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Rather annoying feature although my understanding is that it is to minimise automated forum bots on here. As it is, am not keen to flood the forum with meaningless posts elsewhere just for the sake of enabling thread creation. So dear admins - do forgive the following "spam" posts and take it as feedback on a limitation of this policy. Thanks! Refer to thread title Refer to thread title Refer to thread title Apparently, one is unable to reply to one's own thread. Foiled!
Hi If you are to buy one of the above which one will you choose? Cant really decide..
- 24 replies
Updated on 30 July by @carbon82 The AIM is to help new members (I had a hard time myself) quickly get the hang of the acronyms used in the forum. Below are some of the AIMs I come across reading a fraction of the threads. I stand to be corrected. Additions/corrections very welcome! Automotive related * 2F2F - Too Fast Too Furious ABS - Anti Lock Braking system AD - Authorised Dealer AC - Air Con ACC - Adaptive Cruise Control AEB - Autonomous Emergency Braking AFS - Adaptive Front lighting System AM - Aston Martin AT - Automatic Transmission ATF - Automatic Transmission Fluid AR - Alfa Romeo (thanks Theoldjaffa) ARF - Additional Registration Fee ASS - Auto Start Stop AWD - All Wheel Drive BDVL - General Bus Driver Vocational License BMW - Bavarian Motor Works / Bus MRT Walk BHP - Brake Horsepower BOV - Blow Off Valve BT - Bluetooth CAI - Cold Air Intake (thanks GLZT) CD - Compact Disc / Custom Duty CEL – Check Engine Light (thanks Watwheels) CEVS - Carbon Emissions-based Vehicle Scheme CF - Carbon Fibre CKD - Complete Knock Down CNG - Compressed Natural Gas CO - Carbon Monoxide CO2 - Carbon Dioxide COE - Certificate of Entitlement CRDi - Common Rail Direct Injection CUV - Compact Utility Vehicle CVT - Continuously Variable Transmission DAB - Digital Audio Broadcasting tuner DCC - Dynamic Chassis Control DL - Driving License DR - Door DPF - Diesel Particulate Filter DI - Direct Injection DCT - Dual Clutch Transmission DOHC - Double Overhead Cam DRL - Daytime Running Light DSC - Dynamic Stability Control DSG - Direct Shift Gearbox DSTC - Dynamic Stability Traction Control ECU - Engine Control Unit EFI - Electronic Fuel Injection ERP - Electronic Road Pricing EU - European Union EBD - Electronic Brake Distribution EO - Engine oil (thanks Friendstar) EPB - Electric Parking Brake EPS - Electric Power-Assist Steering ESC - Electronic Stability Control ESP - Electronic Stability Program EV - Electric Vehicle F/L – Facelift FC - Fuel consumption (thanks Friendstar) FCW - Forward Collison Warning FF (layout) - Front Engine Front Wheel Drive FR (layout) - Front Engine Rear Wheel Drive FMC - Full Model Change FWD - Front Wheel Drive GB – Gear Box (thanks Watwheels) GM - General Motors GT - Gran Turismo / Grand Tourer GPS - Global Positioning System HB – Hatchback HC - Hydrocarbons HP - Horsepower HW - Highway HID - High Intensity Discharge HU - Head Unit HUD - Head Up display ICE - In Car Entertainment System INS - Insurance ISOFIX - Seat Belt Anchorage for Child Seat IIHS - Insurance Institute for Highway Safety IU - In-vehicle Unit IL6 / (ILSex) - Inline 6 (thanks Freeder & Davidtch) JLR - Jaguar Land Rover KPH - Kilometer Per Hour LCI - Life Cycle Impulse, Facelift in BMW term L&K - Laurin & Klement LGV - Light Goods Vehicle LPG - Liquid Petroleum Gas LPT - Light Pressure Turbo LR - Land Rover LRT - Light Rapid Transit system LTA - Land Transport Authority LDW - Lane Departure Warning LED - Light Emitting Diode LWB - Long Wheel Base MB - Mercedes-Benz MF (layout) - Mid Engine Front Wheel Drive MIC - Made in China MIJ - Made in Japan MIK - Made in Korea MIT - Made in Thailand MOT - Ministry of Transport MPG - Mile Per Gallon MR (layout) - Mid Engine Rear Wheel Drive MRT - Mass Rapid Transit