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  1. Reality is far from expectations for these Stompers who bought items online Sometimes, online shopping can be like a game of Russian roulette. You can hope that you get what you pay for but once in a while, the reality may be far off from your expectations. Unfortunately, two Stompers got way less than they bargained for when they decided to purchase products online via Facebook. Stomper Eve was excited when she was scrolling through Facebook and came across a portable projector that she thought would be the perfect Christmas gift for her son. She clicked on a sponsored ad that appeared on her feed that was posted by a page called Fashion Products. The ad redirected her to a website called yibeibuy.com. "I was surprised that there was an option to pay in cash on delivery so I ordered one for $69 on Tuesday (Dec 11)," she said. "The item came the very next day (Dec 12) and I paid when the delivery arrived. "Although it was meant to be a present, I decided to open it and charge the projector for my son. "It was black like what I had ordered online but when I looked closer it turned out to be a speaker with instructions in Chinese, like the ones you can get at a pasar malam for like $25." Eve told Stomp that she messaged Fashion Products on Facebook and was asked to provide a tracking number and details. However, she said that she was not given any. "They didn't even give me an email confirmation when I placed my order. "The person I was communicating with then said it was their page but not their link when I sent her screenshots taken from Facebook Marketplace."
  2. Outrageous new TV dating shows cut straight to chase Once upon a time in a more coy era people made an effort to get to know each other -- perhaps learning each other's names -- before hopping into bed together. But for the swipe-right generation raised on dating apps like Tinder that is so last century, television executives believe. A new dating show is helping time-pressed millennials save on the unnecessary preliminaries by cutting straight to the chase. "Making Love" has jaws dropping at MIPCOM, the world's biggest TV market in Cannes, by having contestants have sex first before deciding if they like each other. Its French producers WeMake said it has brought together "scientifically-matched singles" to ask the essential question, "Could making love make you fall in love?" They billed the show -- which is being sold at MIPCOM -- as "a ground-breaking experiment into how humans fall in love. "Behind the (bedroom) door cameras have captured the new couple's every move, every awkward moment," the producers said, before pulling away at the last minute only to reappear in the post-coital glow -- or gloom. Contestants can then hurry into the bathroom to debrief the audience on just how their new partner performed. - Friends-with-benefits - "We will follow the daters over the next few weeks to see if the pair remain friends-with-benefits only or will they chose to get to know each other and start a relationship," the show's trailer promised. Although the producers are French, the contestants for the pilot show were British. The format is one of several new series which are likely to pop up on TV screens across the globe in the next few years. Analyst Virginia Mouseler of The Wit database said the new age of dating was not for prudes.
  3. Kobe Steel scandal hits Boeing, Toyota and Nissan...... Other companies affected by the Kobe Steel scandal include Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Kawasaki Heavy Industries, IHI, Honda, Mazda and Subaru. Kobe Steel said it had no evidence of any safety concerns as a result of the fraudulent certification. GOOGLE OR SEARCH FOR "KOBE STEEL SCANDAL"
  4. Under Singapore regulations, it is an offence to leave the engine of a motor vehicle running when it is stationary for reasons other than traffic conditions. 1. Annoying someone by behaving badly in public while drunk 2. Annoying someone in a public place through an act, or by reciting or uttering a song with lyrics that are obscene 3. Sale, distribution, rental of all things "obscene", including paintings, books, figures 4. Purposely obstructing a person, so as to prevent him from proceeding in any direction that he is allowed to walk in 5. Using false weight or measure 6. Your dog injuring a person 7. Bathing or washing yourself in on a public road, in a public tank, reservoir, or any water body 8. Flying a kite that obstructs traffic on a public road 9. Annoying someone by making noise in any way, including by an instrument 10. Taking alcohol into a public hospital Full article: http://www.straitstimes.com/news/singapore/more-singapore-stories/story/10-things-you-might-not-know-you-could-be-punished-singa
  5. its interesting what this girl did to fool everyone that follows her on FB and her family. abit boliao but she definitely proved her point to the whole. its time for the good old meet up sharing sessions instead of sharing only on FB. http://www.gapyear.com/news/230749/dutch-girl-fakes-a-trip-to-se-asia ....................Bending reality on Facebook is hardly unusual – in fact it’s turning into something of a life skill – but Zilla’s efforts seem to have taken things to a whole new level. The reasons behind her actions, however, are noble: it was all part of a university project, in which she wanted to show how Facebook activity is not necessarily reflective of real life. Speaking to media in her home country, she said: “I did this to show people that we filter and manipulate what we show on social media, and that we create an online world which reality can no longer meet. “My goal was to prove how common and easy it is to distort reality. Everybody knows that pictures of models are manipulated. But we often overlook the fact that we manipulate reality also in our own lives.”........................
