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Found 19 results

  1. SAVE MY EYES! and i thought Lafesta & Qashqai are hideous enough....
  2. The new Nissan Kicks is slated to replace the Nissan Juke in the 2018 model year. The Nissan Kicks is a more conservative replacement of the Nissan Juke which spots a more formal design with more straight lines and less funkier design,sporting the corporate grill of Nissan on front of it. It loses its motorcycle fuel tank inspired gear shifter lever and the funky three tier lights ( two layered headlights) For what I think , it is a sad attempt to conform Nissan products to the mainstream.All manufacturers of cars usually have a set of funky cars that they are proud about and sell decently.More car makers are trying to woo the younger generation to buy their new cars, but Nissan seems to be doing the reverse to woo the older, more mature audience. Sooner or later, due to the loss of their funky cars, it may sadly make people perceive that Nissans are for the uncles and no one else... I will add in information to the vehicle that is the successor of the Nissan Juke. Link to pictures and information on Nissan Kicks: https://www.autoblog.com/2017/11/30/2019-nissan-kicks-counterpoint-its-actually-a-smart-juke-repla/
  3. hi all Bought a rear spoiler for my Nissan Juke. Any recommendation on workshop to do installation.
  4. I know this is a weird topic but I really just wanna reach out to people who have this engine so as to share info. Please feel free to comment if you are knowledgeable on this topic. I am starting this topic for the MR16DDT engine, known as the 1.6 DIG-T engine in Nissan cars. It is a turbo charged direct injection 1618cc engine. So far, in local context I only know 3 car models use it. Please share if you know more. - Renault Clio RS (200HP, 240nm?) - Nissan Juke Turbo (187HP, 240nm) - Nissan Sylphy SSS (187HP, 240nm) I am driving a SSS. The Sylphy threads are very inactive and there does not seem to be any fellow SSS drivers around. I am going for 10k servicing soon. Had been using Tan Chong's mineral oil at 1k, 5k servicing and wanna use syn oil for next servicing as engine should have break-in now and starting on 10k intervals next. Tan Chong has their own in-house brand syn oil. I am thinking of bringing my own oil but not sure which type to use. Can anyone share what oil they had used for this engine? Should i get xW30 or xW40 oil? I don't go to the tracks at all.
  5. http://www.worldcarfans.com/112012040102/n...d-sls-amg-video
  6. The 360-degree advertising wrap that took place for the past two weeks on the underground tube from Nissan's advertising team covered the walls, ceiling and floor of the walkway to the Bakerloo and Victoria lines inside Oxford Circus station. The campaign highlighted Nissan's Connect technology that allows drivers to plot a journey on any device and send it remotely to their car. Featuring the strap-line 'Turn every drive into a ride with Google Send-to-Car technology', the advert gave patrons of the tube the impression that they
  7. Sales numbers for the Toyota 86 and Subaru BRZ has proven that the car is big hit with the consumers and it is not surprising that other automakers are taking notes about it. It is reported that Nissan is developing its own sports coupe to compete with Toyota and Subaru after been given the green light. This is not the first time Nissan has plans to develop a compact sports model. In 2008, Nissan was working on a 200SX/Silvia successor but the world economy at that time doesn't look too good and the idea was shelved. Now, a good question to ask is; how will the car look like? During last year's Shanghai Motor Show, Nissan unveiled a concept known as the Nissan Sport Compact Concept. It was rather small in size and it was dubbed the Nissan March on steroids. It gets a 1.6-litre turbocharged four cylinder engine that delivers 190bhp and a torque of 240Nm; most probably the same engine from the Nissan Juke. It is rumoured that the car will built on the Nissan Juke's platform and the project is known as the "Mini-Z" within the company. Since it is going to be built on the Juke's platform, the car could be either in front wheel drive or four wheel drive. If the same engine shown in the concept is chosen, then the car will have around 10 horsepower lesser than the 86/BRZ but with more torque. With Nissan planning to start production of the car in the fourth quarter of next year, expect to see a concept version of it by early next year. Photo credit: Auto Blog
  8. Turns out nissan is crazy enough to create something called the Juke-R.. i had to admit it is quite nice, the sound,suspension,brakes, bodykit etc. i wonder if this will be in SG soon [laugh] which bro here wan to buy ?
  9. In the past few months we have been teased and enticed with fleeting images, preparation videos and the eventual unveiling of the Nissan Juke-R. And Nissan is most probably not going to build the Juke-R in masses. That piece of news might have disappointed some people. But if you really like the Juke-R, there is another alternative. Initially built only as a concept, the Nissan Juke Nismo garnered a lot of positive attention during the recent 2011 Tokyo Motor Show and this has encouraged Nissan to build it for real. The car will be based on the concept which was showcased recently at the Tokyo Motor Show. Nissan
  10. Quite a few have commented that the Nissan Juke looks crappy, however with this New Juke- i really don't care what ppl thinks abt it's look- do you? http://www.netcarshow.com/nissan/2011-juke-r_concept/ http://www.racer.com/nissan-plans-hotted-u...article/212919/ http://www.evo.co.uk/news/evonews/273622/4...r_revealed.html
  11. I am seeing lot of Jukes these days. Juke is currently top selling for Nissan. How come no one talks about it here. Let us join... Mine is Juke white and stay in the west.