system MSCP - Multi Storey Car Park MT - Manual Transmission MMI - Multi Media Interface MPI - Multi-Point Injection MPV - Multi Purpose Vehicle NA - Naturally Aspirated NCAP - New Car Assessment Programme NEDC - New European Driving Cycle NHTSA - National Highway Traffic Safety Administration NHV - Noise, Vibration and Harshness NOS - Nitrous Oxide Systems NOX - Nitrogen Oxides NSHW / NSH / NSE - North South Highway (thanks Picnic06-Biante15 & Atonchia) O2 - Oxygen ODVL - Omnibus Driver Vocational License OEM - Original Equipment Manufacturer OTR - On The Road OMV - Open Market Value PARF - Preferential Additional Registration Fee PDC - Park Distance Control PDI - Pre-Delivery Inspection PDL - Provisional Driving License PDVL - Private Hire Car Driver Vocational License PM - Particulate Matter PTC - Public Transport Council PHEV - Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle PHV = Plug-in Hybrid Vehicle / Private Hire Vehicle (thanks Vratenza) PMD = Personal Mobility Devices (thanks Vratenza) PI - Parellel Importer PSA - Peugeot Société Anonyme QQ - Qashqai (thanks Friendstar) RC - Remote Control RDE - Real Driving Emissions RF - Radio Frequency RFT - Run Flat Tyre RR (layout) - Rear Engine Rear Wheel Drive RT - Road Tax RV - Recreational Vehicle RR - Rolls-Royce RWD - Rear Wheel Drive SA - Service Advisor SC - Super Charged SDN – Sedan SE - Sales Exec SKD - Semi Knock Down SPD - Speed SW - Station Wagon / Estate SOHC - Single Overhead Cam SR - Sunroof SRS - Supplemental Restraint System, normally refer to airbags SSS - Suzuki Swift Sport SUV - Sport Utility Vehicle SWB - Standard Wheel Base TC - Turbo Charged TDVL - Taxi Driver's Vocational License TP - Traffic Police TPMS - Tyre Pressure Monitoring System ULEV - Ultra Low Emissions Vehicle UHF - Ultra High Frequency ULF - Ultra Low Frequency UL - Underwriters Laboratories, testing organization ULSFO - Ultra Low Sulphur Fuel Oil V6 cut half - 3 cylinders (Davidtch's version) V12 cut half - V6 setup (Davidtch's version) VAG - Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft VC - Virtual Cockpit VDC - Vehicle Dynamic Control VES - Vehicular Emissions Scheme VIN - Vehicle Identification Number VRN - Vehicle Registration Number VSC - Vehicle Stability Control VSA - Vehicle Stability Assist WGN - Wagon WLTP - Worldwide Harmonised Light Vehicle Test Procedure Non-automotive related * 700k/Elite - Enye (thanks Vratenza) AF - As piak / Audio Frequency (thanks chryst) A.K.A - Also Known As AMA - Ask Me Anything AFAIK - As far as I know. (thanks Friendstar) AKM - ??? (thanks RadX) AMDK - Ang mo dua kee (thanks ALTK) AMDL - Ang mo dua liap (thanks ALTK) atbcpjhj - Ah tiong bu @#$%^& (thanks kdash & tianmo) Bake a cake - Tianmo korkor latest caving hobby (thanks Chryst) BB - Goddess BabyBlade (thanks Theoldjaffa & Kopites) BCM - Bah Chor Mee BEML - Bo Eng Mai Lai (thanks SiLangKia) BFF - Best Friend Forever BKT - Bah Kut Teh BTH - Buay Tahan BTSS - 变态叔叔 / Pervert uncle (thanks chryst) Bake a cake - Tianmo korkor latest caving hobby (thanks chryst) CC - Credit card (thanks Friendstar) CKT - Cha Kway Teow CMI - Cannot Make It CO - Commanding Officer / spouse CP - Car Park or Cai Png or Cannot Piak (thanks Mersaylee & Chryst) CTK - Chai Tao Kway CU - See You CYA - See You Again EDMW - Eat Drink Man Woman (thanks BanCoe) EOL - End of Life fc - full cash (thanks Holdenutessv) F.K.A. - Formerly Known As FR- Field Report (thanks Freeder) FT – Fuel Ten (thanks kdash) FTW – For the Win (thanks kdash & Locknload) FUBAR = Farked Up Beyond All Recognition (thanks Fcw75) FYI - For Your Information GGGT - Got Gif Got Talk GLGT - Got Link Got Talk (official) / Got Legs Got Talk (thanks Chryst) GPGT - Got Picture Got Talk GVGT - Got Video Got Talk Hantu - RadX (thanks Soya) HDLY- 海底捞月 / Hai di lao yue (thanks Tianmo & Freeder) HFTL - Hoot First Talk