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A woman in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) who was seriously injured in a car crash in 1991 has finally woken up from a 27-year-long coma. Munira Abdulla, then 32, had just picked up her 4-year-old son Omar from school when the car they were in collided with a school bus, reported local daily the National on Monday (Apr 22). While Omar was unharmed, Ms Abdulla, who had tried to protect her son from the impact, was left unconscious with a serious brain injury. Last year, Ms Abdulla, now 60, regained consciousness in a hospital room in Germany. “I never gave up on her because I always had a feeling that one day she will wake up,” said her 32-year-old son Omar Webair in an interview with the National. Ms Abdulla, who was taken to a local hospital after the accident, was later transferred to one in London where doctors diagnosed her to be in a minimally conscious state. She was then returned to the UAE where she was transferred several times due to insurance constraints. In 2017, Ms Abdulla was finally taken to a German hospital after the Crown Prince Court heard the family's story and gave them a grant. There, Ms Abdulla underwent surgery to treat her weakened limb muscles as well as physical therapy. Last June, Ms Abdulla was seen stirring in her bed when an argument broke out in her hospital room. “She was making strange sounds and I kept calling the doctors to examine her,” Mr Webair told the National. “They said everything was normal. “Then, three days later, I woke up to the sound of someone calling my name. “It was her. She was calling my name. I was flying with joy. For years I have dreamt of this moment, and my name was the first word she said.” Ms Abdulla is now receiving treatment in Abu Dhabi, where she is able to communicate “in a very reasonable manner”, said the hospital. “I shared her story to tell people not to lose hope on their loved ones,” Mr Webair said. “Don’t consider them dead when they are in such a state. “All those years, the doctors told me she was a hopeless case and that there was no point of the treatment I was seeking for her, but whenever in doubt I put myself in her place and did whatever I could to improve her condition.” Read more at Miracle story to kick start this morning. In Singapore, this may not even be remotely possible no thanks to expensive healthcare bills. How comprehensive or rather how limited is our life insurance for coma patients? How many of us can afford to keep our loved ones alive for so long, with or without hopes of them even waking up? Then there are other deciding factors... What are the moral implications to deciding when to pull the plug for a coma patient whom is showing minimal signs of consciousness, on life support etc? Who is going to decide quality of life vs quantity of life? When is the right time to pull the plug? Is there ever a right time? Do insurance companies put pressure on hospitals or even doctors? This is a miracle case. It has given hope to families out there to keep the faith and not give up on their loved ones. But food for thought, how many of us would have been able to do the same? At 60 years old, she still has many good years to catch up on lost time with her family.
I had a conversation with my GF last night. When I meant GF, I refer to the real human female with nice C-cup tits and pussy, and not referring to my vehicle. My GF has a collick who is a CHC convert. So this collick said that her cell group leaders said New Creation Church is on a "slippery road to the infernos of hell" because its member designed and built the infiniti pool on top of Marina Bay Sands, hence New Creation Church is supporting the vice of gambling! The collick also said Christians should band together to pray for New Creation Church. I am like WTF. What's the link? So I asked my GF how's the likability of this collick. She said she and others would try to avoid that collick if possible unless bo bian because that collick carries the holy Bible around. LOL This is scary stuff. I assume the CHC members will rise-up against the country if their pastor tell them to do so! Where's secularism?
Moral Decay and the demise of the American economy
Anonymous said... Came across this post recently on Facebook. I think its a very appropriate reflection of PAP's treatment of foreigners vs Singaporeans: The Goatherd and the Wild Goats A Goatherd, driving his flock from their pasture at eventide, found some Wild Goats mingled among them, and shut them up in a cave together with his own for the night. The next day it snowed very hard, so that the Goatherd could not take the herd to their usual feeding places, but was obliged to keep them inside the cave. He gave his own goats just enough food to keep them alive, but fed the wild goats more abundantly, hoping that by doing so, they would stay with him and join his herd. When the snow thawed, the Goatherd led them all out to feed, and the Wild Goats scampered away as fast as they could to the mountains. The Goatherd scolded them for their ingratitude in leaving him, when during the storm he had taken more care of them than of his own herd. One of the Wild Goats, turning about, said to him:
It is easy for you and stand on high moral grounds when you are born with a silver spoon medicine is not just a careet but a calling perhaps Dr Lee you should educate your family members first politicians are public servant and be accountable NOT being paid the hightest in the world when the countries population is only 4+ million poor soul politic is also not just a carrer but a calling too politicians can shape the country and determine how our society will eventually become we become so materialistic is because of the policies and so on justify this politician a public servant (person who serves the citizens) are earning thousand times the mean salary of the average job Practicing medicine is no longer simple you allow all sorts of FT doctors into our country and some dont even speak english hire some like the one in TTSH, unethical research and etc never heard of it happening to a local speak to your family doctor and you know what I mean Medicine is not just a career, but a calling By Lee Wei Ling I