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Found 6 results

  1. Got a 2009 Sylphy 1.5 (non-CVT). Been having intermittent erratic idling when stationary and engine hesitation when accelerating; CEL light didn't come on. Spark plugs and air filter are newish and I clean the MAF sensor with CRC cleaner regularly. Brought to workshop (ex-Tan Chong staff) for checking but no fault codes surfaced. Swapped MAF sensor, filter, PCV valve but couldn't pinpoint the problem. What else could it be? Clogged injectors, faulty crankcase positioning sensor? Thanks for any help.
  2. I am having an issue with my 07 WRX recently. When stopping at traffic light for a long time, my ABS light comes on intermittently and when it does, my voltmeter reading drops below 10 and my radio goes off. After a while the voltmeter reading will go up, the ABS light goes off and the radio comes back on. When moving off, the car feels like there is a loss of power momentarily and will lurch forward for a bit if the ABS light is still on. Once I hit normal speeds the problem disappears. Once in a while the Check Engine Light will come on too. I sent it to a workshop today, and I ended up paying $50 for them to just tell me that there is some part that is probably failing, but there is no way for them to know until there is a permanent light. As the car is going to be scrapped next year, I don't want to spend $$$ on a wild goose chase to fix this problem. But at the same time I am driving Grab at night, so when the car lurches forward it's not comfortable for the passengers as well. I just got this car recently in April. Anyone experienced something similar before and can give advice? Have a short video here of the problem happening (pardon poor quality)https://youtu.be/t77PVht05GA
  3. I've recently bought this ride from a used car dealer. Everything was fine, except for this intermittent problem, The car would ride fine most of the time. Accelerating and braking wouldn't give me much issues.. This intermittent problem would hit me usually when crusing at 80 - 90 km/h. The car would suddenly have this loud shuddering noise, the whole car would vibrate, and when i accelerate, i can't gain much speed, its like the car is braking itself. When I let go off the accelerator pedal, the speed would reduce drastically. On highways, this is a total nightmare. I'm at a loss, as when I bring it into workshops. The problem doesn't replicate itself. Its really intermittent, can happen any point of the day, during initial cold start, after driving for a while, ANYTIME! After i drive slow for about 2 - 5 minutes, it would go away itself... I'm suspecting a dirty ABS wheel sensor, reading that the wheel's speed is different, decides to brake itself.. Is that possible? But no ABS lights up when it happens.. No warning lights at all.. I'm writing in to the forum in hope that someone has experienced this problem and can advise.... Other then the above problem, sometimes when i step on brake, i have the pulsating feeling on brake paddel. Might have a warped rotor? But this too comes and goes.. Please help!
  4. Have anyone encounter this problem, when driving at around 90 to 110, it vibrate intermittently, when i release gas and step again , the vibration goes off but will come back again after some km. Could it be the spark plug as the last time I change is over 30k km? Forget to add if I accelerate during the vibration, the car vibrates even more violently, it only stop when I release and step the gas again.
  5. Hi gurus out there, My car is installed with a active sub underneath the driver seat & recently i juz changed my old car HU into a pioneer HU. After which, i noticed my active sub has been behaving abnormally by producing intermittent bass from the sub. While listening to a song, 1 moment i could hear bass coming from the sub & the next moment the bass vanished. This symptom goes on & off irregularly thruout & i tried adjusting the settings on the sub itself but still to no avail. Wat could be the problem im encountering? Gurus pls advise. Thx!
  6. previously i have an incident where there was an impact upwards to the driver side, when it fell from an edge of a slope. then after since, driver side will emit squeaking sounds, sometimes travelling straight or slightly bumpy roads a visual inspection at the workshop revealed no damage to the lower arm but the mechanic said its caused by the worn brake pads, the squeaks doesnt come in when i apply the brakes though, possible?
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