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Found 12 results

  1. my tires are wearing thin already, the michellin man's hands are now gone and the tires are starting to skid during wet weather my friend says that a 5m skidding during dry weather is still safe because we usually keep a 10m distance between us and the car in front just wondering, what is the norm that people will usually use to judge when to change tires? how many meters skid is allowable for wet and dry conditions?
  2. Just passed by slip road from SLE to CTE, almost accident. Suddenly saw a car broken down on left lane. Have to switch to right lane but traffic from right very fast, including speeding BMW (yeah why BMW again) All bros and sis, if your car break down, please don't put your warning triangle 1 meter behind your car. People cannot react. Please put 2 ~ 3 meters behind slightly to the left side, so that people can be warned without crashing into your triangle/car.
  3. hi all... ok i'm a goondu to ask this.... anyways... some cars have a Fuel Consumption meter in build with the car... tat states like '9.5km/litre'... also states like how many more kilometers till the tank becomes empty... example of a normal family saloon with this function is none other than the forte.... now the question is... can we fit this FC meter onto any other regular cars without this function? like does APEXi or Pivot or Delfi have a meter that can read FC? what sensors parts are involved? Many Many Many thanks..........
  4. Any idea where to get help for Orisis meters? one of my meters don't respond when i try to set it with the remote.. my other sensors are working fine though... TIA..
  5. Looking for those multimeter that collects data from ECU direct from OBD II. Does anyone know where is selling Blitz Rvit I-color or Spec R meters?
  6. Currently, I have my 1-DIN Ralliart Meters sitting below my HU. I have bought the hood and tray with the intention to relocate the meters on the dashboard. See enclosed image. I am concerned the meters may go haywire if they are not well connected after the relocation. Can any bros here recommmend me a reliable and experienced installer? Thanks in advance.
  7. Jamesgetz

    Defi Meters

    sorry, i'm a complete idiot to the world of expensive gauages ie. Defi BF toying with idea of getting 2 Defi gauges -> one for water temp and one for vacuum. a few questions. -> searched the website and can't find the vacuum gauge for Defi BF. is the 'inlet manifold' one the same??? -> is it really a must to buy and install the link controller? -> anyone selling the above?
  8. Hi to all, juz to check, there are so many meters ard, fuel ratio, volts and.....what are they for actually???anyone care to enlighten me???tks
  9. How accurate are our speedo meters? When I am travelling on the expressway and my speedo reads 90km/h, but I still see cars overtaking me left right center... Maybe my speedo is spoilt...
  10. Now that's what I call Great Looking! - wanna make a guess what car is it?
  11. Hi just want to check with u guys how much does it cost to install the above mention? holder + volt + rpm ? If i bought a 2nd hand or from those shops tat sells accessaries how do i install it? and if i ask a machanic to install for me how much will they charge?
  12. Dunno whether this is the right folder....think we are ALWAYS trying to better our fuel consumption and one of the tools we ALWAYS use is the fuel gauges....here is a great site that teaches me HOW COME I THOUGHT I USE UP TOO MUCH FUEL...hehehe...from SLC....enjoy...wonder BERNARDSIA from SLC is here also... The site below has an article on why fuel guages are so cxxk up. On the CK models, the first and last quarter will last very long. But the 2nd and 3rd will just zip thru. Many cars have this problem. Just that the CK models are especially obvious. http://auto.howstuffworks.com/fuel-gauge.htm
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