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  1. Blueray

    NDP 2023/2024

    NDP 2023: Festivities in 5 heartland locations before Padang party on Aug 9 SINGAPORE – National Day festivities will kick off in the heartland the weekend before Singapore turns 58 on Aug 9, with carnival games and activities at five locations across the island. Organised with Sport Singapore, the GetActive! Singapore Heartland Festivals will be held at Bedok, Jurong West, Toa Payoh and Woodlands stadiums, and at Our Tampines Hub. Tickets for these activities, as well as the 2023 National Day Parade (NDP) to be held at the Padang, will be free, with details to be announced soon. On Aug 9, attendees at the five locations may also be able to catch the state flag fly-past. Fireworks will go off at the same time in the heartland and at the Padang. The parade returns to the Padang for the first time since 2019 with the theme Onward As One, which calls on Singaporeans to look forward and move onwards together, said organisers on Thursday. Colonel Terence Ho, chairman of the NDP 2023 Executive Committee, said: “We hope to call upon Singaporeans to look forward confidently, move onwards together, and come together to build a shared future.” He added that the use of “onward” in the theme carries significance to Singaporeans as a direct translation of the Malay word “majulah”. The activities in the heartland will be held on Aug 5 and 6 at Bedok, Jurong West, Toa Payoh and Woodlands stadiums, and on Aug 6 at Our Tampines Hub. They will feature family-friendly programmes such as sports try-outs that promote active lifestyles for people of all ages, as well as live performances. The celebrations at the Padang will feature a new Total Defence Parade, which will showcase the six pillars of Total Defence using floats, machinery used by the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) and Home Team, and multimedia elements. “(We) want to inspire the next generation of Singaporeans to continue to play a very strong role towards the strength and security of Singapore,” said Col Ho, who is the chief engineer officer in the army. Aside from crowd favourites such as the Red Lions, presidential gun salute and fireworks, Singaporeans can also expect an enhanced aerial display to commemorate the Republic of Singapore Air Force’s 55th anniversary. Col Ho said the display will feature more aircraft and manoeuvres than in 2022, but more details will be shared at a later date. Also new to the parade is the Digital and Intelligence Service’s guard-of-honour marching contingent, who will make an appearance for the first time. The service is the SAF’s fourth arm, established in 2022 to provide timely intelligence and to safeguard Singapore against digital threats, including cyber attacks and electronic warfare. The show segment, themed Building Our Shared Future As One, will be told across four acts and three connecting short films. It will tell inspirational stories of Singaporeans who overcame adversity to chase their dreams. They include sprint queen Shanti Pereira, furniture maker and designer Ahmad Habshee, and deaf teacher Charlene Wong. “Coming out from the pandemic (over) the last three years, we want to give Singaporeans that confidence to look forward to the future, to move forward together, and also to build a shared future,” said Col Ho. This is reflected in the upbeat NDP theme song Shine Your Light, which was released on Thursday. The song was composed and co-written by Don Richmond. Singapore rapper Shigga Shay co-wrote the song and also performs on the track with a slate of artists – 53A, The Island Voices, lewloh, Olivia Ong, Iman Fandi and Lineath. The rapper also directed the music video. Richmond, who also wrote the NDP 2022 theme song Stronger Together, said the upbeat and catchy tune aims to ignite the spirit of all Singaporeans and give them something to smile about. “Hopefully, in no time, the kids will be clapping along and singing along as well,” he said. https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/ndp-2023-festivities-at-sports-stadiums-before-padang-party-on-aug-9 NDP 2023 ticket ballot: Online application to open from May 29 to June 12 https://www.todayonline.com/singapore/ndp-2023-ticket-ballot-online-application-may-29-june-12-2179136 personally, am a fan of fireworks in the heartlands, try out some night photography on my hp.
  2. New Serangoon, Tengah & Kaki Bukit Polyclinics To Ease Heartland Queues By 2025 source: https://mustsharenews.com/polyclinics-singapore/ Up To 12 New Polyclinics In Singapore By 2030 Those who frequent local polyclinics will know that affordable healthcare and medicine often comes with a tiring wait in line to see the doctor. Residents in Serangoon, Kaki Bukit & Tengah can look forward to slight easing to the situation with 3 brand new polyclinics scheduled for launch in 2025, reports The Straits Times on Monday (9 Sep). Here’s what we have gleaned from the details released so far. Do note that as official pictures of the Serangoon, Kaki Bukit & Tengah projects haven’t been released, we’ve included artist impressions of other locations for illustration purposes. Largest polyclinic in Singapore opposite Nex Singapore’s largest polyclinic will be heartland shopping complex Nex‘s new neighbour, easily accessible via train at Serangoon MRT station. The massive clinic is described as an “integrated facility” that will see to the “healthcare needs” of residents in Braddell Heights. 3-in-1 health hub with a Kidney Dialysis Centre Besides regular medical services, the Serangoon polytechnic facility will include the following: Active Ageing Hub Kidney Dialysis Centre Largest Polyclinic in Singapore General medical treatment Childhood immunisation Cancer screening Diagnostic services Hopefully, the polyclinic’s central location will help ease congestion in nearby heartland districts, and offer more convenience for patients who have to make regular trips. Up to 12 more polyclinics on the way by 2030 In the next decade, we can also expect up to 12 new polyclinics to pop up in these districts: North Sembawang Khatib Yew Tee West Bukit Panjang East Eunos Kallang Tampines North The Straits Times confirms that the Ministry of Health (MOH) hopes to hit at least 30 polyclinics across the island by 2030.
