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it has been quiet for a few days since school started but not for long as i received a PM today from a clone with an attached link... lucky i didn't click it as i suspect something not right cos i received another clone PM me with the Steven Lim video earlier, i point the cursor to the link and saw it link to a funny website, i just delete the PM. but i also forward the whole PM to the Mod and hopefully didn't do any damage to his PC I believe a few other members here received such PM and at least one did open the link and was cursing high and low [laugh] So be gentle to these clones/clowns if not you will be busy deleting lover messages, and please do not click any link if you are in the office
Unemployment rate for over-30s creeps up This group of job-seekers runs the risk of skills obsolescence, says Manpower Minister 04:45 AM Jun 16, 2012 by Sara Grosse SINGAPORE - As Singapore's labour market shows signs of softening, Minister of State for Manpower Tan Chuan-Jin yesterday flagged an area of concern: The long-term unemployment rate, while still low, has crept up over the year for residents aged 30 and over. For residents aged 30 to 39, the figure rose from 0.3 per cent to 0.4 per cent, while for mature residents aged 40 and over, the figure rose from 0.7 per cent to 0.8 per cent. "This group of job-seekers remains unemployed and is still unable to secure a new job after an extended period of time," wrote Mr Tan on The Manpower Blog. "Thus, skills obsolescence could potentially set in." He gave assurance that the Government will work closely with the Singapore Workforce Development Agency to help these job-seekers with training and finding new jobs. The report released yesterday showed that job creation had slowed in the first three months of the year with 27,200 jobs created, down from 28,300 a year ago. Unemployment rose slightly to 2.1 per cent in March from 2.0 per cent last December, while the number of job vacancies fell by 5.1 per cent over the year to 46,800 in March. Inflation continued to weigh down on wages, with real average monthly earnings falling by 3.9 per cent in the first quarter from last year, following a 1.4-per-cent drop in the fourth quarter of last year. Recruiters told Channel NewsAsia that they were concerned about Singapore's labour productivity, which fell by 2.2 per cent in the first quarter after declining by 0.5 per cent in the previous quarter. Some, like Randstad Regional Director Karin Clarke, said it suggests that firms are not improving their productivity despite challenges in finding the right talent. As for the dip in employment rate, Association of Small and Medium Enterprises President Chan Chong Beng said: "That small increase in the unemployment rate could possibly be offset later on by the cutting-down of the dependency ratio ceiling." Meanwhile, 2,600 workers were made redundant in the first quarter of this year, down from 3,250 in last year's fourth quarter. URL Copyright 2012 MediaCorp Pte Ltd | All Rights Reserved
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A CEMENT-MIXER driver has been charged over the fatal crash in Tampines which claimed the lives of two brothers and cast the spotlight on heavy vehicles and road safety. Munir Mohd Naim, 57, is claiming trial to causing the deaths of Nigel Yap Yew Cheong, 13, and Donavan Yap Teck Siong, seven, by a negligent act at the traffic light cross-junction of Tampines Avenue 9 and Tampines Street 45 on Jan 28. Nigel was cycling and taking his brother - who was riding pillion - home after school when they were struck by the cement mixer at about 5.40pm. Munir Mohd allegedly failed to keep a proper lookout while making a left turn from Tampines Avenue 9 into Street 45 when the traffic light was showing "green" in his favour. Source:
Another day and another careless driver. Today, we have for you guys an accident that happened at the junction of Orchard Road and Buyong Road. As seen from the photo, a SMRT cab has collided with a Nissan truck which in turn has flipped over. We hope those involved in the accident are alright as of press time, though there is currently no news on whether there are any injuries or not. 8e96337c-f950-4b82-a6ef-90577e45cdbc.MP4 From the video, we can understand a bit better what caused the truck to flip over. That said, we have no idea why the taxi slowly crept forward into the junction although the lights did not turn green. We did note that his brake lights weren't on all when he came into frame, suggesting to us that he could have fallen asleep at the wheel, letting the car roll forward into traffic.
The towkay is said to be a very young fellow Doc takes company boss go to court over parking dispute Yet another case of road rage. This one involves a doctor and a managing director of a company over a parking space. The incident happened on June 22 along the restaurants that line Upper Thomson Road. The medical professional, who wanted to be known only as Dr Goh, was reversing his Nissan Latio into a parking space when another car appeared from behind and kept inching forward. Dr Goh managed to park, but said the Lexus drove up beside them and started gesturing at him very aggressively before driving off. Shortly after Dr Goh exited the car, he claimed that the driver of the Lexus walked over to his car and ripped off its right side mirror, leaving it dangling. Dr Goh made a police report about the incident and has also filed a Magistrate's Complaint against the other driver as advised by the police. When contacted, the other driver declined to comment. Both drivers will appear before a judge at the Subordinate Courts next Wednesday.
