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  1. https://www.channelnewsasia.com/world/cna-explains-uk-riots-protests-misinformation-immigrant-far-right-social-media-violence-unrest-4529656
  2. https://mothership.sg/2022/07/woodlands-checkpoint-contactless-clearance/ Those driving into Singapore via the Woodlands Checkpoint can try the new Automated Passenger In-Car Clearance System (APICS) that began on Jun. 21 and will end in October. The system allows travellers to enter the country through a contactless immigration clearance by scanning their passport, and facial and iris biometrics at the checkpoint. How does it work? This CNA video breaks down how the machine works. Since the program is still under trial, an Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA) officer will be at the APICS to note the number of passengers in the car. Once the gantry is opened, the car can drive forward and stop at a self-help kiosk. The kiosk has an LCD touch display with a passport scanner, biometric scanner, fingerprint scanner and intercom. The driver has to confirm the number of people in the car and the license plate number, then scan the passengers' passports. The system will prompt the driver and passengers to simultaneously do their facial and iris biometrics scans to confirm their identities. There are four points, one for each of the car's windows, for all passengers to scan their face and iris to complete their immigration clearance. APICS will detect what type of car is at the kiosk and the height of the kiosk will adjust itself accordingly. According to The Straits Times, it takes about five minutes to clear immigration. According to ST, another feature of APICS is that it has an exhaust fan that removes fumes that may build up as passengers clear immigration. There are also flexible traffic poles to guide drivers entering the clearance area. Trial going well According to CNA, the trial is only being conducted at the checkpoint on weekday nights and only cars with a maximum of four people, aged six and above will be selected to trial the new system. Nonetheless, the system, developed by the Home Team Science and Technology Agency (HTX), is doing well. Cheng Wee Kiang, director of HTX's Robotics, Automation and Unmanned Systems Centre of Expertise, said that the overall feedback received for the system has been positive, CNA reported. Those who pass through the checks have been asked for their feedback which will allow HTX to further improve APICS. The time taken for clearance is also recorded by ICA. This is the second version of the APICS developed by HTX. The first one, trialled in December 2017, required passengers to scan their fingerprints on a biometric device via an extended robotic arm.
  3. https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/transport/trial-under-way-to-get-mpvs-to-use-bus-lanes-at-tuas-checkpoint new year, starting new rules, wonder if this is good or not. So many pros and cons
  4. old topic with a new twist. An Italian village will pay you €5,000 to live there. Here's how to apply Story by By WALLA! TOURISM • Yesterday 9:15 am A street is covered in volcanic ashes from Mount Etna in Piedimonte Etneo, Italy October 23, 2021.© (photo credit: ANTONIO PARRINELLO/REUTERS) On a lofty ridge on the island of Sicily stands one of the most beautiful villages in Italy: Petralia Soprana. Sicily - the largest island in Italy - offers its visitors plenty of sunny days, lovely beaches and also excellent food. Now, this small village is making the dream of living on an island a reality. Petralia Soprana, located southeast of the city of Palermo, is currently offering cash incentives for new residents. Euronews reported that the village council hopes that the new plan will help to repair the decline of the local population - and will also breathe new life into many abandoned houses. This is not the first time Italy incentivized migration, and this is also common in other places in Europe. 50 empty houses are waiting for you Those interested in living in this beautiful village should apply as soon as possible - the deadline is May 10 (this Wednesday). Those who are selected - will be entitled to receive an amount of 5,000 euros (for a family or an individual). In return, you must commit to moving your permanent residence to the village. As to be expected, there is "small print" here: to be eligible for a grant you must also purchase a property in the village, and if necessary, also repair it. Today, after decades of the village's population slowly leaving, there are 2,992 residents left, as well as more than 50 empty houses. The village itself offers narrow alleys winding between stone houses that were built back in the Middle Ages. From the village, you can enjoy the sight of the countryside, including a view of the active volcano Etna. In the village stands a monumental stone church built on a rock outcrop and the central square where an impressive cathedral from the Renaissance is housed. It is believed that a mosque originally stood on the site, from when the place was ruled by the Muslims, in the tenth century AD. The unique bell tower still showcases Byzantine-Arab decorations. This mixed style of architecture even recently received UNESCO World Heritage status in nearby Palermo. Members of Italy's Forestry Department watch lava flowing down the southeast crater of Mount Etna, Europe's tallest and most active volcano, seen from Zafferana Etnea, Italy, June 11, 2022. Picture taken June 11, 2022. (credit: ANTONIO PARRINELLO/REUTERS)© Provided by The Jerusalem Post Members of Italy's Forestry Department watch lava flowing down the southeast crater of Mount Etna, Europe's tallest and most active volcano, seen from Zafferana Etnea, Italy, June 11, 2022. Picture taken June 11, 2022. (credit: ANTONIO PARRINELLO/REUTERS) A food festival dedicated to...lentils Life in Petralia Soprana is incredibly peaceful, except for the period when local celebrations are held (and there are quite a few of them), including holidays dedicated to local saints and other carnivals and food festivals. It is interesting to discover that one of the village's famous food fairs is dedicated to lentils, which are used to prepare a traditional soup with wild fennel and chicory. The application can be submitted directly on the local municipality's website. However, there is an obstacle: the entire website is written in Italian, without an English or Hebrew translation.