  12. It wasn't the fastest time of the day, but when the Nissan JUKE took to the Goodwood Hill over the Festival weekend (1-3 July) it still managed to break a record. For JUKE, Nissan's fast selling new crossover, climbed the tortuous hill during the annual Festival of Speed on two wheels rather than four, to claim a new Guinness World Record by covering the one-mile course in 2 min 55 secs*. And to prove it wasn't a fluke, the JUKE - with stunt driver Terry Grant at the wheel -successfully completed the course no fewer than five times, sometimes with passengers on board. Although Grant made it look easy, it was anything but. "It was really hairy... bloody hard work," he confessed afterwards. "If you know what you're doing, driving a car on two wheels in a straight line is comparatively easy. But the Goodwood course has corners, inclines and obstacles... there are trees and walls everywhere. I nearly rolled it on every run." To get JUKE onto two wheels, Grant used a ramp just ahead of the start line before heading towards Goodwood House and the first corner, a near 90-degree right. "That was where it started getting tricky. I had to tease it round, knowing that if I turned the wheel too far - or touched the grass - I'd be on the roof. Not enough and it would fall back onto all four wheels," said Grant. But worse was to come. One of the most famous obstacles on the course is a stout flint wall towards the end of the course and which juts onto the track. "Driving on two wheels is like driving with one hand over your left eye and another hand obscuring half the right - from where I was, tucked down on the right of the car, all I could see was the bonnet of the car and a bit of sky. I couldn't see where the wall was at all." The stunt captured the imagination of the huge crowds who were clapping and cheering all the way up the hill, while even hard-bitten journalists watching the run on monitors in the event's media centre were willing him on. Not content with driving JUKE solo, Grant also took passengers on three of the runs. "I had circuit commentator Amanda Stretton on one run, complete with 12 on-board cameras. I also took Lewis Hamilton's father Anthony up the hill - both Amanda and Anthony sat in the back on their runs. "But the most difficult was on the Sunday when I took Aussie motorcycle stunt rider Robbie Maddison up. Robbie was in the front, half out of the car and waving to the crowds all the way up!" The JUKE was totally standard, though for safety reasons before each run it was fitted with new Yokohama production tyres. Well, just a pair each time... After electrifying the Festival of Speed, Grant and the Nissan team then decamped to the nearby Goodwood race circuit and set about another dare-devil stunt, this time by lapping the track in the all-electric Nissan LEAF. In reverse. Because the EV doesn't have a conventional transmission it can, in theory, travel as fast backwards as it can forwards. On his fastest lap Nissan LEAF peaked at 62mph (100km/h). Going forwards it will reach 90mph (145km/h) suggesting that there might be more to come. Nissan has confirmed it is looking at future record attempts. But it won't be easy. Terry Grant said: "Driving backwards at those speeds is very tricky. You have to be super smooth at all times: any sudden movement of the steering wheel can have disastrous consequences." For the moment, though the only problem associated with Nissan's week of record breaking has befallen driver Terry Grant. After spending the weekend on two wheels and the early part of the week driving backwards, Grant confess that his neck now feels a little stiff! If you want to see Terry do it again then the official video from Goodwood will be available for viewing from 13 July on www.nissanpress.co.uk or visit the Cholmondeley Pageant of Power event 15,16 and 17 July. This 1.2 mile circuit at Cholmondeley could prove to be the most demanding of all with a very sharp hump back bridge to cross. Terry said "this bridge will definitely upset the balance of the vehicle and until I try it I do not know if I will be able to keep the Juke upright. Either way I am sure it will make a great spectacle."
