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  1. Hi all, My DVD Rom drive in HP laptop died or stopped working. Any one can recommend anyone who can repair or change the DVD Rom for me? Any MCF forumer can help me to change? My HP laptop model is Compaq nc6220. Thanks
  2. Looking for used working laptop for work and home use. Prefer 14 inch, not too old model. No high Budget Anyone wanting to let go, PM me.
  3. Angry man rams car through the doors of a hotel lobby in Shanghai after arguing with staff about a missing laptop. Please do not try this at home. Your car is expensive, COE is expensive! 😱
  4. https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/secondary-1-students-own-device-digital-learning-12498494 Haha the vendor/apple huat ah. Ipad obviously easiest for tablet since other tablets sure have some android or what not issue. Base laptop could be too expensive given u want something lightweight and portable for children. Or maybe a chromebook.
  5. I have a simple no sound from my lenovo laptop speakers issue. I got their "premium care" so it is on site warranty. Two appointments already still cannot fix. Keep getting my address wrong for appointments. Really one of the worst service I have seen... I use to use Dell and it was not so bad... Never again going to buy lenovo.... Have anyone tried other laptop brands servicing? HP?
  6. Treecom

    Chuwi Aerobook

    Hi all, Have you guys heard of the Chuwi Aerobook? https://igg.me/at/chuwi-aerobook/x/20499809 What are your views on this budget laptop for just light office work and some web browsing?
  7. It there such adaptor in the market.
  8. My laptop has a mini display port and a USB port. My TV has three HDMI ports all in use and a few USB 2 and a USB 3 port. Any way I can watch stuff from my laptop on my Smart TV? My missus wants to watch a Chinese TV series - The story of Yanxi Palace - which she can get on the laptop but would be better watched on the Smart TV.
  9. Hi, I have a laptop with a defcon cl lock. The combination was not changed but I couldn’t unlock it. Think the lock is spoilt. Anyone knows how to unlock or remove the lock? Or anyone has a big powerful saw to cut the lock?
  10. Thought I'd start this thread seeing the no of laptops i hv used over the years, numbering to abt 20. Used to be a desktop junkie until lappies gained the same power with the downsizing of the various parts. Here goes: Personal best of all time: Lenovo Thinkpad Damn good workhorse. Given to me by company T410. Got the one with the i5 chip and had the basics in it, and all. Excellent and bulletproof in design and the kb rocks. Upped the ram to 16GB and to a 500SSD, and it really serves me well. Have had it for close to 3 yrs now, and still my all time fav. Modular and can change abt every damn thing. It has kept it's reputation as a good corporate laptop and the battery life is supreme! Oni thing is damn heavy.... Next best: Toshiba Portege m900 Another good one that I use at home. Have had it for 5 yrs now and with minor tweaks like upping the RAM and the SSD replacement, still doing it's job and does the job. Good graphic capability and overall handles and multitasks seamlessly. Keyboard a little close for liking and tht gives it the no 2 spot cf the Thinkpad Current prototype testing: Macbook pro 2009 Solid and lives it's name in the overall handling of graphics tasks. On bootcamp and switch between Win7 and Mac OSx seamlessly. Again, the SSD/RAM change gives it that extra oomph where boot up times are 15s and shutdown times, 5s. Comfy feel overall and may take over the thinkpad later with more robust testing and the like. Had a few others, Acer, Hp, ASUS, all use n throw one side or donate to charity. The above 3 by far tops for me. Do share your experience with the various laptops you have owned and the MODs given to it.
  11. Mine coming to 5 years, all slow and cranky.
  12. Have an old Core 2 Duo 13" Acer laptop. Battery not working very well (only needs cheap and simple replacing) oredi but everything in good condition. Was wondering where to offload it for at least a few hundred bucks, and the best place to get the price. Any guys with experience of doing the same? Any referrals or recommendations? Not too sure whether I should be going Sim Lim to get rid of it. Have a feeling I may get chopped or go home without having gotten a reasonable offer. I'm kinda expecting somewhere between $400-500. Is that reasonable from your experience?
  13. http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-31533028 Lenovo taken to task over 'malicious' adware Computer maker Lenovo has been forced to remove hidden adware that it was shipping on its laptops and PCs after users expressed anger. The adware - dubbed Superfish - was potentially compromising their security, said experts. The hidden software was also injecting adverts on to browsers using techniques more akin to malware, they added. Lenovo faces questions about why and for how long it was pre-installed on machines - and what data was collected. The company told the BBC in a statement: "Lenovo removed Superfish from the preloads of new consumer systems in January 2015. At the same time Superfish disabled existing Lenovo machines in the market from activating Superfish.
  14. Hey guys, need some recommendations for a laptop to be purchased at PC show. Basically I am on a tight budget of <$900 but would like the following 1. ~14 inch 2. i5 processor 3. 4 GB ram 4. 250-500GB HDD is fine The one which meets my requirement right now is Asus K43SJ29i5 (As from Wed's DL). However, would like more suggestions though. Thanks folks!
  15. Dear All Am looking to buy 1pc laptop ram to run dual channel on my laptop. 2Gb Sodimm PC3L - 12800 1600Mhz 204pin 1.35V low voltage. Any brand and interested parties pls sms 91160051. Thanks.
  16. Signed up for the singet fibre network and got a sim card (data usage only). Thinking of getting either a laptop but must buy a dongle or simply get a tablet What are the pros and cons and suggestions? Budget under 1k... thanks in advance
  17. My keyboard's key drop off & looking for a reasonable n reliable place to service, any recommendation other then pc dream?
  18. Hi, Anyone have any good experience buying generic Aka chiong laptop batteryone? There is some online seller offering 3 year warranty . Anyone have positive or negative experience buying chiong laptop battery. Please share your experience. Thanks Regards, Rustyz
  19. i have seen ppl who actually play music/radio from their laptop and the sound comes from big speakers.... is it expensive to build like that? right now the most i can do is to plug USB speakers or 3.5mm jack speakers to get louder sound. how to plug into standard speakers?
  20. Can get from Harvey Norman or challenger ?
  21. Any idea where can get cheaper? i saw at challenger but the price is
  22. Donut

    Laptop luggage

    been trying to get a cheap one. looking for those square size type, meant for laptop and small stuff to put inside. any one got any recommendation? i cannot afford Samsonite hor....... i only want cheap, fresh and tua lup.
  23. Planning to upgrade my laptop RAM to 4 GB. Is it cheaper to do in s'pore or JB???????
  24. Hi my wife's Compaq laptop running very hot when not sitting on cooler pad. Suspect the processor fan may be choked with dust, any one tired opening your lap top to clean? Or need to pay $$ to get the innards cleaned? To send back to HP or SLS shop? Recommendations?
  25. Keeps going to Start Up repair function, but yet fail to repair properly. So It just keeps repeating this cycle. Tried to boot in safe mode but in vain, as it keeps going to start up repair. Any repair shop to recommend which can help in the recovery of my hard disk data? Many thanks
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