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Found 22 results

  1. Some Sharing.How do one track and manage your daily emotional experience? Some of the ways I have tried to vent my emotions, say anger, is by going to the beach and shout our my lungs. It helps me quite a fair bit. How about you? Other ways I did is to engage in "self-love" technique where I will take bus to nowhere and let the bus decide where it stops at the interchange. I purposely don't check the bus number so that I will not know which interchange I am going to. Some other ways I used are drink a big glass of icy cold water one shot gulp down to cool myself down. Watching movie of my choice on my own is another good way to relax. Soak in a warm bath tub with an icy cold Tiger beer is good too. At the end of the day, i always ask self how did I feel when I am home to do "self-check" to have my own awareness. How about you; how do u best manage your emotions and what emotions are they? Cheers and thank you.
  2. I despair after hearing about the furore about COE prices appearing on papers, internet and TV. This is not rocket science, and after many years of trial and error, no one has got it right. The politicians in charge are very worried since the poor showing in the previous elections, and the turmoil brewing on the widening rich-poor gap. As a developed country, there is a need to address the rich-poor gap, human rights, equality, environmental wellness, traffic conditions, and public transportation. The system of COE, ARF, Road Tax, does nothing but line the treasury coffers, hence certain political party got the nickname Pay and Pay. The impending carbon emission tax rebate/charge is a welcomed change however, there is no need for such a complex rule to implement. Vehicles that are modified after sales, or poorly maintained will still produce more carbon than it should. Different driving styles and road conditions will also change the carbon emission by a big margin. We often see many drivers leaving their engines on while idle, how are you going to charge that? There are simple and effective solutions which do not cost a bomb to implement and will also satisfy the lower income group, vehicle sales market, environmental concerns, improved public transport and traffic. 1) Drop the COE - they are not effective. 2) Drop the ARF - no difference from the COE, just another tax that is not effective. 3) Drop the Road Tax - it is not a fair representation of road usage, carbon emissions. 1) Increase fuel prices - you use, you pay simple. No need for satellite tracking, ERP gantries. If the vehicle has high emissions, it will consume the relative fuel. If you can't afford to pay for fuel, you won't drive much. 2) Increase Parking charges - you use, you pay simple. Existing infrastructure, no need to change anything. If you cannot afford parking, you will not drive to the place. If the carpark is at it's maximum capacity, they can command higher premiums. If people cannot afford to park, they would not buy a car. 3) Cars are sold on OMV only, lower income group can afford cars. They have the freedom to use it but of course there's a premium to pay to use it. They can find cheaper parking lots with less demand. 4) Fuel tax, ERP, and parking fees will give the same amount to the treasury, there is no impact. 5) Use taxed funds to support public transport to reduce cost of operation and improve efficiency, not just adding monies to the reserve. It's public transport, the governing body of the public should contribute, not let it be run by "private operators" who are only concerned of profits. These results in a fair vehicle system, everyone has a fair chance to purchase vehicles on their market price, less usage, less payment, leading to less traffic, less emissions. Those who can only afford public transportation will enjoy cheaper and more efficient system.
  3. You got a fu(ked up staff you want to sack but you need the manpower, to get a replacement manpower you need to sack her or him first and the new staff will take time to come and train up, you need all the manpower at the moment but you also know that this staff cmi in the long run, how to solve???
  4. Any one know where to get the V manage ??? heard is damm good can let mme know thgk you
  5. this female manager of mine was recently promoted and although she is an ok person, i find her working style too kiasi and she likes to know everything and in details...things we dont have and ask, she will do it herself. currently my colleague who backup me also a female, seems to be infected by her style and i cant stand it. picky into details and every petty issue is about sending emails to cover ass. is it women r like that?
  6. you may have a big cc engine, or super-duper turbo blah blah blah, neither my tiny 1.4T nor humble 1.6 will be able to catch up with you; and i have no intention to be an obstacle in your NFS journey... however, if you need to stamp on your brake and slow down abruptly to a pathetic 60km/h to negotiate a bend, i hope you could understand that there are people who can drive better even their rides are humble. please, if you are afraid of the bends, don't drag. a second faster for you on the straight, caused a minute slower for us in the bend.
  7. I have a question. I paid my car last week. The agent said i can get my car this week. My question is how did they manage to do it? I was told by my colleagues that it takes two weeks to get a license number. I wonder if my agent just wants to get my $$$ - that is, her commission.
  8. Just want to find out if that really happens, what are the ways and means to best manage such a crisis?
  9. can i have a look of hands of those who have e-manage blue/ultimate in their vehicles? currently have a e-manage ulti in my car with a rough road tune. cant decide which tuner to go to for dyno tune. so far have shortlisted afew: singapore 1. autotronics - alex (amk autopoint) 2. dynotechnica - (paya ubi indt) 3. juzz4cars - romelle (not sure if he does e-manage) malaysia 1. speedworks 2. visworks anyone other tuners? realised that malaysia ones like speedwork is much cheaper singapore is probably impossible to get a dyno tune below $300. they usually charge close to $400.