Later (thanks Strat) Humji- balls shrink (thanks Freeder) IB - Internet bridgage (thanks Friendstar) IDK - I Don't Know IF - Intermittent Fasting IKR - I Know Right IIRC - If I remember correctly (thanks Spring) IMHO - In My Humble Opinion IMO - In my opinion (thanks Spring) JHK – Jiu Hoo Kia (thanks Atonchia) JLB - Jiak Liao Bee (thanks Fitvip) KNN - #%& KNNCCB - #%&^* (thanks Pocy 2F2F) KNS - Ka Na Sai (thanks RadX) KYM - Ke Yi Ma (thanks Cheesey74) LCHF - Low Carbohydrate High Fat LMAO - Laughing My Ass Off LLST – Lan Lan Suck Thumb (thanks BanCoe) LJ = Lan Jiao / Lao Jiao (thanks Theoldjaffa) LOL - Laugh Out Loud MIW - Men in white (thanks Friendstar) MSMH - Mee Siam Mai Hum (thanks Picnic06-Biante15) MTL - Mai Tu Liao (thanks Hoseyboh) MU - Meet Up MLMLWML - mai lah mai lah wa mai lah (thanks Chryst) NASFIG - Not a Single Piak is Given (thanks SuPerBoRed) NPNT - No Picture No Talk (thanks RadX) NATO - No Action Talk Only NLNT - No Link No Talk (official) / No Legs No Talk (thanks Chryst) NNP - Neh Neh Pok (thanks Satff69) NSFW - Not Safe For Work (thanks Airwaver) NVNT - No Video No Talk OMAD - One Meal A Day OT - Off Topic (thanks Galantspeedz) OTOT - Own Time Own Target Pay full cash = Throttle2 (thanks Soya) PCC - "DIY" (thanks Pocy) PCN - Pui Chao Nua / Park ConNector (thanks Theoldjaffa) P.K.A. - Previously Known As Piak - make love not war (not acronym but cannot resist to put it here) Pp - Piak & Piak (thanks Mustank & Hoseyboh) PPP - Piak Piak Police (thanks chryst) prembaree - primary (thanks Xers007) ROFL - Rolling On the Floor Laughing SES - Socio Economic Status SIC - Sharing Is Caring SMLJ - Si Mi @#%* (thanks Blueray) TBH - To Be Honest TCSS - Talk Cock Sing Song (thanks Fitvip) TMD - Ta Ma De (thanks Galantspeed) TLLM - Tiu Lei Lou Mou (thanks Theoldjaffa) TM - Tianmo tmr - tomorrow (thanks Theoldjaffa) TIA - Thanks In Advance (thanks DACH & Chryst) TS - Thread Starter TTYL - Talk to You Later tw - table wiper (thanks Holdenutessv) U - You UNI - University UPS - Uninterrupted Power Supply (battery) URL - Uniform Resource Lacator (website) USB - Universal Serial Bus (connector) UV - Ultra Violet VFM - Value For Money (thanks DACH) WTF - What The piak WYSIWYG - What You See Is What You Get XMM - xiao mei mei (thanks Solar) XXXJHJ – XXX(fill in you deem fit) Jin Ho Jiak (thanks Xers007) YMMV - Your mileage may vary (thanks Theoldjaffa) YOLO - You only live once (thanks Theoldjaffa) YDCB - You don't chi bai (thanks Theoldjaffa) ZZZ - Good Night Sweet Dream (thanks Jamesc) * those without credit contributed by Carbon82 mostly cheers
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Car is very important in our daily work, aside it shorten our time travel it brings us everywhere we want. However car maintenance and repair is another significant responsibility of every car owner. There are things you need to consider if time comes when you need significant decision in order to keep your car running for a long time and to avoid any headaches in the future. First thing is how to choose the car service center. Choosing the ideal car service center for maintenance and repair will prevent you from any headache in the long run. Checking the accreditation and the credentials of the specific car service center is important. The next thing to do is choosing what kind of car you want to use. Whether you use brand new or second hand car there will be things to do. Brand new car is absolutely at the start will have no problem about it . All you need to do is to follow the maintenance and guidelines, just like changing oil and regular checkup. For the second hand car you need to learn the background and the mileage of your car because you will use this range on how to take care of your car rightly. To continue to have a good car with great performance trading car should be the best choice.