  5. By mean of fault lines, I am not referring to NSL, EWL, NEL, CCL, DTL, etc. (we are seeing less service disruption lately right?) Neither am I referring to any new geographical discovery that might put us at risk of natural disasters such as earthquake or volcano eruption, but... Majority now aware of race, religious issues, but study flags new fault lines A large majority of Singaporeans are aware of the seriousness of race and religious issues, and feel the Government has done enough to manage these divisions. But fault lines have emerged on class, immigration and lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) rights, where more Singaporeans, especially younger ones, want to see greater state involvement and public discourse. These emerging issues, if mismanaged, are also seen to affect Singaporeans' trust in the Government the most, compared with race and religion. These and other findings from a study of public opinion on fault lines in Singapore, carried out by the Institute of Policy Studies (IPS), were released yesterday. Besides Dr Mathews, the other researchers were IPS research associate Melvin Tay and research assistant Shanthini Selvarajan. Based on a survey of about 4,000 citizens and permanent residents last year, the study noted that about a third of the respondents identified race and religion as having the potential to result in violence in Singapore if not managed properly - significantly more so than class, immigration and LGBT issues. Yet only about a quarter tied race and religion to trust in the state and politicians, compared with almost 40 per cent who said trust levels in the Government would likely fall if class and immigration issues are mismanaged. Close to half of both younger and older respondents felt there should be more state involvement in immigration, reflecting possible higher levels of xenophobia and job insecurity in recent times, regardless of age, said the researchers. These results could mean that citizens now accord the Government more responsibility to do more to manage class differences and immigration issues, they added. "People may feel that the Government already has clear policies and frameworks that are fairly robust when it comes to race and religion. But perhaps for immigration, socio-economic status and LGBT issues, people might want the state to be more involved in managing those issues," said IPS senior research fellow Mathew Mathews. This is unlike in the early years after independence, when the focus was on surviving communal politics. YOUTH LESS KEEN ON MORE GOVT INTERVENTION ON RACE AND RELIGION Just over a fifth of young people aged between 18 and 25 surveyed wanted more state involvement in race issues, compared with one-third of those aged above 65. Similar results were observed for religion. This could be due to the lived experiences of the older generation, who experienced the Maria Hertogh and 1964 race riots, said researchers. The former took place in 1950, after a court decided that a child who had been raised by Muslims should be returned to her Catholic biological parents. In 1964, clashes took place between the Malays and Chinese amid rising ethnic and political tensions. For older Singaporeans, these events drove home the need for a robust state apparatus to intervene and keep the peace, added the researchers. Significantly more Malays and Indians (about 40 per cent each) wanted greater state involvement in race issues than Chinese (24 per cent) - a sign that ethnic minorities are more likely to perceive or experience discrimination than the majority. A similar trend was seen for religion. In addition, people of minority races with a university degree and above desired more state intervention than their less-educated counterparts, showing that increased education results in greater awareness of, and desire to resolve, racial and religious issues, said the study. MINORITY RACES, YOUTH MORE LIKELY TO PROBE POTENTIAL DISCRIMINATION When asked how they would respond after getting an e-mail or phone message that a business had refused to serve people from a certain race or religion, nearly half of both Malays and Indians said they were likely to investigate the issue, compared with 37 per cent of Chinese. About 30 per cent each of Malays and Indians were also more likely to take the allegation seriously by reporting it to the authorities, compared with 13 per cent of Chinese. Younger