  6. Saw this pop up on my FB feed last night. And not too bad timing either, saw some lady driver not being able to park properly over the previous weekend, taking up slightly more than one lot in a two lot bay, so probably, no other car would be able to park there, unless it's a Copen or a Mini maybe. Wanted to leave her a note telling her to park properly in future (only saw the driver when she came back and I already had a lot). Would have left one of these cards on her windscreen if I had it. https://www.facebook.com/CopyBoySG/posts/302403793248197?stream_ref=10 The name's slightly wrong too, haha..
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X49hNXB6ubA
  8. From Yahoo. --> http://sg.news.yahoo.com/five-driving-violations-don-t-025315766.html Between legislation and the reality of a situation, there is always a practical interpretation of the rules. But here are five common traffic rule violations that people in Singapore commit so often, it's obvious a good number of them have no idea they are breaking the law. Here are five common driving violations Singaporeans commit, and we explain why, fines and punishment aside, the rules are there for a good reason. 1. U-Turns Are Illegal Unless There Is A U-Turn Sign This one's easy and simple. Under the Road Traffic Act rules: "13.—(1) No driver or rider of any vehicle shall make a U-turn at any road intersection, road junction or opening in a road divider unless he is permitted to do so by a road sign." Breaking this rule could net you a $70 fine, if caught. Why It's Unsafe: Most often this happens at a right-turning junction. If a car does a U-turn when all the other vehicles are turning right, it could result in a collision. In the case of an accident, the U-turning vehicle will obviously be at fault. 2. Going Slowly In The Right Lane The Singaporean highway mentality is that you can go pretty much as you please in the right lane as long as you're not speeding. This isn't true, as blocking the right lane (aka the over-taking lane) is an offence called road-hogging. According to a news release from the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), people have indeed been fined for it, and it's punishable by a maximum $1,000 fine plus a three-month jail term. According to another MHA release, "Over the last three years, an average of 1,750 summonses were issued each year for road hogging." Why It's Unsafe: Blocking the right lane causes overtaking cars to be forced to undertake (yes, it's a real term, and it's also an offence in some countries) and it also causes more traffic congestion, according to this BBC article. From a courtesy perspective, you might not be in a rush today, but one day you will. 3. Parallel Parking In The Wrong Direction If you're parking parallel, it's actually an offence to park a car against the flow of traffic. According to the HDB parking rules, this little known offence is worth a $50 fine. Why It's Unsafe: If pull out into traffic facing the opposite direction, you can blind drivers with your headlights, and you'll also need to go against the flow of traffic to get back on the correct side of the road. 4. Indiscriminate Use Of Fog-lights Could Land You In Prison The Land Transport Authority does not ban the use of fog-lights here. According to its FAQ they must meet certain standards. It is, however, an offence to use them during regular weather conditions, both day and night. Flouting this rule means a driver is liable for a fine of $1,000 and a three month jail term. Repeating the offence gets you double the fine and/or jail time. Why It's Unsafe: Just like very bright or badly-adjusted headlights, excessively bright fog-lights can be distracting to the driver in front of you. Also, in heavy rain and or fog, turning on more lights may actually cause it to diffuse further, causing glare and reducing vision even further. Also, neither does using your fog-lights while shutting off your main beam save you energy. 5. Leaving Your Car's Engine On While Stationary According to the National Environment Agency and the Environmental Protection and Management Regulations for Vehicular Emissions, leaving your car's engine on while the car is stopped, for any period of time, is also an offence, and can result in a fine from $70 to $2,000. As this AsiaOne/TNP news story from August 2013 shows, it's something most people are still unaware of. Why It's Unsafe: Emissions are bad - everyone knows that. Having a stationary car with the engine idle is probably the worst thing for efficiency, which is why start-stop systems were invented. Also, stationary idling means polluting the air around you, which affects the health of everyone else. One idling car might not be a big difference, but imagine thousands of cars all burning fuel for no good reason. Exhaust fumes are known causes of respiratory illnesses and cancers. ___ Derryn Wong is currently editor-in-chief of the magazines CarBuyer and TopGear Singapore, and he enjoys probing all aspects of the motoring industry, ranging from bizarre holes in the upholstery to the engineered insanity of the COE system. No, not those kinds of holes.
