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  1. https://www.straitstimes.com/politics/parliament-sets-out-duties-and-privileges-of-leader-of-the-opposition-pritam-singh?utm_source=STSmartphone&utm_medium=share&utm_term=2020-07-28+17%3A07%3A04 Parliament sets out duties and privileges of Leader of the Opposition Pritam Singh SINGAPORE - As the official Leader of the Opposition (LO), Workers' Party chief Pritam Singh will be given certain parliamentary privileges like the right of first response among MPs. He will also have the right to ask the lead question to ministers on policies, Bills and motions, subject to existing speaking conventions, the offices of the Speaker of Parliament and the Leader of the House said in a joint statement on Tuesday (July 28). The statement set out the duties of the new role, as well as the parliamentary privileges and resources accorded to Mr Singh, who is an MP for Aljunied GRC. He will receive confidential briefings by the Government on "select matters of national security and external relations, and in the event of a national crisis or emergency", the statement said. As the LO, Mr Singh will also have more time for his speeches, equivalent to that given to political office-holders. According to the Standing Orders of Parliament, all MPs are allowed to speak for 20 minutes in response to questions raised, and can address a committee of the whole of Parliament for up to 10 minutes. Ministers and parliamentary secretaries are entitled to speak for up to 40 minutes. In terms of additional resources, Mr Singh will receive an allowance that is double that of an elected MP, or $385,000 a year, the statement said. As for staff support, he will receive additional allowance to hire up to three additional legislative assistants, on top of the allowance that all MPs receive to hire one legislative assistant and a secretarial assistant. He will also be provided a secretary to support him administratively with parliamentary business. Mr Singh will have an office and the use of a meeting room in Parliament House.
  2. https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/6-in-10-singaporeans-trust-that-lawrence-wong-is-best-4g-leader-to-lead-country-in-post-covid-world-ips-survey
  3. Al-Qaeda leader killed in US drone strike The US has killed the leader of al-Qaeda, Ayman al-Zawahiri, in a drone strike in Afghanistan, President Joe Biden has confirmed. He was killed in a counter-terrorism operation carried out by the CIA in the Afghan capital Kabul on Sunday. He and Osama Bin Laden plotted the 9/11 attacks together, and he was one of America's most wanted terrorists. Mr Biden said al-Zawahiri had "carved a trail of murder and violence against American citizens". "From hiding, he co-ordinated al-Qaeda's branches and all around the world, including setting priorities for providing operational guidance and calling for and inspired attacks against US targets," the president said in a live television address from the White House. "Now justice has been delivered and this terrorist leader is no more," he added. The FBI updated its Most Wanted Terrorist poster on Monday with Zawahiri's status: "Deceased." The 71-year-old Egyptian doctor took over al-Qaeda after the death of Bin Laden in 2011. Mr Biden said he had given the final approval for the "precision strike" after months of planning. Officials said Zawahiri was on the balcony of a safe house - where he reportedly often sat for hours - when the drone fired two missiles at him. Other family members were present, but they were unharmed and only Zawahiri was killed in the attack, they added. Apparently, they throw flying knives at him (to reduce collateral damage). the Hellfire was not carrying HE, but 6 knives. Next one, they will throw kitchen sink. 😃
  4. what are the benefits they get?
  5. One of the grandsons of Lee. How come we all never do enough good deeds in our past lives. ...LOLOL. so who is that boy?