Singaporeans would also be more proactive in tracing the source of such a message, with two-thirds saying they would check with their friend who sent it, compared with only half of respondents aged 65 and above. This could be because younger people aged 18 to 25 are more sensitive and concerned about discrimination. Being digital natives, they are likely to investigate matters further, said the study. Overall, the study showed that an overwhelming 92 per cent of respondents believed the Government had done well to improve racial and religious harmony. An example of vigorous state intervention to combat social divides, it said, can be seen in the area of religion - where a range of hard and soft legislation like the Internal Security Act, Maintenance of Religious Harmony Act, and the Inter-Racial and Religious Confidence Circles has prevented potential discord and wider conflict. But while seven in 10 aged above 65 agreed that the Government is responsible for racial and religious harmony in Singapore, only half of respondents aged 18 to 25 felt this way, it added. The researchers said this shows older Singaporeans may attribute greater responsibility to the state, or believe these fault lines are most effectively managed by strong government intervention. But going forward, younger generations could prefer a more community-driven approach to race and religion. Aiyah, why waste time and $$$ to conduct such survey, just sit at neighborhood coffee shop, food court, or even surfing HWZ, MCF, etc. will get you the same results. May I add that this is a typical example of people at the top loosing touch with people on the ground...
  6. He peddles all sorts of forged papers on the black market, but the bright red Singapore passport - one of the most powerful travel document in the world - is among his hot sellers. The seller on the Dark Web claims the fake documents are as good as state-issued ones, adding that the authorities will not be able to tell the difference. In fact, the passport dealer, who also sells forged identity cards and driver licences, is so confident of his fake travel papers that he promises a refund if his customers run into problems. The forged papers "are 100 per cent registered into the database system, so you will never have a problem using them" or passing through security checks, he told The Sunday Times via e-mail. In the cyber underworld, peddlers are offering forged Singapore passports for sale. Although the sellers also offer other passports, the Singapore one is a premium item because it allows the holder visa-free or visa-on-arrival access to 189 destinations. On the online black market, the forged Singapore passport is offered at $3,800, with photographs and biodata substituted from the originals. For an extra $100, the passport can be ready within days and shipped anywhere in the world. A fake Singapore identity card costs about $1,000. Other documents such as driving licences, work permits and university degrees are also available, and items are bought using bitcoin, a digital currency favoured for its secrecy. The United States passport, which costs about $4,300 on the Dark Web and gives visa-free access to 184 destinations, is another hot item. But one seller, who bragged about his links to immigration authorities and diplomats, cautioned: "There are people who (pass through checks) with my passports and other documents, but do your own research and do it at your own risk." Unlike counterfeits which involve recreating a document, forged passports and identity cards are often genuine items that have been tampered with. And many are the result of documents that have gone missing, experts say. In Singapore, it was previously revealed in Parliament that in the five years to 2014, about 7,000 passports belonging to the Republic were reported lost or stolen every year. In that same period, about 1,700 travellers were caught with forged or tampered passports at Singapore checkpoints. The problem of forged travel documents persists. Last year, Pakistani national Mohammed Iqbal, 52, was nabbed in Bangkok with three fake Singapore passports and a fake Indian one. He also had plates and laminates used to forge entry visas to France, Italy and Spain. The problem is significant enough for Interpol to set up a database with more than 84 million records of lost, stolen and revoked travel documents - including passports, visas and identity cards.