Some heated discussions going on at EDMW after TS said Arnold's chicken refused to sell food to non-Muslim. My encounter with them during Ramadan recently was that I had to wait until 7pm for for my takeaway orders (had arrived at 6.20pm) so chose to skip this time round. Noted there were other Non-muslims eating there as well that time. (different experience with TS) Really big hoohah erupted over this issue. Fried chicken saga
Updated Feb 14 2011 - Now with driving information to Southern Thailand (need some confirmation on prices) (Topic F2) - Updated with experiences on break downs on the NSH (Topic K) - How not to get robbed. (Topic L) - Behaving in Msia (Topic M) - Parking in KL (Topic N) - What to do when police pull you over when you are not speeding. (Topic O) - Updated with Pictures ! (bottom) - Now with Bold fonts ! -------- Hi, I've been driving up to Msia the past few years, I would like to share some tips and driving experience with anyone who might be interested. Anyone wishing to add more tips, please add on. A. Preparation I think the most important things will be making sure your engine oil is topped up, lights completely working, tyres free from any foreign objects and of course, fully gassed up. Other things that I usually bring is spare ringgits, (1 50 and a few 10s). At the toll booth, if u dun have ringgit, the operator will offer to change SGD with MYR, but exchange rate is 1 is to 1. So pls bring Ringgit. Other things I usually put in my car include torch, warning triangle, wet wipes, water, first aid kit, spare clothes, toilet paper lining, tissue paper etc etc. As I go up every week, I tend to be abit more kiasu. So far I am lucky, I don't need to stop for any emergency. But who knows. B. Toll Booths You may choose to purchase a touch and go card at all 'PLUS' highway offices or tollbooths. If you see "TAMBAH NILAI" that means you can buy/top up your touch and go at these places. If you wanna buy the smart tag, visit the office and buy the smart tag machine. Last time I bought was about 80rm I think. *Touch n Go cards are a must from October 09 onwards ! I lost mine and managed to purchase at the first toll I saw after SG customs. Find out more here C. Speed/Time The speed limit is 110 most of the way, sometimes dropping to 90 (on windy roads but not on NS highway). There are speed cameras deployed here and there. Out of my 100 trips up and down per year, I get on average 3 - 5 speeding tickets at RM300 each (camera kind). I am not condoning speeding but it is up to each individual how fast they wish to finish the journey. I have completed the SG > KL journey at 90km before, at 110km and at speeds way above the limit. 90KM took me about 4 hours plus to complete as my lights failed, and I was following behind this station wagon the entire nite. 110 took about 3 & 1/2 hours. I shall not discuss my record here yes ? haha. If you happen to be caught my cops for speeding (even when ure not speeding). Pass him ur passport and smile at him. Call him encik and show your shoulders if u are female (or male with sexy shoulders). At this junction, you can either 1. Accept the ticket he will offer you 2. Talk kok with him till he gets bored and leaves you alone with no ticket or 3. Negotiate another option which again I shall not be so explicit about. But what I would like to mention is that 50 ringgit that you have prepared should come in handy somewhere about now. D. Weather vs Time vs Traffic Best times to leave SG or KL 4 - 6am Best time If you leave at 5am, ur car will get cold air and it'll feel much more smoother, youcan even switch off the aircon I hardly feel sleepy at this time. 10 - 11am Sun is slowly rising, not that hot, but you will get the cops around these times. 2pm - 3pm Depature sg is ok only, but trust me, you will get sleepy. Not much cops around cause they are sleeping, traffic is so-so. Try to avoid hitting sg or kl anytime above 6(KL) or 7(SG). Cause all hell breaks loose and everyone comes out to play. D1. Day driving Usually, day driving esp afternoon, you will get abit sleepy. The roads are quite straight and boring. Wat I do to keep awake is to slap myself in the face really hard, or stop the car and wash my face. I remember one incident where my passenger was sleeping next to me, i also fell asleep for awhile. In my dream I realised i was driving and when i suddenly woke up, i was thankful my car was still going straight or else abes. Remember the wet wipes i ask u to prepare ? not for cleaning up your spunk but for wiping your face. Remember to switch on your headlights If you are driving fast, you can also switch on ur high beam. Cars from afar will see you and you dun even need to signal right. It is not irritating to them at all, so dun worry. I tested before. Day driving got more buses than trucks. Also expect army trucks and super slow cars on the right lane. D2. Night Driving Night driving will be more fun. You tend to be more alert but of course is more dangerous. Those cars that change to white light, sorry brothers, it wont' work very well in night/rainy/foggy weathers. So please take extra care. The torchlight u bring come in handy now, can shine at them and shine out if your light can't reach. Hahaha There was one incident where i slowed down near some construction area, i saw one slab of concrete in front of me. I was very lucky to have seen it and managed to swerve in time. If i was driving my usual speed, i would most probably be using my mouth to type out this post. So conclusion is slow your ass down near work sites (quite alot), u wun know what the hell will pop out. Night driving you will encounter more trucks vs buses. Some of these trucks no light so please bring some eye drops or clean the crap from ur eyes. Two pairs of eyes will be best, and I am not refering to spectacles. Ask your passenger dun be lazy and help keep a watch out. Cars tend to turn out for no rhyme or reason without signalling. Cars that have all kinds