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  1. 3 useful links for MCFers Real Time COE Bidding Results Check Your COE Bidding Status Latest COE Prices and Trending Highest Record Cat A => $106,000 [Oct 2023] Cat B => $150,001 [Oct 2023] Cat C => $91,101 [Mar 2023] Cat D => $13,189 [Nov 2...
  2. 3 useful links for MCFers Real Time COE Bidding Results Check Your COE Bidding Status Latest COE Prices and Trending Highest Record Cat A => $103,721 [Apr 2023] Cat B => $121,000 [Jun 2023] Cat C => $91,101 [Mar 2023] Cat D => $13,189 [Nov 2022]...
  3. Community Service brought to you by MCF Good Luck to all vested! 3 useful links for our dear MCFers: Real Time COE Bidding Results Check Your COE Bidding Status Latest COE Prices and Trending Past Bidding Results (2001 - 2021) Past Bidding Results (2022)...
  4. 1st july https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/parking-ura-hdb-car-park-higher-fines-illegal-11654998 Higher fines for parking offences from July: HDB, URA image:  (Photo: Nisha Karyn) 24 Jun 2019 11:21AM (...
  5. Community Service brought to you by MCF Good Luck to all vested! 3 useful links for our dear MCFers: Real Time COE Bidding Results Check Your COE Bidding Status Latest COE Prices and Trending Past Bidding Results (2001 - 2018) Past Bidding Results (2019...
  6. Ehmm interesting that COE bidding exercise falls within election campaigning period... As usual, 2 useful links for our dear MCFers. Real Time COE Bidding Results Check Your COE Bidding Status Good Luck to all vested! Past Bidding Results (2001 - 2018) Past Bidding Resul...
  7. For this round of bidding, something interesting to note. There is an additional of about 200 pcs "extra" COE for cat A, probably from the 199 pcs unused in the previous round of bidding exercise. Will it have an negative impact on cat A premium? Community Service Time 2 useful links for our...
  8. Community Service Do take note that COE revenue (per bidding exercise) is at all time low since Jan 2015, and year on year, the total premium collected for the 1st half year is $1.75 bil (2018) vs $2.53 bil (2017) vs $2.32 bil (2016) vs $1.89 bil (2015). Even if we assume that 70% of the ne...
  9. Lai, since we have some requests to re-jiak the liu lian, and it has been a 2 months since our last MU, today I bring you, " 13th July 2017 Jiak liu lian MU" Once again, this is more of a get together bonding than a actual eat premium durian session, so I am trying to keep the cost as...
  10. Good Luck to all vested! Past Bidding Results (2001 - 2018) PQP (2013 - 2018) The details of the July 2018 second open bidding exercise for Certificates of Entitlement (COEs) are as follows: Tender opens: Monday, 16 July 2018, 12 noon Tender closes: Wednesday, 18 J...
  11. 2 things I can be very sure about for this bidding exercise: - Premium for cat C will shoot up further in view of the sharp drop in quota come Aug, which most dealers deemed as unexpected - Revenue for the bidding exercise shall continue to stay above $210 mil, with the help of high "income" fro c...
  12. The details of the July 2017 first open bidding exercise for Certificates of Entitlement (COEs) are as follows: Tender opens: Monday, 3 July 2017, 12 noon Tender closes: Wednesday, 5 July 2017, 4.00 pm Tender results: Wednesday, 5 July 2017 (Available on the www.onemotoring.com.sg website)...
  13. I was told just a bit ago about an event this Saturday 0930 ~ 1100 at the Kallang Leisure Park. Car meet, supposed to be charity oriented, giving underprivileged an opportunity an unforgettable ride. Organized by a group called HopeDriveSG - students from ITE West with Singapore Exotic Cars (SECS)....
  14. http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/number-of-coes-available-up-more-than-20-for-may-jul-period/3672410.html Before anyone (potential car buyer) starts to rejoice, please read into the details of the increase.... Classic anti-climax.
  15. Hi Guys, Time for our Alfisti meet up for July. 31st July 2016 Sunday at 4.00pm. Venue: Changi Village (Little Island Brewery) Looking forward to see you guys there.
  16. The details of the July 2016 second open bidding exercise for Certificates of Entitlement (COEs) are as follows: Tender opens: Monday, 18 July 2016, 12 noon Tender closes: Thursday, 20 July 2016, 4.00 pm Tender results: Thursday, 20 July 2016 (Available on the www.onemotoring.com.sg website)...
  17. The details of the July 2016 first open bidding exercise for Certificates of Entitlement (COEs) are as follows: Tender opens: Monday, 4 July 2016, 12 noon Tender closes: Thursday, 7 July 2016, 4.00 pm Tender results: Thursday, 7 July 2016 (Available on the www.onemotoring.com.sg website) T...
  18. Hi. Would like to know now (June) whether entry to Malaysia need to have VEP done up to enter. Cause heard the VEP now on trial till 15th July 2016 where there are no charges. Any comment appreciated. Thanks.
  19. KNN...really LLST.... The way these farkers keep increasing, need to stock up firewood and candles liao..
  20. Went to a few Esso petrol stations over the past week, could not buy any coupons. They had only got overnight $4 coupons left. Has anyone else encountered a shortage, or share where you last bought $0.50 and $1 coupons?
  21. Dear all, Its the time of the month again to meet up and exchange ideas, tips and all round chit chat with new and existing owners. We will be meeting at Kallang Open Air Carpark at 4pm till about 6pm or late. 1. Saabretooth 2. Wraithchild 3. Gmann 4. Thingy 5. 6.
  22. When is the next COE Bidding for July 2014? Probably not today, next Wednesday? CAT A COE Price will go up or go down? Anyone knows?
  23. Hi All, My friend has an accident with a singpost van 25th July 2013 at the cross junction between Jurong West St64 and St64 next to the singtel station. He had a in car DVR but somehow the camera failed to capture the accident. Luckily he is fine but his car sustains heavy damage on the side....
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