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  1. To prevent spammers from rampaging throughout the forum, we have implemented the rule that Users with less than 10 posts will be unable to start new topics. These users will only be able to reply to others. We understand that this could pose frustration to new members who may have a legitimate n...
  2. Rather annoying feature although my understanding is that it is to minimise automated forum bots on here. As it is, am not keen to flood the forum with meaningless posts elsewhere just for the sake of enabling thread creation. So dear admins - do forgive the following "spam" posts and take i...
  3. Hi all new user here looking for advice. Bought a 3 year old VW on consignment, confirmed via whatsapp (and verbal) that remaining 2 year warranty still valid. But when I sent to Volkswagen for servicing, was told they just discovered ECU tuned so warranty is now void. Questions: 1)...
  4. Yeah it's me again. Let's see who has the largest and nicest rims!
  5. Sometimes we encounter mind-boggling sights on the road that leave us scratching our heads. What happened and how did it get there? Recently we spotted yet another such scene circulating on one of our favourite pages: The page had captioned it "You can't park there, Sir." Yo...
  6. Dear all, Been through quite a few wedding. When the bros here call me up for my address and want to mail me the invitation card, I would tell them don't need, just SMS me the date, venue and time will do. As I got enough mails to go thru already .... and I don't have the card with me always...
  7. Mod your ride? Happy and full of pride? Post it and poison us. Even if it is just stickers
  8. Pic A. Color pic B. B&W look Pic C. Low color mode
  9. Can anyone help me? I am trying to post my ads for sale but encountered the following error (checked that my files are within the 2Mb limit): 413 Request Entity Too Large nginx/0.7.65 Thanks in advance.
  10. Urgent Advice Needed - Trouble with Workshop for Accident Claims Good evening all, Posting here as there's very limited information on motorbikes.. I am both a driver and a rider. I got into an accident this year where a car hit me when he was exiting a carpark when I was riding. I’...
  11. https://m.facebook.com/watch/?v=351168979094837&_rdr He called the police so no reason to post this on FB. Poor girl. I would have paid for her and gave her my contact to return the money. Many uncles here would do the same hor.......
  12. Mods pls close off this thread if already started somewhere else... https://www.theonlinecitizen.com/2019/07/01/analysts-predict-temasek-and-gic-to-have-negative-returns-in-last-fiscal-year/?fbclid=IwAR03ZvPXPBVTzaEZKjAiqcHDPFTKY7X0W10LJ3F2SC1BC6Z-Cgtd2VO2nVE Analysts predict Temasek and GIC...
  13. Singpost Postman caught throwing a stack of letters into the rubbish bin , being confronted https://www.facebook.com/sureboh.sg/videos/1726051920748339/ - Postman mentioned he has 2600 parcel/letters to deliver which is heavy workload and still work despite having an ankle injury, "placed"...
  14. Singapore Rolls Out Next-Gen Post Offices Complete with 3DP http://www.engineering.com/3DPrinting/3DPrintingArticles/ArticleID/8643/Singapore-Rolls-Out-Next-Gen-Post-Offices-Complete-with-3DP.aspx SingPost is rolling out new generation post offices island-wide as part of its ongoing effor...
  15. Approaching New Year 2019 soon! For car sellers, it means: - meet Dec target, get monthly bonus! - meet Q4 target, get quarterly bonus! - meet H2 target, get 2nd half bonus! - and if meet 2018 target, get big big bonus!!! So they can probably sacrifice profit margin for 1 or few cars jus...
  16. Hi dear forumer, if i crash into a lamp post and damaged it.. the whole pole drop down and land onto the road... what is the fine that i'm likely to pay? Could i use my insurance to pay for the damage? or insurance would not cover that?
  17. /against the rules here? any car owner letting off their car (2 years or less)?
  18. here is mine.... colour combination of my 3 decals goes very well....
  19. Saw a cool bike the other day Any nice bikes around, pls post too
  20. Icarsclub is down for few months now. No renters from them at all even cny peak period. Pretty disappointed as a member. Where else can I post to rent my car(mpv) out for the cny period? Tks.
  21. Hi Skodaman, Thanks for the message! 1 question, Why cannot post picture in skoda lounge ? regards Greg
  22. Dear ADMIN, May I ask, Where can I post a "looking for" or "WTB:" thread for a specific used car model/make, which Category/section/sub-section is allow ? As in the After-market Category, I don't see/find a section for Auto-car. Thank you in advance.
  23. Test post test
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