of weird lights all over the car, finally you have a good and valid reason to use it. Its better to be safe and sorry, make sure the lorries and kancils see your batmobile when you overtake them. D3. Wet Weather Expect rain to happen anytime of the day. When that happens, Pray your tyres have enough grip on the road. For cars with tyres width >225, hold your steering wheel tight because aquaplanning will happen. FYI Aquaplanning is not planning activities with transvestites for a day out. It happens when too much water forms an extra layer onthe road and not enough water can be flushed out by the tyre grooves. You will loose control but counter steer slightly and continue driving on. If you plan to slow down to 80 -90, please for goodness sake move to the left lane. Don't be a hogger. Sometimes, the rain comes down so bad that it's better to pull at a rest stop before continuing on journey. I keep a pair of yellow sunglasses that helps me see during rainy/foggy weather. Yellow spectrum penetrates rain/fog much better. E. Driving Etiquette There are some unwritten rules about driving on the north south highways. Most msian cars simply hate singaporen cars, nothing we can do about that because we complain about their cars when they come in. I'm not exactly an angel, but I try my best to adhere to the below rules (when i can) E1. Signalling Signal right if you wish to overtake. If bugger refuses to move, overtake from left. No point being upset. Some of these cars have no side view mirrors, dirty rear view mirrors. They may have no idea you are even there. You may horn but dun over horn. Slight tap will be good. First course of action is signal right. High beam (if at nite), then horn is last. E2. Flashing Keep it to a minimum as the opposite traffic really gets blinded by your highbeam. Don't do a long irritating high beam. Do 2 quick ones like how you use your mouse to double left click. Those who wish to flash their body can do so at their own discretion. E3. Horning Seriously, on such long highways and speeds, your horn wun really matter much unless you're directly behind them, horning a poor kelisa that decided to overtake you. So keep that to a minimum unless its an emergency. E4. Cursing Cursing is very much accepted in msia, so long you do it in your own car. At the end fo the day, is there a point slowing down to the offending car and letting off profanities ? After so many years of driving up and down, i just tap my horn to show my displeasure or give a sexy stare. E4i. When all else fails, and the receiver of your cursing doesn't understand what you are trying to bring across, use the universal sign of bad faith. To do a good finger, wind down window, extend arm and twist wrist. Slowly unleash the bird and jerk it once to show you mean it. Once point has been brought across (make sure he/she sees it) then bring arm back into the car. Use this only when cursing under breath has failed, or the receiver is 100% wrong (who are we to judge *shrugs). But use it sparingly, we are only allowed to use it 7 times in our lifetime before it's no longer cool. Do take note, by doing the above, you may be getting yourself into more trouble than you probably wish for. It's sometimes best just to walk away unscathed. E5. Racing If you tend to drive at high speeds, or you are driving any car that looks fast (or faster that it actually is), expect to get raced by all kinds of cars. I have had Porsche GT2s, F430s, Wajas, civics (funniest one was a bike) try and race (play punk) with me because simply I was driving fast. Just ignore and continue at ur own pace. If they come up fast behind you, just move over to the left and let them pass. Slow down if you have to. It's not worth it. Once they leave, you may chooose to do E4i. E6. Hogging If you drive anywhere from 0 - 250km/h on the right lane, and insist on keeping on the right lane even when someone comes up behind you, you are a hogger. Hoggers are drivers who have brains the size of my left testicle, who most probably can't score a screw with a hooker, who probably jerks off to the picture of elmo. In Msia, or even SG, just activate your signal, signal left then move left swiftly. Avoid straddling lanes as cars will just prepare to pass you as you are moving left. That may cause an accident so dun straddle ! E7. Tailgating If someone is tailgating you, and you are in the first lane. Hit yourself in the balls. That means you're hogging ! Same thing, Signal left, then move left swiftly. If you're in the slow lane, and someone is tailgating you with no rhyme or reason, you may chooose to do E4i. E8 Roads/Obstacles/Animals Through out your journey, if you are travelling at high speed, expect to see various forms of insects, bugs and slightly smaller animals stuck in your intercooler. For those turbo charged cars, you may wish to install some kind of additional filter. I have had cats, dead dogs, legs, arms, blood, stones, ROCKS !!, tyres, bugs, insects, HUGE insects hit my car. During your petrol stop, you can spend the time while waiting for your refuel by trying to identify the names of the insects, bugs or what not that have collided with your windscreen, intercooler, bumper, side view mirrors. If you have kids or children in the car, bring them out and have a nice family activity at the petrol station ! Obstacles are far too many on the NS highway. Avoid hitting carcasses (dead animals)as they stick to the undercarriage and cause a stink when cooked. Wash it off quickly when that happens unless you want to smell like bbq at your destination. It's good to bring some bug spray or some water to get rid of the insects that hit your car. Wash it off quick because they become stubborn when left out too long. You may meet various forms of wildlife on your trip up north. It's not exactly meeting them, but rather your bumper will have a bonding session with them. These include but are not limited to monitor lizards (abt 2m