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Found 11 results

  1. Starting a thread for Oppo mobile phone users to share : - purchase experience - user experience (hardware / software) - what exceeded expectations - what disappointed - general Oppo, Android and Color OS knowledge etc, etc ... To kick start, mine is the Reno3 which was purchased from Oppo Official Store on Shopee just before last year's 11.11 Preloaded with Android 10 and has since been upgraded to Android 11 and recently to Android 12. Believe I have used up the 2 Android updates typical for Reno series mobile phones. Was attracted by the quad cam set up, Amoled display, Dolby Atmos, 3.5mm jack, and even the front cam was 44mp (!) Have to live with the somewhat outdated teardrop notch though. Not into gaming so did not need a top end processor and mega battery. Have also set phone for +5GB RAM expansion. Am into photography so the quad cam set up was useful. However, auto pictures tend to be a bit on the "bright" side so I do manual tweak. For my usage pattern, full charge can last till the evening. Box came with a fast charger, cable, wired earphones, plastic back cover.
  2. Tianmo

    OPPO phones

    I have 5 lines up for recontact soon, now checking ard for good deals. My daughter said her friends many recommend OPPO, say very good and closest to Iphone. anyone using OPPO phones? Any input? Thank you many many.
  3. Jman888

    Oppo Find X

    really cool camera
  4. From ST Forum: http://www.straitstimes.com/STForum/Story/...ory_707744.html Why opposition MPs can't be advisers to grassroots bodies WE REFER to Mr Muhammad Yusuf Osman's letter yesterday ('Advisers to grassroots bodies should be elected MPs'). The mission of the People's Association (PA) and its grassroots organisations (GROs) is to bond the community and connect people with the Government. PA and its GROs serve all residents regardless of their political affiliations in fulfilling their role. Grassroots advisers are appointed by PA, a statutory board. Besides connecting people to people, grassroots advisers are required to help the Government connect with people and help promote government policies and programmes such as anti-dengue and active ageing. Hence, the Government has to appoint grassroots advisers who support its programmes and can play this role well. Opposition MPs cannot be expected to do this and thus cannot become advisers to GROs. Ooi Hui Mei (Ms) Director Corporate and Marketing Communications For Chief Executive Director People's Association
  5. This guy used to be GCT's private secretary but ran with SDP during the last elections. Do we have an independant at last or is he a mole? You decide SINGAPORE: Opposition party member Tan Jee Say said he is stepping forward to contest the Presidential Election. Mr Tan collected forms for the Certificate of Eligibility from the Elections Department on Friday morning. In a statement, Mr Tan said he is doing so because many Singaporeans want a non-PAP President whose independence of the PAP is clear, obvious and cannot be in doubt. Mr Tan said only such a person can have the moral authority to fulfil the mission of Elected President which is to provide checks and balances on the PAP Government. He said he is aware of the constitutional limitations of the office of President but added that the office of President is what the President makes it out to be. "He can be as quiet and inactive as he chooses to be. Or he can be active. I want to be an active President, engaging the nation on issues of conscience and promoting worthy causes."
  6. Izit possible to gather all the top oppo to join workers party for the next GE?If they can put their differences away and really represent one oppo party,will it be better?Workable?
  7. Isn't Syvlia Lim a Gov Servant and have been teaching in a Gov School for so many years?
  8. THE Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) candidate Tan Jee Say has called on voters to overcome their fear that their votes will be used against them, saying that he voted for the opposition while he was in the civil service. 'I have been a civil servant before, and during my days of civil service, I have voted for the opposition. Nothing has happened to me, I got promoted in good time, in fact ahead of a lot of my cohort,' Mr Tan, who is standing for election at Holland Bukit-Timah GRC, told The Straits Times. Mr Tan is the most senior former government official who joined the opposition in recent months. He was the principal private secretary to Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong for five years. Mr Tan said that when he went to the private sector, he also got promoted. 'Have no fear, it won't affect you,' he said, on the sidelines of a walkabout at Fajar market in Bukit Panjang on Wednesday. Link
  9. Is there something that these talent saw while working in the establishment that they found wanting? Obviously there is something wrong with you when you cannot attract bright people.
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