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  1. http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/cyclists-welcome-dedicated-cycling-lane-on-extended-tanah-merah-8784944 LTA has opened a new 10km stretch at Tanah Merah Coast Road with a new feature which is the first in SG: on-road cycling lanes, 2m wide and supposed to cater to serious speed cyclists. Cyclists are happy but this actually poses a safety risk to both cyclists and motorists alike. I drive along this road every day, and I have encountered a few times at cross-junctions and T-junctions where both the cyclist and motorist think they have the right of way, and there is a near-miss. Motorists are supposed to stop on the outermost vehicle lane and not inside the cycling lane if there is a need to stop the vehicle, however most vehicles still stop within the cycling lane in order not to obstruct traffic. This in turn poses a safety risk to the speed cyclists who may be bending down and may not be able to stop in time to avoid collision with the stopped vehicle. This stretch of road is also frequented by large trucks and heavy vehicles, which adds to the risk due to the truck height and bigger blind spots. My view is that our motorists and cyclists should be briefed or given some guidelines on the usage of the new feature, such as the one in the link below. Not sure if the latest Basic or Advanced Theory Test has included this new feature? https://movehappy.sg/tanah-merah-coast-road-cycling-lane/ Any thoughts are welcome.
  2. I wonder whether the traffic rules has changed lately Are Lorries and Vans allowed to take 2nd lanes of the expressway? I encounter many of them driving <70 km/h ,hogging the 2nd lanes during the evenings on PIE . Are they contributing to the congestion ?!
  3. Bus lanes should be abolished from 5pm to 8pm. Reasons 1) It jammed up the other lanes as we are forced to drive with one fewer lane. 2) The bus lanes are under utilized by buses anyway. Or at least allow some other vehicles like vans carrying goods or trucks to drive on bus lanes. 3) Due to different work nature and conditions now, there are people who finish work at 1pm to 4pm. There are also many people who ends work late: 8pm to midnight so bus lanes from 5pm to 8pm is kind of redundant now.
  4. Usually 3 lanes turn right to 3/4/5 lanes will have dotted lines so can follow, but 2 lanes turn right to 2/3 lanes seldom there's dotted lines. Most of the time, if I'm the first car, I use the "waiting to turn right area" to gauge imaginary dotted lines to which lanes it's heading towards, then just zoom off when I can, to avoid any incidents. If there are a lots of car, I'll just follow the cars in front.. some times most right lanes turn right to lane 1, sometimes they turn to lane 2. But which is the correct one? -- Initially I thought that's what a user-submitted video is complaining, then I'm wondering if the taxi did turn to the wrong lane, but after watching multiple times, he's complaining about how the taxi cuts into the first lane as it turns. The video also shows an instance of 2 lanes right turn to 3 lanes.
  5. Why do drivers in Singapore like to drive on two lanes? I had some close encounters with a few SUVs.
  6. Two-wheeled revolution: Pyongyang installs bike lanes In a bid to reduce the number of pedestrian accidents, authorities in the North Korean capital have installed cycle lanes on major thoroughfares in the city. POSTED: 14 Jul 2015 11:55 SEOUL: North Korea has installed cycle lanes on major thoroughfares running through Pyongyang in an apparent bid to cut down on pedestrian accidents as more people have the cash to spend on bicycles to get around. Bicycles are an expensive but popular mode of transport for many in an impoverished and reclusive country where private car ownership, although on the rise, is still rare. They are often used by women to transport goods to semi-tolerated markets, where one of the most common services sold for profit is bicycle repair. Concrete paving stones on some long stretches of pavement in the central area of Pyongyang have been replaced by a strip of smooth cycle path marked with white outlines of bicycles, according to photos seen by Reuters. One image from early July showed a freshly laid bicycle path leading to the towering 105-storey Ryugyong hotel, the uprooted paving stones still on the pavement. North Korean cyclists are not supposed to ride on urban roads and have for years used an unmarked narrow strip of pavement shared with pedestrians, residents and visitors said. "This causes a lot of accidents and collisions and as a result people ride slowly and ring their bells very frequently," said Simon Cockerell of Beijing-based Koryo Tours, which takes Western tourists into North Korea. Pyongyang - the name of the showpiece capital means "flat lands" - is geographically bicycle-friendly, but has in the past introduced and then lifted bans on bikes in the city centre. Cockerell said the number of cyclists in Pyongyang appears to have increased by roughly 50 percent in the past few years, although the thought of riding a bike might be unsophisticated for many image-conscious Pyongyang residents. "They are not the most common form of transport for the average Pyongyang resident and many people I have spoken to about bikes there - mostly men - have scoffed at the idea that they would ride a bike," said Cockerell, whose company offers bicycle tours of North Korea. - Reuters/rw Article from : http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/asiapacific/two-wheeled-revolution/1982720.html
  7. Any one ever appeal against the notice before? ha ha
  8. This video of a Caucasian Foreign Talent cyclist dangerously cutting across four lanes of traffic was captured by an in-car dash cam on Wednesday morning during the peak hour traffic. The cyclist is seen cutting across all four lanes in front of several cars and causing a car to have to break before overtaking him. When the driver who took the video honked at the cyclist for his dangerous behaviour, instead of acknowledging it and being more careful, he stared at the driver and slowed down even further, blocking the driver's way. He even swerved in front of the car and forced the driver to have to slam breaks. In an interview with WanBao, the driver explained that the man also raised his voice and was provoking her. This incident happened along Ophir Road. See the video here:
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JewGJ42ZCvQ the video talked about how traffic jams occur & whether weaving in & out of lanes make your journey faster?