long), snakes, dogs, cats, monkeys, squirrels, birds, wild boar etc etc. Slow down and horn to chase them away, if you are driving at speeds above 100, just hit them and drive straight through. If you hit the brakes and swirve, you will get into an accident. Remember to say a small prayer for them when you pass. Yesterday, I came across a cat lying in the middle of the road at a petrol station licking itself (Such a cool cat). It just totally ignored me as a I neared. I had to stop my car, horn and rev my engine before it even looked up. Finally, a petrol attendant ran over and took him out of the way. Watch out for exploded tyres from lorries, and lorries that just stop in the middle of the road. I happened to hit an exploded tyre doing about 160 and my right bumper just disintegrated, luckily my car didnt change direction or i would have crashed. Thanks to Yew Lip, my car is back to its pristine condition. I just heard from my friend that her aunt died when their car hit a stationery lorry that just broke down on the road without any lights. Even while driving at the speed limit the driver died, so just keep that in mind. F. Driving further up to Ipoh/Kuantan/Penang/Terrengganu For those driving up to KL, you may stop here. Your drives are comfortable and the roads are well made. You have nothing to fear and it is rather safe. To East Coast For those venturing further, to the east coast of KL, good luck. You need it. Big highways become single lane trunk roads. You will spend alot of time overtaking in fear and anticipation that another car doesnt suddenly come face to face with you. Or you will spend alot of time waiting behind a lorry. Try and avoid doing this trip at nite. To penang/Ipoh From KL to Ipoh/Penang, the roads become winding and there are lots of slight turns. These turns can accomodate speeds at up to 180 - 190 and remember not to brake or panic when you enter these turns. Just let your car turn in slowly. The views here become wonderful. Ask your passenger to prepare a camera as some of the views are just breathtaking, esp before ipoh. When you are heading to Penang, remember to stop n have the wonderful ipoh hor fun. I cant describe how wonderful it is. Ipoh Hor Fun turns me on and gives me wet dreams. F2. Driving up to Thailand I have gone up to Southern Thailand till Hat Yai from Penang, and it is a pretty much easy to commute trip. From Penang to the Thai border, it is a straight road all the way up, bypassing Alor Star (stop by and have a meal there !) and should take you approximately 2 hours+. 1 Hr + for faster cars. Funnily I have not gotten caught for speeding before from penang onwards. Before you near the customs, there will be many insurance outlets around the area before the customs side. Keep an eye out and stop at the first ones. There, you can buy your insurance for very little money and they will prepare all the forms and everything for you. Ensure you bring your log card. Once that is done, head on up to the Msia customs (as per normal like sg into msia) and drive to the thai/msia side. You will bypass a duty free shopping center where you can buy all your alcohol and other stuffs. It's quite cheap so dun forget to buy em there. After that, head on towards the thai customs but do not drive through. You have to park at the left side of the customs (big outdoor carpark) but take note don't park anywhere with signs saying "NO PARKING" or you will have a handcuff cuffed to your door and may have to pay the fine. (Yes, we kena) After parking, go queue at the customs booth and pay RM1 for your passport to be chopped. Drivers must go to another side to get their cars validated. Once everything is done, drive the car through that same counter and get a piece of paper from the officer who will be holding it. If you are lazy and don't wish to do any of the above, you will realise that you can actually drive through without doing any of the above. But of course, you are illegally entering thailand. It is a risk that some do take and you can opt to do it too, but do remember your butthole can only get poked so many times in jail before it runs out of warranty. So once you are done, welcome to the town of danok, thailand. This town is perfect for guys as they have various bars where men can test drive different boobs. Now, this is a different story all together and I am not claiming I have test driven any boobs. It was told to me by a friend of a friend, of a friend. I continued driving to Hat Yai, a more palatable and bigger town in my opinion where you can grab amazing food and get the most wonderful foot massages at a reasonable price. Going back is exactly the opposite. If you are lost as to what I mean, proceed to read from this paragraph backwards to the first paragraph. You will find yourself back in malaysia. Take note - You can't take any alcohol back into malaysia and don't try it. (yes, we got caught). Once you get back to the msia side, you will find yourself at an M'sian Army Roadblock. Put on your best ugly smile and call the nice officer encik, and he will wave you on. They are checking for drug addicts, and suspicious people. There are some great photo journals of many forum members into Thailand that I have read up on. Please do a search and refer to those for photos and a more accurate dollar and cents read through. G. East Coast Driving For those who are slightly more adventurous, you can choose to drive from SG to Mersing to Kuantan to Terrengganu. This will take you approximately 10 hours (I finished in about 8 - 9 hours from Tggu to SG). From Kuantan to SG, the coastal roads are beautiful. The trees are green (and red) and the roads are almost completely empty. You can choose to take photos near Cherating area and Mersing town area especially for those with modern looking cars (on a backdrop of a fishing village.) Do remember the drive (after 4 hours) becomes slightly tedious because the roads are very windy and there are cows that wander onto the roads. H. Special tools When I hit the tyre, my bumper came lose and it was hanging on one side. Thanks to the bandages on my first aid kit, i managed to tie it up onto my fender and it wasnt too bad. It was flapping around when I did over 150 so i added more bandages. It was quite funny. But the tools that come in handy would be 1. 