  7. British? if she did that in msia, she probably get another 180 days free stay and 180 months in USA
  8. go to the link for the pics ... personally I find the man's reaction totally unbelievable ... I don't believe in angels. S’porean locked up in inhumane conditions in KL after flying in with less than 6 months passport validity Summary: • The Singaporean man flew into KL with his friends for a gaming competition on June 8 and were expected to come back to Singapore on June 11. • However, he did not renew his passport which had about five months of validity left before it expired. • He was denied entry upon arriving at KLIA (KL International Airport ) on the June 8, at 3.15pm. • He was told he would be deported back to Singapore and he felt quite stupid about not renewing his passport beforehand and being a burden to his team. • He did not know what to do next and was told by immigration if he wanted to book a return ticket back himself or one could be booked for him. • He wanted the KL immigration to book his ticket for him, as he was feeling down and did not have enough cash. • The immigration officer then told the Singaporean man he would be denied entry into Malaysia for one month if he chose that option. • When he said he was okay with that, he was then told he might never come back to Malaysia again. • That was when he was taken to a cell the size of a four-room HDB flat to be locked up with 100 other people inside. • He was told to turn off his phone and take off his belt and put them in the storeroom and wait for his ticket, no questions asked. • The conditions in the cell were horrendous and reeked of foul odours from the lack of proper sanitation facilities. • There was not enough space, was filthy, gag-inducing and the people inside were piled up on top of one another. • There were apparently other tourists who were locked up in there, as well as supposed illegal immigrants. • There was a separate cell for women and children. • The Singaporean man was inside for 26 hours in total but it was barely tolerable. • He claimed he saw one of the cell mates being beaten up and choked by the Malaysian officers for asking questions. • He also said those with money could bribe their way out more easily. • Fortunately, the Singaporean man’s father contacted Singapore’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs after he stopped receiving messages from his son after a period of one day. • The Singapore immigration was shocked to hear of the man’s experience when he returned back and said Singapore’s lock-up had facilities such as beds. • The Singaporean man ended his note as a caution to other Singaporeans not to take chances and said his account is to shed light on what can actually take place overseas, outside the confines of Singapore’s predictable bureaucracy and standards. Reactions to his allegations and storyThe comments section of the Singaporean man’s Facebook post is a hotbed of accusations and counter-accusations, as well as people demanding for proof and poking holes in his story. One major contention is that his case appears to be more severe than normal given such a straightforward violation, as other individuals who travelled into Malaysia with less than six months passport validity only got turned back without much repercussions other than being inconvenienced. The condition of not being able to return to Malaysia ever again is considered very severe. The Singaporean man has repeatedly said in response to multiple comments that he is remorseful for his mistake and takes the blame for what happened in the first place, but he also wants to let others know how it is like overseas, away from the secure confines of Singapore’s jurisdiction and shedding light on how issues are handled. To satiate those who called for evidence to his claims, the Singaporean man provided a photo of the document that listed his transgression in Malaysia: The document said the reason he could not return to Malaysia is because he is a “prohibited immigrant”.
  9. China passport holders to get automated clearance at immigration ... So, looks like automated will not be faster anymore from 16 Nov onwards .... and with this increase in numbers, would this cause inconvenience to us, Singaporeans? Only time will tell ... http://www.todayonline.com/singapore/china-passport-holders-get-automated-clearance-immigration SINGAPORE — From Nov 16, eligible Chinese citizens will be able to use the enhanced immigration automated clearance system (eIACs) service at Singapore’s checkpoints, announced the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA) today (Nov 6). China passport holders above the age of six are eligible to enrol for the automated service. They must also hold a valid five-year (or longer) Multiple Journey Visa issued by Singapore and have visited Singapore at least three times in the preceding 12 months, Enrolment is on a voluntary service and is free of charge. Interested applicants should bring their passport (with remaining validity of at least six months), one recent colour passport-size photograph and other relevant documents to the enrolment centres located at Changi Airport, Woodlands Checkpoint, Tuas Checkpoint and the ICA Building to apply for this service. Those aged between six and 17 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian and present documentary proof of relationship. The ICA said the move will provide greater travel convenience for Chinese visitors and facilitate trade, business and tourism links between Singapore and China. Currently the service is also available to Australian and Hong Kong citizens, as well as Malaysian citizens who are assessed to be eligible under the Frequent Traveller Programme at the time of application.
  10. Yesterday the jam at both causeways started to build up. When I went to bed at 2.30am, there jam was still there. When I woke up this morning at 5.30am, the jam at both causeway was still there. Now nearly 11 am jam is even worst. It's so bad before the customs. It's even worst especially at the tuas link where the jam from JB customs kick back to Sg customs. Wanted to go in for breakfast. But now almost lunch.