  10. May I know why some drivers only like to filter in near the end of the filter lane when doing these turns? traffic condition is normal and is not like they are doing a last min switch also. For U-turns at those non traffic light junctions for example, they like to do this stunt with their vehicle body still at the centre of the filter line right at the turn, which will therefore cause obstruction to vehicles behind that are going straight on that fast lane, sometimes have to jam brake if they never siginal their intention. Issit for easier turning? but the opposite direction is a 3 or 4 lanes road, even a big lorry can do the u-turn with their whole vehicle body inside the filter lane
  11. Am prompted to ask since I keep having encounters with drivers like these at this particular spot . Here are 2 different drivers doing the same thing, one view from front and one from rear camera - had another similar encounter yesterday but it happened that my camera was not plugged in. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=if0LVrsAr8A http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c_vfbU0waYk Note that the left lane is for both turning and going straight. Is there some sort of "understanding" that I must only take lane 1 on the slip road, even if the other lane is clear ? These drivers seem to expect cars in the left lane to use only lane 1 on the slip road and leave lane 2 for them, even though at one point they are actually cutting across the path of cars who might be going straight. Or is this just plain old queue jumping ?
  12. The existing bus priority measures, such as bus lanes and Mandatory Give Way to Buses (MGWTB), will be extended to more locations island-wide. From mid-October, there will be another 25 kilometres of bus lanes -- with Kampong Bahru Road, Lorong 6 Toa Payoh and Orchard Boulevard among the first new stretches. Currently, there are 23 kilometres of full-day bus lanes, and 155 kilometres of normal bus lanes. The Land Transport Authority (LTA) said with the completion of new bus lanes by end-2013, there will be about 200 kilometres of bus lanes island-wide. From November, the Mandatory Give Way to Buses scheme will be implemented at another 135 bus bays. When completed by end-2014, about 300 bus stops will be covered under the scheme. LTA said the expansion of the bus priority measures are aimed at improving overall reliability and speeds of buses, so that commuters can experience more regular waiting times. It will also complement the ongoing Bus Service Enhancement Programme (BSEP), where additional buses will be added. LTA said by improving bus reliability, it will help shorten overall bus journey time and make public transport more attractive. Source: http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/existing-bus-priority/836440.html
  13. The driver of a white lorry, Mr Ramli Akbar, was arrested after his vehicle swerved across four lanes on Sembawang Road before hitting a tree, tipping over and crashing into an Audi sedan on Monday night. A pill found on the driver has been sent to the Central Narcotics Bureau for testing. A lorry driver who had been taking shipyard workers home was arrested after losing control of his vehicle and swerving across four lanes into a tree. The lorry, with three Indian workers in the back and three locals in the front, ran into the kerb at a junction before careering across Sembawang Road into the tree and tipping over onto its side. It skidded for about 3m before crashing into a white Audi sedan parked in front of a seafood restaurant. One Indian worker, Mr Chala Kannan, in his 30s, was taken to Khoo Teck Puat Hospital. He later regained consciousness and was being treated for a broken finger yesterday. The other workers escaped with superficial injuries. Source: http://www.straitstimes.com/breaking-news/...s-tree-20130814
  14. Do you guys encounter queuing behind cars waiting to join the main road, the 1st lane is clear for the cars in front to turn left and enter the main road - but they will wait and wait and wait until they can cut straight across 3 lanes to do a right turn/U turn perpendicularly opposite. I find it very inconsiderate, when they can join the main road at the first opportunity and do a U turn further down the road How patient are you guys in this situation, do you ever horn them?
  15. Bus lanes are useful only if they are fully utilised and move more passengers on the buses to their destinations faster in a jam. However, i notice there are bus lanes which remain empty during peak hours when the adjacent lanes are jammed with cars queueing for more than 1km daily!! Example: during evening peak hour along Teloh Blangah Rd under the viaduct towards VivoCity from Alexandra Rd junction all the way to VivoCity. Most of the time the buslane is empty except for a few buses. The >1km car queue affect many drivers + their passengers while the few buses which use the empty bus lane only benefit bus passengers who are out-numbered by the drivers / car-passengers. Our road system should be utilised to benefit the larger group, in this case (ie for this stretch of the road mentioned), the drivers / car-passengers. (Not counting the passengers in the vans / lorries who are also trapped in the jam.) Have you noticed other such situation else where?
