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  1. I am proud of the boy and his parents. 👍 His kind act must has warms the cockles of many heart.💖💖 Moral of the story: Always carry an umbrella with you and offer helps when situation arises. ‘I did not want them to fall sick’: Boy who won hearts for sheltering bus passengers from rain Source: https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/i-did-not-want-them-to-fall-sick-boy-who-won-hearts-for-sheltering-bus-passengers-from-rain SINGAPORE – It was pouring heavily as passengers hurriedly alighted from their buses and were greeted by a bespectacled boy in uniform sheltering them from the storm with an umbrella. Thirteen-year-old Soon Hwee Tze continued to help strangers from five other buses at the bus stop before Punggol Road along Tampines Expressway until his bus came. The Springfield Secondary School student’s kind act in September won over the Internet when a passer-by uploaded a video to the “sgfollowsall” Instagram account. He also caught the attention of Mr Baey Yam Keng, who is Senior Parliamentary Secretary for Transport, as well as for Sustainability and the Environment. The Tampines GRC MP invited Hwee Tze to join him at a networking session at the Caring Carnival on Nov 4, where he presented the boy with a commendation letter. The event kicked off the annual Caring Commuter Week, launched to promote a more caring commuter culture. When The Straits Times met Hwee Tze on Nov 22 and asked what motivated him that day, he replied simply: “I did not want them to get wet and fall sick.” Although he himself got drenched, he stayed in the pink of health. Hwee Tze said: “Many of the passengers thanked me for the gesture, which made me quite happy.” A few days after his kind gesture, the Secondary 1 student from the Normal (Academic) stream sheltered two Yusof Ishak Secondary School students from their school to Waterway Point in Punggol. “It was raining, and I saw them walking towards the mall without an umbrella,” said Hwee Tze. “I had a small umbrella and those students were about the same height as me, so I went up to shelter them. I was drenched after that, but luckily my bag is waterproof. “The students thanked me, and said that they recognised me as the boy who helped alighting passengers.” Some readers were so moved by Hwee Tze’s story that they came forward to offer tokens of appreciation for the boy. A donor who wished to remain anonymous gifted Hwee Tze an assortment of goodies and FairPrice vouchers, while an ST reader rewarded him with a $300 cash gift. Hwee Tze’s father Soon Joon Teng, 49, told ST that he did not teach his son anything special. Instead, he believes Hwee Tze’s alma mater, Punggol View Primary School, instilled good values in his son. “The parenting is usually done by my wife as I’m mostly working, but I feel that this act of kindness comes from Hwee Tze himself,” said the kitchen assistant, who realised that it was his older son in the viral clip only after his wife told him about it. The father of two has a younger son, aged 12. “It was his own personality that led him to help others who are in need,” Mr Soon said. “But I’m very proud of him. Both myself and my wife praised him for his kind act, and we’re glad that the Government recognises such acts by ordinary citizens like us.” Hwee Tze’s big-hearted act in the Instagram video was commended by Springfield Secondary’s principal during assembly the following day, said his form teacher Siti Nur’Aliah Ghazali, 29, and the school’s lower secondary year head Eddie Chong, 37. “We didn’t expect the principal to commend him. Later, it was very heart-warming to hear that Mr Baey also wanted to commend him,” said Ms Aliah, adding that she had multiple students, including those from upper secondary, sharing the clip with her. “I thought it was a teaching point for the other students as well. I shared with them that they can also be like Hwee Tze (when they see others in need). I hope that this act will inspire Springfield students and other youth out there.” Mr Chong added that a Sec 2 student had gone up to Hwee Tze and told him that he wanted to be like him. “In a way, (that comment) gave Hwee Tze the encouragement that he had made a positive impact on his peers, that there is this intention to do good acts not for the cameras, not for the lights, but purely from the heart,” he added. Mr Soon added that his younger son had also displayed acts of kindness, such as buying food for his classmate when the friend forgot to bring pocket money to school and protecting a girl who was bullied at the playground. While one’s academic results are important, said Mr Soon, he valued character building more than anything else. “When one becomes successful, it doesn’t mean that he or she is holding a good position. It is how one deals with the people around them that will gain them respect,” he said. “I’m a kitchen helper, but I also help whoever that needs help. There shouldn’t be any motive in helping another person, whether he or she is a friend or not.”
  2. Saw this in fb and cannot agree more. creates a bigger gap and thus slows traffic more. there seems to be a larger gap between cars nowadays. More n more cars leaving gaps of 1-2 car lengths. What gives? Got ghost cars around us ah? anyone noticed too?