have always felt keenly the suffering of animals. Since I was a child, I had wanted to be a vet. My parents persuaded me to abandon that idea by using the example of a vet whose university education was funded by the Public Service Commission. When he returned to Singapore, he was posted to serve his bond at the abattoirs. That was enough to persuade me to select my second career choice - a doctor. I have never regretted that decision. There are still many diseases for which medical science has no cure, and this is especially true of neurological diseases because nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord do not usually regenerate. Hence, a significant percentage of patients seeing neurologists, of which I am one, cannot be cured. But as in all areas of medicine, we still try our best for the patient, 'to cure, sometimes; to relieve, often; to comfort, always'. An example is a 70-year-old woman who sees me for her epilepsy. Her husband has taken a China mistress whom he has brought back to his marital home. He wants my patient to sell her 50 per cent ownership of their HDB flat and move out. Her children side with the husband because he is the one with the money and assets to will to them. When this patient comes, I always greet her with a big smile and compliment her on her cheongsam. She will tell me she sewed it herself, and I will praise her for her skill. Then I ask her whether she has had any seizures since the last time she saw me. She sees me at yearly intervals, and usually, she will have had none. Next, I ask her how she is coping at home. She would say she just ignores her husband and his mistress. I would give her a thumbs-up in reply, then ask her whether she still goes to watch Chinese operas. She would say yes. By then, I would have prepared her prescription. I hand it to her, pat her on her back and she would walk out with a smile on her face, back straight and a spring in her step. It takes me only five minutes to do the above. I can control but not cure her epilepsy. But I have cheered her up for the day. One very special patient, Jac, has idiopathic severe generalised torsion dystonia. By the age of 11, she was as twisted as a pretzel and barely able to speak intelligibly. She did well in the Primary School Leaving Examination, but was a few points short of the score needed for an external student to be accepted by Methodist Girls' School (MGS). I had done fund-raising for MGS prior to this and knew the principal. I phoned her and explained Jac's disease as well as her determination and diligence. I told the principal that the nurturing environment of MGS would be good for Jac, and that it would be a good lesson for the other students in MGS to learn to interact with a peer with disability. At the end of Secondary 2, Jac mailed me a book and a typed letter. The book was a collection of Chinese essays by students in MGS. There were two essays by Jac. In addition, she had topped the entire Secondary 1 and, subsequently, Secondary 2 in Chinese. She was second in the entire Secondary 2 for Chemistry. She was happy at MGS, and her peers accepted her and helped wheel her around in her wheelchair. Medication merely gave Jac some degree of pain relief from her dystonia. Being admitted to MGS gave her the opportunity to enjoy school and thrive in it. I was walking on clouds for the next few hours after I received the book and letter. Jac showed that an indomitable human spirit can triumph over a severe physical disability. As a doctor, I am not just handling a medical problem but the entire patient, including her education and social life. I have been practising medicine for 30 years now. Over this period, medical science has advanced tremendously, but the values held by the medical community seem to have changed for the worse. Yearning and working for money is more widely and openly practised; and sometimes this is perceived as acceptable behaviour, though our moral instinct tells us otherwise. Most normal humans have a moral instinct that can clearly distinguish between right and wrong. But we are more likely to excuse our own wrongdoing if there are others who are doing the same and getting away with it. These doctors who profit unfairly from their patients know they are doing wrong. But if A, B and C are doing wrong - and X, Y and Z too - then I need not be ashamed of doing the same. Medical students who see this behaviour being tacitly condoned will tend to lower their own moral standards. Instead of putting patients' welfare first, they will enrich themselves first. The most important trait a doctor needs is empathy. If we can feel our patient's pain and suffering, we would certainly do our best by our patients and their welfare would override everything else. Medicine is not just a prestigious, profitable career - it is a calling. Being a doctor will guarantee almost anyone a decent standard of living. How much money we need for a decent standard of living varies from individual to individual. My needs are simple and I live a spartan life. I choose to practise in the public sector because I want to serve all patients without needing to consider whether they can pay my fees. I try not to judge others who demand an expensive lifestyle and treat patients mainly as a source of income. But when the greed is too overwhelming, I cannot help but point out that such behaviour is unethical. The biggest challenge facing medicine in Singapore today is the struggle between two incentives that drive doctors in opposite directions: the humanitarian, ethical, compassionate drive to do the best by all patients versus the cold, calculating attitude that seeks to profit from as many patients as possible. Hopefully, the first will triumph. Doctors do have families to support. Needing and wanting money is not wrong. But doctors must never allow greed to determine their actions. I think if a fair system of pricing medical fees - such that doctors can earn what they deserve but not profit too much from patients - can be implemented, this problem will be much reduced. The Guideline of Fees, which previously was in effect, was dropped last year. I am trying to revive it as soon as possible. The writer is director of the National Neuroscience Institute.