  13. http://www.autoexpress.co.uk/carreviews/fi...issan_juke.html Saw, felt, and touched it yesterday at Ubi TCM showroom.... not too bad, hoping to test drive it soon juke_dash.bmp
  14. [extract] Some tuned cars are scary I have to say. This IMPUL tuned Nissan Juke is one of them. You
  15. This is the 1st time i encounter such a wuss on the road. A total loser. I was coming back fr gym this noon with my wife on board heading home. A distance away I saw 1 Nissan Juke and i got quite excited bcoz i find the car rather cute. Was telling my wife this could be the next car i'm changing to soon, As my wife doesn't recognize the car, i sped up and try to go side by side with it. b4 i cld actually do so, he pick up speed after the light turned green and i tried to pace up. Coming to a turn infront, i signalled left and was abt to cut in the Juke sped up and block me from doing so. No prob, i told myself. As we approached another traffic, he pick up speed again after green light so i follow suit. (still trying to admire the car fr side views) but this ballsless low self esteem driver tot i wanted to race him and he slowed down and paced the car beside him. (it was a 2 lane road wif me behind the Juke) thus blocking me fr overtaking. i din dare to follow too close less he zham brake. so i followed a distance and as the car beside him slowed down further to abt 30km/hr on the second lane and (nobody knows why but it's a lady behind the wheels.. ahh..) and this sissy slowed down as well. it was damn obvious that this punk is afraid i may juz overtake him and suddenly i lost my patience and honk him. next thing i knew, he flipped me the bird. i immediately flashed my headlight and put on the hazzard at the same time winding down my window gesturing him to stop where he is. but then, he pick up speed instead. i followed and he made a right turn towards Downtown East. as i was side by side wif him (finally), he flipped me the bird again and did a sudden swerve into the car. i didn't give a damn and i did a 90deg turn and stick to his arse. he was revving his way thru the twist and turns and gotta stop becoz a car was blocking him infront reversing into a lot. i saw my chance and i jumped (literally) out of my car and went to his door and shouted: 'Knncb u point smlj? get out of ur cb car now!!!' (in Hokkien, of coz) that sissy gave me a ohh-i-think-u-got-the-wrong-guy-coz-i-bo-ji-point-middle-finger look. so i tot he cldn't hear me behind his lock doors (i knew they were lock bcoz i saw his arm got some movement as i approached his car). (one thing to note: he has got an fugly face and his white frame glasses futher amplify it) so, i raised my voice by a few decibels this time: 'U knn dare to show middle finger u go no balls to get out of ur car?!!''. next thing i knew, he zoomed off and did wonderful maneuvers ard the tight carpark and zoomed out in such a short timimg i think even those car park rally participants wld be ashame of. so as i tot i wld rest the case since that guy zoomed off wif his tail rite between his legs, he DID it again. as i was turning out of the car park and going pass the round abt to get to the other side of the road, i saw him u-turning at the lights infront and as soon as he drove pass me, he showed me the finger again. then the best part is, he went to do another u-turn at the round abt and sneaked up behind my left (i was stuck in the middle waiting for the lights) and as soon as he confirmed i can't reverse (got a car behind me), he filter out and u guess it, he flipped the bird. I sincerely hope that the balls-less loser whose driving the Juke sees this. Be a man, stand up when confronted and not hide behide lock (car) doors. I guess ur poor gf muz be really disappointed travelling in a car wif such a wimp. i wld immediately hv a clean break wif u there and then, if i were her. but then again, pls pardon me if the gal sitting bside u is not ur gf but a guy in wig instead. ur simply a disgrace to ur frens as well, but then, u might not hv any to begin wif. I was hoping i wld bump into u real soon again, well, who knows we can be the best of frens. I still love ur car, regardless
  16. It's really difficult to pin down whether the Nissan Juke will sell well when it arrives here in the States this fall. The micro-crossover doesn't have a lot of competition and its affordable anticipated starting price of well under $20,000; both good signs. The big unknown is whether Americans will embrace the Juke's cartoonish looks, which could turn away potential suitors. Unique looks and diminutive stature doesn't appear to be affecting the little Juke in Japan, though, as Nissan says it already has orders for 10,943 little utes. We already knew Nissan was on track to best its estimate of 1,300 orders in the first month due to the fact that the Japanese automaker had already rung up 5,296 orders in the first week the Juke went on sale. Among the nearly 11,000 orders cataloged so far, the top color is Radiant Red, with 29 percent of all orders to date. The red interior is a big hit as well, with 59 percent of total orders. And if you're thinking that a bunch of young kids are picking up these affordable little mini-crossovers, think again. So far, the largest demographic for the Juke is the 50 and older club, with 44 percent of all sales. The 20- to 29-year-old club accounts for 15 percent, and the vast majority of orders come from men. Hit the jump to read Nissan's brag-tastic press release.
  17. http://www.worldcarfans.com/110021024505/n...er-suv-revealed
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rz9t1u5F6Uo Following in the same technical path blazed by the Volkswagen Group, General Motors, Ford and others, this new engine from Nissan uses the high-pressure injection system to execute multiple injection pulses for cleaner and more complete combustion. The variable cam phasing system operates independently on both the intake and exhaust camshafts. The result - an impressive 190bhp and 177 pound-feet of torque from a mere 1.6L displacement. This powerplant will be introduced in the company's new Juke compact crossover (see below) when it hits the streets later this year. The engine will be mated to a CVT transmission in the application for the Juke. While I am not all excited over the design of the Juke, I am hopeful that the new powerplant will eventually find its way into the bonnet of the next generation Latio Sports. That will be truly a hot hatch!
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