1 - 2 Screwdrivers, small and big 2. Pliers 3. Cutters 4. Some simple wires and strings. 5. Torch 6. Tape These would be the most basic things that anyone have in the car, it will help no matter what the problems are, unless of course ur car flip upside down. I. Checking your car. I cant emphasize how important it is to check your tyres, please do that. If you don't know your tyre pressure, go ask your tyre shop guy, write it down somewhere. In the meantime, check your thread depths to see whether it is too bald, if its bald, go change your tyres, you don't want to be caught in the cross winds + heavy rain + poor visibility. Other things that I try (i do try when i remember) to check is my oil, you don't want to suddenly have a shortage of oil while driving as ur engine will be damaged. Keep a small 1litre bottle in the boot at all times. J. Petrol Stations Toll Booth Amounts (Touch n Go Payable only) From SG > KL Customs > SGD4.80 First Toll - Rm 10.80 Second Toll - Rm 3.10 Third Toll (at KL) - Rm 36.70 For Petrol Kiosk Locations SG to KL (on E2 highway) 33km, 75km, 146km, 205km, 225km, 271km, 308km KL to SG 274km, 210km, 136km, 74km K. Breaking Down on the North South Highway I have broken down a few times in Malaysia. With a bmw, landrover and a proton, both in the middle of the night and during the day. Oddly, it was the breaking down during the day which was slightly abit more scary than the night. Here are a few things that I think everyone should take note. 1. Try and get to the shoulder as fast as possible, or if you feel the car is gonna break down, get off to the rest stop, take note of the KM number on the center divider or on the left. 2. Once you have stopped on the shoulder, avoid putting up your bonnet or your trunk as that will signal to people that you have broken down. Try to pretend you are parked at your will and you can move off anytime. When I broke down, there were many guys that stopped and asked if I needed a workshop, some of them actually turned aggressive when I told them I was just waiting for a friend or when I didn't need their help. Just do not converse with them if possible and wave them off and not look at them. They may just hang around but do not start any form of conversation no matter what. 3. Call the Plus Toll line @ 1800 88 0000. The plus toll hotline will send a pickup truck that will help with the below: - Battery, Tyre puncture, overheating, loss of oil/fuel and other simple things. - Other matters, they will probably give you the number for a tow truck to call. Different sections of the highway is taken care of different companies. If you call a JB firm, they may charge you much more for their trip up, and also you have to wait for them to go all the way up to reach you. So ask the TollPlus guys the nearest tow truck company number. If you are driving a FWD car, it should be easier as the normal tow truck can pick you up. 4WD & RWD cars may require a tow truck with a bed that puts your entire car on their truck. They may also charge you additional if you wanna hitch a ride. I have paid from RM250 (for short distance) to RM600 for 100km + distance to the nearest town with lompang. Bargain on the phone and don't sound too desperate, say you'll call others as there really are alot of companies. If you are alone (lady or a wuss), you can give some money to the tollplus guys to hang around so no other people will bug you. If you are a guy, just act tough, smoke a ciggy or if u haf tattoos just show it so those annoying 'workshop middlemen' wont really try and do anything. 4. If there are no body around, I will recommend you leaving your car and sitting behind it a few meters away. Traffic is heavy and anything might happen with people banging into your car from the back. Sitting in front of the car may prove dangerous. If you notice someone stopping, go back to the car and sit inside till he leaves. 5. Nighttime breakdowns are slightly more intimidating, but really, nobody stops to bug you and all the bad guys are sleeping. There are alot of trucks though. Switch on all your lights and hazard lights and sit way back. Enjoy the jungle and the cool breeze and quickly call the toll plus guys. I will recommend before setting off any journey, try and find some tow truck company numbers near JB, Malacca and Kuala Lumpur to keep with in case of any emergency. For BMW or other premium car drivers, you can call ur emergency service and they will send down a tow truck. Near JB/SG Call Mr Yeoh from Faster Transport & Crane Services Sdn Bhd, +6017 351 8816 / +6012 780 8913 For tyre/wheel problems in KL. Call Mr Wong, From Heap Wo Tyre & Battery Services, Open on Sundays ! +603 6257 5492 / +603 6257 1902 L. How not to get robbed. 1. While driving in KL, i have experience first hand people around me getting robbed. I have been lucky not to have gotten robbed because I follow the following rules. a. Do not place your valuables on your seat, backseat, center console or anywhere else, while driving and not driving. b. Do not leave your GPS holder stuck on your windscreen. This basically tells the person you have a GPS in your car c. Take out your cashcard, and leave the little cover open, so ppl can see it's empty. d. Cover with a piece of cloth if you have any thing that is stuck on your dashboard. Position it such that you are using to protect your dashboard. e. Going to a shop ? Try and get parking as close to it as possible, and keep an eye out. Look out for any lingering people that are looking at you or your car. Look out for sudden accelerating motorcyles. Leave a buddy near the car if possible. f. Have a flashy car ? Pick and choose the place