  9. LOUIS VUITTON PULLS OUT OF SINGAPORE STREET DOG FUNDRAISER BECAUSE DOGS ARE TOO LOW CLASS Post date: 14 Nov 2013 - 2:15pm Source : http://therealsingapore.com/content/louis-vuitton-pulls-out-singapore-street-dog-fundraiser-because-dogs-are-too-low-class The road to saving stray dogs is an uphill one, filled with set backs & difficulties. Esquire Magazine asked me yesterday why, I, an aesthetics doctor who people will view as being living in glamour & driving a nice car, decided to dedicate my life to doing this. I replied that before I started saving street dogs, I was indeed one of such people- chasing the "Singapore dream". But embarking on such a journey changes you profoundly. At the beginning, people thought I was doing this to get attention, waiting for me to give up. My colleagues, parents and loved ones were dead against it, telling me to spend my time and money doing better things. But compassion is a universal language. We may all have different views, but at our core, everyone speaks the same simple language of kindness - not only to humans, but to animals as well. That is what unites us in saving Singapore's street dogs. My interview with the good people at Esquire Magazine yesterday was supposed to be for a charity fundraiser with Louis Vuitton . LV donated some items which would be auctioned, and the proceeds donated to Save Our Street Dogs. But in a dramatic turn of events, they pulled out during the photoshoot despite initially agreeing to be part of it - because LV felt that dogs, MONGRELS,, stray dogs, in particular, are too LOW CLASS for their brand image. It is an difficult road we have chosen to take, because many corporations and people are still blinded only with superficial glitter & bright lights, falsely holding onto the belief that the make-belief world of "luxury" they have crafted for themselves is the real one. To these corporations and people, "charity" is merely a means of making their brand look better, or making themselves look good - not for altruism. These people have forgotten the most important language of all - the language of compassion. Hawk Cut Weis Founder of SaveOurStreetDogs.com
  10. TOKYO - TOYOTA Motor Corp said on Wednesday that it was considering raising its prices in response to soaring material costs, following a report that it is preparing to announce hikes in Japan for next month. According to the Nikkei business daily, Japan's top automaker has began notifying affiliated dealerships of the planned price increases. It would be the first time since 1974 that the auto giant has raised the domestic prices of existing passenger vehicles, rather than waiting for the launch of new models, the newspaper said. The increases of between one and three per cent are likely to apply to vehicles most affected by rising steel and raw metal prices, such as the Prius hybrid and the Dyna truck, the report said without naming any sources. The price of iron ore, a vital material to make steel, has soared in recent years due to rising demand, particularly in fast-growing China and India. 'We are aware of the current situation of higher raw materials prices,' said Toyota spokesman Hideaki Homma. He said senior Toyota officials are mulling whether to raise domestic prices in response to soaring material costs although no decision has yet been made. Nissan, Japan's third largest automaker, has indicated that it is waiting for market leader Toyota to raise vehicle prices before it follows suit. Toyota is a pioneer in hybrid vehicles, which reduce fuel consumption by switching between a regular engine and an electric motor. The Prius line enjoys significant success in the global hybrid market so a price hike would be unlikely to affect sales significantly, analysts said. A price rise for commercial trucks may have to be shouldered by vehicle dealers if they are to avoid losing business, they added. Some company watchers warned that the financial benefits of a price hike were likely to be limited and could deter buyers. 'I am not sure if this is the risk worth taking,' said one auto analyst at a Japanese brokerage house, who declined to be named. The surging raw material costs come as rocketing fuel prices and a weak economy weigh on Japanese automakers' sales, particularly of trucks and sports utility vehicles in the United States. Japan's auto market is also in a slump, depressed by weak consumer spending, a shrinking population and signs that younger Japanese are losing interest in cars, particularly in big cities. -- AFP Nissan and Toyota Going to Increase Car Price Again
  11. In the future, you just might be charged for driving to the convenience store around the corner to get milk and bread. The government is now testing new satellite-tracking technology that could develop into the next-generation electronic road pricing (ERP) system. The System Evaluation Test (SET) began in May and "is a technological trial to help identify a technological solution most suited for Singapore", Channel NewsAsia reported. So don't be alarmed if you come across four black cantilevers at Woodlands Avenue 12, the site where the SET testing is being carried out. You will also notice a range of surveillance cameras, reflectors and sensors set on the structures hanging over the road. Kapsch TrafficCom, MHI Engine System Asia and NCS, ST Electronics (Info-Comm Systems) and IBM Singapore, and Watchdata Technologies and Beijing Watchdata System were awarded the tender last year to develop technologies within 18 months as a replacement for the ERP system. They were each