  3. Hope for humanity.. Most people get maid to clean the faecs of their elderly parents, let alone a stranger's it. http://www.straitstimes.com/news/singapore/more-singapore-stories/story/good-samaritan-helps-clean-faeces-elderly-man-toa-payoh- Good samaritan helps to clean faeces off elderly man in Toa Payoh -- PHOTO: - See more at: http://www.straitstimes.com/news/singapore/more-singapore-stories/story/good-samaritan-helps-clean-faeces-elderly-man-toa-payoh-#sthash.LltFERqJ.dpuf SINGAPORE - Ms Noriza A. Mansor, 49, was a total stranger to Mr Tan Soy Yong, 76, who had soiled himself while grocery shopping. But that did not stop the bedsheet promoter from reaching out to help the elderly man. She cleaned off the faeces on Mr Tan, bought him a new pair of shorts and even accompanied him home. This act of kindness took place last Tuesday at the FairPrice supermarket at Toa Payoh HDB Hub, and was reported today in The New Paper. Ms Mansor, who works at the supermarket, had noticed that people around her were pinching their noses and looking uncomfortable about a foul smell in the air. She went about trying to locate the source of the stench, and found that it was coming from Mr Tan, who was standing at a cashier's counter with faeces on his shorts and shins. There was also a small lump of faeces on his sandals. Mr Tan had soiled his pants while grocery shopping with his wife, Madam Lee Bee Yian, 76, who was in a wheelchair. "No one was helping him even though he looked so pitiful," Ms Noriza told The New Paper. People were steering clear of Mr Tan and even his wife was complaining about the problem he had created, but Ms Noriza rose to action. She bought him a new pair of shorts from a store opposite the supermarket, and went to the FairPrice staff toilet to get a pail of water and some tissue. She then got Mr Tan to change into the clean shorts and asked him to sit on a nearby brick ledge, while she knelt before him and started to wipe the faeces off him. She also rinsed out his dirty sandals. All the while as she did so, she kept talking to Mr Tan. "I was telling him not to worry and that he would be clean very soon," said Ms Noriza, a divorcee with five children aged 10 to 25. When she was done, she accompanied the elderly couple back to their flat in Potong Pasir, before heading back to work. Ms Noriza's kind act was observed by currency trader Goh Rong Ren, 32, who was rushing off to a dinner appointment with his friends that day when a passer-by asked him to help Ms Noriza and the elderly couple. He helped to pay for the couple's cab fare home, and was so touched by Ms Noriza's compassion towards Mr Tan that he wanted people to know about what she did. He then got his friend to contact The New Paper. "Her selflessness towards a total stranger moved me. It was pure and unadulterated kindness," he said. [email protected] - See more at: http://www.straitstimes.com/news/singapore/more-singapore-stories/story/good-samaritan-helps-clean-faeces-elderly-man-toa-payoh-#sthash.LltFERqJ.dpuf
  4. Due to an injury when I step on a nail in the old past, now the bone on one side of my heel hurts badly when I walk. I am thinking about creating my custom insole and embed a wood support around the injured bone. I experimented with some wood cut-out and it worked. I can make wood part but I can't find good materials which I can create main part of the insole and a normal matching part for opposite foot. Assume I want to make custom insoles, what kind of materials I can find and where? I think folks in a car forum would have more knowledge in hardware and do-it-yourself ideas.
  5. What kind of weekender are you? 1. Go out on Saturdays and stay at home on Sundays. These people will continue to have fun after a 5 day work week and continue their surging energies into the Saturday. They will go out the whole day on Saturdays until late night since Sunday no work (or work half day and go out till night) and then rest the whole day on Sundays at home to prepare for Monday, e.g. sleep, spend time at home with family and hobby. 2. Stay at home on Saturdays and go out at Sundays. These people will rest, sleep, stay at home with family on Saturdays (or go home straight after half day work) and recharge after a hectic work week. They will go out on Sundays for some fun and return home early to get ready for Monday. 3. Work on Saturdays and Sundays or either one. These people have to work full days on weekends. Either whole weekend burnt for work or only have one day of weekend for rest or fun. 4. Go out on both Saturdays and Sundays. These people either have that energies or have only these 2 days for family and friends, so they make full use of it, like driving around exploring places, meet up with their wide circles of friends, movie marathons, etc. Each day is precious to them and they don't waste time at home sleeping. 5. Stay at home on both Saturdays and Sundays. These people are too tired to go anywhere after a hectic work week or want to save money after spending a lot during working days. They rather stay at home to recharge for the new working week, than going out because it is too tiring to go out, too expensive to spend on weekends, too crowded and boring to go anywhere during weekends. They prefer to stay at home, sleep, surf net, play with kids, cook and eat, watch TV, etc
  6. Just curious.. what kind of freebies do OPC cars usually get? I heard from someone that SE doesn't earn much when selling OPC car and are very reluctant to give freebies. End up only giving about $300 to $400 worth of freebies.
