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Found 13 results

  1. as in, fit this into this [laugh] [laugh] i was watching Pimp my ride and they could frigging fit 40" TVs into estates. So why not a simple sound bar? Do you think it is plausible? what kinda stuff do we have to look out for if we want to DIY this kinda thing?
  2. Here are four car tuning aspects and accessories to avoid if you do not want to damage overall performance of your car. Unlike other countries the local tuning market can be deemed as more of a cult culture, or so I believe, but even so it has to be done right. 1. Massive rims You've seen them in rap/R&B music videos, Fast and Furious series and perhaps spent a lot of time choosing the correct shoes for your car when playing video games. While large sized rims certainly add to the aesthetic appeal, people can get greedy at times. Upgrading from your stock wheel to larger and sportier ones isn't much of a problem if you are upgrading from let’s say 15 to 16-inches, but when you start going more than 2 or 3-inches over the manufacturer’s tyre size, you can soon run into trouble. If your overall wheel diameter (rim + tyre) exceeds what the manufacturer has made room for in the wheel well, the tyres can start rubbing against the wheel well liner each time you go through a bump. Plus, you have to note that large diameter rims are also wider, and these can grind against the wheel well walls. And larger wheels lead to another problem - low profile tyres. 2. Ultra low profile tyres Low profile tyres are perfectly at home on race cars where cornering grip is important over everything else. Yet, this could pose a serious problem on road cars. Low profile tyres have very rigid side walls and hence offer very little pliancy. While this might be desirable on the race track, where you want your car’s tyres to flex as little as possible under immense cornering forces, it does compromise on ride comfort. Additionally a less pliant tyre will cause your car’s suspension to work even harder, adding significantly amounts of wear and tear to the various suspension components. 3. Spoilers & other aero bits You see them all the time on JDM cars. Spoilers, flics, wide body, front and rear diffusers. But do they really work? The world of motorsports - specially Le Mans, GT, and DTM - cars are adorned with thousands of little wings, nips and tips and of course do not look anything like road going cars. And don't even get me started on Formula One. But the teams usually have an Aerodynamic specialist, who spends thousands of hours in the wind tunnel, trying to make the car as slippery as possible. Spoilers are mounted on the back of racing cars to create downforce at high speeds, which pushes the back down and provides cornering grip - but the ones offered by tuning kits are merely for show. I doubt even the massive rear spoiler on the A 45 AMG does anything? Regardless road cars are meant to be driven on normal roads, not the track. As such any default aerodynamic setting is more than essential. 4. Body kits The shark fin diffuser, large openings, hood scoop all aid in cooling and thermal dynamics of your car - if it is designed for racing. The thought of having a bucket seat and carbon hood, on a modest Japanese or Korean sedan baffles me. If any random auto enthusiast can slap a piece of carbon, lower his car, and install momo steering or brembo brakes to achieve Nurburging burning lap time performance - then the world of physics can be rendered useless.
  3. The Land Transport Authority (LTA) is reviewing the enforcement regime against workshops which illegally modify vehicles. 2,645 summonses were issued for illegal modification offences for all vehicle types in 2010. The figure went up to 7,322 in 2011. For motorcycles, 341 summonses were issued for illegal modifications in 2010, and 1,175 summonses in 2011. In 2012, the figure shot up to 7,239 summonses for illegal vehicle modifications in the first eight months alone. 1,405 summonses were for illegal motorcycle modifications. In a written reply to Parliament, Transport Minister Lui Tuck Yew said no one has been jailed for illegal modification offences. Enforcement actions are currently focused on owners of illegally modified vehicles. No summonses have been issued against motor vehicle workshop owners so far. Source: http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/sin...1236786/1/.html
  4. hi may i seek some advise on de-cat. so far, did anyone do it and pass inspection? from what i was told, de-cat is good and give extra bhp though not environment friendly. and those guys who 'operate', cut and clear on the top whereby it will looks good to pass inspection. was quoted $60. not sure if this is the correct price. and usually how many Cat does a car has? 1 or 3? was also quoted $250 for an aftermarket muffer with installation. thinking of going MAN to seek their opinions.
  5. Finally can start a new thread! My car comes with the stock GPS (from KIA) - the one with a screen popping up at the centre of the dashboard .. understand from them tat if wanna update map, must pay $85. Was wondering whether I can change a GPS (which still continues to use the screen.. if not it's quite strange to have a blank screen there). Also is it possible for me to connect any other devices to the screen (think in-car video recorder) as it seems like it has a few 'channels'. Any bros who knows anywhere tat i can do this, please let me know. Thanks in advance!
  6. FaezClutchless

    Nissan GTR R35

    [extract] Since its debut at the Tokyo Motor Show in 2007, the R35 GTR has captivated many, even non-JDM fans. Many have commented that it is this generation
  7. Blogger

    Best Mod Ever?

    How much have you spent on modifying your car? Hundreds of dollars? A few grand? Or tens of thousands? Car modification enthusiasts all over would hardly bat an eyelid while splashing cold hard cash on modifications for their beloved rides. Now the list of modifications (both legal and not so legal) to bump up a car's dyno figures is endless. But let's forget the heady chase for bhp for the moment and let me proffer my suggestion for the very first modification every car enthusiast should undertake. Weight-loss. No, not for the car; but for the biological lump behind the wheel - you aka the driver! Now before you click the back button, hear me out. It is a widely acknowledged fact that Singaporeans are increasingly becoming obese. And this has an effect on your car's performance. Think about it. It is already trite that weight reduction can help a car's performance. Car enthusiasts would splash thousands of dollars on aftermarket forged rims. Other than potentially improving handling, one benefit of such rims is a reduction in overall car weight. But just how much weight would one save? I did some research for my ride and I would save roughly 2kg to 3kg per rim depending on the one I select. That translates into a total weight saving of 8kg to 12kg. 8kg? I lost that amount of weight just by regularly exercising over the course of last year! Best part is, this weight loss came at no additional cost to me! Now translate that logic into the amount of dollars into other weight saving modifications such as replacing parts of the body work with lightened ones and you can see where I am going with this. Of course, I am not dissing the utility of weight saving modifications. After all, there has got to be a limit to the amount of weight a person can reasonably lose. What I am advocating is: before decreasing the car weight, lose some weight first! It is a free mod! On the flip side, you could see what would happen if you splashed out moolah for those shiny light weight rims and spanking CF hood and hit the buffet table one time too many! All that cash would be wasted! So here is one more reason for you to watch that weighing scale this festive season!
  8. Hi guys can you guys reccomend a workshop that can do this? I intend to modify these to fit my car. thanks
  9. Thinking of changing seat for my ride, where can I get modification done to fit the seat onto my stock rail? Thanks.
  10. Hi, Anyone knows of any workshop that knows how to modify accelerator pedal for ppl with slight disabilities? Please recommend. Cheers Orac
  11. hi is there anyway i can put in a radiator from a newer model car taht is more efficient at cooling? like maybe a corolla radiator or soemthing? any where does this?
  12. hi, anyone knows about how the aircon fan switch works? probably different resistors for each aircon speed step? has any1 tried to open their control up before? i'm thinking of reducing speed (maybe using higher resistor), but cos haven't done it before, a bit apprehensive.
  13. Hi All, In order to enhance my car braking ability, i considering upgrade my brake system. I am driving a Toyota Corolla G8 which presently using two disk brake at front and two drum brake at the back. I thinking to buy a set of ventilated disk brake to replace my front brake and then shift the old disk front brake to the rear. Do u guys think is it feasible?? Any problem ?? Any recommend workshop and brand of ventilated brake which i get from?
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