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Found 20 results

  1. Fireflies. Not a topic I think about often, if at all, but here we are. On a recent podcast episode, I learnt that the light that fireflies emit is nearly 100% efficient. That's amazing (nature generally is). And it is precisely the study of fireflies (and their light) that has allowed the development of more efficient LED lights. On a whim, I did a bit of extra Googling, and lo and behold, Japan pops up once more, with yet another culturally-unique eccentricity. In Japan, there are parks entirely dedicated to firefly-watching. Here a quote from the Wikipedia page: "Fireflies have attracted human attention since classical antiquity; their presence has been taken to signify a wide variety of conditions in different cultures and is especially appreciated aesthetically in Japan, where parks are set aside for this specific purpose." Hotaru Matsuri (ホタル まつり) translates directly to 'firefly festival'; fireflies emerge from their larvae state to mate, and in most species the adults live for just a few weeks in the summer. As is the way of the natural world, breeding is the name of the game. The fireflies' bioluminescence is primarily for mate selection - it allows the fireflies to communicate with each other to find potential mates. Beginning around late-May, this also helps signify the changing of the seasons. In Japan, fireflies are bred and released in various parks in the summer period, and the result is a spectacular organic light show: Perhaps unsurprisingly, fireflies have a broader cultural significance in Japan, with their ethereal existence a metaphor for passionate love. Fireflies have been a notable part of Japan's literary canon, with poetry and literature that dates back to the 8th century. With the species declining, its nice to know that there are Firefly Courses to help with conservation efforts. More people may also be familiar with the film Hotaru no Haka, or Grave of the Fireflies, a Studio Ghibli-produced animated historical war drama film that's universally acclaimed. It's certainly one of the more depressing movies I've ever watched, but my god is it powerful and poetic. Pretty amazing, eh, for a bunch of light-emitting beetles.
  2. Bad news for smokers https://www.channelnewsasia.com/singapore/smoking-banned-more-places-beaches-parks-water-sites-2544736 SINGAPORE: From Jul 1, Singapore will ban smoking at three new types of premises, although enforcement will only start in October to give smokers time to adjust. Smoking will be prohibited at all public parks and gardens managed by the National Parks Board (NParks), PUB’s Active, Beautiful, Clean Waters (ABC Waters) sites, and 10 recreational beaches, said the Ministry of Sustainability and the Environment (MSE), Sentosa Development Corp (SDC) and several statutory boards in a joint release issued on Monday (Mar 7). Together, they cover about 100 sites such as Raffles Place Park, East Coast Beach and Tanjong Beach, joining a list of more than 49,000 places where smoking is banned. These include entertainment outlets, shopping malls, bus stops and common areas in residential buildings. The extension of the smoking prohibition is part of Singapore’s efforts to clamp down on smoking and tackle second-hand tobacco smoke, the authorities said.
  3. Parking on double yellow? Someone thought some extra yellow would be helpful. What happened? A camcar submitted footage of someone approaching the car and supposedly peeing on it at night on 4th August. We see two people approaching the car in the video, while one of them goes off screen. If there was no context to this video we would never stick around to watch for more than 10 seconds. There is no concrete proof that someone peed on the car other than a still picture of some fluid on a bumper. I will say though, considering the two shown on camera weren’t carrying an umbrella, I doubt it was rain. So, SUS. Online chatter Quite a number of Facebook users noted how the camcar was parking illegally, as there were two yellow lines on the road in the video. Others also say the camcar deserved it for parking that way, and made jokes about the pee.
  4. Hi, i would like to know are National Parks' Carpark free for public or need to put coupon? Thanks
  5. Yo folks, lets check it out which shopping centres or hotels got the worst car park design. lets see who is the developer for the projects (shopping ctr/hotels)
  6. http://www.straitstimes.com/forum/letters-on-the-web/why-peak-hour-charge-at-popular-carparks http://www.straitstimes.com/forum/letters-in-print/differential-pricing-to-better-manage-parking-demand http://www.hdb.gov.sg/cs/infoweb/car-parks/short-term-parking/short-term-parking-charges Take note of the extra charges of these HDB car parks..
  7. Was very surprised to discover that Chinatown Point has no carparks for shoppers after circling the areas four times. Apparently the place only has carpark space for the office tenants. :angry: Wonder if anyone else encountered this... And also to inform all here in case you need to go to Chinatown Point one day...don't end up in my situation...waste petrol, waste time, got hot under the collar ...
  8. Correct me if I'm wrong, I thought delivery riders can claim back the carpark fee. So what difference does it make? http://www.straitstimes.com/breaking-news/singapore/story/hdb-ura-car-parks-charge-motorcyclists-minute-parking-fees-instead-fla
  9. hi guys, just want to check if anyone of you know of any MSCP with power socket points not locked and usable? TIA
  10. CNA reports: More mechanised car parks for condominiums By Lynette Lee | Posted: 22 August 2012 2102 hrs SINGAPORE: More condominiums in Singapore are having mechanised car parks in their compounds. And some suppliers say this trend is set to continue. One supplier says it has built about 20 such car parks in the past two years, compared to 50 over the last decade. The supplier says one reason for the demand is the lack of land in Singapore. With this system, drivers leave the parking to the computers. And getting a parking lot is no longer a tall order. On average, it takes about two minutes for a driver to retrieve his car. When a breakdown occurs, response teams take between 45 minutes and an hour to arrive. Mr Jeffrey Tan, Division Manager of MHE-Demag, said: "We have diagnostic systems that can inform them where the problems are actually coming from, so that they can address the breakdown immediately." - CNA/de Wait till power trip or shortage or system mulfunction, then they know.... Ever came accross twice with such mechanised parking system when system breakdown and have to wait for almost 2hrs plus to retrive my car.... Twice at Mustafa some years back and have not using that system since. When going to Mustafa, I will park at New Park Hotel car park or Syed Alwi Road...