  7. Lets move on............. although ah phaik may be 'retained' by her powerful backing for another 10yrs, lets give some thoughts to the above just in case.... - Should the new CEO be someone from the rank of SAF scholars / top brass? or some elite civil servants / miw comarades? (eg TLP, to let her 'shine'?) - What Quali / track records he/she must have? ('connections' can be counted?) - What are the first things he/she must address and produce results within first 6 months? - What major changes/revamp (including making SMRT public?)?? - How to make the salary package truly performance-based? - etc etc (pls add) Thank you hor.....
  8. Never die before...... http://sg.news.yahoo.com/video/woman-phone...-144601618.html
  9. Thank you to the driver in the red hatchback (conti make) for opening the gantry for me this morning as the system wasn't reading my IU. He came up right beside me to get his IU scanned, gestured to me and waited for me to proceed forward before moving off himself. Was having tinted visor on so I was only able to nod my head to thank him before I had to go. It's kind little gestures like this that sets the mood for my entire day and I am in an extremely happy mood now. If you scroll through the General Car Discussion folder you'll notice threads after threads of discussion on reckless and impatient drivers, road rage/accident videos. Clearly the good deeds that drivers are doing are not getting enough encouragement and appreciation. You create beauty with your attitude, behavior and actions. It's all up to you. Never underestimate the difference you can make in a stranger's life. Step forward, reach out and help. No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. TGIF guys!
  10. This deserves a new thread and awareness of this kind lady. Also how mean people can be and the person who asked for the poor fellow to be sacked. Karma is a bitch Ms Sharon Guan, 54, (right) defended one of her staff - dishwasher Mr Jimmy Wee, 53 - from an intolerant customer who complained about his skin condition. TNP PHOTO: PHYLLICIA WANG SHE'S THE RESTAURANT BOSS WHO STOOD BY DISHWASHER WITH SKIN CONDITION WOMAN BOSS WHO DEFENDS EMPLOYEE WITH SKIN CONDITION SAYS COMPANIES SHOULD BE KIND TO THE NEEDY Nov 25, 2015 6:00amBY NG JUN SEN It was hardly a well-kept secret. When The New Paper on Sunday wrote about an intolerant customer, who wanted a dishwasher suffering from a genetic skin condition fired over "health reasons", the report went viral online. His employer stood by his side, saying she would rather lose the customer than lose 53-year-old Jimmy Wee. Back then, Ms Sharon Guan Xue-er declined to be named because she did not want to be seen as trying to gain publicity for Mr Wee's plight. Mr Wee suffers from neurofibromatosis, which causes thousands of tumours to grow on his face and body. It is not infectious. The report, which was published on Nov 15, sparked a hunt by netizens to identify the restaurant as they wanted to "give business" to an ethical company. And they did. Details of her restaurant, the Whampoa Keng Fish Head Steamboat's Rangoon Road outlet, were posted on Facebook. The restaurant's main branch is in Balestier Road. Ms Guan, who runs the restaurants with a partner, said she was initially uncomfortable with the notion but was eventually persuaded by customers and the media to come forward. The 54-year-old said in Mandarin: "I prefer not be identified, but it makes no difference now that we are named. "I hope that by coming forward, we can convince others to be kind towards the unfortunate and the needy, and for companies not to discriminate in their hiring." Ms Guan is in charge of all front-end operations at the restaurant, entertaining guests and taking orders. Ms Guan hired Lok Wei Qiang (right) as a chef, after he was turned down by nine other employers.The Singaporean is no stranger to hiring staff whom other businesses may reject. (See report below.) As a getai singer, she frequently participates in events organised by Tanjong Pagar Community Centre to entertain residents at old folks' homes for free. Early this year, Mr Wee approached Ms Guan after a friend recommended him to the job. He was hired when a medical check-up showed that his condition will not affect customers. His job was to clean dishes at the back of the restaurant, avoiding contact with customers. That was his request, said Ms Guan. But in March, a female customer called to complain after she saw Mr Wee cleaning dishes at the back of the restaurant. TNP found out about this when Ms Guan shared the story with us over dinner - her usual way of chatting with customers. When this reporter asked to write about Mr Wee three weeks ago, she immediately asked to leave her identity and her restaurant out of the report. PERSONAL Ms Guan had said then: "I don't want others to think that I am trying to benefit from Jimmy's ill fate. It is his personal story to tell." The report went viral overnight, with netizens sharing it more than a thousand times on social media. Even publications in Malaysia and Taiwan picked up the story of Mr Wee, who has been living with the condition since he was diagnosed at the age of seven. Several readers wrote to TNP to ask about the restaurant's identity but were turned down as per Ms Guan's wishes. But that did not stop netizens from finding out and revealing the information online. Since then, the restaurant has seen a small boost in business, though that could be