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Great Singapore Sale 2021 to join forces with Lazada to boost reach online
Now then I know there's a Soft Belly Fat Vs. Hard Belly Fat and the difference can mean LIFE and DEATH! Must admit I used to drink quite a bit of beer but has refrain from it for years , came across this article on the net and hope to let brothers here know the dangers. Overview Belly fat isn't all the same. One type of belly fat seems squishy and is easy to grab between your fingers; the other is like a bowling ball in the middle of the gut. The differences between the two types of fat don't end there. Understanding the dramatic difference between the two types of belly fat may extend your lifespan, especially if you carry extra weight in the abdominal region. Subcutaneous vs. Visceral The belly fat you can grab in your hand is subcutaneous fat, which resides between your skin and abdominal wall. This fat tends to be more visible than deeper fat, but it isn't as harmful as visceral fat, which surrounds your abdominal organs, according to Causes Aging causes your metabolism to slow down. Being sedentary can also contribute to weight gain as you get older. However, factors such as age and lack of physical activity don't directly influence the amount of visceral fat you have. Hormonal changes that occur after menopause can cause women to store more fat in their bellies. Additionally, some people inherit a tendency to be "apple-shaped" as opposed to "pear-shaped." Health Risks Visceral fat is linked with a variety of health problems, including high cholesterol, high blood pressure, insulin resistance and diabetes, according to UAB Medicine. These conditions increase your risk of stroke and heart attack. Visceral fat may be linked to such health conditions because it's thought to be biologically active. This means it acts more like an endocrine organ or gland that produces hormones and other substances that may damage your health, according to Harvard Health Publications. Having too much visceral fat may throw off the functioning of hormones that help keep the body in balance. Screening You can determine whether you're likely to have too much visceral fat by taking a few simple measurements. Wrap a tape measure around your waist. You may have a dangerous amount of visceral fat if you are a woman and your waist is at least 35 inches, or if you're a man whose waist is at least 40 inches around. You may also be at increased risk for health problems related to belly fat if your waist-to-hip ratio is over .80 as a woman and over .90 as a man. Treatment Eating fewer calories and burning off more calories through exercise can help you burn off visceral fat. Visceral fat seems to burn off quickly once you commit to losing weight. For optimum benefits, get at least 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise on most days and do weight-training sessions two to three days per week, recommends UAB Medicine. You may also lose weight at a rate of 1 lb. to 2 lbs. per week if you cut down your daily caloric intake by 500 to 1,000 calories. However, consult your doctor about your weight loss plans to ensure that your method is ideal for your individual needs. How many brothers here have HARD FAT belly?
For me....its used to be online gaming (like 6-7 years ago)
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Zero's the right thing to do.. Superscale clawback
Hi Guys, Need your inputs and thoughts of this product that is micmicking Spoon's Rigid Collar. Do you think this is a good add-on regardless of either Stiff Ring or Rigid Collar? Quote : Stiff Ring Stiff Ring, aka anti-vibration washer, is made of special formula aluminium. It is used to correct the car body basic geometry by filling the gap between the subframe bolts, subframe and the car chassis bolt hole. Thus, by correcting the geometry setup with Stiff Ring, the car handling will be improved significantly. Rigid Collar - Youtube video
Please share for interest sake. The job can be dirty (literally or metaphorically), uncommon, interesting, or just plain weird.
Hi! I realised used cars now have SKB, registration plates. Is it because they bought a new 10 year COE or they just prefer new number? They can still use the old number that came with the car right?
I am watching the television now....Channel 8....I saw an advert for a variety show which the chef move to some ulu place for cooking...then I thought didn't I saw something similar done by the koreans recently on out free to air channel as well ???? we really having a brain drain that we almost copying all the variety show from other countries???? sad
...during ur childhood? very soon... they will be gone in our ever-changing nation.. only 5 left in Singapore... link:
do you have one? where to buy? roughly what price?
Dear all, I just watch a movie and the daughter got breathless when she ate some stuffs that has nuts. Does any of you here got allergy like this?
Hi all, looking for local shop selling cree led buls for cars. Wanna see for myself the difference, whether worth buying. If no than got to get it from ebay.
I know I complain about laws not being enforced here in Singapore. We do take it easy on a lot of things compared to other places. My bro visited me from Australia last week and he was astonished that I didn't insist on seat belts for the 2nd row for my wife and mum (the kids on the 3rd row were fastened though). Guilty on that count I guess. But I say, with our (relatively) low speeds, we're get away with slack enforcements that are absolutely necessary in other places. Case in point... what do you think this girl should have got for the stunt she pulled in Dubai? Silly girl in Dubai does 170km/h with kids dangling out of the window Five girls dangled out of car as it clocked 170 km/h Woman caught racing and performing dangerous stunts By Habiba Ahmed Abd Elaziz , Staff ReporterPublished: 23:04 October 17, 2012 Dubai: Dubai Police have impounded the car of a young Emirati woman for driving at over 170 km/h with five girls between six and 14 years hanging precariously out of the SUV
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Watched plenty of war movies, most famous of course was Black Hawk Down, with the ubiquitous Humvee (actual abbreviation is HMMWV for High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle) seen all over the battlefield as the basic utility jeep for the US forces and then I saw this at a car park: Sua ku never seen this HUMMER H3 before but know that it was made by the same company that churns out the Humvees. From One Motoring website, read that this is a 3.653L monster jeep with a maximum laden weight of 2660 kg and unladen weight of 2231 kg. A petrol guzzler yes? Wonder what is its present OMV...