  11. Hi guys, have you ever hit the top limit bar above the entrance? Maybe we can share the carpark height limit that we need to take note in Singapore. Or do you guys know which "apps" on Android Phone can check the ht limit?
  12. I just collected my alphard. Height is recorded officially as 1.89 metres. Is there a list of Singapore car parks that states their respective height limit? Or rather which are the car parks I got to watch out for? Those that are 1.85m and below.. Can anyone help? Don't want to bang into the ceiling and get stuck..waha..
  13. http://sg.news.yahoo.com/afp/20110223/tls-...rk-aeafa1b.html Well done! Will it happen here also????
  14. His car eating into the next lot. Will you still park in that lot and risk anything? For me, I am those kwai lan type. If I see such people, I purpose park in that lot and refuse to park to one side to give the car enough gap to open door. Die die park right in the middle and make he go in from the passenger side....lol...... I am not afraid of dents because my metal is damm thick but do get scratches on the pain. Btw, yesterday just kana one at my place. No season label one somemore. idiot park till his front wheel is across the next lot, rear wheels on the line. I purpose park next to him in the middle of my lot. then I don't know how he open his door. I did notice a small scratch mark on my paint...lol...
  15. anyone here who car was hit by fallen branches/trees and has claimed successfully from N parks?
  16. HDB has accepted business proposals from individuals and companies to operate the following commercial services in HDB car parks: Car Washing Car Grooming Mobile Food & Beverage Valet Parking Car Sharing Scheme Mobile Sale of Gifts and Stationery Mobile Sale of Potted Plants and Associated Products Conduct Dog Training Sessions Self-Service Car Vacuum Cleaning Machines Sale and Repair of Bicycles Install Can-Drinks Vending Machines Solar Film Installation Service Car Windshield Repair and Paint Touchup Services Is Rental FREE ?
  17. Should police cars be allowed on footpaths? By Esther Tan PARK-GOERS are territorial when it comes to footpaths. To them, it is their turf and in-line skaters and cyclists should keep off them. But what about police cars? Such vehicles have been patrolling along the East Coast Park footpaths and members of the public are questioning the need for it. Private school tutor Y. Chong, who was having a picnic with his family when he saw a police car travelling along the footpath, said: 'I was surprised...Cars shouldn't be allowed there.' The National Parks Board (NParks) said it allows police vehicles to patrol along the footpaths of certain parks for 'public security' purposes. The police said its patrol cars travel along footpaths for crime prevention purposes as well as to respond to calls for police However, there are guidelines by which police cars must abide in such cases. Both the police and NParks said police vehicles on the footpath are required to switch on the blinker lights on top. An NParks spokesman said they should keep to a speed limit of 15kmh - the same limit in many carparks or private residential areas. Former police officers said they should travel at a 'crawl' if it was a normal patrol, but could speed up in an emergency. Members of the public, though, were not convinced that police cars need to travel on footpaths to perform their duties. Bank officer Jan Chiok, 26, who visits the park once a month for in-line skating, said: 'It's better not for any vehicles to be on the path as it's meant for people only.' Bank analyst Bryan Goh, 28, who frequents the park twice a month, pointed out that pedestrians on the footpath may be listening to music on their earphones and may not even be aware of an approaching vehicle. A mother of three, Madam Tracy Lee, 46, said: 'Children tend to be engaged in play at the park and they won't notice things around them like a bicycle or a car.' Chairman of the Government Parliamentary Committee for Law and Home Affairs Teo Ho Pin feels it is not advisable for vehicles to travel along footpaths, adding that such paths are not designed to take the weight of vehicles. Most of the time, the police can gain access to the various parts of the park via the nearest carpark or secondary roads, said Dr Teo. National Safety Council president Tan Jin Thong suggested that a motorcycle could be used for police patrols instead of a car. Soon after terrorist Mas Selamat Kastari broke out of detention in February, police officers were seen patrolling several parks on bicycles. Mr Tan said: 'Motorcycles are smaller, easier to manoeuvre and can respond faster to emergencies or crime than a car.' http://www.straitstimes.com/Free/Story/STIStory_248267.html Mata proves that cars is also necessities to get around anywhere - wayang also too stoic cannot dress down and chilled down to real park environment.
  18. what wud u do if someone parks super close to you (approx 1.5ft door to door) and dent your door guard. bearing in mind i parked to the extreme edge of my lot as i was along the side!! stupid sonata dent my car today at bugis!! i gave so much space for the next car to park and he parked over the white divider line!! really wanted to wack his car back... but maturity got the better of me... believe in karma what goes around comes around. sud have taken photo and post in parking idiot! but got ppl waiting for my lot... what would u ppl do if that happens to u?
  19. Hi, Where I can find car parks with water-dispensers (coin or cash-car operated) for car washing? Any in the North, like Ang Mo Kio, Bishan, Yio Chu Kang and Yishun etc. Thanks!
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