  6. He can be the next 007 villain
  7. Anybody follow Malaysian politics? Getting very exciting. http://www.themalaysianinsider.com/mobile/malaysia/article/najibs-suit-wont-silence-me-says-dap-lawmaker --------------- Tony Pua I will not be shackled by the defamation suit brought by the Dato’ Seri Najib Razak because I am supported by millions of Malaysians out there who demand good governance, transparency and accountability from the Prime Minister and his Government My lawyer, Gobind Singh who is also the Member of Parliament for Puchong, has received the writ served by Dato’ Seri Najib Razak’s lawyers at 4.30pm yesterday evening. The suit by the Prime Minister accused me of having defamed him in my speech at a DAP Petaling Jaya Fund-Raising Dinner on 3 November 2014 where I spoke extensively on the “mother of the mother of the mother of all scandals”, 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB). This suit is the first defamation suit ever brought by a Prime Minister against a Member of Parliament in Malaysia. It appears that the timing of the suit is coming at a time when 1MDB is facing a massive crisis on all fronts – the inability to service its massive RM42 billion debt, and mounting exposés on fraudulent transactions and even possibly embezzlement billions of ringgit of 1MDB funds. Hence the suit could have been filed as a strategy to silence me and other Government’s critics. However, I would like to inform the Prime Minister that if that was the plan, he has failed miserably. Instead, the suit only strengthened my motivation to pursue, investigate and expose more corruption, abuse of power and incompetence in 1MDB as well as other Government activities, knowing that I am on the right track. I will certainly not be shackled by the suit because I know I am supported by millions of Malaysians who are equally astounded by the sheer audacity of the 1MDB scam. Like me, they demand good governance, transparency and accountability from the Prime Minister and his Government. I would like to declare here that I will contest the suit by the Prime Minister. At the same time, I would like to express my gratitude to the many lawyers who have contacted me to offer their services pro bono. ----------------------------
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=j8_X-9AIG-c Wah.. best new game coming out in November... Who want to be glorious leader??
  9. some mofo kena csi http://forums.asiaone.com/showthread.php?t=60451#1
  10. Sk65

    Our leader

    any1 heard any rumours about our nationa building leader's health? was shocked when i heard it this morning. or is it discussed in HWZ already .. (pai seh, only come to MCF)
  11. Watched this movie....Saladin is a great Arab & Muslim leader... An Arab Christian fight alongside with an arab Muslim from the foreign crusaders invaders...
  12. Bloomberg Finally ... one of the more evil man still alive today ... Hope he burns in hell
  13. http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/sin...1132322/1/.html SINGAPORE : Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong has appointed Dr Ng Eng Hen, Minister for Defence and MP for Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC, as the Leader of the House. A statement from the Prime Minister's Office said PM Lee has also appointed Mr Heng Chee How, Senior Minister of State in the Prime Minister's Office and MP for Whampoa, as the Deputy Leader. In addition, Mr Gan Kim Yong, Minister for Health and MP for Chua Chu Kang GRC, has been appointed the Government Whip. He will be assisted by two Deputies - Dr Amy Khor Lean Suan, Minister of State for Health, Mayor of South West CDC and MP for Hong Kah North SMC; and Dr Teo Ho Pin, Mayor of North West CDC and MP for Bukit Panjang SMC. - CNA/ ls Pardon me.. but there is so many terms and so confusing.. what is leader of the house? what he do? What is government Whip? and what he do also?