Hi ppl How many of you , dog owners have sent your dogs for licencsing with AVA? I read on the paper today , not many are doing it because of the fees ($70) involved , or fear of being slapped with a heavy fine ($5000) , if the pet is found with no license . Because of this , some have even abandoned their pets!!! I have two dogs with no licenses now , and want to apply license for them ...but defintely dun want to be slapped with 10k fine
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CNA news report : NDP 2012 to reflect Singaporeans' love for country By Joanne Chan | Posted: 25 April 2012 1648 hrs SINGAPORE: This year's National Day Parade (NDP) hopes to be a time for Singaporeans to reflect on their love for the country, with the theme "Loving Singapore, Our Home" . And this year's organisers hope to get Singaporeans to express their love for the country, through video or photo contests. The man tasked with running the parade smoothly certainly knows the theme well. The parade's executive committee chairman, Colonel Desmond Tan, said: "From the smallest thing like having a nice breakfast with my family, to the moments I stepped down from a long flight and coming home to Changi Airport, these are the moments I cherish. "But most of all, Singapore is where I'm born, and where I grew up and where I lived out my dreams and this is where my family and friends are." Singapore's 47th birthday celebration promises to be a visual treat, bringing back old favourites, such as the combined school choir, last seen two years ago. Other crowd favourites include the marching contingents, the flag fly-past and the Red Lions freefall display. The parade will also feature a salute to 45 years of National Service. I used to be proud of Singapore, serve my NS with pride, endure all tough training whether in rain or shine, whether chiong 'Peng Kang Hill' or Marsiling Hills, going weeks without bath. Nowadays, hot or rainy weather, training cancelled... So proud to own a 5 rooms HDB flat back in the 80's but now, I am worried for my children whether they can affort a 3 ~ 4 rooms HDB flats, So proud to own a 7 seater car years back but now, feel sad when my oversea friends ask me why the piece of 'Paper' value could have fetch them 2 or 3 2000cc cars in their coutries. A less than 1.5cc car cost almost S$90K ??? Quote what Colonel Desmond Tan, said: "From the smallest thing like having a nice breakfast with my family, to the moments I stepped down from a long flight and coming home to Changi Airport, these are the moments I cherish. "But most of all, Singapore is where I'm born, and where I grew up and where I lived out my dreams and this is where my family and friends are." Singapore is Where I'm born, thats a facts, Where I grew Up, no choice as not born with 'silver spoon' & have to work my way up and lastly Where I lived out my dreams, have too not where to go as I set up my family here. Am I going to get 'nightmare' instead of dreams in coming years? HDB price soars, car price soars, medical fee soars, dental fee lagi soars, food price soars, Uni fee soars, public transportations fee soars (although at a slower pace), my CPF minimum deposit also soars to $131,000/-, age to withdraw CPF going up.... The theme "Loving Singapore, Our Home" , I will try my very best, no promises...
I met one this morning!! He's driving a fully laden trailer but kept to left most lane, unlike other lorry/trailer drivers who like to hog the 2nd lane from the left therefore slowing down traffic behind them even when the left most lane is empty. Nothing really wrong as they are not using the rigth most lane (illegal for trucks/trailers) but when the road/expressway is busy they should let faster traffic use other lanes they stick to left most lane. He kept to the left most and only filter out when the road reaches a Y junction and he had to take the right to continue. It took him quite a while to filter from left most to the right (at about 500m from where the Y split). Other truck/trailer drivers took the 2nd lane from the begining and slow everyone behind down to 'save' themselves the hassle of having to 'struggling' to filter before the Y split...
Probe launched after China pilots falsified records: govt AFP - Tuesday, September 7Send IM Story Print BEIJING, Sept 6, 2010 (AFP)
Does anyone here know about or own Hyundai Verna 1.4A, from the 2005/2006 model? I'm considering getting one and am interested to know whether it has ABS. Is the car ok, for simple day-to-day use, and does it have any major or common problem? tks.
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- A TEACHER was charged on Monday with two counts of having sex with a 15-year-old student. The 25-year-old, who cannot be named to protect the identity of the girl, allegedly had sex with the teen with her consent at a flat in the north of Singapore on May 20 and June this year. He has been suspended from teaching. His lawyer, Mr Shashi Nathan, asked for the case to be adjourned to take detailed instructions and to make representations to the Attorney-General's Chambers. His police bail was extended. The case has been fixed for a pre-trial conference on Dec 27.
ok folks ! i always get these crappy nigerian scammers in my yahoo mail. not as if i am bothered by them but recently... i decided to 'play' with them... hehehe go check out the screenshots... will post when that craphead replies :smt003 the first and typical email from them... then my reply teehee... then she replied... hook, sink, bait and all :smt003 then i replied, with a bowl of popcorns on my lap and my wife laughing her arse off behind me... stay tuned folks !! :smt005
When a disaster happens, I see the angmos are always very on. Regardless of where the disaster area is, their media will give heavy coverage and their celebrities will donate money or organize fundraisers. Asian countries (expect maybe Japan) will bochup unless the disaster happens in their vicinity. Why is this so?
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- Westerners
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