  11. Anyone got stuck last weekend? Any latest status? Will be going thru 2nd link this weekend early in the morning at 6am, dunno whether will be stucked?? New system causes long delays at JB checkpoints A new biometric fingerprint scanning system at the two checkpoints going into Johor Bahru caused major traffic jams over the weekend. Both the Woodlands and Tuas checkpoints saw snaking queues of cars from Malaysia customs all the way into Singapore. In some cases, motorists had to wait up to seven hours before they cleared JB customs, reported The Straits Times. The system, implemented four days ago, could not cope with the higher-than-usual number of tourists heading to Malaysia due to the weekend and June school holidays. The immigration clearance took as long as five minutes for each tourist, five times longer than the Immigration Department's target of one minute per tourist. The new system requires foreigners entering and leaving the country to have their left and right index fingers scanned at entry and exit points, while tourists only needed to have their passports stamped previously. Many tourists took at least 90 minutes to pass through immigration, forcing many of them to change or scrap their holiday plans. S. Karasima, 55, who booked a one-day visit to Malacca with a tour group, said the trip was cancelled and the group went on a tour of Johor Baru instead after he got stuck at the Sultan Iskandar Customs, Immigration and Quarantine (CIQ) checkpoint at Johor Bahru. "It is unreasonable to make us wait for so long for immigration clearance. Do you have any idea how tiring it was to stand for almost two hours just to get through Immigration?," he said to Malaysian newspaper, the New Straits Times. It was the same situation as well over at the Tuas Second Link checkpoint, with most cars and buses taking about 150 minutes just to reach the complex in Malaysia. Checks with local tour guides showed about 60 tour coaches at Johor Bahru and 100 at the Second Link were affected by the delays. About 6,400 tourists were affected, most of them Singaporeans and Japanese. Malaysia Tour Guides Council president Jimmy Leong told the same paper the snarling traffic delay was a serious blow to Malaysia's tourism industry as tourists would have a bad impression of the country. According to him, while it usually takes about 20 minutes for each coach to get clearance, it took 90 minutes on Sunday, and this excludes the waiting time each coach to reach the complex from the Causeway. "My Japanese customers are so angry that they blamed me for not informing them about the situation at the checkpoint. They were supposed to reach Malacca by 12.30pm. However, they only managed to have their passports stamped at that time. "Their one-day Malacca tour was scrapped as a result of the delay." Immigration Department director-general Datuk Alias Ahmad urged travellers to be patient with the new security system, which is aimed at curbing transboundary crimes and terrorism threats, as they ironed out the problems. "For some people, it takes only a minute. For others, it takes about two to three minutes. We welcome feedback and will improve the system as soon as possible." Alias also urged Singaporean motorists to apply for the Malaysia Automated Clearance System at any Immigration office for faster immigration clearance as they do need to have their fingers scanned after their first visit.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MHplEJgevqM BBC documentary - the truth about immigration. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MHplEJgevqM Rather balanced view on immigration and somewhat mirrors the situation here in Singapore.