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- subaru
- car repair tips
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Hi, My apology for what might seems to be an silly question but there is an indication that i can only make x number of posts until certaining timing. This restriction is in place untul i have x numbers more approved posts. May i know when will the posts be approved etc and is there anyway we can know if the posts had been approved etc? Thank you.
Hi everyone, some questions that I can hopefully get answered here instead of heading down to the authorised dealer showroom and disturb the executives. I am looking at either a mitsubishi attrage or a honda jazz. 1. For driving PHV, will the in-house Authorised Dealer warranty and servicing apply? 2. Will I get a better deal bidding for my own COE instead? For example, C&C cays the COE charged amount is $20,000. Meaning if I buy a car without COE, they assume COE is worth $20,000. But I will lugi if I bid for my own COE. 3. How will the AD charge me for the COE? Guaranteed COE? Do I need to pay a markup to guarantee my COE? 4. If I pay cash upfront, how much price markup should I expect? Or is getting a loan better overall? 5. Can anyone recommend me a SE for C&C or KAH that will treat me nicely? I am a greenhorn and don't want to get destroyed by their sales tactics. 6. Can anyone recommend me a good car insurance for PHV, with good excess and reasonable premiums. 7. Is the in house insurance usually any good for the bonus for $5000? Will I end up paying more in the long run? Thank you!
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- phv
- dealership
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Hi all Newbie here, Pardon my boldness since im asking for help already. my Chevrolet aveo 1.4A ls 2009 engine light came on. Did a diagnose via Torque app and found out error code P0420. Web look up and found that refer to (Catalyst system below efficiency). Seem like my catalyst converter go kaput or my oxygen sensor. Anyone face this issue before care to share what to look out for? As I don't change the wrong things or kena chop carrot.. Thank you in advance. Cheers
- 2 replies
- repair
- error code
- (and 4 more)
Dear sifus, I know it can be a hassle to explain everything to a newbie in ICE. I do enjoy listening to good music at home and on my digital player. So can appreciate good music but just new to ICE. I would like advice on what should i do or get. I would like to do everything at once. Music i listen to - Vocals - Instrumental - Rock/concert sometimes Medias i listen to: - CDs - Digital lossless formats My car - Toyota Vellfire (has 2 front speaker locations and 1 rear speaker location for each side of the car) Items i think i need to change (correct me if i'm wrong) - change stock HU - change Front speakers with Component for tweeters - change Rear speakers to coaxial? - Add subwoofer - Add amplifier - Do soundproofing I'm not very particular as i know i'm listening in a car. And at most during weekdays spending about 1-1.5hrs in total in the car, weekends should be more. But i would appreciate some good music to listen to for the drives. Budget: $3k max? Thx for assistance.
Those not pro in lane change or U r a Learner or a P plater, I have learnt something that I regret knowing it till now. Let me share the art of lane changing like a pro! Those ppl with car cam also have to lan lan sux thumb n let u have the right of way to cut. Have a good laugh and practice safe driving
Hi Just a thread for casual discussion. We have seen a lot of bulk purchase online tools like Qoo, etc.. will it be possible with cars? Like if the orders gather to a certain qty within a week, then the car price will have a certain discount. As we know COE is twice every month, so will this work? Just fun discussion.
