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Found 12 results

  1. Filipino businesswoman dies after multiple cosmetic surgeries in one session An attractive 29-year-old Filipino businesswoman, who underwent multiple plastic surgeries in one go, died after the procedures on Sunday (March 26). The Philippine Star reported that Shiryl Saturnino went under the knife for breast and butt enhancement as well as liposuction at a clinic in Mandaluyong City, east of Manila. The series of procedures began after her arrival at the clinic at 5pm on Saturday and ended only at 2.40am the next day. After the operation, the doctors discovered that Saturnino's heart had stopped beating. After attempts to revive her failed, the doctors sought the assistance of Makati Medical Center. But it was too late - she was declared dead at around 3.21am. Authorities are awaiting autopsy results to determine the cause of death and will investigate whether there was negligence by the doctors during the operation, reported Kami.com The legal counsel of Icon Clinic told Inquirer.net in a statement that Saturnino was a "valued and regular patient whom we took care of for many years". "Right now, there is an ongoing investigation on what really caused the passing of Ms. Saturnino. It is our responsibility to inform the public about the truth and we are fully cooperating with the investigation," said lawyer Estelita Cordero. The clinic said it is "extending full support" to her family in their time of grief. However, it will remain "fully operational" while helping in investigation. Meanwhile news of her untimely death has set social media abuzz, sparking debate on the obsession with looking good and whether there was negligence. As netizens expressed their condolences, some also had spiritual reminders. "Beauty is not a passport" to heaven, said one of them. Over in America, authorities are also investigating the death of a 25-year-old Missouri woman who died after undergoing a cosmetic procedure known as a Brazilian butt lift at a Miami-area clinic. The death of Ranika Hall, a mother of a one-year-old daughter from Kansas City, last Thursday (March 20) came nearly a year after a 29-year-old mother of two died following a similar procedure at the same clinic, which at that time was known by a different name, reported CBS News. http://www.asiaone.com/asia/filipino-businesswoman-dies-after-multiple-cosmetic-surgeries-one-session
  2. 3 counts of rape in 20 minutes? How is this even physically possible?? Mind-boggling... How does the law define "one count"?
  3. Last Sunday morning which was 24/01/16, I was on my way from SG to JB and as usual, there was a heavy jam. Through this 1hr plus of jam, I saw few things which made me think twice before buying conti cars. First I saw a Volvo X40 which put hazard light in the middle of jam and stop moving Then 1 WW Golf turn right to siam the volvo and hit my rear bumper, he act blur wana drive away(in a jam). He say got hit meh, then he said cause that Volvo put hazard light blah blah blah. I let him go cause my picanto is scrapping soon and my scratch is very minor but the Golf scratches is so obvious and big. Then I saw the Volvo start his car and travel a while before his car die again Then I saw the Golf who hit me also car die half way. Like seriously, Wtf is wrong with those cars. Lol
  4. Maybe its good for local tourism? or floodgate to overcrowding? SINGAPORE: From next month, the validity of the Multiple Journey Visas (MJVs) issued to nationals from the People’s Republic of China can be extended up to a maximum of 10 years. In a press release on Friday (May 15), the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA) said the same facility will also be extended to their spouse and children below the age of 21, if the main applicant is eligible. Chinese nationals with a valid MJV need not apply for a visa each time they visit Singapore. The move will provide greater convenience for Chinese nationals, especially business travellers, who travel often to Singapore, said ICA. The Singapore Tourism Board (STB) welcomed the move and said this will make it easier for tourists from China to visit Singapore, and enhance STB's efforts to increase visitor arrival and tourism spending. Eligible applicants will also be able to use the automated immigration clearance at Singapore’s checkpoints, said ICA, adding that more details will be announced at a later date. - CNA/fs
  5. I was told time off is under mgr's discretion. I need to visit dentist 3 times to complete a crowning procedure. My mgr keeps asking me to take MC but i told HER no MC is given for crowning. I just need to take time off to see the dentist as my dentist only work during office hrs. I have a time chit to show also. I think maybe she petty or stingy, came and told me time off is mgr discretion and wont be fair if i have to take 3 times. 3 times = 1 day already. those who r bosses/mgrs here, are you ok if ur employee needs to take time off to complete a procedure? its not like i take time off to bring my kid to see a doc. i also told her im ok to take MC but some docs dont give u MC but time chit because they dont see the need to. Whats wrong w her? I also said that time chit allows me to return work and my colleagues do not need to backup me for entire day.
  6. Been wondering the actual cost of car ownership in Singapore Example Car1 buy $70k sell $36k Car2 buy $70k sell $53k ($36k from Car1 used as down payment) Car3 buy $66k sell $72k ($33k from Car2 used as down payment) Is it right to assume at end of day my actual cost of ownership is $45k for all 3 cars. Not taking interest, opex into the picture. Correct?
  7. Hi all, Is there such a thing in the web, where by they allow you to create multiple on-line song playlists with one login account? This Playlist is like a song album and you simply search and find your favourite songs and store them. These songs can only be played on-line and you can't download them (theortically speaking). Please advise me. Thank you very much. Regards,
  8. FYI as above. Which means morning park within 3 hours is free. Then at nite park here for shopping again will be charged.
  9. Is there such a thing as buy a motorcar insurance to cover two or more cars under same owner? I was thinking like maybe my father car buy a group motor car insurance to cover his car, my brother's car and my car. Me and my brother can be named drivers, or at best unnamed drivers(higher excess if touch wood accident). Any one knows is it available on the market? Thinking of saving money as insurance are getting more ex lately.
  10. Wed, Dec 03, 2008 AsiaOne Multiple "car" collision Seven people were injured in a multiple-car collision this morning along Commonwealth West Avenue, next to Clementi MRT station. The cause of the multiple collisions was attributed to an SMRT bus, Wanbao reported. The SMRT bus reportedly careened into the back of another SMRT bus. The resulting force sent the second bus crashing into another two cars which were in front. The accident occurred at 8.25am this morning during the peak hour traffic. The two cars caught in the collision were a Mercedes-Benz and another saloon of a Japanese make. The owner of the Japanese saloon, Mrs Zhang, a 63-year-old housewife, told Wanbao that she was dropping her daughter by the road when the accident happened. "I have been letting my daughter alight here everyday without an incident," Mrs Zhang told Wanbao. According to Mrs Zhang, there were seven casualties in the accident. The injured were passengers from either of the two SMRT buses. Luckily, the passengers only suffered light injuries - they mainly complained of back pains or headaches, Wanbao reported. Some passengers also suffered superficial injuries. Among the seven, two refused to be admitted to the hospital for check-ups. The other five were sent to the National University Hospital for treatment. The Traffic Police is currently conducting an investigation on the accident, Wanbao reported. Rest my case, this woman obviously don't know the traffic rules in Singapore. Double yellow lines still wanna stop/park the car. Self pawn bet she gonna say hazard light faulty to TP soon
  11. hi, I have two devices which need to use the cigar charger? Do you know where I can buy it ? http://image.www.rakuten.co.jp/psp3103/img10104119982.jpeg Thanks
  12. Just like to find out which is the most popular Car Lubricant in S'pore..well at least within MCF. Oops...multiple votes not activated...sigh..
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