  14. Can someone tell me? is it based on the amount of work ? JD? or to prevent corruption? Why dont someone give me 1 million and i promise i wont break the law? Thanks... I cannot find the answers on google.... appreciate those who know to advise
  15. PAP leader telling Singaporeans how rich he has become after being a PAP Minister. Just watch and smash your monitor. lol
  16. IT GONNA BE TIME FOR A FIELD TRIP FOR ALL YOU OVER GROWN YOUNG BOYS!!!!!!!!!!!.... This field trip can consist of... (besides the main objective).... *car wash (but of course)... *makan session (chinese (Bak ku teh) or malay (Nasi Lemak) or restaurant (jap buffet) or watever... *can visit a car workshop look see look see do service/alingment/or watever if hv time... as this is no hurry... nothing to rush about doing it... we shall try to fix a time when we all can... SO PLACE YOUR VOTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. World's highest paid political leaders. According to The Economist magazine, Lee Hsien Loong, the Prime Minister of Singapore, is the world
  18. At least he don hide behind a mask and been himself...... http://www.temasekreview.net/2011/01/18/yp...r-with-netizen/
  19. Breaking: Jailed YPAP leader awarded Public Service Medal despite his arrest YPAP leader and Chairman of Punggol South Danny Soo Ee Hock, who was jailed 9 months for taking upskirt photos of unsuspecting women, was awarded the
  20. Gang leader gets 18 years' jail for two killings By Alethea Lim Court Correspondent AT 16, Balachandran Bernard became the section head of the '369' secret society. For giving the go-ahead, Balachandran bore responsibility for the assaults. --WONG KWAI CHOW The middle child in a family of three boys, he assumed the top position in the gang's Teban Gardens area after the then section head was sent to jail. Balachandran, who was educated only up to Primary 5, had been recruited into the gang three years earlier. His new position included reporting the group's activities to the gang's main leader. He also became a mentor for those members who went to him for help. A year after his release, , he ordered two separate attacks which resulted in two men being killed and a third being injured seriously. Yesterday, Balachandran, now 20, was sentenced to 18 years' jail and the maximum 24 strokes of the cane. He had on Tuesday pleaded guilty to two counts of manslaughter while being part of an unlawful assembly and one charge of causing grievous hurt with dangerous weapons while part of a gang. His lawyer, Mr S.S. Dhillon, said the youth never laid a finger on the two men whom his gang battered to death. Balachandran had only participated in the assault on Mr Nasir Din Meera Sahib, 37. But Judicial Commissioner Woo Bih Li disagreed and said that 'the person who gave the go-ahead is no less responsible than the attackers' and should bear primary responsibility for the assaults. The first attack happened at East Coast Park , where the gang assaulted Mr Hamzir Hamin, 41, using wooden poles and metal rods. Mr Hamzir died in hospital from multiple head injuries four days later. On Oct 15, the gang set upon Mr Nasir Din and his friend, Mr Roslan Mohamed, 31, with parangs. The pair were at a pub in City Plaza in Geylang Road celebrating Mr Roslan's birthday. Mr Roslan died at the scene from a neck wound while his friend received 50 slashes and spent 15 days in hospital with injuries to his arms, back, neck, scalp and chest. The attacks on both occasions were unprovoked. Balachandran went on the run but was arrested last July in Johor Baru. In a statement read out in court, victim Nasir Din said: 'They slashed me a few times on my back. I was bleeding all over my body.' When he collapsed, the gang continued slashing him. 'I thought I was going to die,' recalled the father of two children, aged 13 and six months. Mr Nasir Din stopped work because of his injuries. He has already spent about $30,000 on his medical bills. 'I have to live with the ordeal of losing a good friend and being a burden to my family. I will never forget this terrifying incident for the rest of my life,' he said.
  21. Grassroots leader hanged himself after quarrel with committee members Lianhe Wanbao A grassroots leader of Holland-Bukit Timah GRC, BBM Mr Loh Meng Hai, Louis hanged himself after a quarrel with fellow committee members of Bukit Timah Beauty World Merchant Association. During its AGM held on Monday, Mr Loh, who was the Chairman of the association, was accused of
  22. Quoted from the group.... http://www.facebook.com/topic.php?uid=7786...amp;topic=13034 From kojak, 3in1kopitiam Fact #1 (as declared in the biography of the directors of R2E Concepts on website): Mr Sear is the Chairman of Eunos Community Club Youth Executive Committee and Secretary of Eunos Zone
  23. Indonesian 'sex cult' leader arrested AFP AFP - Friday, January 30 JAKARTA (AFP) - - An Indonesian cult head accused of leading his followers in wild orgies and giving sermons in his underpants was arrested Thursday and faces charges of "lewd acts" and insulting religion, police said. ADVERTISEMENT Agus Noro, the head of the Satria Piningit Weteng Buwono sect, turned himself in early in the morning after a three-day hunt, Jakarta police spokesman Zulkarnain told AFP. Noro, who is called Agus Imam Solihin or "leader of the faithful" by followers, is alleged to have had sex with his disciples and instructed them to have group sex while he watched in the sect's mansion outside Jakarta. "We're investigating him based on a report made by a female follower named Kartiningsih on January 26. She complained that Noro had asked her to massage him and touch his genitals," Zulkarnain said. "She was also made to have sex with him, while her husband and followers watched," he added. "Lewd acts" and insulting religion carry jail terms of up to nine years and seven years respectively, Zulkarnain said. "If our investigations prove that he carried out lewd acts, we'll name him a suspect and hand him over to the court," Zulkarnain said. "He has about 40 followers, all adults. At the beginning, Noro told them to pray and carry out religious recitations. After several months, he told them he was God and that they didn't have to do that any more," Zulkarnain said. Noro gave religious sermons wearing only his underpants and told his disciples they would be taught "Kamasutra" sex techniques to use in the afterlife, former follower Eko was quoted as saying by news website Okezone. "We just obeyed like we'd been hypnotised," Eko said. Police described the sex guru, believed to be in his 40s, as looking "cool... just like youngsters nowadays," with dyed brown hair and fair skin, the website reported. Picnic si boh?
