of M205 from Meguiars, maybe even a tad thicker. But has no problems using the Meguiars chemical resistant spray head. The solution is slightly on the oily side and rather difficult to remove from the pad compared to things like IP or M205, i usually use APC to remove the excess OHP. I will update with pictures soon. Tried it on a Sirocco with the combo of LC orange hydrotech pads + makita, since its just a clean up and not any kind of paint correction. Working time is endless like most Optimum polish which i love. But the level of cut I would rate it slightly below M205. It removed around 50% of the lighter swirls on the car. I will try to find some 50/50 photos if possible. Removal have to wipe a couple of times if not it would just smudge. Its my current go to 1 stepper at the moment before i actually convince myself to go the Meguiars DA microfiber system, looks impressive so far. Pics up soon!
  14. My ex classmate just started a month ago and just clinched a deal worth 1 mill sgd (profit is about 140k) quite a nice job.. All he did was paperwork and LCs
  15. this cost $160, and does not support SD card. Anyone got better to recommend http://www.wowgadgetshop.com/#!__av/nanobox-multimedia
  16. Dear MCFians, Need product recommendations to polish my black coloured MR-S Soft Top. It's turned matt black and was wondering if there is any product in the market to restore it to a shiny black tone. Any advice will be much appreciated. Thank you. Regards Luke
  17. Kia Motors has scooped product design awards for its two latest vehicles
  18. Hi all bros/sis, Not sure if this is the right place to ask the following, but I have some questions on DG products before making purchases as I went through the website ( http://www.maddetailer.com/products.php?ca...owel/-Wash-mitt ) and seen quite a few which I am wondering which to pick. Between: Furry Microfibre Cloth and Plushy Microfibre Cloth What is the difference between the 2, it did state that one is both side plushy with suede trimming and the other is extremely soft and plushy, with silk lining on the edge, to me, I can't tell which is better and for what use. Then there is the: Wash Mitt and Duragloss Wash Mitten Can't tell whats the difference between both either and which to get for washing of car. Then there is also the: Wax Applicator Can this item be used for cleaning of lubricants used for claying? or is it better to use either Furry or Plushy Microfibre cloth? Lets say I need the following: 2 cloth for wiping off clay lubricant after claying : (which cloth should I get?) 2 cloth for wiping off wax after it drys/cure : (I think this is more like buffing? Which cloth should I get?) Hope bros/sis can enlighten me on the above. Thanks
  19. Hi.., Anyone can recommend, which company offer good product of CCTV system? thanks for info/ reply
  20. hi all, fakes have been around since god knows when... sometimes i think fakes are ok... eg fake t-shirts, belts, polos... for cars maybe stickers, foot pedals, gear knobs, stering wheels... etc.. BUT ENGINE PARTS CANNOT FAKE LAH... infact, like ultra racing says 'IMITATION IS THE BEST FORM OF FLATTERY'... fakes will be here to stay no matter what... "wen the buying stops... the killing stops'... but the fact is, what i am trying to bring across in this forum is, SOME PPL BUY THE FAKE PRODUCT WHILE THINKING ITS REAL... omg thats bad... lately i read a post by a bro that said AP RACING could have fakes... another said he withness a smashed up car using fake AP RACING... then another bro said there is no such thing as fake AP RACING... he also said no such thing as fake TEIN (n btw he is not from ST powered... ) so i am starting this thread to allow us to warn our fellow bro about any 'fake' products in our SG market... i forseen arguments but pls do not openly state any shop names aloud least we are wrong abt the accusation... i hope we have a common understand that when a product is a replica, it cannot bear the same logo/brand of the original product it was copied from... rims do replicas all the time... but under other brands or no brand... i wonder how many civics in SG actually have a genuine set of SPOON rims... ok... i saw this shop... 1) very impressive shop... so many stuff... i also saw mugen pedals fakes $60(CONFIRMED by logo print and price.. other 2 pls i saw were S$600+ and another S$200+)... Momo fakes also... (momo fakes are all over MY) this leaves me to imagine how genuine the other products are... i'm not saying all are fakes but you know what i mean... the momo 'drift' steering wheel i saw in JB RM$80... i see SG selling like S$120... and this shop also got sell expensive high-end products... Anyone got other 'fakes' in the market? i'm kinda worried if brakes, radiators, oil filters etc... internal stuff are fake then siao... and spark plugs?.... alamak.. what if my tyres are fake??? omg... going mad...