  13. An economics professor has spoken up to dispel what he perceives to be misconceptions on immigration and Singapore having a bigger population. Among these, says Nanyang Technological University
  14. Personally, i like this post better because it is non partisan. Enjoy. http://flaneurose.blogspot.sg/2012/05/hidd...of-massive.html
  15. So where do we stand? How many more immigrants are we taking in from now till then? This is a hard question our top dogs have to answer and will no longer be based on cold hard "end-justify-means" old way of doing things purely from economic sense of achieving an attractive GDP. From CNA: http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/sin...1151560/1/.html Low fertility rate, no immigration will lead to S'pore's population decline By Tan Qiuyi | Posted: 07 September 2011 1105 hrs SINGAPORE: Singapore's resident population will decline and become extremely aged if the Total Fertility Rate (TFR) is extremely low and if there is no immigration. This is according to a landmark study on future population growth and change for Singapore published on Wednesday by the Institute of Policy Studies (IPS). The study produced four population scenarios based on varying TFR and immigration levels. The study said with TFR at 1.24 births per woman and zero net migration, Singapore's population will decline to 3.03 million in 2050. With 30,000 migrants added annually, the population projection is 4.89 million in 2050. And with 60,000 migrants added annually, the population projection is 6.76 million in 2050. The study also looked at a situation where TFR can be raised to 1.85 births per woman by 2025 with no new immigration. With such a scenario, the study said population size can still only hit 3.37 million in 2050. The ratio of working people (between the ages of 15-64) to the elderly will also decrease. For instance, with low fertility and 30,000 new residents a year, the ratio drops from 8.6 in 2005, to 2.7 in 2050. A key conclusion obtained from the study is that without immigration, the total population will decline, even if Singapore's total fertility rate rises from the current 1.15 to 1.85. The number of working people available to support each elderly person is also set to drop in all the scenarios. However, Dr Yap Mui Teng, who is a senior research fellow at Institute of Policy Studies, said immigration can reduce the dependency burden. Dr Yap said: "Under the scenario with higher net migration, there will be more people of working ages to support each elderly, compared to the scenario with low migration or scenarios with zero net migration." Amid growing concerns from the ground about overcrowding and stiffer competition from foreign labour, some asked if population growth is absolutely necessary and how much is enough. Associate Professor Paulin-Tay Straughan from the National University of Singapore said it is important for the government to determine how much population growth is needed to ensure a balance between a vibrant economy and the social health of society. She said: "That's why these projections are so important. For us to understand how the projections are made, so that as a community together, we agree that these are the opportunity costs we're willing to accept because we all want to strive for this quality of life." The government had earlier said it does not target a specific population size. The study also projected that there will be fewer young people in Singapore if fertility rate remains low. The number of young people under 14 years of age will go down by more than half from 699,000 in 2005 to 274,400 by 2050. - CNA/fa/ac
  16. CNA: http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/sin...1146843/1/.html "Lee Kuan Yew has acknowledged the pressures new immigrants have placed on citizens and home prices in the country." "Mr Lee said: "We've done a revamp and HDB has promised that within four years, the supply will meet the demand. It will be resolved." But home prices aside, citizens are feeling the pressure in other aspects. Mr Lee said: "On competition for jobs, and especially competition, pressure on their children to do well in schools. The new migrants having left his home must go all out to succeed in the country that he or she has adopted. "That is to be expected and therefore, we must accept that they are going to do their best and if doing their best puts pressure on us, our children, it may be good for them because they will also have to put in effort to do their best to keep up." So People of Singapore, we finally hear from the Horse's mouth that current Singapore government believe in putting "Pressure" on Singaporeans to maximum results from your blood and sweat. If not getting expected result, the Singapore government was the choice to mass-import non-locals to keep up that "Pressure". In July this year,only weeks before Singapore's 46 NDP, LKY stated "'Singapore can't punch above its own weight if it depends on local talent" at South Asian Diaspora convention hosted to show case non-local "Talents". So, People of Singapore, some ex-cabinet ministers now sees Singaporeans as a liability. You have wasted your time and effort in NS and all those national campigns in the last 40 years....because you are "old", "no vitality and no drive".. Hard Truth for Singaporean or those New immigrants? I say BOTH. If those new immigrants are "younger, has vitality and drive", why are they leaving their bigger resource-rich bigger home countries and coming to this little Red Dot to work and still complain? While at the same time, Singaporeans have been asked to contribute charitable works in those impoverished communities in countries like Philippines, to India and China where majority of these new immigrants from. Shouldn't these thousands of immigrants here able to contribute their "youth, vitality and drive" where their own home town are most needed? I find recent LKY's post-GE statements both perplexing and misleading. These mass-importation of immigrants within last few years serves only as TOOL to create division and tension in Singapore in the name of GDP which Singapore's Ministers pay and bonuses are pegged to.