attributed to other factors too, said Ms Guan. She added: "It would be sad if people dismiss this as a publicity gimmick. Extra business is always good but that is not what I am after. "I just want to use this opportunity to inform people that the unfortunate and the needy should not be cast aside or feared." Mr Wee is overwhelmed by the amount of support he has received since TNP broke the story. He said that the day after the report came out, some customers visited him at the back of the restaurant to offer words of support and encouragement. He was also recognised in the train and on the streets. Strangers smiled, greeted him and thanked him for sharing his story. Mr Wee said: "This is the first time something like that has happened to me. I am very happy that more people understand my condition better." About that intolerant customer who had wanted him fired, Mr Wee had only one thing to say: "If she could be so mean to someone like me then I hope, for her sake, that she doesn't get sick." I hope that by coming forward, we can convince others to be kind towards the unfortunate and the needy, and for companies not to discriminate in their hiring. - Ms Sharon Guan Xue-er
  11. Ex-addict: CNB officer pressured me into having sex Waitress alleges she didn't resist advances for fear of problems with her urine sample By Khushwant Singh IN COURT: Phua Jun Yang, 25, is accused of showing leniency in his supervision of the woman's urine tests in exchange for sexual favours. -- ST PHOTO: WONG KWAI CHOW A RECOVERING drug addict said in court yesterday that she was pressured into having sex with a police sergeant who worked at the centre where she went for urine tests. The 23-year-old waitress said Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB) officer Phua Jun Yang courted her after they met at the Ang Mo Kio police station last year. 'I did not resist his advances because he was a CNB officer and I was a drug addict,' she said yesterday during the opening day of Phua's trial in a district court. 'I was afraid that if I did not do what he wanted, my urine samples may have problems.' The 25-year-old Phua is facing allegations that he showed leniency in his supervision of the woman's urine tests in return for sexual favours. Phua is also accused of contravening the Official Secrets Act (OSA) on Jan 4 last year. Prosecutors say he gave the woman inside information about the activities of a drug dealer. The pair met on Jan 3 last year, the woman testified yesterday. She was fresh from serving a year at a drug rehabilitation centre for ketamine consumption and had to report for thrice-weekly urine tests to ensure she remained drug-free. Phua, then attached to the CNB, was manning a computer at the station. After her urine test, he met the woman outside and asked for her cellphone number. Phua then sent her text messages asking if he could be her boyfriend. The woman described him as fierce and said she did not want to offend him. Two days after their first meeting, Phua took her to his Hougang flat for sex, she said. They later took his dog for a walk before having dinner at a foodcourt. The woman started crying when Phua's lawyer Vinit Chhabra asked why she did not tell Phua that she felt pressured into the relationship. Phua treated her with respect and concern as if she were his girlfriend, Mr Chhabra said. Phua told The Straits Times that he was suspended from the police force without pay last year. For corruption, he could be jailed for up to five years and fined up to $100,000. For an OSA offence, he could be jailed for up to two years and fined up to $2,000. A charge of obtaining sexual favours from another woman, also under drug supervision, and another charge of violating the OSA were stood down. So were three disciplinary charges of getting the cellphone numbers of three other women under drug supervision. The charges that were stood down can be brought against Phua later at the discretion of the Attorney-General's Chambers. The trial is expected to last six days. [email protected] http://www.straitstimes.com/Free/Story/STIStory_233442.html CNB occifer bak chew tar stamp si boh?
  12. thot i'd start this here on gathering appropriate feedback. Seems like our users getting kinky ads in their posts view @mockngbrd got neh neh ad, but for him it's apt. How about you all? @pchou can move @spring kinky ad post in this thread? Also the other related posts on this. @vid etc etc...hahahah Thanks @adrianli http://www.mycarforum.com/topic/2697092-feedback/?p=5571184 @ktglfc too @spring dun shy leh...we concerned for you...hahahaha anyway this is an official thread so we can trace perhaps a sauce.....sorry source...hahaha
  13. As above... For me, it just cant be asian brands somehow, except Lexus. The quality of the finishing of most asian made cars are just boring, filled with cheap plastic. They do try to spice things up here and there. But most of them really look cheaply made. In fact some new models look real cheaply made in the interior, whatsmore when it's 8,9,10yrs old. But this is just me. I love the Lexus, certain mercs and present Jaguar range. So qn is, what can one do to improve the love for one's car and have less of an itch to change it after 3-5yrs. Here are some of my ideas: - Change the leather to a significantly good quality one with customised design - Fresh coat of paint or do wrap I'm not into zhng car. So not really into adding muffler or performance enhancers. Pls share!
