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Found 5 results

  1. My Chinese not good, I read like effective but read further they said not effective. http://www.guangming.com.my/node/209657?tid=27 馬六甲15日訊)衛生部長拿督斯里蘇巴馬廉指出,目前我國正研究使用木瓜葉汁抵抗蚊症,不過發現木瓜葉汁雖然能夠增加病患的血小板及有退熱的功效,但是對於消滅蚊症病菌或制止病菌繁殖上則無效,因此將進行更進一步的研究。 他聲稱,由於目前蚊症沒有任何的解藥,所以衛生部還是會注重在預防的工作上,希望民眾能夠及時覺醒,與政府配合,抵抗蚊症。 他說,我國蚊症病例不斷上升,而噴蚊霧也只是解決蚊症的一種治標不治本的方式,只能暫時性的殺害蚊蟲,不是解決骨痛熱症的終極方案;更重要的是,民眾必須覺醒,與政府配合減少黑斑蚊的溫床。 “民眾如果每日就花費10分鐘清除住家周圍能夠繁殖蚊蟲的溫床,就能有效的制止蚊症。 已有數據顯示,頻密執行滅蚊覺醒運動計劃(COMBI)的民眾,蚊症就有明顯的下降。” 蘇巴馬廉指出,民眾一再的誤解,認為政府應該增加到蚊症黑區噴蚊霧的次數,不過人們不知道的是,噴蚊霧的效果最多只能維持一天,蚊霧的藥效第二天就失效了。 他說,對抗蚊症的責任,不能只落在政府的身上,民眾也必須付出。政府可以推介上百個滅蚊醒覺運動,也可以每個星期主辦清潔運動,但是如果民眾仍然不注意周遭環境的衛生,這些努力將是白費的。 蘇巴馬廉是在2014年東南亞骨痛熱症日全國慶典上的開幕典禮,如是指出。 他舉出,蚊症在人口密集的地方案例最多,尤其全國人口最密集的雪州八打靈,佔了全國蚊症病例的30至40%。去年1月至6月為止,全國蚊症病例是1萬910宗,今年同時期已經飆升至3萬4411宗,明顯的增加252%。去年同時期的死亡病例有22宗,今年飆升241%至75宗。 他呼吁民眾在瞭解黑斑蚊子的習性後,知道黑斑蚊通常在清晨及傍晚出現,於是在那個時候若要出門,最好做好防範措施。(光明日報)
  2. http://www.mycarforum.com/index.php?showto...661217&st=0 http://www.mycarforum.com/index.php?showto...p;#entry3676579 after reading the above 2 threads i feel that no matter how i see it the chances of the opposition winning is close to zero it is like playing championship manager.... e.g. chelsea vs wolverhamton chelsea has all the money in the world. players are given insane wages. whereas wolverhampton has to survive on a low budget. chelsea will be able to buy top talents. but for wolverhampton it is not easy to even retain their talents from moving to bigger clubs. as such the future will never be promising for them. in our current society it is even worse as it seems like money is everything.... with papaya deciding on their own wages and by paying millions to their members using the tax payer's money... they've won half the battle.... now they just need to fight it out with the less talented opposition or a few good men who have decided to forgo the riches how difficult can that be for the highly paid and highly talented papayas.... shouldn't be a problem as most sporeans are a sensible bunch who will still vote for the more talented candidates the papayas excellent tactic by papaya.... checkmate for opp
  3. 4 years go some people wanted to use internet and other new media to do marketing and outreach. but no, cannot, illegal. 4 years later today, oh yes, now can use le. from my perspective, it's becos 4 years ago the cucumbent (i mean incumbent) are not savvy unlike the others. in the 4 years that followed, they started joining the bandwagon. facebook lah, twitter lah, blogging lah. now ready le then approve. got smell leh... cannot respect!
  4. looks like they targeting poor people like us now eh? :(
  5. Sibeh song..... Pwned a Lexus today. L600 somemore. Trying to cut infront of me despite a long queue. I die die don't give way and horn..... Almost bang already but he no balls to bang me so slow down almost to a stop and try to cut in behind but behind car so don't give way. Then cars behind him all horn him to move. He LL move off miss the turn... LOL!! PWNAGE!! Who says only I hate elites, even other cars also don't give way to elites as well!! LOL!! PWNAGE!!
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