  16. Apologies to the Forester and Mercedes Taxi when we did a right turn into loyang. It was raining heavily and the lines were not clear. I accidentally cut into the right most lane. Sincere apologies!
  17. Why they like to drive between 2 lanes? They really think they are KING of the road! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-ncCmedqxE
  18. Today at 1:45pm, all cars were diverted to the lorry lanes for thorough checks although there were no jams. Thorough check by Police at first then proceed to scan passport and there were dedicated officers station outside and read out and see the faces of all people inside the car. What happended????? But this has to be the fastest time through checkpoint.
  19. Watching the series now. Should interest some members here. Story about this speedster, son of a taxi driver, who comes to term and prison for the death of another motorist due to his recklessness. Easy watching because similarities with our traffic laws here.
  20. ...are still der....lane markings and all....... :angry: :angry: Maybe they gonna amend slightly to 'GIVE WAY TO P*P'....(LIGHTNING SIGN ON THE ROAD)
  21. 1. Tanglin road just outside Tanglin Mall. It's a four lane road, but the right side is perpetually blocked by waiting taxis or cars parked on double yellow line. 2. Serangoon road at Little India. Four lane road, but the leftmost is a bus lane and the rightmost is always obstructed by one thing or another -- cars or jaywalkers. It's effectively a two lane road. 3. Closer to my home, Toa Payoh lorong 6 just outside block 18. There is always a row of parked cars on the double yellow line. The MSCP is just beside block 18! This is a three lane road, but the rightmost lane is a 100% right turn, so it doesn't count. With the parked cars, it becomes a one lane road! Sometimes, I wonder the improvement to traffic if there were no illegal parking on double yellow lines. A car obstructing one lane out of three may look like it reduces the road efficiency by 33%, but it's much more. When cars try to filter out to the second lane, both lanes slow down to a crawl. Rather than a flat $70 fine on double yellow line (which is seldom enforced anyway), I propose $1 per passing car. This is fair because if there is no traffic, parking does not hinder anyone. How to enforce? Any citizen with a video recorder can tape it down, send it to TP and get a 5% commission.
  22. Over the weekend I needed to get my (push) bike home to Punggol from Changi South. Rode it via Changi Road whatever to TPE then all the way straight along the expressway in the breakdown lane. (dun tell anyone ok - its not allowed ) Took me around 45 minutes, even though I am dreadfully out of shape and it is a rusted $90 Aleoca. Made me realise that for this particular trip bike would be a really good option over publlic transport. BUT - it is illegal to ride bike on expressway What would be really cool would be if for at least some selected expressways that don't have easy alternative routes, a proper cycle lane could be set up. Biggest challenge would be the slip roads - I think this would be best handled by tunnels (each one would only need to be about 2m wide by 2.4 high so quite easy from engineering standpoint and not major work. For the bridges - (like Punggol River) then put a lane on outside of bridge - again weight demands are low so shouldn't (I wouldn't think) provide too much of an engineering challenge. At first they wouldn't be used hardly at all, but as time went by, and we started to get people growing up using such things to get around, then usage would increase hugely. When I was growing up a 30 minute cycle to work was nothing, I was doing it everyday. (I worked nights, cycled down a main thoroughfare and through a park) as had a shower at work. Would cycle home again afterwards - saved on petrol and parking, and kept a little bit fit as well. So - if such a thing was technically feasible, would you support it? Would you use it? Why or why not?
  23. Hi car owners, Do you think riding in between lanes is a form of defensive riding for the riders? Why can't riders ride within lane? Some of us don't mind them to ride between lanes to get to the front at traffic lights. Should we all start to adopt a protocol to honk to alert rider who is riding infront of you but riding in between lanes or by the edge of the lane? Sometimes, I find some of them are opportuntists, machiam seating on fence to see which lane is to their advantages. By doing so, it kinds of inconvenient the drivers behind, i.e. we wonder whether we should just overtake or stay behind them? Your view please. Thank you very much. Regards,
  24. It happened to me a few times with my encounter to bus lanes. Not sure how people here can relate the same as me. I notice that the way bus lanes are drawn and set apart from normal lanes are pretty "imbalanced" and they are drawn to the extent of impracticality. Many of the lanes are drawn to the point where it is very near to junction or even to the extent over junctions to car parks. Then when the bus lanes are fully operational, how do normal road users like us, enter junctions or car parks? First example is the bus lane along Ang Mo Kio Avenue 6 in front of the library. The bus lane ended almost at the junction turning into the small road leading to the open car park and Jack's Place. Quite impractical for cars trying to go to the open park to filter suddenly into the broken lines of the bus lane and enter during bus lane operating hours. It is dangerous as it might cause vehicles behind to do last minute stopping/jamming. Another example is the open car park before Long House at Thomson. The bus lane extends beyond the junction entering into the open car park and only breaks into divided lines outside OCBC branch just slightly before Long House. Are drivers suppose to hop over the bus lanes during bus lane hours to enter the open car park?
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