allocated S$1 million for the project. These tests are expected to be completed at the end of the year, following which the Land Transport Authority (LTA) will "assess the performance of the various solutions to determine whether an appropriate technological solution is available and can form the basis of a next generation ERP system", an LTA spokesperson was quoted by CNA as saying. Using the Global Positioning System (GPS) to track vehicles on the roads, this satellite tracking might replace the existing ERP system and perhaps even the annual road tax that all motorists pay regardless of usage. Another aspect of vehicle ownership that can be looked into is the Certificate of Entitlement (COE) premiums, which can be reduced if drivers are charged on their usage. I think if this satellite tracking replaces the ERP, drivers might be made to pay distance-based charges (mileage travelled), time-based charges (duration of car usage, weekdays or weekends, peak or non-peak hours), location-based charges, or even a mixture of all three, using GPS-based electronic road pricing in place of the current area-based charges. There will be no need for ERP gantries, requiring just GPS coordinates, software and cameras for monitoring. For example, a possible structure might be one where the system starts charging once you start your engine and move off, regardless of whether you are heading around the corner for your Sunday coffee, picking your kid up from school or going to work on Monday morning. Those who seldom use their vehicles will benefit from this, otherwise the possible execution of satellite tracking ERP may make the usage of vehicles more expensive in Singapore. There are no firm plans on how this vehicle satellite tracking system will be used as testing is still in progress to evaluate its viability to be used for road pricing. However, there are various possibilities on how it can be implemented for the next generation ERP system. With this ability to track vehicles, this potential system basically can serve as a 24-hour surveillance camera for all motorists in Singapore. It can detect speeding vehicles, red-light beaters, illegal parking, hit-and-run drivers, and also assist in finding stolen cars or other types of crimes. Fret not, this project is still in its early stages and there is no set date or time to introduce the next-generation ERP system yet. Yahoo news
  12. ... so is all others Next time, I don't blanko the plate....
  13. After so many topics on cyclist vs driver, should keep a safe distance or not, y not lets take a break? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PtCu34Tq94I
  14. http://www.asiaone.com/static/multimedia/g...20_israeliarmy/
  15. I wonder if anyone read today's Straits Times front page, just below the article about the raising of taxi fares. It says LTA is taking over fuel efficiency labelling of cars from NEA next year and that they might implement emission-based tax. Will this lead to higher road for everybody? (except maybe hybrid owners)
  16. his friend nearly ran over him and look at how those rescuers actually carry him to the ambulance.
  17. Hi guys, I've considered about starting this thread for a long time... In the end, I felt that I should let everyone know about what happen... Not to complaint/blackmail but just to share.. I bought my set of RS3 from hankook (one of their highest range, I believe) in last oct. 3 months after installing them, I realize my car is alittle bumpy when cruising at slow speed (50-80). I thought it was my suspension setup thus I went back to my workshop (I am currently one of the employee there) but it was found out to be my tyres which has bumps on them (3 out of 4). The bumps appear on a single spot on the tyres individually. I called the sales guy and he asked me to drive down and let him have a look. I went down and after inspection, they agreed that they are some issues with my tyres which they cannot determine the cause at that point of time. I waited 2 months for the hankook korean "engineer" to make his trip down and he will decided the next course of action. The final verdict is HANKOOK do not warranty uneven wear on their tyres, even when they are not sure what could be the cause of it. They sort of blame it on my car's hardware but if so, the bumps would be all around the tyres and not just that single spot. PS I used to be on 17" v8rs and it serve me well for 16 months on the exact same car with same h/w. I am utterly disappointed by this and sadly after 5 years of hankook supporter, I will be changing and NEVER going back again.
  18. anyone wanna sell their starlet that can last till 2019?:/
  19. A senior investment banker, 51, noted: 'I have had politicians work for me before, and they have to watch where they go, what they say... they might have a Porsche at home, but they use a Toyota to go for Meet-the-People Sessions.' http://www.straitstimes.com/GeneralElectio...ory_657245.html CORPORATE high flyers are not willing to trade their comfortable lives for the rough and tumble of politics. In an informal poll of 45 senior corporate high flyers, 32 said No. Only three indicated they would say Yes if they were asked by the People's Action Party (PAP) to step forward to contest in an election. The other 10 said they would consider if asked, but that a lot depended on their career development and what their families thought of them going into politics. These responses bear out the lament of some PAP leaders, that they find it difficult to attract private-sector people as electoral candidates.