you shop, eat or visit. Most of KL is safe, just be more attentive. g. Most parking at the major shopping malls or tourist areas are very safe, if you are more worried, park at the valet. It's not that expensive. Generally, Malaysia (JB northwards) is pretty safe. I have visited the most ulu places and I just park my car anywhere. Just avoid break ins. If the person really wanna steal your car, you don't have much a choice. But you can prevent break-ins. I can't say the same for JB though, it's a cesspool of crime so avoid it at all cost. M. Behaving in Msia Remember one thing my fellow singaporeans. You may not like Malaysians or may look down on them for one reason or another. But they are like us, just people with families and stuff. If you treat them with respect, they will do so with you. Act like a typical singaporean, and trust me, you will get the brunt of their anger. We are visitors in their country, follow and respect their rules as best as you can. Like wise, if you visit your friend's home, you don't just decide to s--t on their couch if you know what I mean. I have some Malaysian friends, and their only gripe with us is when we visit their country and we act like we are better than them. Just a dose of reality check guys, how would you feel when foreigners come to our country and they think they are better than us. Msians are cool, smart (they speak 4 languages minimum) and generally friendlier (try saying hello on the streets to a fellow singaporean) than us. So let's keep that in mind when we head over. N. Parking in KL Some parking areas in melaka, penang, ipoh and kl have 'parking helpers' that help you with lots. They don't really do much but they just point out empty lots for you and maybe help those who are bad in parking park properly. Give them RM1 and don't be a stinge with them. Some of them will help take care of your car for you and keep the robbers away so help them out as well. Some other places have lot parkings. Just remember to park as close as possible to populated areas and not at the far end where there is shade. Avoid parking at the side of major roads as these places have heavy traffic. I have seen cars getting scratched by motorcycles so just park at the designated areas. As I said, most places in KL, Ipoh, PG & Malacca, Tggu, Kuantan are pretty safe. O. What to do when pulled over by the cops (in the city) Singapore plate cars take note. Sometimes you will get pulled over for no reason (esp at night). They say they are doing a routine check but sometimes they just wanna disturb you. When they switch on their blinkers, you don't need to stop immediately, put on your hazard light and try and drive until you see a good populated area or a petrol kiosk. With witnesses around, they wouldn't dare do anything. do not at any cost stop at the side of the road alone. Remember, the cops can do anything to you. Do not try and outsmart them by talking too much (in KL itself). Be polite and call them encik. Don't be a smart aleck by probing their intentions, they are not stupid. Don't offer outright any money, as you are just insulting them. Wait for them to start any conversation. -------------- I'll update this post as I gather more adventures. I would like to offer all my forum members my email - [email protected] Please feel free to drop me an email if you need any help in KL (i stay near mt kiara, and I visit malaysia once every 2 weeks). If you need someone to bring you up, I will be more than happy to, if our timing coincides. Or if you need any advise, I will be happy to as well. I'm waiting for my new car to arrive, I have sold my old one so i will be flying up for the time being. But once i get it, I may start driving up again. Till then, safe driving ! The pictures don't seem to load. Please right click and open image in new window :(
Every day, almost a dozen motorcyclists or pillion riders are injured on the roads. Hospitals say they account for more than half of the more serious accident cases, even though motorcycles make up only 15 per cent of vehicles here. Last year, 96 motorcyclists and three pillion riders died - accounting for half of all road deaths. Many riders who survive suffer severe injuries because they are flung and dragged or they land in the path of other vehicles. Fractures are common, and they also suffer internal injuries ranging from brain damage to crushed organs, and could end up in hospital for weeks or months. Source:
Sibeh no common sense, this pastry shop. No matter what negative feedback customers give you, just thank them for their valued comments and promise to improve so as to serve them better in future. In fact the reply letter can be saved as a standard template. Source Online Only - You mean bloggers can't speak their minds? Letter from Kaelyn Ong 07:30 PM Oct 12, 2009As an avid food blogger, I share my dining experiences (whether good or bad) with my readers. Sometimes, I would also send an email to the restaurants after dining there to offer my thanks and feedback. That was what I did after visiting a local pastry boutique (I will not disclose its name at this point. It will be referred to as "X"). I praised X on its boutique decor and also commented that the desserts can be further improved on. The next day, I was shocked and disappointed to read X's reply. To cut a long email short, the gist is that she has referred my blog url to her legal consultant and wanted me to remove my post within 24hours to avoid any legal proceedings, if any. I was appalled by this and hence, decided to write to this forum as I believe this raised interesting questions that may be of interest to your readers. 1. Are local F&B players that unreceptive to negative feedback? I can understand that owners will naturally be defensive towards their business but criticisms are only meant to spur them on to improve further and add value. If feedback is not appreciated, then won't all the emphasis on good customer service be for naught? In the email, X accused me of influencing the readers and creating a misconception of its reputation. I highly doubt that X's email to me would be the same if I have written a fabulous review on them. Wouldn't that be hypocritical since I can also "influence" others with my good comments? 