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Found 16 results

  1. Contest from 16 March 2013 to 15 April 2013 Take part in our monthly sgCarMart contest by answering questions about V-Kool @ ONE Commonwealth and stand a chance to win attractive prizes worth up to $3,400. More details here : http://www.sgcarmart.com/contest/listing.php
  2. Saw at Ubi service centre. Is it worth it? Do at Honda or outside better? Price like 400 for a sedan car.
  3. Hi, I'm thinking of getting V-Kool. Their online calculator shows $1200 (top grade) for my Civic. Has anyone gotten their top grade V-Kool - would like to know if it had matched your expectation? Also, they have offices at Bukit Merah and Sin Ming. Would you recommend one over the other? Thanks!
  4. Hi MCF bros... I have a few V-Kool Eurospec Package Solar Film Voucher for Sale. (for all Makes/Models) available for installation in V-Kool Office at Jalan Bukit Merah or SinMing only. ***T&C: Must be installed by December 2008. $Cash and Collect voucher around Alexandra area. initially offered at discounted price of $480.... now going at FIRM $400 only,price exclusve for MCF members only. While Vouchers Last thank u. ah_veo (9366-7761)
  5. Hi Intend to install solar film for my Lancer. Understand that V-Kool has mind-share while Cool n Lite is value-for-money. Which one would you recommend if quality is the over-riding concern? Off-the-cuff, anyone knows their ball-park prices? Thanks!
  6. Anyone from MCF currently using V-kool's mystique solar package? It cost $1200 for my car... so still thinking whether to take the plunge or not Need to know the following : 1) worksmanship 2) time taken to complete 3) effectiveness of heat rejection Thank you :)
  7. Hi All, I've read(about 18 pages) about V-Kool in this MCF base on Search Posts and that still i got no outcome of the quality and services. Some are having problems on the bubbles, scratches and some recommended 3M is better. Now, its kind of contemplating shoul di go for V-Kool or 3M. I'm having problems with the current supplier name themselves "Z" and that lately, i clean the internal front windscreen since the day i got my car which i never touch it. Notice that there were a group of 5 bubbles(to me) and i called the Vendor. Bring my car down on Wednesday and they verified. Told me that this not bubbles but scratch, torn holes... I was told that when i cleaned the inside of the windscreen, stones were stuck on my cloth and i didn't realise it. So, it makes these torn. I told them, i'm using Maguiar's cloth(abt S$26.00) to clean and that how can the cloth stain with stones. They told me that such stones are naked eyes which we cannot see it clearly. So, when you clean it, it scratch. In this case, WARRANTY DOES NOT cover for such as such.... Told me to get the film replaced, i'd to pay S$80.00. In this case, i'm thinking to switch to V-Kool just to make the front windscreen only and i seek Brother and Sisters whom are currently on V-Kool provide feedback on their quality and recommend me the dealers which offers better workmanship. Thanks in advance...
  8. Please provide the following information if possible Car model: Cost of installation: Place of installation: Thank a lot
  9. Hi, I am a rep from V-Kool and would like to offer free consultations to V-Kool product information and on-going promotions. For new car owners or people who wish to ask any questions pertaining to this, feel free to ask me, its part of my job. cheers!!!
  10. Hi! Will be getting a nissan sunny soon and negotiated to have either V-kool or Huper Optik installed.So which one is better? Was told by SE that both are the same.Pls advise ppl.
  11. Hi! Just want to gather how many of you out there have install such film and which type? How's the quality so far? How much did you pay for it?
  12. got my car from dealer with free v-kool. but juz realise there's a joint line for the v-kool on the rear window. is this normal? or should i complain and send back? Thanks!
  13. Hi folks, I'm thinking of installing the v-kool UV Protect 70. There's a 10% discount for AAS member... I'm not a AAS member & was wondering if i can use my friend's membership card to do this installation?? Or does anyone know any lobang? Thanks!
  14. Hi everybody, I am getting my sunny next week. Need your advice for putting the car film: V-Kool!!! Thanks
  15. Anyone know where to get these two stuffs done at a cheaper rate?
  16. getting my corolla from BM next week gonna get the BM contractor to install either HO or V-kool before I collect.. what do you guys suggest I go for? also, a question about the warranty, I've read some people saying HO offers 10 year warranty, and 5 years for V-kool, but my SE said its 5 years for both?? is the warranty dependent on the contractor installing it or is my SE just misinformed?
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