  20. Yesterday, out from nowhere, I had received a sms. Hi, following for SALE. Audi Cab 2.4L A4 (Ferrari Red) Reg 29 Nov 2002. Link to the sgcarmart. I had decided to ask for $71K view to offer. Am selling because of urgent relocation by Dec 2010. Please contact if keen for viewing and offer. Car Seller: XXXX H/P: XXXX XXXX I had replied with "Who R U? How did you get my contacts" Seller next reply "sgcarmart I'm also direct seller selling my car now" I felt that this is a spam sms and got turned off by such people which spams. I replied "MPS for sale, for you I give you $4,800 discount and can deal immediately. My link to sgcarmart. Dont you feel that your SMS is really wasting others time". I hope that you can give some comments about my actions
  21. Hi guys, I've posted some of my starlet parts for sale in the classified section. Do check it out if interested. All price negotiable. Rear Disk Brake Set EBC Front Rotors Polyuthene Lower Arm Bush Gearbox with TRD 1.5way LSD Toyota Starlet rear seat belt set Quad Light Set Damd Spoiler w MKIII Hatch TOMs Bumper for Toyota Starlet Turbosmart 60mm Wastegate KKK 3T Turbo system with Sard wastegate and Turbosmart BOV
  22. Ad by direct owner: http://www.sgcarmart.com/used_cars/info.ph...127&DL=1000 $55,000 for 2006 Impreza 1.6A. WRX Bonnet, Bodykit, Sports Rims, Rear Spoiler, Subaru Front/Back Decal, Exhaust Tip, Alpine MP3/WMA Player, Solar Tint, Black Leather Seats. Cheapest In Town, Regular Serviced, Executive Car, Price Lowered As Letting Go In August. Viewing At Tanah Merah! Going Overseas For this price, you can get a WRX with change. http://www.sgcarmart.com/used_cars/listing...&MOD=Subaru Impreza&AVL=2
  23. Heard from the radio when driving to work...lucky never buy any AIA policy...haha. Probably the payouts will be reduced significantly especially those endowment policies...quick decide now bros and sis! The takeover will be announced soon, most probably today. http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/afp...1040662/1/.html AIG in US$35b sale of Asian arm to Prudential LONDON: US insurance giant AIG has accepted a deal to sell its Asian arm, AIA, to British insurer Prudential for around US$35 billion, a source close to the deal said Sunday. AIG, which was just recently considering a flotation of its Asian activities, finally agreed to let Prudential buy its Asian arm, said the source. The deal would make Prudential the top non-Chinese global insurer by capitalisation, notably ahead of Allianz and AXA. It is understood the sale will be unveiled in the coming days, perhaps as early as Monday. Tidjane Thiam took up the job of Prudential chief executive in October and had never hidden his desire to expand the business in Asia. He went to New York at the end of last week to persuade AIG's board of directors to sell his company AIA. AIG had been planning an initial public offering for its Asian arm in Hong Kong in April. Prudential's shareholders, for their part, welcomed the company's projects, said the source. The British press at the weekend reported that the group Resolution was trying to strike a deal with Prudential to buy its British businesses. AIG was hard hit by the financial crisis and received more than US$170 billion in a taxpayer bailout. In 2008, the firm tried to sell up to 49 per cent of AIA through an auction process but had to drop the idea after failing to receive suitable offers. - AFP/sc
  24. Hi everyone, I hope my post will give you a chance to air your views towards this issue. I strongly feel that Merc's new E-class is a breakthrough car. It may not look stunning, but it appeals to me, even the previous E-class. Comfort, technology and performance of the car is going very well. I must admit I have not sat in one before neither do I own one. But i'm a Merc supporter and would love to own this one someday. In my honest and humble opinion, the BMW has had its breakthrough because of award winning designer that designed their new car models, meaning the current ones. Other than that, the problems still persist for the ages since then, till now. Strengths of the BMW has always been the performance, but the flaws out number its strength. With good driving experience but horrible quality of built in features from the interior, especially the gearbox, breakdowns are a consistent good friend of the BMW. So far all I gotta say is quoted from the reviewers of sgcarmart, "the new 5 series had better be very good in order to match with the new E-class". And I already think so. How about you? What do you think? Do you all feel that the BMW will crumble under the Mercedes soon? Or will both be of a good fight without any walk over.
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