  24. By Sue-Ann Chia "Yaw Shin Leong says change of heart partly prompted by criticism against him." Personally, I will have a change of heart if what I believed in was proven wrong and not by criticisms from family or friends. WORKERS' Party (WP) leader Yaw Shin Leong, who won praise and criticism alike for disclosing that he had voted for the People's Action Party (PAP) in the 2006 General Election, now regrets the decision. The 32-year-old businessman said his change of heart came after 'introspection and contemplation' as he prepared to mark eight years of activism with the WP on June 24. 'I have woken up from this matrix-like slumber. Voting for a candidate from the ruling regime based on my shallow personal liking and consideration had contravened the very ideals which I had originally entered opposition politics for,' he said in the latest posting on his blog. 'It also contradicted our efforts in urging voters to value the choice provided by opposition candidates.' The Bukit Panjang resident said he would not vote for his MP, Dr Teo Ho Pin, at the next election, and urged Singaporeans to 'vote in solidarity to deny the PAP'. Mr Yaw, the WP's organising secretary, was caught in the eye of an online storm last month after saying that he had voted for Dr Teo over the Singapore Democratic Party's Mr Ling How Doong. Dr Teo was the better candidate, he had said, adding: 'There is nothing inherently wrong for me to vote for an MP, regardless of his/her partisan background, whom in my opinion is the better man who can better serve the interests of Singapore and my community.' That disclosure sparked criticism from opposition supporters who attacked him for voting for the 'other side', and for sending conflicting signals. He was, after all, head of the six-man WP team which stood against a PAP team led by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong in Ang Mo Kio GRC. But others praised him for his political maturity. Mr Yaw said, when contacted on Wednesday, that his change of heart was also prompted by the criticism he faced. Friends scolded him for letting them down. And strangers called or told him during his walkabouts that he had disappointed them. 'I realised I had sent a confusing message to supporters,' he told The Straits Times. 'Being an opposition member, I must put the need for pluralism as a higher priority than voting for a better municipal MP.' While party leaders did not rap him, WP chief and Hougang MP Low Thia Khiang did tell Mr Yaw that in voting for the better candidate, he had fallen into 'the propaganda trap of the PAP'. Mr Yaw said in his blog that the main consideration for many who voted for the WP was 'the need to have a balanced political system and a voice in Parliament...' And he accepted criticism that had Ang Mo Kio voters adopted his 'better candidate' argument, 'my team would not even come close to securing 33.86 per cent of the votes'. Despite what he said in his blog, Mr Yaw told The Straits Times that he did not want Singaporeans to vote for the opposition at all cost too. He said: 'I encourage Singaporeans to vote with their conscience. If they really feel that the opposition candidates are not deserving, don't support them.' Political observer Eugene Tan said Mr Yaw's latest post showed he had decided to put on the hat of an opposition politician instead of being just a 'responsible voter'.
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