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That opponent is me la. Euro R with what looked like his mother on the side raced a 2000kg korean suv with half his power and double his weight :) It started out very normally as I approached the 1st traffic lights. Slowed down and stopped beside him. Knowing the traffic lights timing in my area very well, I proceeded to the next traffic light 200m away slowly as I knew they would be red soon eough. So i plodded along at 2000rpm slowly to the next traffic lights and red it was. again, on that lonely road, it was euro r beside me and no one else. maybe a singular motorbike behind us. The third traffic light was 500m away and I knew if I was quick enough, I could avoid being caught in it. So I depressed my accelerator halfway. Halfway only and my heavy suv picked up briskly till about 4000rpm before it changed gears. At about 90km/h (on a 60km/h road)I heard the loudest v-tec growl beside me! That heroic euro r must have imagined that I was racing him and he was full throttle bursting with vtec goodness chasing me down the road. HE MUST HAVE FELT THAT AN SUV TWICE HIS WEIGHT AND HALF HIS POWER A WORTHY OPPONENT! With his lady passenger probably his mother holding tight in her seat, he roared past me at about 120km/h and continued to roar down the quiet road showing me his titanium exhausts! At this pint, i immediately activated my NOS! no la, its just wishful thinking. I immediately released my accelerator and let slowed to 70km/h to let this euro r challenger eat me and boy, did i smell his titanium flavoured smoke. soon, i saw him at the next traffic light while i detoured into the expressway. today is my happiest day. A euro r found my car worthy of racing with! Normally, even nissan sunnys do not want to race me but today, a euro r with a mother looking like lady found me a worthy competitor. i am so happy that my korean suv has reached that standard. And I thought that for the next few years I would only have fun frightening all those delivery lorries. An euro R! yippeee.