  10. Everyone knows that you only live once right. And that seeing how expensive it is to own & maintain a car in S'pore, do you:- 1) opt to be practical & drive it till end of it's lifespan 2) change car every few yrs 3) go for the one car that will inspire you to drive till end of it's lifespan I will share my experiences. For me, 1st car was a COE car & it was sold it away as the maintenance costs was very high due to regular changing of parts every 3mths. 2nd car was a used car & we sold it away as no use for it anymore. 3rd car is a new car & coming next yr would be 3yrs old. Will probably be practical & install wallpaper of dream car on pc instead cos the ride I would love to drive till end of it's lifespan is way over-budget. Not only that, it is impractical to own it in S'pore as our roads are so well-paved. Can I hear from those who hv managed to own a car for 10yrs and those who change cars on a regular basis? And those who bought their dreamcar (if such things do happen) and do not hv intention to change at all. Even if change, will probably get back the same model.
  11. Hi guys, Just got my ride a few days ago and need to ask a few noobish qsn: Qsn1) Is there a need to wax it now to protect? Qsn2) I am the type who will drive my car thru the car wash (no time to wash manually) and confirm the application of the PPS is not very useful for my case? Asking as I read that the PPS will be wear down by these car wash quickly. Thanks
  12. Hi all, I intend to install ECU piggyback on my car. Prolly will be installing Greddy's E-manage Ultimate. Just wondering if any bros/sis here have installed the same chip?? What performance boost can be expected and is there any downside/negative after effects post installation? Will the Fuel Consumption be affected?? Thanks. Fyi my car is the Tom yum Altis.
  13. Could there have been better communication to teh general public to avoid the East bound PIE, through announcements on National TV (just like Reservist Recall), Radio, Expressway Electronic signages etc? Announcements could also have been made at major shopping centres in town as most weekend shoppers shopped till late and headed straight into the traffic jam (worsening it) as they proceeded to drive home after shopping! The tel co.s could have sms its subscribers. The massive traffic diversion caused a 5 hour traffic jam, lasting past midnight!!! Pictures of the 10 Vehicle Chain Collission - http://www.mycarforum.com/forum/General_C1...ngi__P1635450-3 http://forums.hardwarezone.com/showthread....=1459309&page=3
  14. Does anyone here knows where I can get the best deal for this item? Cash and Carry. Any used unit also can, but must be in working condition. Need it quite urgently. Thanks.
  15. Any reviews on the above topic? kindly advise on workshop that does it too.
  16. I finally received my wide band oxygen sensor and installed in in my car. Here's the initial stock run. I run to redline at 2nd and 3rd gear. With only cold air intake, the fuel ratio is on the lean side, ranging from 13.7 to 14.4. It is obvious that more HP can be achieved. I'll aim for 12.5. In one or two days, I'll post the new screen shots of the tuned plots.
  17. I've just bought E-manage + ignition harness + boost sensor. And I am interested in getting support tool + USB cable connection for it. Do you have any contacts in Malaysia/Singapore that can get the "aftermarket" version of the USB cable + Support tool? I've heard of a "hack" on the support tool software so that you can use regular USB cable?
  18. E-Manage owners... Maybe you can enlight me on some issues.. Can you list the features? Can it modify the following: (my guess) - Ignition Timing Map (yes w/ ignition harness) - Direct injector duty cycle map (yes) - Air flow meter type (yes) - Boost pressure to alter main injectors cycle (?) - Boost pressure to control sub injectors cycle (yes) - Target boost map (?) - Acceleration enrichment (?) - Deceleration enleanment (?) - Lean cruise (?) - WOT map (yes) - close loop triggering (?) - Knocking ignition retardation or knocking indicator (?) I'm seriously interested in getting a ECU tuning device now, learn to tune with a NA engine and upgrade to turbo 1 or 2 years down the line. So that I won't blow up the boosted engine .. My other choice is PowerFC. Full standalone seems to be more daring than E-Manage, however, I think PowerFC is easier to install and operate because it'll use existing ignition harness, and no worry with conflict with ECU. Another one that people recommended is Electromotive TEC-II.. But dunno what's the price.
  19. Hi bros, Read some thread on this but still cant get much info..Anyone can help on this? what can it really do? improve torque? FC or wat? where to install? heard ultramax but cant find the details leh.. what's the est damage? any other gadgets required after installation? BTW, will the ECU data reset itself to factory specs after some time? Thks.
  20. Sorry for repeated qn about e-manage. 1. Did anyone use it on a toyota? 2. Did anyone encounter the problem of adaptive ECU, such as Toyota's, that will "re-adapt" the changes made by e-manage and cancel the effect? 3. Anyone heard of Split Second? 4. E-Manage owners, is it easy to modify and tune the fuel map yourself? If external device is needed, is it expensive? In the case of UNICHIP, they completely monopolize the TUNING market, as only their authorized tuners have the device to tune it.
  21. I know there was a group by on E-Manage a while ago. How's the results? Are you happy with it? Can you explain how it is connected to the ECU? (Intercepting or just tapping to ECU's wires?) I know it supports additional injectors, does it support fuel management based on boost? Can someone comment on UNICHIP?
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