Was browsing thru sgcarmart when I came across a 1.5 yrs old white 159 with a mileage of 27k for sale at 95k. That's when I started noticing the marque cos I tot it looked pretty good, like how a chio bu on the street naturally turn heads. Over the next few days, I found myself going back repeatedly several times a day to take yet another look at the ride. The temptation was just so great that the missus and I had a serious discussion on whether we should change. So much so that we decided to just pop over to EA on a weekday to get a feel on how the 159 is really like. The red sedan in the showroom was stunning in the flesh, so much so that even the really attractive SE who approached us was powerless against the beast to invoke the male instinct of naturally being attracted to a being of the opposite sex (urm, maybe partly cos the missus was around? Hehee!). My hands were itching all over immediately and I was raring to caress and touch her (the car, not the SE). Was invited to try the driver's seat but I did not go straight in. The desire to admire her from head to toe, front to back was irresistible (again the car, NOT the SE). Sitting in the driver's seat finally was like being transported to paradise. The wheel, the stick, the dash, the positioning of the center console, all seems so perfect. The head is screaming at me to wake up from the dream; the seats are so narrow, the three stalks are plasticky, the cubby holes are small and unusable, the back seats are cramped and not supporting the butt sufficiently, the roof is way too low... but somehow, all these practical bits (including back seats that can't be folded, and a hard to use boot) suddenly seems to be the least important considerations in the world. Taking the car out for a ride is yet another experience to be savoured. Me being a noob, SE (notice I purposely excluded her name) kindly suggested taking the wheel first so as to demonstrate the Selespeed system to minimise embarrassment from my part. Without much to do except observing the gear changes and listening intently to her explanations, it's hard not to start noticing her slender lower limbs... (geez we are drifting...) A switch at the bus-stop, some awkward fiddling of the buttons at the side of the driver's seat, a clumsy activation of the screen wipers instead of the signalling stalk, wow, sensitive throttle! Trying to switch to Manual mode on the drive, SE pointed out that I've changed to Neutral instead, oops... the box does get some getting used to. Shift ups mean pushing the stick down, everything seems a mirror image of the conventional. A few jerks during gear changes, some road noise, imaginary naggy complaints of head room and numb legs from in-laws, comparisons to a DSG box and the insulation of a Lexus are unavoidable, but sitting in the driver's seat, being so much involved with the car without worrying about a tired left leg, everything else doesn't seem to matter. Back in our almost 2.5 yrs old FD2A which we tot we'll be sticking with for double that period of time, we wasted no time contacting the owner of the white serpent. Holy shucks! The ride's been reserved pending loan approval... Calculating the sums, a new ride at current prices will derail our plans of a nest change. Unless there's a significant pay increase or some luck with SG Pools, we just have to stick to our unengaging but very practical ride for a couple more yrs... Hope you enjoy reading the account as much as I've enjoyed writing it.
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- Newbie
- experience
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Took a bus to a nearby place about 4 stops away ytd. So throughout the short trip been hearing like brick game sound and noticed commuters failed to tap out their ezlink card. So we reached a stop where many ppl would alight, turned out the tapping out fail. So proceeded to the driver, he was pressing every damn button trying to hit jackpot to make it work. almost all commuters left as they didnt want to wait (waited 10mins for him to fiddle his control). Then i told him if he cant make it work, at least compensate a complimentary ticket. Guess what? he said he he new, dont know how. I told him to use his mic to call back since i heard it links back to HQ or something but he refused. KNN.. so newbie can fare cheat all commuters? Ended up almost a busload of ppl got charged full fare for lesser stops since couldnt tap out.
Hi to all, glad to announce that I am a newbie Superb owner! Just gotten my ride yesterday, thanks to all the countless answers and advise from my "broken record" questions, to people like Koolaba and the rest in this forum that gives Skoda cars great credit and by word of mouth made the Skoda brand stand out just a little more. 18 months ago I would not have known that I would have bought a Superb today. I am glad a made the RIGHT choice. Cheers to all, now to learn all the maintance and ICE queries.
hi bros, i need advice from bros here with conti experience. I am thinking of switching car to a conti car if it fits into my budget and I am looking for car which is more then 5 years on the road. Can the bros here advice me on what are the things to look out for while searching for this type of 2nd hand cars? I am currently eyeing on some bimmers and VW that is available on the 2nd hand market but I will also jump at the change of own an audi or a merc if there is any. I read so much pros and cons about the realibility and spare parts or maintance which is also a main concern of mine coz i dont know what to expect for this type of cars which is this old. Hopefully I can get some direction from bros here. P/S my history of owning cars are rather young. I only managed to own a honda and a hyundai so far. thank u bros in advance who take their time and patient to answer my noob questions.