2. In recent years, food bloggers have been making a splash in the local dining scene. The more established ones have been invited to food tastings by restaurants, all in the hope of attracting more customers. As such, are food bloggers only "allowed" to write raving reviews and avoid negative ones? It disturbed me greatly that X actually wants me to remove my post just because it was not a glowing review. What does this say about free speech then? If bloggers are not permitted to speak their minds without being threatened by potential lawsuits, then what is the point of blogging? Of course, this is on the assumption that bloggers are socially responsible in viewing their views online for all to see. And has this type of incidents happened to other food bloggers before and they have not spoke up about it? Of course, I did not remove the post on X as I believe that nothing I posted can be construed as being libel. Not once did I say any derogatory remarks or discourage readers not to visit X. There is also a disclaimer on my blog saying that all comments are based on personal preference. I have replied X's email yesterday but there has been no reply since. This letter is definitely not a complaint. I am just concerned with this issue and would like to know what the public thinks about it. Food blogging is just a personal interest for many of us; it takes time, effort and commitment to maintain a blog. Page 1 of 1
understand that if buying a new car is not a problem. if buying a used car, can still port over current car plate no? thanks.
wah!!! chop people again!!!
A tycoon who owns a chain of budget hotels is suing the authorised agent of Rolls-Royce Motor Cars here over an alleged flaw in a $1.4 million Phantom limousine he bought four years ago. Mr James Koh Wee Meng, 49, the man behind the Fragrance chain of budget hotels, appointed Senior Counsel Davinder Singh of Drew & Napier to file the suit last November. In it, he claimed the car made loud thumping and whirring noises when moving out of a three-point turn when he took delivery of it on or around Dec 23, 2008. He also claimed that he felt 'significant vibration' from its steering wheel. He claimed the agent, Trans Eurokars, had failed to rectify these repeatedly, and is therefore seeking damages.
In my younger & ignorant days when news of such appears I would have said "ho sei liao hoot ah!!". (I have no doubt that the Israelis are capable of carrying out the threat and will do it alone if they cannot even get the tacit approval by the US, their main ally) Nowadays when there is any potential conflict especially in that region, what will likely happen is oil prices hitting stratospheric levels causing world economy to suffer, including our little red dot. Just hope cooler minds will prevail and they will do away all the sabre rattlings to thrash things out calmly. From CNA: Israel will make own decision on Iran, says army chief Posted: 19 February 2012 0643 hrs
what an f--ker CB kia face: A car salesman, who was jailed for a week for knocking down and killing a five-year-old girl in 2009, had helped to stage another accident a year earlier. Tijan Syafiq Selamat had loaned his car for the fake mishap among three vehicles so as to file false insurance claims. Earlier this month, he pleaded guilty to conspiring to cheat NTUC Income Insurance by instructing lawyers to submit the false claims. He is currently serving the sentence of 14 months in jail but is appealing for it to be reduced. In the judgement released on Monday, District Judge Chay Yuen Fatt noted that such offences are difficult to detect. He said Tijan Syafiq and his accomplices would have got away if not for their greed to submit too many claims over the same collision. Investigations revealed that in early August 2008, Muhammed Akmal Ahmad, 22, proposed the scheme to Tijan Syafiq. At 10pm on Aug 15, 2008, the car salesman met up with two other unknown men at Tampines Industrial Avenue 2. There, the duo used their cars to stage a chain collision. i still remember was it this fella go online and kpkb about his accident? hope he gets assraped
Another range rover vs bikers: The real Grand Theft Auto 5 live in New york. Range Rover runs over a group of bikers during an annual ride event Would love to see the reactions here, though i'm neither for the biker nor for the Range Rover.
Seems the country with 5000 yrs culture is as childish as the Middle Easterners. Smash cars, burn factory, loot shops over some troll job. If it comes to blows, my money is on the JDF Also funny that they get angry over another country when their own govt is full of corruption. But of course in a land where money is God, opportunists sense business opportunities. Shout Diaoyu belongs to China for 15% discount. Shout Japan belongs to China for 20% discount. Garang Audi dealer says "Must eliminate the Japs even if China is covered with graves, Must take back Diaoyu Islands even if China becomes barren" No need so difficult lah, just cover Chinese roads with Audis and VWs to kill off Toyotas and Hondas
After a recent spate of engine fires, Ferrari has officially issued a recall of the 458 Italia. According to the automaker, an adhesive used to attach a heat shield under the rear fender can ignite under high temperatures, leading to a larger fire in the engine bay. We've seen at least four cases on the internet of flaming 458s like this one, and while we can't say for certain, it would seem this adhesive is the likely cause. Ferrari has designed a new heat shield that attaches with rivets, negating the need for the adhesive. Naturally, 458 owners are urged to call a dealer to schedule an appointment for the free fix.