  17. Apparently, the fella who went on mass shooting, was fedup with the immigration policies and the like in Norway. Hmmm....gets me thinking if this is just the tip of the iceberg Norway suspect says acted alone: police Posted: 24 July 2011 1744 hrs Photos1 of 2 Picture shows Anders Behring Breivik aiming an assault rifle. Related News
  18. what a fool! Eat and s--t at the same place ================================= http://www.straitstimes.com/BreakingNews/S...ory_689733.html AN IMMIGRATION sergeant at the Woodlands Checkpoint on Monday admitted swopping the CashCards of motorists leaving Singapore with cards that had no money stored in them. It was how Edmund Jeghan Anthony, 31, came by $2,226 for personal and family expenses within a two-month period. He pleaded guilty to criminal breach of trust and dishonestly encashing the money stored in 130 CashCards for his own use, and was jailed for nine months. A district court heard that in Anthony's job manning an immigration booth at the checkpoint in March and April last year, he would process passports and check that the toll of $4.80 was paid by each motorist, who had to pass his CashCard through the reader. On April 4 last year, Mr Vincent Ma Yekai, 29, drove up to Anthony's booth at 7.45pm. The reader at the booth was faulty, so Anthony took the CashCard to the next booth for the toll to be deducted. Here was where the swop took place. After finding out that Mr Ma's card had $90 in it, Anthony kept it and returned to Mr Ma another card with a similar design but with zero value.
  19. I'm going for a holiday in Malaysia. I heard from news that they are documenting Thumb prints and it is taking a long time just to go pass customs. As I have not gone thru JB by car for quite a while I hope fellow MCFers can guide me on the changes : 1. How long of wait thru Second Link ?? On a Saturday Noon time 2. I hear now you pay only by Touch "N" Go card. Can buy in Singapore ?? Pls share your experience so that I can reach my destination on time. Thanks !
  20. I will never forget May 23 , 2011.. It was my lucky day.. I was my 3rd time spotting one while going to JB (2nd Link).. And I must say , damn pretty.. :wub: can't remember her name but she was like 20's... I purposely asked her a few stupid questions like " Must I insert my cashcard?" and "Is it packed at the other customs?" Her voice was.. [thumbsup] Any bros with similar experience?
  21. Yesterday went to JB for shopping & maken notice that Ron 97 went down by 0.10cent. Feel shiok abit. But when coming back from JB custom notice that my wife passport when entering to JB checkpoint the mother Fxxker officers never chop it. So when we going back the JB custom officer say that my wife passport never chop & she is Illegal immigration can be go to jail or Fine of RM 500 but he said that he can help us . Anyway taking so much rubbish from him all he want is $$$$ we pay him RM50 & he lets us go off........ So all bro & sis alway check your passport after the JB custom. I think some mother fxxker office purposely don't chop the passport & went to make some $$$ from us.
  22. As you consider a move to New Zealand you'll want to know more about the migration process and how you'll be impacted financially. To help navigate your way, we'd like to invite you to attend "Tips and Traps for New Zealanders-to-be". Conveniently held in downtown Singapore, this information session is brought to you by ipac financial planning Singapore in association with the New Zealand Chamber of Commerce. The event features James Hall from the New Zealand Migration Agency and Brent Allcock from ipac financial planning Singapore. James is a registered Immigration Advisor and will provide an overview of migration to New Zealand. He'll also cover details concerning investor, business and skilled migration policies. With his in-depth knowledge of migrating to New Zealand, you'll also learn more about the new Immigration Act. Brent will cover the financial considerations you'll need to make before moving to New Zealand. You'll learn about the impacts migration and/or repatriation may have on your finances and ways to effectively grow your wealth. The event When Thursday 14th October, 6:30pm-9:00pm (registration commences at 6.30pm) Where ipac boardroom 2 Battery Road 27th Floor Maybank Tower (opposite the Fullerton Hotel) Cost Exclusive rates for NewZealandNow registrants: $25 per person, $40 for two people, $15 each for a group of four or more (fee includes refreshments) To register and learn more, visit the ipac page. Make sure to reference Immigration New Zealand to enjoy these special prices -- payment of cash or cheque can either be made in person at the event or prior to the event by mail. Alternatively, contact Helena Paul from ipac to register or ask questions. She can be reached on 6511-7364 or at [email protected]. Good luck -- and we hope to see you there. Regards, Sazlina N Ramli Corporate Partnership Manager ipac financial planning Singapore Kirsty Ryan Immigration New Zealand PS: Remember to check back on NewZealandNow for helpful information about New Zealand visas and lifestyle.
  23. Hi Can share where can we obtain the white card from Singapore? Many times when at the JB customs, the officer says don't have :angry: Thanks.
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