  14. http://sg.yfittopostblog.com/2011/01/26/nk...llion-donation/ NKF receives $4.7 million donation By Alicia Wong
  15. See for yourself... Hahahah. No wonder I don feel healthy, I ised it the wrong way....
  16. ok, i'm fuming hot.. :angry: i wanted to be nice but i guess the joker is being dishonest.. his report: My side of story: obviously: - you abruptly cut into my lane cause you wanna make a left turn instead. - you also didn't see me, probably i too small hence you just cut. - you wanted to move the vehicle but i insisted NO - you didn't talk much but looking at your cunning look, i can tell. - you lied on your report, lucky i have checked with my lawyer, we will file a big claim to your insurer. - you are such a big liar. NOT a GENTLEMAN
  17. Since there is a thread on low birth rate, i propose its only right people remaining single or not wanting kids have a look at this documentary. I chance upon this youtube doc recently and would like to share it in MCF. Its purely educational and for general knowledge and i find this very meaningfull. It tells me out-right that having a family is what matters in life. Nobody deserves to go off alone this way. It basically show when a single people without any family nor relative whom have pass-on, how the state puts him/her to rest accordingly to the state law. At least thats how they do it in the US. It really brightens me up when i go home and see my OC & kids and knowing in due time, i wont be going off alone and lonely. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ErooOhzE268&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  18. this video was taken today. please ignore the time stamp. will you give way to this kind of idiots if you encounter them?
  19. http://therealsingapore.com/content/my-nas...ut-hanging-flag not the first time i heard of ppl having nasty encounters with holier than thou RC members. Anyone encountered the same?
  20. I know there are many many rich people in Singapore but i am really curious what kind of job will give you more than 200k per annum. For the sake of discussion, let us just exclude 1) business man or self employed 2) MLM 3) insurance/ppty/car agents Easy guesses are inventment bankers, laywers, doctors, pilots, professors... but what else?
  21. My car came with an after market air filter. This resulted in the ECU not being mounted properly due to the "missing" bracket that it mounts on in the original air filter. As such, the ECU vibration can be heard within the cabin. any recommendation of foam that i can use to muffle the vibration?
  22. With the present umpredictable weather of sudden downpour, who still bother to polish? For me, I don't..... :)
  23. Here is something different, amid all the negative driving experiences we had recently. http://ride.asiaone.com/news/general/story...e-motorcyclists
  24. Sorry for my language in this post but I'm exasperated ... I went for a run with a buddy, carrying only my iphone and my housekeys. my buddy had nothing. halfway through the run, a stranger comes up to us - his nose is broken, his tshirt is full of blood. he asks for help as he has no money but needs to get to a hospital. he is still bleeding around his face. we are near a bus stop ... my buddy flags down a cab and it goes something like this: me: "uncle, this guy is injured badly ... his whole face is bleeding and he need help .. please take him to hospital" taxi: "no way ... he will bleed all over my taxi" me: "uncle ... im out for a jog, if i have $, i will give you right now. take my mobile no and "test". you come collect the money from me later. to and fro also can. just take him" taxi: "no way... he will dirty my cab. why should i?" me: "uncle how can you like that. i will pay for the cleaning ok? just take him" stranger: "FORGET IT LAH this guy wont help me..." (a bus comes along and the stranger, full of blood on his tshirt, just hops on. bus driver and passengers are shocked.) me to bus uncle: "uncle .. i call for ambulance ... can you wait?" bus driver doesnt understand ... shrugs ... closes the door and drives off. the passengers are looking at me, im looking at them, and i've called the ambulance. ambulance hotline says as he got on the bus ... nothing the emergency service can do ... i even gave them the bus license plate no ... but they cant do anything liao ... i really wish i took down the cab driver's license plate. this stranger had a broken nose and was still bleeding and he is somewhere out there on bus 14 to orchard road ... seriously ... there were other people nearby but they didnt even bother to help, or try to assist us since neither of us had cash handy argH!!! this is just f--king b-------t ...
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