wtf!! from the flapping of wings and other parts not moving, i guess it is a remote control flying object. but it reminds me of the monster in the Death Note
Sky-high certificate of entitlement (COE) prices for commercial vehicles have become a worry for businesses, motor traders and the authorities. Premiums for vans, trucks and buses have been setting record after record in recent months. Now at $76,001, it has more than doubled its price since 2011 - chalking the biggest rise among all COE categories in the two years. The motor industry attributes the climb to three factors. First, there has been a construction boom that is driving demand for heavy vehicles such as concrete carriers and dump trucks. According to Mr Ron Lim, general manager of Nissan agent Tan Chong Motor, heavy vehicles now make up more than 50 per cent of commercial vehicle sales - up from the usual 20 per cent. Second, motor dealers are clearing existing stock ahead of a new emission standard that kicks in on Jan 1. Third, speculators may be hoarding COEs in the hope of turning a profit by reselling them to motor dealers stuck with stock as the new year draws nearer. Said Mr Lim: "If there is speculation, the Government should step in quickly to address the situation. Or consider a three- to six-month extension to the emission deadline. This should quell all speculative activities." The Land Transport Authority (LTA) said it is hard to detect speculative activities. But it added that there are deterrents in place, such as a shorter three-month validity period for commercial COEs, half that of car certificates. Still, an LTA spokesman said it is looking at ways to improve the system, including putting light and heavy commercial vehicles in separate categories. Buyers of the latter are better able to tolerate high COE prices since heavy vehicles are far costlier. Transport Minister Lui Tuck Yew told Parliament in March that the Government "will study carefully" if buyers of "light goods vehicles should pay the same COE premium as heavy and very heavy goods vehicles". Small and medium-sized businesses hope something will be done soon. Association of Small and Medium Enterprises president Chan Chong Beng said that the issue of high vehicle costs has overtaken labour shortage as the top concern raised by members. "For many small businesses, a vehicle is a must... And because of the new emission standard, prices will continue to rise next year, and that's very, very scary." Vehicle cost will account for a bigger cost component for businesses, Mr Chan added. "Many, like hawkers, will find it hard to pass it on to consumers." He said having separate COE categories for light and heavy vehicles would be "a good solution". Ms Ivy Tao, 54, who runs a fleet of buses ferrying workers, said she has no choice but to delay replacing her older vehicles. "COEs are high, fuel prices are high. We don't feel secure any more." LTA said businesses can consider extending their expiring COEs - by paying a prevailing quota premium - by five years, which they can do twice now since a restriction was lifted in February. Previously, these COEs could either be extended by five or 10 years. Owners who chose the former had to scrap their vehicles at the end of their extension. Since the policy change, LTA said about 96 per cent of commercial COE renewals have been for five years, up from 57. Source:
Wah. What happened to NTUC Income? More than 100 financial consultants have filed a joint complaint to the CPF Board against their employer NTUC Income. NTUC Income has allegedly over-deducted from their income to pay into their CPF over many years. These over-deductions were not submitted to CPF Board but kept by NTUC Income which has not returned the bulk of these over-deductions to the financial consultants. This practice went on for many years in NTUC Income, according to the financial consultants TR Emeritus (TRE) spoke to. A letter from CPF Board (shown to TRE by the financial consultants) acknowledges that a complaint was formally lodged with CPF Board on 14 September 2012 [Link]. Over 100 signatures accompanied the complaint. In their collective letter to CPF Board, the financial consultants said that they had been chasing their union representatives to
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- Idiosyncratic Japan: 85-Year-Old Wife of 91-Year-Old Man Killed by Train Ordered by Court to Pay 7.2 Million Yen in Damages to Train Operator
Home > Breaking News > Singapore > Story Jul 15, 2011 Woman avoids jail over forged diploma By Selina Lum A 25-YEAR-OLD Chinese national will not have to go to jail after all. Initially sentenced to four weeks' jail for providing false information about her educational qualifications while applying for a work pass, Pan Hongling was on Thursday handed the maximum $15,000 fine instead. In allowing her appeal against the jail term handed down by a district judge in May, Chief Justice Chan Sek Keong noted that since she never started work here, nobody had been deceived except the system. In December 2008, Pan paid 1,500 yuan (S$280) to an employment agent for a forged certificate from Dalian University, which stated that she graduated with a degree in accountancy. Through the agent, an online application was submitted to the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) to obtain an S Pass for her to work as an assistant accountant in a carbon fibre company. Pan later signed a form declaring that the particulars of the forged diploma were true, and the pass was issued. Omigosh, from this incident, I can't help but feel that now PRC also enjoys preferential judgement. To me, a forgery is still a forgery regardless whether the forger started work or not. And I wonder how many out there and getting away with it.