HI. Sorry for interrupting this tread, but i'm new to this forum and didn't know my way ard. I got a problem with my Chevy. This morning when i started the engine and sat in the car reading newspaper, 5 minutes later the engine died on me. I didn't even turn on the air-con, only the radio. Is this a feature of the Chevy? Thanks for helping me here ... Chevy Red (bro, i started new thread for u)
Hi Guys, As some of you may know my cheapo car got into a major scratch by a freak a couple of weeks back. Have been around the forums, work shops seeking price checks on the re-spraying. So far it is in the 1.3k range which I guess is a little on the high side. But question is usually for such respray, how many layers do they do? Guys with trustworthy work shops, pls do share with me. Due to external re-spray I am thinking to do some interior refresh look also. Carbon Wrap for Interior Just thinking on the 4 Side passenger location where you access to open the windows. Not sure what is the correct name. Also on the front panel which houses the headunit and air con switches. Any rough cost estimation on this? Red Lining for Interior: This red color rubber see already like very nice, but then do with CF no idea look like what. I remembered seeing something similar somewhere, does any one know when I can do this? Cost estimation would be appreciated. LED Lighting for Car Doors/ Cabin Actually I found a place to buy this at a very cheap price. Only problem is on installation. Are there available auto shops which helps to install but at not chop carrot prices? Do advise. Appreciate the help.
Courtesy of Brock whom found this website:
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Is $250-280 an ok price to pay for a pioneer DEH-3150UB HU including installation? I need a simple budget HU that can play cd and MP3 on CD, no need usb or sd slot. What is the general consensus on an ok budget HU? Thanks
Hi, Just returned from my Europe tour de duty and now back in SG. I know internet access is supposed to work everywhere but I just didnt have the time for online forums then. I'm back just to say hi to everyone and yes I saved an entire slew of stories for ya all.. All the best LK
Hi, am a newbie in ICE. Will be getting my ride soon and am thinking of going for active setup but with OEM HU as I do not wish to spolit the intergration of the dashboard. I am considering getting a processor (e.g. H701) and go active. But I will not opt for a sub as I also do not want to use up my boot space. Any bros can recommend a decent component speakers with amp to cover the range from low-mid to high as I will not be getting sub. Thanks for all advise.
Hi I'm new here and I found this forum just when I try to search several major parts for my Galant 8G I'll do the introduction in here since I'm in desperate states and I'll explain why First of All I'm from Indonesia, kinda near huh ? I'm Mitsubishi Galant 8G M/T user (6A13 2.5 SOHC V6-24) and bought it last 3 month ago (of course it's second hand car) and recently doing some several project for it 1st Problem Right now I'm doing engine swap of 6G72TT M/T 1st generation (from GTO not 3000GT) to my Galant 8G and so far not quite good. I can't find any reference for help but I found some1 already done 6G74 swap to Galant 8G so right now I'm using that as reference though I don't know if it can help 2nd Problem (THE BIGGEST PROBLEM) I'm looking for Speedometer of Mitsubishi Galant Avance 2.5 V6-24 SOHC (6A13) M/T Euro-Spec. It's basically same type and has same engine at my country. The only differences are ours have much much more crappier interior quality including speedometer and Euro-Spec Galant is Left-Handed. To make it short, is there any1 that sell Speedometer of Galant Avance 2.5 V6 Manual(read up to 260 Km/h) ? Last time i went to SG, I've tried my luck checking most of the car junkyard at Woodland Industrial Park but no result. Any suggestion ? Sample Picture of Speedometer Galant Avance 2.5 V6 Manual: Not to mention it has different gearbox since I'm using 6G72TT (the speedometer only compatible with 6A13 and 6A13TT). So there's a huge chance the speed sensor and other sensor won't work (only the light / optitron will work since it's universal). So Any1 sell the speedometer (just exactly like at the picture) and have any suggestion bout how to match it to 6G72TT ? 3rd Problem (SECOND MAJOR PROBLEM) I'm also looking for MMCS 2nd Edition Wide screen from Mitsubishi Galant VR-4 Facelift Sample picture of MMCS 2nd Edition Wide Screen : Any1 know where I can buy it, I'm planning to install it to my Galant 8G. And any reference how to install it to Galant 8G 2.5 6A13 ? I'm sorry if u guys have a hard time understanding it since I'm not very good in english.
Dear All, I need some advice on the best way to get from Sci Park 1 to Orchard Tangs...and from Orchard Tangs to Sci Park 1. I think I can still consider myself as newbie driver...only actively drive everyday weekdays for over a yr plus. Many thanks in advance! Cheers! Thargor
Hi Very embarrassing to be posting this but can i ask, if i wish to drive to Changi Airport, is there any sign or stuff to look out for? I'm going to T3 and have the worst sense of direction. I've not driven for more than a year already I'm driving there from Jurong West. I'm scared of driving into the wrong lanes, later end up cannot find the carpark. Also, will the carpark be very crowded around 5am? My parking skill is almost non-existent, will be parking as far away from other cars as possible