  21. any bro got used detailing prod for sale? If yes pls pm me or sms at 90058255
  22. Hello All Just trying my luck here. I work in a headhunting firm and looking out for someone who has manged and marketed auto loans. This position requires someone with 2 to 4 years relevant experience and able to market the loans to PI and Used car dealers. For confidential discussion please PM me . Thank you very much and cheers
  23. http://www.tuaw.com/2009/07/10/did-an-ipod-toast-a-saab/
  24. there is no more question like Sir, are you interested in our latest promotion/product offering ... bla bla bla whenever I use the bank counter service. such as stress free counter service now :) July 8, 2009 STRUCTURED PRODUCTS DEBACLE MAS acts against 10 institutions By Francis Chan TEN financial institutions that sold their customers complicated investments which turned bad after the Lehman Brothers investment bank collapsed last year have been banned from selling similar products. The dramatic, unprecedented action by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) stunned industry watchers yesterday and drew praise from some consumer bodies. It followed seven months of investigations after about 9,900 people lost most or all of their investments totalling about $520 million in structured notes such as Lehman Minibonds, DBS High Notes 5 and Merrill Lynch Jubilee Series 3 LinkEarner Notes. Hong Leong Finance, which dealt with 2,145 disgruntled customers who bought $86.1 million worth of these structured notes, was given the harshest penalty by MAS: It cannot sell or advise customers on new structured notes for at least two years. One-year bans were handed out to brokerages CIMB-GK Securities, Kim Eng Securities, OCBC Securities and Phillip Securities. OCBC Securities was also ordered to stop using introducers such as independent financial advisers to provide advice on new structured notes. A six-month ban was given to DBS Bank, ABN Amro, Maybank, DMG & Partners Securities and UOB Kay Hian. The bans took effect on July 1 and punish the institutions for their poor sales processes when flogging the complicated notes to customers. They will not be allowed to resume selling such products until the MAS is satisfied that they have fixed all faults identified by its review and strengthened their internal processes for providing advisory services for investment products. Each must appoint an external party, approved by the MAS, to review its action plan and report on its implementation. The MAS investigated after affected customers complained that they had lost their savings because they had been mis-sold the Lehman-linked products. They described being sold products that were too risky for their comfort level or were advised by sales representatives who did not know the products well. The MAS found that the 10 financial institutions applied different internal controls and failed in a number of areas. Among other things, they gave the products a lower risk rating than that stated in the formal prospectus and pricing statements. They also did not do enough to ensure that their sales staff were properly trained and had accurate and complete information needed to sell the products. Although about 62 per cent of customers whose cases have been decided on were offered some compensation, the low payouts have led many to reject the settlements and consider taking legal action. Even though the MAS has highlighted the institutions' failings and penalised them, this does not automatically mean that they will be liable to investors. Some market watchers felt that the MAS penalty had only a minimal effect since the sales of structured notes have dried up, but others pointed to the intangible impact of damage to reputations. 'The unprecedented move by the MAS is in itself quite a painful penalty for these institutions to be subjected to, and they certainly would not like to be on that list,' said Mr Robson Lee, a partner at the law firm Shook Lin & Bok. The Consumers Association of Singapore (Case) expressed disappointment at the lack of due diligence and internal controls at the institutions. 'Case feels that individuals who were found to have breached the Financial Advisers Act should be investigated and taken to task,' said Case president Yeo Guat Kwang. The MAS confirmed that investigations against individuals are still under way and action may be taken in due course. The chief executive of the Securities Investors Association of Singapore (Sias), Mr David Gerald, said he was pleased that the MAS had asked institutions to rectify all the weaknesses identified and to review and strengthen all procedures.
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