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Found 15 results

  1. Hi guys, In my stupidity, I may have driven my car in 3rd gear (over 1.5hr) while on NS highway yesterday. No wonder I was consider why my oil temp defi guage was rising towards 100C. In addition, engine was noisy at a higer RPM. While I didn't realise I was on 3rd gear was mainly due to these two reasons: 1. has not driven to M'sia after I changed to Apexi Open Pod. Thought it was the Pod. 2. I have a full passenger load behind. Normally, it's just my wife and myself. I only realised that I was on 3rd gear after trying to engine-brake when I reached my destination. Drove the car today. Doesn't seem like the tranny is spoilt. Still have engine-break when I shift to 3rd gear. I drove all the way from Johor to Spore. Oil temp and RPM seemed normal. Any suggestions? Good thing I got ATF cooler and my ATF and coolant were changed during my last servicing at 70K. Should I change my ATF cooler again just be sure? Coming due for my 80K soon. Any good workshop to recommend for seriving lexus? Thanks guys
  2. First time in the morning rush I came across a fellow MCFer with a decal. Hallo hallo!!!
  3. Hi guys, Thinking of changing my rims to a lighter set. Looking at forged rims. What are the choices? Please give me some ideas. I am running on 17" rims and will stick to it.
  4. Looking at these 2 secondhand cars.. IS200 - RWD - 2L - More parts available, toyota. - Old model. Abit boxy. S40 - FWD - 2.4L (road tax will be crazy...2.2k) - More expensive maintaince. - Current model. - REAL conti car. Both cars, 2004 models are going ard the 70+k range, with depreciation of about 7k. What do you guys think? Which is a better buy for me? I'm in my mid-20s, stable job with a budget of around 70k, don't want to spend too much on the car. Not looking to mod it any further too. Space is not an issue. Only have myself and parents to fetch around occasionally. Thanks for your comments guys!!
  5. Hi All, My friend has the intention to purchase a 2nd hand IS200 from his friend, selling at about $62K, its a 3 years old car. Please help to advice if this is a good deal, still worth buyin this IS200 when the IS250 already out? Any IS200 owner here? How is the car performance, condition after about 3 years or your experience? How is the FC? I was told about 10 to 11 km/l. Is it true? Pls advice fast. Thank you very much!!!
  6. Hi All, Do you have any idea where can I fix my IS200 with HID light? The original head light is not HID type . How much will it cost for the installation. How about the wind shield for this model? Any recommedation is greatly appreciated. Any bro here got any chio pics to show on IS200? Thanks!
  7. Er my dad wants me to help him change this tyres... Any suggestion?? I am very confuse.
  8. Is Lexus IS200 gunmetal metal colour using paint code of 1C6 Dark Grey Mica?? Would appreciate much if one could assist me.... thanks :) Would be soon sending my car for a colour change of 1C6 Dark Grey Mica....
  9. Hey .. I'm not really good at this .. But I drive an IS200. Problem is the system is built in, one piece. So cannot change the unit. I feel the system lacks abit of punch in it. Was told to just get a woofer and it will do. Anyone drives cars with these built in sets ? What did you do ?
  10. Hi, I drive an IS200.. the sound system in the car is one of those built in one piece sets. I find the sound system not really fantastic. But cos everything comes built-in, cannot change. Anyone drives similar cars and feel the same ? What did you do ? Cheers
  11. "IS200: This possibility was raised by a post in the Japanese-language Carview.co.jp website. I don't understand the language, but amidst the Japanese characters appears, in English: 5GR-FSE ?@V6?@2000DUAL VVT-i D-4 / 180ps/6400rpm,22kgm/4000rpm. This could refer to a 2-liter version of the new GR-FSE V6 producing 180ps (or 177-178 hp). This variant would be irrelevant to North America, but not to the rest of the world, where the Lexus IS200 is a mainstay of their lineup. Those figures, by the way, are an useful increase over the 153 hp of the current inline-6 IS200. " For more information on the new Lexus IS, you may go to www.is300.net
  12. How many such owners in this forum? Juz curious... Maybe start with myself 1) Eric3417 / IS200
  13. Saw a pretty fast Lexus today along AYE towards Keppel Road around 1245pm. SDD??M Had a hard time chasing up. Nice car! Darn fast too. Wonder what kind of steroids you feed to your car!
  14. Volk74

    Is200 rims

    Anyone know the name and manufacturer of the IS200 rim? I like it very much. The desing is bold and unique - 11 spokes... Thanks
  15. I think I remember reading about this somewhere, but somehow couldnt find the thread, so am posting it here. For our Lexus IS200 owners, just read in the latest issue of WHEELS magazine. Page 44. TTE [Toyota Team Europe] www.tte.de has developed a TTE supercharger kit based on the Eaton M62 Supercharger [similar to the one in the C200 Kompressor] and is also approved by the LTA. 0-100km/h readings improved from 11.1secs to 9.03secs. Installation and more info from Autofix. Cheers
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