  3. the design of this....... not just 1, but several. along a very dark stretch .......... this thread is opened for "things" designed/installed in our heartland, but to ask song.......... "why like this"? OT abit: to the female jogger last night, I beo you cos salute you to have courage to be in the dark lane alone by yourself and you beo me probably wondering why I was there (in my Bermuda + slippers) .............to take this pic lol you U turned back, I quickly siam off...scared kana laped.
  4. Came across this busker at a HDB Town Center. A busker, what's the big deal? Well, the difference with this chap is that his guitar playing and singing was really good! He had some guitar that was plugged to a speaker (which I think was battery powered, since no cables could be seen). He had a mic. The volume was fairly loud - bear in mind this is in the open, unshaded, with plenty of background noise. The best part - people were giving him money, not just coins but notes. In the 1 minute or so of this video, you see 3 onlookers dropping some money into his guitar case. Pretty cool. Wonder what he does for a living. Is he a professional singer and this is his part time job? Here is a video clip where you can see the people giving him money.
  5. Wagyu beef cuts at Huber's Butchery in Dempsey Road. Wagyu ribeye steaks can be bought at FairPrice Finest outlets and Western food chain Astons' coffee shop stalls. At the FairPrice Finest in Hougang, wagyu ribeye and striploin are sold at $118 and $93.80 per kg respectively. Singapore's appetite for wagyu beef is growing and the reach of the premium bovine has extended beyond expensive restaurants. Heartland supermarkets and even coffee shop stalls here are serving the rich marbled flesh, with consumers increasingly willing to pay for it. "Singaporeans are known to be foodies and have sophisticated taste buds. They want to try out different kinds of meat," said Mr Thomas Ng, 53, meat supplier Indoguna's director of sales. Wagyu ribeye steaks, for instance, can be found at FairPrice Finest outlets and Western food chain Astons' coffee shop stalls. Source: http://www.straitstimes.com/news/singapore/more-singapore-stories/story/pricey-wagyu-beef-reaches-the-heartland-20140414
  6. The GRC which her estate is in is anchored by two heavy-weight cabinet ministers. Maybe it will finally be cleaned when the ministers conduct a visit? In any case, littering is quite a worrying issue in HDB estates and you can see cleaners doing their daily work clearing lift lobbies of bulky disued furnitures, fridges, etc and sweeping away tissues, sweet wrappers, ciggy butts, etc around blocks. From ST Forum: http://www.straitstimes.com/STForum/Online...ory_771293.html Slow to clean in this heartland block Published on Feb 28, 2012 WHILE I support and applaud the recent raise in salaries for cleaners in PAP town councils ('Town council cleaners get more pay now'; last Tuesday), I am dismayed by the state of my block of flats managed by the Sembawang Town Council. The littered corridors are often unswept and not cleaned; and strewn often with paper, fliers, cigarette butts and sweet wrappers, which are left there for days. Unfinished drinks and cup noodles left on staircases are uncleared for just as long and are equally a common sight. Certainly, uncivic residents - and non-residents - should be held to account but there is also no reason for trash and litter to be left uncleared for days, and sometimes for as long as a week. When I expressed my concerns to the town council, the reply was that the corridors of each floor should be swept daily. Apparently, that did not include my block. The council employee promised me that she would inform the town council management. But, one year later, the situation has not improved. Neighbourhood cleanliness should rank higher in the council's priorities. Lim Suyin (Ms)
  7. Noble reasons and passionate plea but given that our HDB always insist on charging "market" rates for their units, residential, commercial or industrial, this reader is unlikely to succeed convincing them. Besides, aunty lucy's chain and other similarly-theme super-markets are now almost everywhere and most traditional heartland shops stand no chance competing with them. It is inevitable that the majority of these type of shops will go the way of the dinosaurs eventually... From ST Forum: http://www.straitstimes.com/STForum/Story/...ory_757687.html Do more to protect heartland vibrancy Published on Jan 20, 2012 I AM happy that the Housing Board has set aside $11 million to upgrade the common areas of heartland shopping zones and fund promotional activities for up to six years ('HDB to give shops $11m boost'; last Saturday). But the authorities can do more to protect heartland businesses that are an essential part of the way of life of most Singaporeans. Given rising inflation and rentals, coupled with the aggressive encroachment of megamalls into our housing estates, many of our locally owned and operated shops - be they traditional provision shops or food stalls - are struggling to survive. Some shops which have served the community for decades are giving way to rows of nondescript, low-price chain stores that stock a limited range of substandard products. Instead of allotting shops to the highest bidder, the HDB should consider giving more leeway to traditional provision shops that have defined the neighbourhood for decades and are now a part of Singapore's urban heritage. Shops within HDB estates can also be a seeding ground for encouraging potentially promising start-up businesses by aspiring young Singaporeans, many of whom would not stand a chance in a mall with a rental rate of about $25,000 a month. The authorities can even consider letting out units at token rates to arts groups which could use the space to create and exhibit their works. Preference should be given to residents in the vicinity of the estates. As for the process of selecting the types of activities and businesses, the Government should establish a more inclusive system with local committees comprising a mix of grassroots volunteers, community organisations and ordinary residents. Like our public housing, the value of the shops leased out by the HDB should not be pegged to short-term fluctuations of the private market. The shops should aim to give Singaporeans a greater sense of ownership and belonging to their homes and to Singapore. Liew Kai Khiun
  8. SYF77


    [extract] It was a beautiful Sunday morning and I happen to be at an old estate in Bedok North. The surrounding blocks of HDB flats are mainly 3-Room type. As I drive through the open air carpark, I can
  9. how much? ask here cos cant find the rates at both sgcarmart and one motoring
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